433 lines
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433 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2021 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Email Views
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import re
import six
from rattail import mail
from rattail.db import api, model
from rattail.config import parse_list
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import HTML
from tailbone.db import Session
from tailbone.views import View, MasterView
class EmailSettingView(MasterView):
Master view for email admin (settings/preview).
normalized_model_name = 'emailprofile'
model_title = "Email Setting"
model_key = 'key'
url_prefix = '/settings/email'
filterable = False
pageable = False
creatable = False
deletable = False
configurable = True
config_title = "Email"
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def __init__(self, request):
super(EmailSettingView, self).__init__(request)
self.handler = self.get_handler()
def get_handler(self):
app = self.get_rattail_app()
return app.get_mail_handler()
def get_data(self, session=None):
data = []
for email in self.handler.iter_emails():
key = email.key or email.__name__
email = email(self.rattail_config, key)
return data
def configure_grid(self, g):
g.sorters['key'] = g.make_simple_sorter('key', foldcase=True)
g.sorters['prefix'] = g.make_simple_sorter('prefix', foldcase=True)
g.sorters['subject'] = g.make_simple_sorter('subject', foldcase=True)
g.sorters['enabled'] = g.make_simple_sorter('enabled')
g.set_type('enabled', 'boolean')
# to
g.set_renderer('to', self.render_to_short)
g.sorters['to'] = g.make_simple_sorter('to', foldcase=True)
def render_to_short(self, email, column):
profile = email['_email']
if self.rattail_config.production():
if profile.dynamic_to:
if profile.dynamic_to_help:
return profile.dynamic_to_help
value = email['to']
if not value:
return ""
recips = parse_list(value)
if len(recips) < 3:
return value
return "{}, ...".format(', '.join(recips[:2]))
def normalize(self, email):
def get_recips(type_):
recips = email.get_recips(type_)
if recips:
return ', '.join(recips)
data = email.obtain_sample_data(self.request)
return {
'_email': email,
'key': email.key,
'fallback_key': email.fallback_key,
'description': email.__doc__,
'prefix': email.get_prefix(data, magic=False) or '',
'subject': email.get_subject(data, render=False) or '',
'sender': email.get_sender() or '',
'replyto': email.get_replyto() or '',
'to': get_recips('to') or '',
'cc': get_recips('cc') or '',
'bcc': get_recips('bcc') or '',
'enabled': email.get_enabled(),
def get_instance(self):
key = self.request.matchdict['key']
return self.normalize(self.handler.get_email(key))
def get_instance_title(self, email):
return email['_email'].get_complete_subject(render=False)
def editable_instance(self, profile):
if self.rattail_config.demo():
return profile['key'] != 'user_feedback'
return True
def deletable_instance(self, profile):
if self.rattail_config.demo():
return profile['key'] != 'user_feedback'
return True
def configure_form(self, f):
super(EmailSettingView, self).configure_form(f)
profile = f.model_instance['_email']
# key
# fallback_key
# description
# prefix
f.set_label('prefix', "Subject Prefix")
# subject
f.set_label('subject', "Subject Text")
# sender
f.set_label('sender', "From")
# replyto
f.set_label('replyto', "Reply-To")
# to
f.set_widget('to', dfwidget.TextAreaWidget(cols=60, rows=6))
if self.rattail_config.production():
if profile.dynamic_to:
if profile.dynamic_to_help:
f.model_instance['to'] = profile.dynamic_to_help
# cc
f.set_widget('cc', dfwidget.TextAreaWidget(cols=60, rows=2))
# bcc
f.set_widget('bcc', dfwidget.TextAreaWidget(cols=60, rows=2))
# enabled
f.set_type('enabled', 'boolean')
def make_form_schema(self):
return EmailProfileSchema()
def save_edit_form(self, form):
key = self.request.matchdict['key']
data = self.form_deserialized
session = self.Session()
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.prefix'.format(key), data['prefix'])
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.subject'.format(key), data['subject'])
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.from'.format(key), data['sender'])
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.replyto'.format(key), data['replyto'])
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.to'.format(key), (data['to'] or '').replace('\n', ', '))
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.cc'.format(key), (data['cc'] or '').replace('\n', ', '))
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.bcc'.format(key), (data['bcc'] or '').replace('\n', ', '))
api.save_setting(session, 'rattail.mail.{}.enabled'.format(key), six.text_type(data['enabled']).lower())
return data
def template_kwargs_view(self, **kwargs):
key = self.request.matchdict['key']
kwargs['email'] = self.handler.get_email(key)
return kwargs
def configure_get_simple_settings(self):
config = self.rattail_config
return [
# sending
{'section': 'rattail.mail',
'option': 'record_attempts',
'type': bool},
# TODO: deprecate / remove this
ProfilesView = EmailSettingView
class RecipientsType(colander.String):
Custom schema type for email recipients. This is used to present the
recipients as a "list" within the text area, i.e. one recipient per line.
