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2012-04-10 12:09:29 -05:00
2013-08-21 20:26:03 -05:00
* Fixed bug in ``csvutil.DictWriter``; added tests.
2013-08-21 19:01:08 -05:00
* Added ``Product.full_description`` convenience attribute.
* Added ``--do-not-daemonize`` arg to ``filemon`` command on Linux.
* Added ``dump`` command.
2013-07-15 21:56:56 -05:00
* Added unicode-aware CSV reader.
2013-07-05 13:30:53 -05:00
* Fixed dbsync bug when deleting a ``CustomerGroup``.
Any customer associations which still existed were causing database integrity
2013-06-18 00:29:28 -05:00
* Added ``get_product_by_code()`` API function.
2013-06-09 15:38:52 -05:00
* Added proper ``init.d`` support to Linux dbsync daemon.
* Added ``--pidfile`` argument to ``dbsync`` command.
* Added ``configure_dbsync`` Fabric command.
* Added ``files.overwriting_move()`` convenience function.
* Added ``--all`` argument to ``purge-batches`` command.
* Added ``ProductCode``, ``Product.codes`` to data model.
* Fixed ``db.cache`` module so as not to require initialization.
2013-06-06 21:48:08 -05:00
* Added ``make-user`` command for creating Windows system user account.
* Added avatar image, who knows when that will be useful.
This was created in the hopes it could be used to programmatically set the
Windows user "tile" image; but that proved unfruitful.
* Changed Linux file monitor to leverage local code instead of ``edbob``.
* Added ``Batch.rows`` property, deprecated ``Batch.iter_rows()``.
* Improved ``sil.Writer.write_rows()``.
This method now allows explicitly specifying the row count, and accepts a
progress factory.
2013-06-05 00:04:41 -05:00
* Changed home folder of system user account to ``/var/lib/rattail``.
* Slight overhaul of Linux file monitor.
This includes the following:
* "More native" Linux file monitor (i.e. less reliant on ``edbob``; current
code is more or less copied from that project).
* Addition of ``--pidfile`` command argument on Linux.
* Added (Linux) file monitor configuration to Fabric script.
Also improved ``create_user`` to allow overwriting some settings.
* Fixed file monitor service registration on Windows with ``--auto-start``.
* Fixed "process elevation check" on Windows XP.
* Overhaul of Windows file monitor.
This includes:
* "More native" Windows file monitor (i.e. less reliant on ``edbob``; current
code is more or less copied from that project).
* Improve base class for services, to handle the case where the Windows event
log is full and can't be written to. (This prevented the file monitor from
starting on a machine where the log was full.)
2013-05-22 23:41:55 -05:00
* Added ``temp_path()`` function in ``files`` module.
2013-05-22 20:01:06 -05:00
* Fixed lingering issues from ``Vendor.contacts`` mapping tweak.
2013-05-22 00:34:14 -05:00
* Updated ``repr()`` output for model classes.
* Improved ``find_diffs()`` function.
* Added ``db.model`` module.
* Tweaked some ORM mappings.
2013-05-17 11:00:30 -05:00
* [feature] Changed some logging instances from ``INFO`` to ``DEBUG``.
I was just getting tired of the noise.
* [feature] Added ``create_user`` Fabric command.
This creates the ``rattail`` user on a Linux environment. Probably needs
some improvement but it's a start.
* [bug] Fixed ``instances_differ()`` function for SQLAlchemy < 0.8.
Presumably the use of ``Mapper.column_attrs`` was not a good idea anyway.
I'm not quite sure what functionality it adds over ``.columns``.
(fixes #9)
2013-05-16 01:25:19 -05:00
* [general] Tweaked Fabric script to remove egg info before building a
* [feature] Added ``mail`` module; delegates to ``edbob``.
* [feature] Added ``Session`` to ``db`` module; delegates to ``edbob``.
* [feature] Added ``db.diffs`` module.
2013-05-14 20:51:41 -05:00
- Made product cache include *all* costs if so requested. (Silly oversight.)
2013-05-13 17:45:59 -05:00
- [bug] Made change recorder better able to handle new "sets" of related
objects. A situation occurred where multiple related objects were being
introduced to the database within the same session. Somehow a dependent
object was being processed first, and its UUID value could not be determined
since its "upstream" object did yet have one either. This commit improves
this situation so that the upstream object will be given an UUID value first,
if it doesn't yet have one. The dependent object will then reuse the
upstream object's UUID as normal.
2013-05-12 10:16:36 -05:00
- [feature] Added ``console`` module. For now this only delegates to
- [feature] Added ``get_product_cache()`` function to ``db.cache`` module.
This is probably the first of many such convenience functions.
