Lance Edgar 95fb78f645 Fix auto-disable action for new message form
i.e. we don't want auto-disable there, b/c template does its own thing
2019-04-18 15:30:08 -05:00

497 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2018 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Message Views
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import six
from rattail.db import model
from rattail.time import localtime
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from pyramid import httpexceptions
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from tailbone.db import Session
from tailbone.views import MasterView
from tailbone.util import raw_datetime
class MessagesView(MasterView):
Base class for message views.
model_class = model.Message
editable = False
deletable = False
checkboxes = True
replying = False
reply_header_sent_format = '%a %d %b %Y at %I:%M %p'
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def get_index_title(self):
if self.listing:
return self.index_title
if self.viewing:
message = self.get_instance()
recipient = self.get_recipient(message)
if recipient and recipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE:
return "Message Archive"
elif not recipient:
return "Sent Messages"
return "Message Inbox"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
# not really used, but necessary to make certain other code happy
return self.request.route_url('messages.inbox')
def index(self):
if not self.request.user:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
return super(MessagesView, self).index()
def get_instance(self):
if not self.request.user:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
message = super(MessagesView, self).get_instance()
if not self.associated_with(message):
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
return message
def associated_with(self, message):
if message.sender is self.request.user:
return True
for recip in message.recipients:
if recip.recipient is self.request.user:
return True
return False
def query(self, session):
return session.query(model.Message)\
.filter(model.MessageRecipient.recipient == self.request.user)
def configure_grid(self, g):
g.joiners['sender'] = lambda q: q.join(model.User, model.User.uuid == model.Message.sender_uuid).outerjoin(model.Person)
g.filters['sender'] = g.make_filter('sender', model.Person.display_name,
default_active=True, default_verb='contains')
g.sorters['sender'] = g.make_sorter(model.Person.display_name)
g.filters['subject'].default_active = True
g.filters['subject'].default_verb = 'contains'
g.set_sort_defaults('sent', 'desc')
g.set_renderer('sent', self.render_sent)
g.set_renderer('sender', self.render_sender)
g.set_renderer('recipients', self.render_recipients)
g.set_label('sender', "From")
g.set_label('recipients', "To")
def render_sent(self, message, column_name):
return raw_datetime(self.rattail_config, message.sent)
def render_sender(self, message, field):
sender = message.sender
if sender is self.request.user:
return 'you'
return six.text_type(sender)
def render_recipients(self, message, column_name):
recipients = message.recipients
if recipients:
recips = [r for r in recipients if r.recipient is not self.request.user]
recips = sorted([r.recipient.display_name for r in recips])
if len(recips) < len(recipients) and (
message.sender is not self.request.user or not recips):
recips.insert(0, "you")
if len(recips) < 5:
return ", ".join(recips)
return "{}, ...".format(', '.join(recips[:4]))
return ""
def render_recipients_full(self, message, field):
recipients = message.recipients
if not recipients:
return ""
recips = [r for r in recipients
if r.recipient is not self.request.user]
recips = sorted([r.recipient.display_name for r in recips])
if len(recips) < len(recipients) and (
message.sender is not self.request.user or not recips):
recips.insert(0, 'you')
max_display = 5
if len(recips) > max_display:
basic = HTML.literal("{}, ".format(', '.join(recips[:max_display-1])))
more = tags.link_to("({} more)".format(len(recips[max_display-1:])), '#', class_='more')
everyone = HTML.tag('span', class_='everyone', c=', '.join(recips[max_display-1:]))
return basic + more + everyone
return ', '.join(recips)
