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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
2019-09-13 13:20:45 -05:00
# Copyright © 2010-2019 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Fabric Library for Python
from contextlib import contextmanager
2019-09-13 13:20:45 -05:00
from rattail_fabric2 import apt, exists, make_deploy, mkdir
deploy = make_deploy(__file__)
def bootstrap_python(c, pip_from_apt=True, workon_home='/srv/envs', user='rattail'):
Bootstrap a "complete" Python install.
# build dependencies
# pip
install_pip(c, use_apt=pip_from_apt)
2019-09-13 13:20:45 -05:00
# virtualenvwrapper
workon_home = workon_home.rstrip('/')
install_virtualenvwrapper(c, workon_home=workon_home, user=user, configure_me=False)
deploy(c, 'python/premkvirtualenv', '{}/premkvirtualenv'.format(workon_home), owner=user, use_sudo=True)
def install_pip(c, use_apt=False, eager=True):
Install/upgrade the Pip installer for Python.
if use_apt:
apt.install(c, 'python-pip')
apt.install(c, 'build-essential', 'python-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'libffi-dev')
if c.run('which pip', warn=True).failed:
apt.install(c, 'python-pkg-resources', 'python-setuptools')
c.sudo('easy_install pip')
c.sudo('apt-get --assume-yes purge python-setuptools')
pip(c, 'setuptools')
pip(c, 'pip', upgrade=True)
kwargs = {}
if eager:
kwargs['upgrade_strategy'] = 'eager'
pip(c, 'setuptools', 'wheel', 'ndg-httpsclient', upgrade=True, **kwargs)
def pip(c, *packages, **kwargs):
Install one or more packages via ``pip install``.
upgrade = kwargs.pop('upgrade', False)
upgrade = '--upgrade' if upgrade else ''
upgrade_strategy = kwargs.pop('upgrade_strategy', None)
if upgrade and upgrade_strategy:
upgrade_strategy = '--upgrade-strategy {}'.format(upgrade_strategy)
upgrade_strategy = ''
use_sudo = kwargs.pop('use_sudo', True)
runas_user = kwargs.pop('runas_user', None)
if kwargs:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown kwargs for pip(): {}".format(kwargs))
packages = ["'{}'".format(p) for p in packages]
cmd = 'pip install {} {} {}'.format(upgrade, upgrade_strategy, ' '.join(packages))
if use_sudo:
kw = {}
if runas_user:
kw['user'] = runas_user
c.sudo(cmd, **kw)
def install_virtualenvwrapper(c, workon_home='/srv/envs', user='root', use_apt=False, configure_me=True):
Install the `virtualenvwrapper`_ system, with the given ``workon`` home,
owned by the given user.
mkdir(c, workon_home, owner=user, use_sudo=True)
if use_apt:
apt.install(c, 'virtualenvwrapper')
pip(c, 'virtualenvwrapper', upgrade=True)
configure_virtualenvwrapper(c, user, workon_home)
if configure_me:
# configure_virtualenvwrapper(c, env.user, workon_home)
raise NotImplementedError
def configure_virtualenvwrapper(c, user, workon_home='/srv/envs', wrapper='/usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh'):
Configure virtualenvwrapper for the given user account.
home = c.run('getent passwd {} | cut -d: -f6'.format(user)).stdout.strip()
home = home.rstrip('/')
def update(script):
script = '{}/{}'.format(home, script)
if not exists(c, script, use_sudo=True):
c.sudo('touch {}'.format(script))
c.sudo('chown {}: {}'.format(user, script))
if c.sudo("grep '^export WORKON_HOME.*' {}".format(script), warn=True).failed:
c.sudo("""bash -c 'echo "export WORKON_HOME={}" >> {}'""".format(workon_home, script))
c.sudo("""bash -c 'echo "source {}" >> {}'""".format(wrapper, script))
c.sudo("sed -i.bak -e 's/^export WORKON_HOME=.*/export WORKON_HOME={}/' {}".format(
workon_home.replace('/', '\\/'), script))
c.sudo("bash -l -c 'whoami'", user=user)
def mkvirtualenv(c, name, workon_home='/srv/envs', python=None,
use_sudo=True, runas_user=None):
Make a new Python virtual environment.
cmd = 'mkvirtualenv {} {}'.format('--python={}'.format(python) if python else '', name)
if use_sudo:
kw = {}
if runas_user:
kw = {'user': runas_user}
c.sudo("bash -l -c '{}'".format(cmd), **kw)
# TODO: need to use `bash -l` for this too?
def workon(c, name):
Context manager to prefix your command(s) with the ``workon`` command.
with c.prefix('workon {}'.format(name)):
def cdvirtualenv(c, name, subdirs=[], workon_home='/srv/envs'):
Context manager to prefix your command(s) with the ``cdvirtualenv`` command.
2019-09-13 13:20:45 -05:00
if isinstance(subdirs, str):
subdirs = [subdirs]
path = '{}/{}'.format(workon_home, name)
if subdirs:
path = '{}/{}'.format(path, '/'.join(subdirs))
with workon(c, name):
with c.cd(path):