2013-05-08 19:43:36 -05:00
- [feature] Made Palm conduit unregistration more graceful. Now this will
"succeed" even if the conduit isn't actually registered.
fixes #7
- [feature] Improved Palm conduit (un)registration logic. Now this can handle
the case where Hotsync Manager is not installed on the local machine. The
code was refactored to make things cleaner also.
fixes #8
- [feature] Added admin rights check for Palm conduit registration. Now the
registration process is checked for an "elevated token" and if none is found,
a message is displayed and it exits without attempting the registration.
fixes #3
- [feature] Added admin rights check for Windows file monitor registration.
Now the registration process is checked for an "elevated token" and if none
is found, a message is displayed and it exits without attempting the
fixes #5
- [feature] Added ``make-config`` command. This may need some work yet, to
better handle the namespace package situation.
- [feature] Added ``Employee.user`` association proxy attribute.
- [feature] Pretend all models and enumerations from ``edbob`` are part of
``rattail``. Some day this will actually be the case. Client code should be
able to avoid the ``edbob`` namespace now so that porting will be easier.
- [bug] Fixed issue with recording changes when SQLAlchemy >= 0.8.0.
Apparently ``RelationshipProperty.remote_side`` is now a ``set`` and doesn't
support indexing.
2013-03-21 23:05:01 -05:00
- [feature] Added ``csvutil`` module. Currently this only adds some better
``DictWriter`` support for Python versions older than 2.7.
- [feature] Added Palm OS app interface. This adds the Palm HotSync conduit,
which is used to create CSV files when a handheld running the Rattail app is
synced with its desktop PC.
- [feature] Added ``files`` module. This will eventually supercede
``edbob.files``, but for now this commit adds only three functions. These
just so happened to be ones needed to support some code involving inventory
count batches.
- [feature] Added ``wince`` module. This module is used to interface with the
Rattail app for Windows CE handheld devices.
- [feature] Added new batch system, which will eventually replace the old one.
Hopefully they can play nicely in parallel, in the meantime.
- [feature] Added `purge-batches` command. This command will delete forever
all batches whose purge date has passed. It is meant to be run on a
scheduled basis, e.g. nightly.
- [feature] Added "case" value to ``UNIT_OF_MEASURE`` enumeration.
2013-02-21 00:05:32 -06:00
- [feature] Added custom `Thread` implementation. This overrides the default
behavior of `threading.Thread` by ensuring the system exception hook is
invoked in case an error occurs within the thread.
2013-02-20 21:18:51 -06:00
- [feature] Added `get_product_by_upc()` API function. This is a convenience
function which will return a single `Product` instance, or `None`. It is the
first of hopefully many API functions.
- [feature] Added SIL columns `F188`, `R71` and `R72`. These have been added
to support inventory count batches.
- [bugfix] Fixed `Batch.drop_table()` to handle case where row table doesn't
exist. While theoretically this method *shouldn't* encounter a missing
table, in practice it does happen occasionally. Now this situation is
handled gracefully instead of raising an exception.
2013-02-13 00:55:14 -06:00
- [bug] Fixed ``Vendor.contacts`` relationship (added 'delete-orphan').
- [feature] Added ``Department.subdepartments`` relationship.
2012-11-27 23:47:19 -06:00
- [feature] Added ``__eq__()`` and ``__ne__()`` methods to ``GPC`` class.
- [general] Moved ``GPCType`` SQLAlchemy type class to ``rattail.db`` module.
This was necessary to make the ``GPC`` class more generally available to
callers who don't want or need SQLAlchemy to be installed.
- [general] Moved enumerations from database extension to "core" ``enum``
module. This is mostly for convenience to callers.
- [bug] Fixed a few bugs with label batches. These existed mostly because this
feature hasn't been used in production...
- [feature] Added ``default_format`` attribute to ``LabelFormatter`` class.
Now when a label profile is edited, this default format is used if no format
is provided by the user.
- [feature] Changed ``LabelProfile.get_formatter()`` method so that it assigns
the formatter's ``format`` attribute using the value from the profile. The
formatter is free to use or ignore this value, at its discretion.
- [feature] Improved the database synchronizer so that it is *somewhat*
tolerant of database server restarts. This likely will need further
improvement as more testing is done. The current implementation wraps the
entire sync loop in a ``try/catch`` block and when a disconnect is detected,
will wait 5 seconds before re-entering the loop and trying again.
2012-11-12 17:20:45 -06:00
- [general] Fixed namespace packages, per ``setuptools`` documentation.
- [feature] Added connection timeout support to ``CommandNetworkPrinter``.
2012-11-08 21:14:05 -06:00
- [feature] Added ``LabelProfile.visible`` field.
- [feature] Added generic ``CommandNetworkPrinter`` label printer class. This
class sends textual commands directly to a networked printer.
2012-11-05 20:14:04 -06:00
- [feature] Refactored database synchronization logic into a proper class,
which can be overridden based on configuration.
2012-10-30 16:02:23 -05:00
- [feature] Tweaked the SIL writer so that it doesn't quote row values when
they're of data type ``float``.
