Lance Edgar 85947878c4 Get rid of newstyle flag for Form.validate() method
we always/only use "new style" now
2023-05-15 08:10:42 -05:00

522 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Base views for time sheets
import datetime
import sqlalchemy as sa
from rattail import enum
from rattail.db import model, api
from rattail.time import localtime, make_utc, get_sunday
from rattail.util import pretty_hours, hours_as_decimal
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from tailbone import forms
from tailbone.db import Session
from tailbone.views import View
class ShiftFilter(colander.Schema):
store = colander.SchemaNode(forms.types.StoreType())
department = colander.SchemaNode(forms.types.DepartmentType())
date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date())
class EmployeeShiftFilter(colander.Schema):
employee = colander.SchemaNode(forms.types.EmployeeType())
date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date())
class TimeSheetView(View):
Base view for time sheets.
key = None
title = None
model_class = None
expose_employee_views = True
# Set this to False to avoid the default behavior of auto-filtering by
# current store.
default_filter_store = True
def get_title(cls):
return cls.title or cls.key.capitalize()
def get_url_prefix(cls):
return getattr(cls, 'url_prefix', cls.key).rstrip('/')
def get_timesheet_context(self):
Determine date/store/dept context from user's session and/or defaults.
date = None
date_key = 'timesheet.{}.date'.format(self.key)
if date_key in self.request.session:
date_value = self.request.session.get(date_key)
if date_value:
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_value, '%m/%d/%Y').date()
except ValueError:
if not date:
date = localtime(self.rattail_config).date()
store = None
department = None
store_key = 'timesheet.{}.store'.format(self.key)
department_key = 'timesheet.{}.department'.format(self.key)
if store_key in self.request.session or department_key in self.request.session:
store_uuid = self.request.session.get(store_key)
if store_uuid:
store = Session.get(model.Store, store_uuid) if store_uuid else None
department_uuid = self.request.session.get(department_key)
if department_uuid:
department = Session.get(model.Department, department_uuid)
else: # no store/department in session
if self.default_filter_store:
store = self.rattail_config.get('rattail', 'store')
if store:
store = api.get_store(Session(), store)
employees = Session.query(model.Employee)\
.filter(model.Employee.status == enum.EMPLOYEE_STATUS_CURRENT)
if store:
employees = employees.join(model.EmployeeStore)\
.filter(model.EmployeeStore.store == store)
if department:
employees = employees.join(model.EmployeeDepartment)\
.filter(model.EmployeeDepartment.department == department)
return {
'date': date,
'store': store,
'department': department,
'employees': employees.all(),
def get_employee_context(self):
Determine employee/date context from user's session and/or defaults
date = None
date_key = 'timesheet.{}.employee.date'.format(self.key)
if date_key in self.request.session:
date_value = self.request.session.get(date_key)
if date_value:
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_value, '%m/%d/%Y').date()
except ValueError:
if not date:
date = localtime(self.rattail_config).date()
employee = None
employee_key = 'timesheet.{}.employee'.format(self.key)
if employee_key in self.request.session:
employee_uuid = self.request.session[employee_key]
employee = Session.get(model.Employee, employee_uuid) if employee_uuid else None
if not employee:
employee = self.request.user.employee
# force current user if not allowed to view all data
if not self.request.has_perm('{}.viewall'.format(self.key)):
employee = self.request.user.employee
# note that employee may still be None, e.g. if current user is not employee
return {'date': date, 'employee': employee}
def process_filter_form(self, form):
Process a "shift filter" form if one was in fact POST'ed. If it was
then we store new context in session and redirect to display as normal.
if form.validate():
store = form.validated['store']
self.request.session['timesheet.{}.store'.format(self.key)] = store.uuid if store else None
department = form.validated['department']
self.request.session['timesheet.{}.department'.format(self.key)] = department.uuid if department else None
date = form.validated['date']
self.request.session['timesheet.{}.date'.format(self.key)] = date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if date else None
raise self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url())
def process_employee_filter_form(self, form):
Process an "employee shift filter" form if one was in fact POST'ed. If it
was then we store new context in session and redirect to display as normal.
if form.validate():
employee = form.validated['employee']
self.request.session['timesheet.{}.employee'.format(self.key)] = employee.uuid if employee else None
date = form.validated['date']
self.request.session['timesheet.{}.employee.date'.format(self.key)] = date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if date else None
raise self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url())
def make_full_filter_form(self, context):
form = forms.Form(schema=ShiftFilter(), request=self.request)
stores = self.get_stores()
store_values = [(s.uuid, "{} - {}".format(s.id, s.name)) for s in stores]
store_values.insert(0, ('', "(all)"))
form.set_widget('store', forms.widgets.PlainSelectWidget(values=store_values))
if context['store']:
form.set_default('store', context['store'].uuid)
# TODO: why is this necessary? somehow the previous store is being
# preserved as the "default" when switching from single store view
# to "all stores" view
form.set_default('store', '')
departments = self.get_departments()
department_values = [(d.uuid, d.name) for d in departments]
department_values.insert(0, ('', "(all)"))
form.set_widget('department', forms.widgets.PlainSelectWidget(values=department_values))
if context['department']:
form.set_default('department', context['department'].uuid)
# TODO: why is this necessary? somehow the previous dept is being
# preserved as the "default" when switching from single dept view
# to "all depts" view
form.set_default('department', '')
form.set_type('date', 'date_jquery')
form.set_default('date', get_sunday(context['date']))
return form
def full(self):
View a "full" timesheet/schedule, i.e. all employees but filterable by
store and/or department.
