Lance Edgar 4f703ba4ce Freeze version of SQLAlchemy to 1.3.x
we should support 1.4.x ASAP but for now tailbone still requires an older
zope.sqlalchemy which in turn can't handle SA 1.4.x
2021-03-19 12:50:46 -05:00

265 lines
9.4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2021 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import sys
import os.path
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
exec(open(os.path.join(here, 'rattail', '_version.py')).read())
README = open(os.path.join(here, 'README.rst')).read()
requires = [
# Version numbers within comments below have specific meanings.
# Basically the 'low' value is a "soft low," and 'high' a "soft high."
# In other words:
# If either a 'low' or 'high' value exists, the primary point to be
# made about the value is that it represents the most current (stable)
# version available for the package (assuming typical public access
# methods) whenever this project was started and/or documented.
# Therefore:
# If a 'low' version is present, you should know that attempts to use
# versions of the package significantly older than the 'low' version
# may not yield happy results. (A "hard" high limit may or may not be
# indicated by a true version requirement.)
# Similarly, if a 'high' version is present, and especially if this
# project has laid dormant for a while, you may need to refactor a bit
# when attempting to support a more recent version of the package. (A
# "hard" low limit should be indicated by a true version requirement
# when a 'high' version is present.)
# In any case, developers and other users are encouraged to play
# outside the lines with regard to these soft limits. If bugs are
# encountered then they should be filed as such.
# package # low high
'bcrypt', # 3.1.4
'colander', # 1.8.3
'humanize', # 0.5.1
'lockfile', # 0.9.1
'openpyxl', # 2.5.0
'packaging', # 19.0
'progress', # 1.3
'six', # 1.10.0
'texttable', # 1.2.1
'xlrd', # 1.1.0
# TODO: Remove this / make it optional / etc.
'Mako', # 1.0.0
# Hardcode ``pytz`` minimum since apparently it isn't (any longer?) enough
# to simply require the library.
'pytz>=2013b', # 2013b
if sys.platform != 'win32':
requires += [
# package # low high
'pyinotify', # 0.9.3
extras = {
'auth': [
# package # low high
'passlib', # 1.7.1
'backup': [
# package # low high
# TODO: not actually sure if msgpack is needed here now?
'msgpack', # 0.6.1
'borgbackup[fuse]', # 1.1.10 1.1.15
'bouncer': [
# package # low high
# until we support PY3K we must stick with older flufl.bounce
'flufl.bounce<3.0', # 2.3
'db': [
# package # low high
# Support for multiple migration bases was added in Alembic 0.7.
'alembic>=0.7.0', # 0.7.4
# TODO: add support for 1.4.x and later
'SQLAlchemy<1.4', # 0.7.6 1.3.23
'SQLAlchemy-Continuum', # 1.1.5
'docs': [
# package # low high
'Sphinx', # 1.1.3
'sphinx-paramlinks', # 0.4.3
'tests': [
# package # low high
'coverage', # 3.6
'mock', # 1.0.1
'nose', # 1.3.0
name = "rattail",
version = __version__,
author = "Lance Edgar",
author_email = "lance@edbob.org",
url = "https://rattailproject.org/",
license = "GNU GPL v3",
description = "Retail Software Framework",
long_description = README,
classifiers = [
'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
'Environment :: Console',
'Environment :: Web Environment',
'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)',
'Environment :: X11 Applications',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)',
'Natural Language :: English',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Topic :: Office/Business',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
install_requires = requires,
extras_require = extras,
tests_require = ['rattail[db,tests]'],
test_suite = 'nose.collector',
packages = find_packages(),
include_package_data = True,
zip_safe = False,
entry_points = """
rattail = rattail.commands:main
rattail-dev = rattail.commands.dev:main
trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.commands:main
rattailw = rattail.commands:main
backup = rattail.commands.backup:Backup
bouncer = rattail.commands.core:EmailBouncer
checkdb = rattail.commands.core:CheckDatabase
clonedb = rattail.commands.core:CloneDatabase
datasync = rattail.commands.core:DataSync
date-organize = rattail.commands.core:DateOrganize
execute-batch = rattail.commands.batch:ExecuteBatch
export-csv = rattail.commands.importing:ExportCSV
export-rattail = rattail.commands.importing:ExportRattail
filemon = rattail.commands.core:FileMonitorCommand
import-csv = rattail.commands.importing:ImportCSV
import-ifps = rattail.commands.importing:ImportIFPS
import-rattail = rattail.commands.importing:ImportRattail
import-sample = rattail.commands.importing:ImportSampleData
import-versions = rattail.commands.importing:ImportVersions
make-appdir = rattail.commands.core:MakeAppDir
make-batch = rattail.commands.batch:MakeBatch
make-config = rattail.commands.core:MakeConfig
make-user = rattail.commands.core:MakeUser
make-uuid = rattail.commands.core:MakeUUID
populate-batch = rattail.commands.batch:PopulateBatch
problems = rattail.commands.problems:Problems
purge-batches = rattail.commands.batch:PurgeBatches
purge-versions = rattail.commands.importing:PurgeVersions
refresh-batch = rattail.commands.batch:RefreshBatch
run-n-mail = rattail.commands.core:RunAndMail
runsql = rattail.commands.core:RunSQL
update-costs = rattail.commands.products:UpdateCosts
upgrade = rattail.commands.core:Upgrade
version-check = rattail.commands.importing:VersionCheck
new-batch = rattail.commands.dev:NewBatch
rattail.db = rattail.db:ConfigExtension
rattail.trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.config:TrainwreckConfig
new-report = rattail.features.newreport:NewReportFeature
new-table = rattail.features.newtable:NewTableFeature
customer_mailing = rattail.reporting.customer_mailing:CustomerMailing
rattail = rattail.sil.columns:provide_columns
rattail.contrib.dutchvalley = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.dutchvalley:DutchValleyCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.equalexchange = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.equalexchange:EqualExchangeCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.kehe = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.kehe:KeheCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.lotuslight = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.lotuslight:LotusLightCatalogParser
rattail.contrib.unfi = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.unfi:UNFICatalogParser
rattail.contrib.unfi.2 = rattail.contrib.vendors.catalogs.unfi:UNFICatalogParser2
rattail.contrib.alberts = rattail.contrib.vendors.invoices.alberts:AlbertsInvoiceParser
rattail.contrib.kehe = rattail.contrib.vendors.invoices.kehe:KeheInvoiceParser
rattail.contrib.unfi = rattail.contrib.vendors.invoices.unfi:UnfiInvoiceParser
export-trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.commands:ExportTrainwreck
import-trainwreck = rattail.trainwreck.commands:ImportTrainwreck