- [bug] Fixed database sync to properly handle ``Vendor`` deletions. Now any
associated ``ProductCost`` records are also deleted, so no more foreign key
2012-10-23 12:20:16 -05:00
- [bug] Fixed "price toggle" bug in database sync. It was noticed that
whenever a product's regular price did not change, yet the product instance
itself *did* have a change, the regular price association was being removed
in one sync, then reestablished in the next sync (then removed, etc.). The
sync operation now ensures the relationship is removed only when it really
should be, and that it remains intact when that is appropriate.
2012-10-10 11:41:53 -05:00
- [bug] Added special delete logic to the database sync. Currently, only the
Department and Subdepartment classes are affected. When deletions of these
classes are to be synced between databases, some effort is made to ensure
that associations with any dependent objects (e.g. Product) are removed
before the primary instance (e.g. Department) is deleted.
2012-10-05 13:44:00 -05:00
- [bug] Added 'delete, delete-orphan' to cascade on ``Product.costs``
relationship. This was causing an error when syncing databases.
2012-10-05 13:25:57 -05:00
- [bug] Added 'delete, delete-orphan' to cascade on ``Product.prices``
relationship. This was causing an error when syncing databases.
2012-10-05 12:13:05 -05:00
- [bug] Fixed database sync logic to ensure ``Product`` changes are processed
before ``ProductPrice`` changes. Since the underlying tables are mutually
dependent, the ``dependency_sort()`` call can't *quite* take care of it. Now
a lexical sort is applied to the class names before the dependency sort
happens. This is somewhat of a hack, merely taking advantage of the fact
that "Product" comes before "ProductPrice" when lexically sorted. If other
mutually-dependent tables come about in the future, this approach may need to
be revised if their class names don't jive.
2012-10-05 11:37:37 -05:00
- [bug] Fixed database synchonization logic to properly handle merging
``Product`` instances between database sessions. Since ``Product`` is so
interdependent on ``ProductPrice``, a pretty custom merge hack is required.
2012-10-05 10:35:03 -05:00
- [bugfix] Fixed ``rattail.db.record_changes()`` so that it also ignores
``UserRole`` instance changes if configuration dictates that ``Role`` changes
are to be ignored.
2012-10-05 07:23:10 -05:00
- [bugfix] Fixed foreign key uuid handling in ``rattail.db.record_changes()``.
Some tables are meant to be used solely as providers of "association proxy"
fields, the ``uuid`` column is not only a primary key, but also a *foreign
key* to the "primary" entity table. In such cases, the uuid value was not
present at session flush time, so a new one was being generated.
Unfortunately this meant that the ``Change`` record would point to a
nonexistent entity record, so the sync would not work. Now uuid fields are
inspected to determine if a foreign key is present, in which case the
relationship is traversed and the true uuid value is used.
- [feature] Added "extra classes" configuration for the ``load-host-data``
command. This is necessary when initially populating a "store" (er,
"non-host") database instance if custom schema extensions are in use (and
need to be synchronized with the host).
2012-10-04 16:07:04 -05:00
- Add R49 SIL column.
- Add ``rattail.pricing`` module.
2012-09-28 16:16:37 -05:00
- Ignore batch data when recording changes.
2012-09-28 11:36:38 -05:00
- Bump edbob dependency.
2012-09-28 11:26:47 -05:00
- Tweak database sync.
- Tweak batch processing.
2012-09-24 18:17:35 -05:00
- Add ``Vendor.special_discount``.
2012-09-18 20:57:08 -05:00
- Bump edbob dependency.
2012-09-18 20:54:08 -05:00
- Added ``Store`` and related models.
- Added ``Customer.email_preference`` field.
- Added ``load-host-data`` command.
- Added database changes/synchronization framework.
- Fixed batch table create/drop.
- Added ``Product.cost``, ``Product.vendor``.
- Added basic one-up label printing support.
- Added initial batch support, with ``PrintLabels`` provider.
- Added GPC data type.
- Changed internal name of file monitor Windows service.
- Added progress support for label printing.
- Label profiles moved from config to database model.
- Removed ``rattail.db.init_database()`` function.
- Moved some enum values from db extension to core (``rattail.enum`` module).
- Improved SIL support: moved ``rattail.sil`` to subpackage, added ``Writer``
class etc.
- Fixed file monitor in Linux.
- Added ``delete-orphan`` to ``Vendor.contacts`` relationship cascade.
2012-08-17 11:40:57 -05:00
- Update file monitor per changes in ``edbob``.
2012-08-12 14:18:35 -05:00
- Move database extension to subdir (``rattail.db.extension``).
- Make database extension require ``auth`` extension.
- Fix ``rattail.db.init()``.
- Add lots of classes to database extension model.
- Add ``rattail.labels`` module.
- Add ``rattail.db.cache`` module.
- Add SIL output functions.
- Remove some batch code (for now?).
2012-07-25 15:34:05 -05:00
- Added Windows file monitor service.
2012-04-10 12:09:29 -05:00
- Refactored to rely on `edbob <http://edbob.org/>`_. (Most of Rattail's
"guts" now live there instead.)