Then the list is collapsed to a comma-delimited string for storage.
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is colander.null:
return colander.null
recips = parse_list(appstruct)
return '\n'.join(recips)
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct == '' and self.allow_empty:
return ''
if not cstruct:
return colander.null
recips = parse_list(cstruct)
return ', '.join(recips)
class EmailProfileSchema(colander.MappingSchema):
prefix = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
subject = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
sender = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
replyto = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), missing='')
to = colander.SchemaNode(RecipientsType())
cc = colander.SchemaNode(RecipientsType(), missing='')
bcc = colander.SchemaNode(RecipientsType(), missing='')
enabled = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Boolean())
class EmailPreview(View):
Lists available email templates, and can show previews of each.
def __init__(self, request):
super(EmailPreview, self).__init__(request)
self.handler = self.get_handler()
def get_handler(self):
app = self.get_rattail_app()
return app.get_mail_handler()
def __call__(self):
# Forms submitted via POST are only used for sending emails.
if self.request.method == 'POST':
url = self.request.get_referrer(default=self.request.route_url('emailprofiles'))
return self.redirect(url)
# Maybe render a preview?
key = self.request.GET.get('key')
if key:
type_ = self.request.GET.get('type', 'html')
return self.preview_template(key, type_)
assert False, "should not be here"
def email_template(self):
recipient = self.request.POST.get('recipient')
if recipient:
key = self.request.POST.get('email_key')
if key:
email = self.handler.get_email(key)
data = email.obtain_sample_data(self.request)
self.handler.send_message(email, data,
subject_prefix="[PREVIEW] ",
cc=None, bcc=None)
"Preview for '{}' was emailed to {}".format(
key, recipient))
def preview_template(self, key, type_):
email = self.handler.get_email(key)
template = email.get_template(type_)
data = email.obtain_sample_data(self.request)
self.request.response.text = template.render(**data)
if type_ == 'txt':
self.request.response.content_type = str('text/plain')
return self.request.response
def defaults(cls, config):
# email preview
config.add_route('email.preview', '/email/preview/')
config.add_view(cls, route_name='email.preview',
config.add_tailbone_permission('emailprofiles', 'emailprofiles.preview',
"Send preview email")
class EmailAttemptView(MasterView):
Master view for email attempts.
model_class = model.EmailAttempt
route_prefix = 'email_attempts'
url_prefix = '/email/attempts'
creatable = False
editable = False
deletable = False
labels = {
'status_code': "Status",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(EmailAttemptView, self).configure_grid(g)
# sent
g.set_sort_defaults('sent', 'desc')
# status_code
g.set_enum('status_code', self.enum.EMAIL_ATTEMPT)
# to
g.set_renderer('to', self.render_to_short)
# links
to_pattern = re.compile(r'^\{(.*)\}$')
def render_to_short(self, attempt, column):
value = attempt.to
if not value:
match = self.to_pattern.match(value)
if match:
recips = parse_list(match.group(1))
if len(recips) > 2:
recips = recips[:2]
recips = [HTML.escape(r) for r in recips]
return ', '.join(recips)
return value
def configure_form(self, f):
super(EmailAttemptView, self).configure_form(f)
# status_code
f.set_enum('status_code', self.enum.EMAIL_ATTEMPT)
def includeme(config):