# TODO!!
# def make_form(self, instance, **kwargs):
# form = super(MessagesView, self).make_form(instance, **kwargs)
# if self.creating:
# form.id = 'new-message'
# form.cancel_url = self.request.get_referrer(default=self.request.route_url('messages.inbox'))
# form.create_label = "Send Message"
# return form
def configure_form(self, f):
super(MessagesView, self).configure_form(f)
# we have custom logic to disable submit button
f.auto_disable = False
f.auto_disable_save = False
# TODO: A fair amount of this still seems hacky...
f.set_renderer('sender', self.render_sender)
f.set_label('sender', "From")
f.set_type('sent', 'datetime')
f.set_renderer('recipients', self.render_recipients_full)
f.set_label('recipients', "To")
f.set_widget('body', dfwidget.TextAreaWidget(cols=50, rows=15))
if self.creating:
f.remove('sender', 'sent')
f.insert_after('recipients', 'recipients_')
f.set_node('recipients_', colander.SchemaNode(colander.Set()))
f.set_widget('recipients_', RecipientsWidget())
f.set_label('recipients_', "To")
if self.replying:
old_message = self.get_instance()
f.set_default('subject', "Re: {}".format(old_message.subject))
f.set_default('body', self.get_reply_body(old_message))
# Determine an initial set of recipients, based on reply method.
# If replying to all, massage the list a little so that the
# current user is not listed, and the sender is listed first.
if self.replying == 'all':
value = [(r.recipient.uuid, r.recipient.person.display_name)
for r in old_message.recipients
if self.filter_reply_recipient(r.recipient)]
value = dict(value)
value.pop(self.request.user.uuid, None)
value = sorted(value.items(), key=lambda r: r[1])
value = [r[0] for r in value]
if old_message.sender is not self.request.user and old_message.sender.active:
value.insert(0, old_message.sender_uuid)
f.set_default('recipients_', ','.join(value))
# Just a normal reply, to sender only.
elif self.filter_reply_recipient(old_message.sender):
f.set_default('recipients_', old_message.sender.uuid)
# # Set focus to message body instead of recipients, when replying.
# fs.focus = fs.body
elif self.viewing:
def objectify(self, form, data=None):
if data is None:
data = form.validated
message = super(MessagesView, self).objectify(form, data)
if self.creating:
if self.request.user:
message.sender = self.request.user
for uuid in data['recipients_']:
user = self.Session.query(model.User).get(uuid)
if user:
message.add_recipient(user, status=self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX)
return message
def flash_after_create(self, obj):
self.request.session.flash("Message has been sent: {}".format(
def filter_reply_recipient(self, user):
return user.active
def get_reply_header(self, message):
sent = localtime(self.rattail_config, message.sent, from_utc=True)
sent = sent.strftime(self.reply_header_sent_format)
return "On {}, {} wrote:".format(sent, message.sender.person.display_name)
def get_reply_body(self, message):
Given an original message, this method should return the default body
value for a "reply" message, i.e. with ">" prefixes etc.
header = self.get_reply_header(message)
lines = message.body.split('\n')
if lines and lines[0]:
lines.insert(0, '')
lines = ['', '', '', header] + ["> {}".format(line) for line in lines]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def get_recipient(self, message):
Fetch the recipient from the given message, which corresponds to the
current (request) user.
for recipient in message.recipients:
if recipient.recipient is self.request.user:
return recipient
def template_kwargs_create(self, **kwargs):
recips = list(self.get_available_recipients().items())
kwargs['available_recipients'] = recips
if self.replying:
kwargs['original_message'] = self.get_instance()
return kwargs
def recipient_sortkey(self, recip):
uuid, entry = recip
if isinstance(entry, dict):
return entry['name']
return entry
def get_available_recipients(self):
Return the full mapping of recipients which may be included in a
message sent by the current user.
recips = {}
users = Session.query(model.User)\
.filter(model.User.active == True)
for user in users:
recips[user.uuid] = user.person.display_name
return recips
def template_kwargs_view(self, **kwargs):
message = kwargs['instance']
return {'message': message,
'recipient': self.get_recipient(message)}
def reply(self):
Reply to a message, i.e. create a new one with first sender as recipient.
self.replying = True
return self.create()
def reply_all(self):
Reply-all to a message, i.e. create a new one with all original
recipients listed again in the new message.
self.replying = 'all'
return self.create()
def move(self):
Move a message, either to the archive or back to the inbox.
