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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch
from wuttjamaican.testing import FileTestCase, ConfigTestCase
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.router import Router
from wuttaweb import app as mod
from wuttjamaican.conf import WuttaConfig
class TestWebAppProvider(TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
# nb. just normal usage here, confirm it does the one thing we
# need it to..
config = WuttaConfig()
app = config.get_app()
handler = app.get_web_handler()
class TestMakeWuttaConfig(FileTestCase):
def test_config_path_required(self):
# settings must define config path, else error
settings = {}
self.assertRaises(ValueError, mod.make_wutta_config, settings)
def test_basic(self):
# mock path to config file
myconf = self.write_file('my.conf', '')
settings = {'wutta.config': myconf}
# can make a config okay
config = mod.make_wutta_config(settings)
# and that config is also stored in settings
self.assertIn('wutta_config', settings)
self.assertIs(settings['wutta_config'], config)
class TestMakePyramidConfig(TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
settings = {}
config = mod.make_pyramid_config(settings)
self.assertIsInstance(config, Configurator)
class TestMain(FileTestCase):
def test_basic(self):
global_config = None
myconf = self.write_file('my.conf', '')
settings = {'wutta.config': myconf}
app = mod.main(global_config, **settings)
self.assertIsInstance(app, Router)
def mock_main(global_config, **settings):
wutta_config = mod.make_wutta_config(settings)
pyramid_config = mod.make_pyramid_config(settings)
return pyramid_config.make_wsgi_app()
class TestMakeWsgiApp(ConfigTestCase):
def test_with_callable(self):
# specify config
wsgi = mod.make_wsgi_app(mock_main, config=self.config)
self.assertIsInstance(wsgi, Router)
# auto config
with patch.object(mod, 'make_config', return_value=self.config):
wsgi = mod.make_wsgi_app(mock_main)
self.assertIsInstance(wsgi, Router)
def test_with_spec(self):
# specify config
wsgi = mod.make_wsgi_app('tests.test_app:mock_main', config=self.config)
self.assertIsInstance(wsgi, Router)
# auto config
with patch.object(mod, 'make_config', return_value=self.config):
wsgi = mod.make_wsgi_app('tests.test_app:mock_main')
self.assertIsInstance(wsgi, Router)
def test_invalid(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, mod.make_wsgi_app, 42, config=self.config)