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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2018 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Core Fabric Library
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import re
import tempfile
import six
from fabric.api import sudo, run, cd, local, env, settings, put as fab_put
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, append, upload_template as fab_upload_template, is_link
from mako.template import Template
UNSPECIFIED = object()
def get_debian_version():
Fetch the version of Debian running on the target system.
version = run('cat /etc/debian_version')
match = re.match(r'^(\d+\.\d+)$', version)
if match:
return float(match.group(1))
def get_ubuntu_version():
Fetch the version of Ubuntu running on the target system
info = run('cat /etc/lsb-release')
match = re.search(r'DISTRIB_RELEASE=(\d+\.\d+)', info)
if match:
return float(match.group(1))
def mkdir(paths, owner='root:root', mode=None):
Recursively make one or more directories.
if isinstance(paths, six.string_types):
paths = [paths]
sudo('mkdir --parents {0}'.format(' '.join(paths)))
if owner != 'root:root':
if ':' not in owner:
owner = '{0}:{0}'.format(owner)
sudo('chown {} {}'.format(owner, ' '.join(paths)))
if mode is not None:
sudo('chmod {0} {1}'.format(mode, ' '.join(paths)))
def make_system_user(name='rattail', home='/srv/rattail', uid=None, shell=None):
Make a new system user account, with the given home folder and shell path.
with settings(warn_only=True):
result = sudo('getent passwd {0}'.format(name))
if result.failed:
uid = '--uid {0}'.format(uid) if uid else ''
shell = '--shell {0}'.format(shell) if shell else ''
sudo('adduser --system --home {0} --group {1} {2} {3}'.format(home, name, uid, shell))
def set_timezone(timezone):
Set the system timezone to the given value, e.g. 'America/Chicago'.
sudo('echo {} >/etc/timezone'.format(timezone))
if is_link('/etc/localtime'):
sudo('ln --symbolic --force /usr/share/zoneinfo/{} /etc/localtime'.format(timezone))
sudo('cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/{} /etc/localtime'.format(timezone))
def agent_sudo(cmd, user=None):
Run a 'sudo' command on the target server, with full agent forwarding.
with settings(forward_agent=True):
sudo('SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK {}'.format(cmd), shell=False, user=user)
def put(local_path, remote_path, owner='root:root', **kwargs):
Put a file on the server, and set its ownership.
if 'mode' not in kwargs:
kwargs.setdefault('mirror_local_mode', True)
kwargs['use_sudo'] = True
fab_put(local_path, remote_path, **kwargs)
if ':' not in owner:
owner = '{}:'.format(owner)
2018-03-09 17:15:37 -06:00
sudo("chown {} '{}'".format(owner, remote_path))
def upload_template(local_path, remote_path, owner='root:root', **kwargs):
Upload a template to the server, and set its ownership.
if 'mode' not in kwargs:
kwargs.setdefault('mirror_local_mode', True)
kwargs['use_sudo'] = True
fab_upload_template(local_path, remote_path, **kwargs)
sudo('chown {0} {1}'.format(owner, remote_path))
def upload_mako_template(local_path, remote_path, context={}, encoding='utf_8', **kwargs):
Render a local file as a Mako template, and upload the result to the server.
template = Template(filename=local_path)
# make copy of context; add env to it
context = dict(context)
context['env'] = env
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='rattail-fabric.')
temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(local_path))
with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f:
text = template.render(**context)
os.chmod(temp_path, os.stat(local_path).st_mode)
put(temp_path, remote_path, **kwargs)
class Deployer(object):
def __init__(self, deploy_path, last_segment='deploy'):
if not os.path.isdir(deploy_path):
deploy_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(deploy_path), last_segment))
self.deploy_path = deploy_path
def __call__(self, local_path, remote_path, **kwargs):
self.deploy(local_path, remote_path, **kwargs)
def full_path(self, local_path):
return '{}/{}'.format(self.deploy_path, local_path)
def local_exists(self, local_path):
return os.path.exists(self.full_path(local_path))
def deploy(self, local_path, remote_path, **kwargs):
local_path = self.full_path(local_path)
context = kwargs.pop('context', {})
if local_path.endswith('.template'):
upload_template(local_path, remote_path, context=env, **kwargs)
elif local_path.endswith('.mako'):
upload_mako_template(local_path, remote_path, context=context, **kwargs)
put(local_path, remote_path, **kwargs)
def sudoers(self, local_path, remote_path, mode='0440', **kwargs):
self.deploy(local_path, '/tmp/sudoers', mode=mode)
sudo('mv /tmp/sudoers {0}'.format(remote_path))
def apache_site(self, local_path, name, **kwargs):
from rattail_fabric.apache import deploy_site
deploy_site(self, local_path, name, **kwargs)
def apache_conf(self, local_path, name, **kwargs):
from rattail_fabric.apache import deploy_conf
deploy_conf(self, local_path, name, **kwargs)
def backup_app(self, envname='backup', *args, **kwargs):
from rattail_fabric.backup import deploy_backup_app
deploy_backup_app(self, envname, *args, **kwargs)
def certbot_account(self, uuid, localdir='certbot/account'):
Deploy files to establish a certbot account on target server
localdir = localdir.rstrip('/')
paths = [
final_path = '{}/{}'.format(paths[-1], uuid)
if not exists(final_path):
mkdir(paths, mode='0700')
with cd(final_path):
self.deploy('{}/private_key.json'.format(localdir), 'private_key.json', mode='0600')
self.deploy('{}/meta.json'.format(localdir), 'meta.json')
self.deploy('{}/regr.json'.format(localdir), 'regr.json')
def luigi_daemon(self, local_path, name=None, register=True, start=True, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = local_path.split('/')[-1]
self.deploy(local_path, '/etc/init.d/{}'.format(name), **kwargs)
if register:
sudo('update-rc.d {} defaults'.format(name))
if start:
sudo('service {} restart'.format(name))
def soffice_daemon(self, local_path, name=None, register=True, start=True, **kwargs):
if name is None:
name = local_path.split('/')[-1]
self.deploy(local_path, '/etc/init.d/{}'.format(name), **kwargs)
if register:
sudo('update-rc.d {} defaults'.format(name))
if start:
sudo('service {} restart'.format(name))
def make_deploy(deploy_path, last_segment='deploy'):
Make a ``deploy()`` function, for uploading files to the server.
During a deployment, one usually needs to upload certain additional files
to the server. It's also often necessary to dynamically define certain
settings etc. within these files. The :func:`upload_template()` and
:func:`put()` functions, respectively, handle uploading files which do and
do not require dynamic variable substitution.
The return value from ``make_deploy()`` is a function which will call
``put()`` or ``upload_template()`` based on whether or not the file path
ends with ``'.template'``.
To make the ``deploy()`` function even simpler for the caller, it will
assume a certain context for local file paths. This means one only need
provide a base file name when calling ``deploy()``, and it will be
interpreted as relative to the function's context path.
The ``deploy_path`` argument is used to establish the context path for the
function. If it is a folder path, it will be used as-is; otherwise it will
be constructed by joining the parent folder of ``deploy_path`` with the
value of ``last_segment``.
Typical usage then is something like::
from rattail_fabric import make_deploy
deploy = make_deploy(__file__)
deploy('rattail/init-filemon', '/etc/init.d/rattail-filemon',
deploy('rattail/rattail.conf.template', '/etc/rattail.conf')
This shows what is intended to be typical, i.e. where ``__file__`` is the
only argument required for ``make_deploy()``. For the above to work will
require you to have something like this file structure, where
``fabfile.py`` is the script which contains the above code::
|-- fabfile.py
|-- deploy/
`-- rattail/
|-- init-filemon
|-- rattail.conf.template
return Deployer(deploy_path, last_segment)
def rsync(host, *paths):
Runs rsync as root, for the given host and file paths.
for path in paths:
assert path.startswith('/')
path = path.rstrip('/')
# escape path for rsync
path = path.replace(' ', r'\\\ ').replace("'", r"\\\'")
agent_sudo('rsync -aP --del root@{0}:{1}/ {1}'.format(host, path))