message = self.get_instance()
recipient = self.get_recipient(message)
if not recipient:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
dest = self.request.GET.get('dest')
if dest not in ('inbox', 'archive'):
self.request.session.flash("Sorry, I couldn't make sense out of that request.")
return self.redirect(self.request.get_referrer(
new_status = self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX if dest == 'inbox' else self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE
if recipient.status != new_status:
recipient.status = new_status
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url('messages.{}'.format(
'archive' if dest == 'inbox' else 'inbox')))
def move_bulk(self):
Move messages in bulk, to the archive or back to the inbox.
dest = self.request.POST.get('destination', 'archive')
if self.request.method == 'POST':
uuids = self.request.POST.get('uuids', '').split(',')
if uuids:
new_status = self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX if dest == 'inbox' else self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE
for uuid in uuids:
recip = self.Session.query(model.MessageRecipient)\
.filter(model.MessageRecipient.message_uuid == uuid)\
.filter(model.MessageRecipient.recipient_uuid == self.request.user.uuid)\
if recip and recip.status != new_status:
recip.status = new_status
route = 'messages.{}'.format('archive' if dest == 'inbox' else 'inbox')
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url(route))
def defaults(cls, config):
Extra default config for message views.
# reply
config.add_route('messages.reply', '/messages/{uuid}/reply')
config.add_view(cls, attr='reply', route_name='messages.reply',
# reply-all
config.add_route('messages.reply_all', '/messages/{uuid}/reply-all')
config.add_view(cls, attr='reply_all', route_name='messages.reply_all',
# move (single)
config.add_route('messages.move', '/messages/{uuid}/move')
config.add_view(cls, attr='move', route_name='messages.move')
# move bulk
config.add_route('messages.move_bulk', '/messages/move-bulk')
config.add_view(cls, attr='move_bulk', route_name='messages.move_bulk')
class InboxView(MessagesView):
Inbox message view.
url_prefix = '/messages/inbox'
grid_key = 'messages.inbox'
index_title = "Message Inbox"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.route_url('messages.inbox')
def query(self, session):
q = super(InboxView, self).query(session)
return q.filter(model.MessageRecipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX)
class ArchiveView(MessagesView):
Archived message view.
url_prefix = '/messages/archive'
grid_key = 'messages.archive'
index_title = "Message Archive"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.route_url('messages.archive')
def query(self, session):
q = super(ArchiveView, self).query(session)
return q.filter(model.MessageRecipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE)
class SentView(MessagesView):
Sent messages view.
url_prefix = '/messages/sent'
grid_key = 'messages.sent'
checkboxes = False
index_title = "Sent Messages"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.route_url('messages.sent')
def query(self, session):
return session.query(model.Message)\
.filter(model.Message.sender == self.request.user)
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(SentView, self).configure_grid(g)
g.filters['sender'].default_active = False
g.joiners['recipients'] = lambda q: q.join(model.MessageRecipient)\
.join(model.User, model.User.uuid == model.MessageRecipient.recipient_uuid)\
g.filters['recipients'] = g.make_filter('recipients', model.Person.display_name,
default_active=True, default_verb='contains')
class RecipientsWidget(dfwidget.TextInputWidget):
def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
if pstruct is colander.null:
return []
elif not isinstance(pstruct, six.string_types):
raise colander.Invalid(field.schema, "Pstruct is not a string")
if self.strip:
pstruct = pstruct.strip()
if not pstruct:
return []
return pstruct.split(',')
def includeme(config):
config.add_tailbone_permission('messages', 'messages.list', "List/Search Messages")
# inbox
config.add_route('messages.inbox', '/messages/inbox/')
config.add_view(InboxView, attr='index', route_name='messages.inbox',
# archive
config.add_route('messages.archive', '/messages/archive/')
config.add_view(ArchiveView, attr='index', route_name='messages.archive',
# sent
config.add_route('messages.sent', '/messages/sent/')
config.add_view(SentView, attr='index', route_name='messages.sent',