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2023-11-24 22:24:20 -06:00
App Providers
An :term:`app provider` is a :term:`provider` which can "extend" the
main :term:`app handler`.
The provider generally does this by adding extra methods to the app
handler. Note that it does this regardless of which app handler is
configured to be used.
:class:`~wuttjamaican.app.AppProvider` is the base class.
Adding a new Provider
First define your provider class. Note that the method names should
include a "prefix" unique to your project (``poser_`` in this case).
This is to avoid naming collisions with the app handler itself, as
well as other app providers. So e.g. in ``poser/app.py``::
from wuttjamaican.app import AppProvider
class PoserAppProvider(AppProvider):
App provider for Poser system
# nb. method name uses 'poser_' prefix
def poser_do_something(self, **kwargs):
Do something for Poser
print("did something")
Register the :term:`entry point` in your ``setup.cfg``:
.. code-block:: ini
wutta.providers =
poser = poser.app:PoserAppProvider
Assuming you have not customized the app handler proper, then you will
be using the *default* app handler yet it will behave as though it has
the "provided" methods::
from wuttjamaican.conf import make_config
# make normal app
config = make_config()
app = config.get_app()
# whatever this does..