context = self.get_timesheet_context()
form = self.make_full_filter_form(context)
context['form'] = form
return self.render_full(**context)
def make_employee_filter_form(self, context):
View time sheet for single employee.
permission_prefix = self.key
form = forms.Form(schema=EmployeeShiftFilter(), request=self.request)
if self.request.has_perm('{}.viewall'.format(permission_prefix)):
employee_display = str(context['employee'] or '')
employees_url = self.request.route_url('employees.autocomplete')
form.set_widget('employee', forms.widgets.JQueryAutocompleteWidget(
field_display=employee_display, service_url=employees_url))
if context['employee']:
form.set_default('employee', context['employee'].uuid)
form.set_widget('employee', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
form.set_default('employee', context['employee'].uuid)
form.set_type('date', 'date_jquery')
form.set_default('date', get_sunday(context['date']))
return form
def employee(self):
View time sheet for single employee.
context = self.get_employee_context()
if not context['employee']:
raise self.notfound()
form = self.make_employee_filter_form(context)
context['form'] = form
return self.render_single(**context)
def crossview(self):
Update session storage to so 'other' view reflects current view
filters, then redirect to other view.
other_key = 'timesheet' if self.key == 'schedule' else 'schedule'
# TODO: this check is pretty hacky..
# employee time sheet
if 'employee' in self.request.get_referrer():
self.session_put('employee', self.session_get('employee'), mainkey=other_key)
self.session_put('employee.date', self.session_get('employee.date'), mainkey=other_key)
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url('{}.employee'.format(other_key)))
else: # full time sheet
self.session_put('store', self.session_get('store'), mainkey=other_key)
self.session_put('department', self.session_get('department'), mainkey=other_key)
self.session_put('date', self.session_get('date'), mainkey=other_key)
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url(other_key))
def session_get(self, key, mainkey=None):
if mainkey is None:
mainkey = self.key
return self.request.session.get('timesheet.{}.{}'.format(mainkey, key))
def session_put(self, key, value, mainkey=None):
if mainkey is None:
mainkey = self.key
self.request.session['timesheet.{}.{}'.format(mainkey, key)] = value
def get_stores(self):
return Session.query(model.Store).order_by(model.Store.id).all()
def get_store_options(self, stores):
options = [tags.Option("{} - {}".format(s.id, s.name), s.uuid) for s in stores]
return tags.Options(options, prompt="(all)")
def get_departments(self):
return Session.query(model.Department).order_by(model.Department.name).all()
def get_department_options(self, departments):
options = [tags.Option(d.name, d.uuid) for d in departments]
return tags.Options(options, prompt="(all)")
def render_full(self, date=None, employees=None, store=None, department=None, form=None, **kwargs):
Render a time sheet for one or more employees, for the week which
includes the specified date.
sunday = get_sunday(date)
weekdays = [sunday]
for i in range(1, 7):
weekdays.append(sunday + datetime.timedelta(days=i))
saturday = weekdays[-1]
if saturday.year == sunday.year:
week_of = '{} - {}'.format(sunday.strftime('%a %b %d'), saturday.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y'))
week_of = '{} - {}'.format(sunday.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y'), saturday.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y'))
self.modify_employees(employees, weekdays)
stores = self.get_stores()
store_options = self.get_store_options(stores)
departments = self.get_departments()
department_options = self.get_department_options(departments)
context = {
'page_title': self.get_title_full(),
'form': form,
'dform': form.make_deform_form() if form else None,
'employees': employees,
'stores': stores,
'store_options': store_options,
'store': store,
'departments': departments,
'department_options': department_options,
'department': department,
'week_of': week_of,
'sunday': sunday,
'prev_sunday': sunday - datetime.timedelta(days=7),
'next_sunday': sunday + datetime.timedelta(days=7),
'weekdays': weekdays,
'permission_prefix': self.key,
'render_shift': self.render_shift,
return context
def get_title_full(self):
return "Full {}".format(self.get_title())
def render_shift(self, shift):
return HTML.tag('span', c=shift.get_display(self.rattail_config))
def render_single(self, date=None, employee=None, form=None, **kwargs):
Render a time sheet for one employee, for the week which includes the
specified date.
