Lance Edgar 719e7c8441 Normalize naming of all traditional master views
such names should never use plural forms.  for now what plural forms were
previously in use, should still work.  ideally can remove those at some point
2021-01-28 16:32:25 -06:00

165 lines
5.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2021 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Department Views
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import six
from rattail.db import model
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from tailbone import grids
from tailbone.views import MasterView, AutocompleteView
class DepartmentView(MasterView):
Master view for the Department class.
model_class = model.Department
touchable = True
has_versions = True
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(DepartmentView, self).configure_grid(g)
g.filters['name'].default_active = True
g.filters['name'].default_verb = 'contains'
g.set_type('product', 'boolean')
g.set_type('personnel', 'boolean')
def configure_form(self, f):
super(DepartmentView, self).configure_form(f)
f.set_type('product', 'boolean')
f.set_type('personnel', 'boolean')
def template_kwargs_view(self, **kwargs):
department = kwargs['instance']
if department.employees:
employees = sorted(department.employees, key=six.text_type)
actions = [
grids.GridAction('view', icon='zoomin',
url=lambda r, i: self.request.route_url('employees.view', uuid=r.uuid))
kwargs['employees'] = grids.Grid(None, employees, ['display_name'], request=self.request,
model_class=model.Employee, main_actions=actions)
kwargs['employees'] = None
return kwargs
def before_delete(self, department):
Check to see if there are any products which belong to the department;
if there are then we do not allow delete and redirect the user.
count = self.Session.query(model.Product)\
.filter(model.Product.department == department)\
if count:
self.request.session.flash("Will not delete department which still has {} products: {}".format(
count, department), 'error')
raise self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', department))
def list_by_vendor(self):
View list of departments by vendor
data = self.Session.query(model.Department)\
.filter(model.Vendor.uuid == self.request.params['uuid'])\
def configure(g):
], readonly=True)
def row_attrs(row, i):
return {'data-uuid': row.uuid}
grid = self.make_grid(data=data, sortable=False, filterable=False, pageable=False,
configure=configure, width=None, checkboxes=True,
row_attrs=row_attrs, main_actions=[], more_actions=[])
self.request.response.content_type = str('text/html')
self.request.response.text = grid.render_grid()
return self.request.response
def defaults(cls, config):
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
# list by vendor
config.add_route('{}.by_vendor'.format(route_prefix), '{}/by-vendor'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='list_by_vendor', route_name='{}.by_vendor'.format(route_prefix),
# TODO: deprecate / remove this
DepartmentsView = DepartmentView
class DepartmentsAutocomplete(AutocompleteView):
mapped_class = model.Department
fieldname = 'name'
def includeme(config):
# autocomplete
config.add_route('departments.autocomplete', '/departments/autocomplete')
config.add_view(DepartmentsAutocomplete, route_name='departments.autocomplete',
renderer='json', permission='departments.list')