sunday = get_sunday(date)
weekdays = [sunday]
for i in range(1, 7):
weekdays.append(sunday + datetime.timedelta(days=i))
saturday = weekdays[-1]
if saturday.year == sunday.year:
week_of = '{} - {}'.format(sunday.strftime('%a %b %d'), saturday.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y'))
week_of = '{} - {}'.format(sunday.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y'), saturday.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y'))
self.modify_employees([employee], weekdays)
context = {
'single': True,
'page_title': "Employee {}".format(self.get_title()),
'form': form,
'dform': form.make_deform_form() if form else None,
'employee': employee,
'employees': [employee],
'week_of': week_of,
'sunday': sunday,
'prev_sunday': sunday - datetime.timedelta(days=7),
'next_sunday': sunday + datetime.timedelta(days=7),
'weekdays': weekdays,
'permission_prefix': self.key,
'render_shift': self.render_shift,
return context
def modify_employees(self, employees, weekdays):
self.fetch_shift_data(self.model_class, employees, weekdays)
def fetch_shift_data(self, cls, employees, weekdays):
Fetch all shift data of the given model class (``cls``), according to
the given params. The cached shift data is attached to each employee.
# TODO: a bit hacky, this? display hours as HH:MM by default, but
# check config in order to display as HH.HH for certain users
hours_style = 'pretty'
if self.request.user:
hours_style = self.rattail_config.get('tailbone', 'hours_style.{}'.format(self.request.user.username),
if hours_style != 'decimal':
hours_style = 'pretty'
shift_type = 'scheduled' if cls is model.ScheduledShift else 'worked'
min_time = localtime(self.rattail_config, datetime.datetime.combine(weekdays[0], datetime.time(0)))
max_time = localtime(self.rattail_config, datetime.datetime.combine(weekdays[-1] + datetime.timedelta(days=1), datetime.time(0)))
shifts = Session.query(cls)\
.filter(cls.employee_uuid.in_([e.uuid for e in employees]))\
cls.start_time >= make_utc(min_time),
cls.start_time < make_utc(max_time),
cls.start_time == None,
cls.end_time >= make_utc(min_time),
cls.end_time < make_utc(max_time),
for employee in employees:
employee_shifts = sorted([s for s in shifts if s.employee_uuid == employee.uuid],
key=lambda s: s.start_time or s.end_time)
if not hasattr(employee, 'weekdays'):
employee.weekdays = [{} for day in weekdays]
setattr(employee, '{}_hours'.format(shift_type), datetime.timedelta(0))
setattr(employee, '{}_hours_display'.format(shift_type), '0')
hours_incomplete = False
for i, day in enumerate(weekdays):
empday = {
'{}_shifts'.format(shift_type): [],
'{}_hours'.format(shift_type): datetime.timedelta(0),
'{}_hours_display'.format(shift_type): '',
'hours_incomplete': False,
while employee_shifts:
shift = employee_shifts[0]
if shift.employee_uuid != employee.uuid:
elif shift.get_date(self.rattail_config) == day:
length = shift.length
if length is not None:
empday['{}_hours'.format(shift_type)] += shift.length
setattr(employee, '{}_hours'.format(shift_type),
getattr(employee, '{}_hours'.format(shift_type)) + shift.length)
hours_incomplete = True
empday['hours_incomplete'] = True
del employee_shifts[0]
hours = empday['{}_hours'.format(shift_type)]
if hours:
if hours_style == 'pretty':
display = pretty_hours(hours)
else: # decimal
display = str(hours_as_decimal(hours))
if empday['hours_incomplete']:
display = '{} ?'.format(display)
empday['{}_hours_display'.format(shift_type)] = display
hours = getattr(employee, '{}_hours'.format(shift_type))
if hours:
if hours_style == 'pretty':
display = pretty_hours(hours)
else: # decimal
display = str(hours_as_decimal(hours))
if hours_incomplete:
display = '{} ?'.format(display)
setattr(employee, '{}_hours_display'.format(shift_type), display)
def defaults(cls, config):
Provide default configuration for a time sheet view.
def _defaults(cls, config):
Provide default configuration for a time sheet view.
title = cls.get_title()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
config.add_tailbone_permission_group(cls.key, title)
config.add_tailbone_permission(cls.key, '{}.viewall'.format(cls.key), "View full {}".format(title))
# full time sheet
config.add_route(cls.key, '{}/'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='full', route_name=cls.key,
# single employee time sheet
if cls.expose_employee_views:
config.add_tailbone_permission(cls.key, '{}.view'.format(cls.key), "View single employee {}".format(title))
config.add_route('{}.employee'.format(cls.key), '{}/employee/'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='employee', route_name='{}.employee'.format(cls.key),
# goto cross-view (view 'timesheet' as 'schedule' or vice-versa)
other_key = 'timesheet' if cls.key == 'schedule' else 'schedule'
config.add_route('{}.goto.{}'.format(cls.key, other_key), '{}/goto-{}'.format(url_prefix, other_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='crossview', route_name='{}.goto.{}'.format(cls.key, other_key),