we always/only use "new style" now
478 lines
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478 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Settings Views
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
from rattail.db import model
from rattail.settings import Setting
from rattail.util import import_module_path
import colander
from tailbone import forms
from tailbone.db import Session
from tailbone.views import MasterView, View
from tailbone.util import get_libver, get_liburl
class AppInfoView(MasterView):
Master view for the overall app, to show/edit config etc.
route_prefix = 'appinfo'
model_key = 'UNUSED'
model_title = "UNUSED"
model_title_plural = "App Details"
creatable = False
viewable = False
editable = False
deletable = False
filterable = False
pageable = False
configurable = True
grid_columns = [
def get_index_title(self):
return "{} for {}".format(self.get_model_title_plural(),
def get_data(self, session=None):
pip = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin', 'pip')
output = subprocess.check_output([pip, 'list', '--format=json'])
data = json.loads(output.decode('utf_8').strip())
for pkg in data:
pkg.setdefault('editable_project_location', '')
return data
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(AppInfoView, self).configure_grid(g)
g.sorters['name'] = g.make_simple_sorter('name', foldcase=True)
g.sorters['version'] = g.make_simple_sorter('version', foldcase=True)
g.sorters['editable_project_location'] = g.make_simple_sorter(
'editable_project_location', foldcase=True)
def template_kwargs_index(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super(AppInfoView, self).template_kwargs_index(**kwargs)
kwargs['configure_button_title'] = "Configure App"
return kwargs
def configure_get_context(self, **kwargs):
context = super(AppInfoView, self).configure_get_context(**kwargs)
weblibs = OrderedDict([
('vue', "Vue"),
('vue_resource', "vue-resource"),
('buefy', "Buefy"),
('buefy.css', "Buefy CSS"),
('fontawesome', "FontAwesome"),
for key in weblibs:
title = weblibs[key]
weblibs[key] = {
'key': key,
'title': title,
# nb. these values are exactly as configured, and are
# used for editing the settings
'configured_version': get_libver(self.request, key, fallback=False),
'configured_url': get_liburl(self.request, key, fallback=False),
# these are for informational purposes only
'default_version': get_libver(self.request, key, default_only=True),
'live_url': get_liburl(self.request, key),
context['weblibs'] = list(weblibs.values())
return context
def configure_get_simple_settings(self):
return [
# basics
{'section': 'rattail',
'option': 'app_title'},
{'section': 'rattail',
'option': 'node_type'},
{'section': 'rattail',
'option': 'node_title'},
{'section': 'rattail',
'option': 'production',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail',
'option': 'running_from_source',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail',
'option': 'running_from_source.rootpkg'},
# display
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'background_color'},
# grids
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'grid.default_pagesize',
# TODO: seems like should enforce this, but validation is
# not setup yet
# 'type': int
# web libs
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'libver.vue'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'liburl.vue'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'libver.vue_resource'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'liburl.vue_resource'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'libver.buefy'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'liburl.buefy'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'libver.buefy.css'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'liburl.buefy.css'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'libver.fontawesome'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'liburl.fontawesome'},
# nb. these are no longer used (deprecated), but we keep
# them defined here so the tool auto-deletes them
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'buefy_version'},
{'section': 'tailbone',
'option': 'vue_version'},
class SettingView(MasterView):
Master view for the settings model.
model_class = model.Setting
model_title = "Raw Setting"
model_title_plural = "Raw Settings"
bulk_deletable = True
feedback = re.compile(r'^rattail\.mail\.user_feedback\..*')
grid_columns = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(SettingView, self).configure_grid(g)
g.filters['name'].default_active = True
g.filters['name'].default_verb = 'contains'
def configure_form(self, f):
super(SettingView, self).configure_form(f)
if self.creating:
f.set_validator('name', self.unique_name)
def unique_name(self, node, value):
setting = self.Session.get(model.Setting, value)
if setting:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Setting name must be unique")
def editable_instance(self, setting):
if self.rattail_config.demo():
return not bool(self.feedback.match(setting.name))
return True
def after_edit(self, setting):
# nb. force cache invalidation - normally this happens when a
# setting is saved via app handler, but here that is being
# bypassed and it is saved directly via standard ORM calls
def deletable_instance(self, setting):
if self.rattail_config.demo():
return not bool(self.feedback.match(setting.name))
return True
def delete_instance(self, setting):
# nb. force cache invalidation
# otherwise delete like normal
super(SettingView, self).delete_instance(setting)
# TODO: deprecate / remove this
SettingsView = SettingView
class AppSettingsForm(forms.Form):
def get_label(self, key):
return self.labels.get(key, key)
class AppSettingsView(View):
Core view which exposes "app settings" - aka. admin-friendly settings with
descriptions and type-specific form controls etc.
def __call__(self):
settings = sorted(self.iter_known_settings(),
key=lambda setting: (setting.group,
groups = sorted(set([setting.group for setting in settings]))
current_group = None
form = self.make_form(settings)
form.cancel_url = self.request.current_route_url()
if form.validate():
group = self.request.POST.get('settings-group')
if group is not None:
self.request.session['appsettings.current_group'] = group
self.request.session.flash("App Settings have been saved.")
return self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url())
if self.request.method == 'POST':
current_group = self.request.POST.get('settings-group')
if not current_group:
current_group = self.request.session.get('appsettings.current_group')
possible_config_options = sorted(
key=lambda p: p['label'])
config_options = []
for option in possible_config_options:
perm = option.get('perm', option['route'])
if self.request.has_perm(perm):
option['url'] = self.request.route_url(option['route'])
context = {
'index_title': "App Settings",
'form': form,
'dform': form.make_deform_form(),
'groups': groups,
'settings': settings,
'config_options': config_options,
context['buefy_data'] = self.get_buefy_data(form, groups, settings)
# TODO: this seems hacky, and probably only needed if theme changes?
if current_group == '(All)':
current_group = ''
context['current_group'] = current_group
return context
def get_buefy_data(self, form, groups, settings):
dform = form.make_deform_form()
grouped = dict([(label, [])
for label in groups])
for setting in settings:
field = dform[setting.node_name]
s = {
'field_name': field.name,
'label': form.get_label(field.name),
'data_type': setting.data_type.__name__,
'choices': setting.choices,
'helptext': form.render_helptext(field.name) if form.has_helptext(field.name) else None,
'error': False, # nb. may set to True below
# we want the value from the form, i.e. in case of a POST
# request with validation errors. we also want to make
# sure value is JSON-compatible, but we must represent it
# as Python value here, and it will be JSON-encoded later.
value = form.get_vuejs_model_value(field)
value = json.loads(value)
s['value'] = value
# specify error / message if applicable
# TODO: not entirely clear to me why some field errors are
# represented differently? presumably it depends on
# whether Buefy is used by the theme.
if field.error:
s['error'] = True
if isinstance(field.error, colander.Invalid):
s['error_messages'] = [field.errormsg]
s['error_messages'] = field.error_messages()
data = []
for label in groups:
group = {'label': label, 'settings': grouped[label]}
return data
def make_form(self, known_settings):
schema = colander.MappingSchema()
helptext = {}
for setting in known_settings:
kwargs = {
'name': setting.node_name,
'default': self.get_setting_value(setting),
if kwargs['default'] is None or kwargs['default'] == '':
kwargs['default'] = colander.null
if not setting.required:
kwargs['missing'] = colander.null
if setting.choices:
kwargs['validator'] = colander.OneOf(setting.choices)
kwargs['widget'] = forms.widgets.JQuerySelectWidget(
values=[(val, val) for val in setting.choices])
schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(self.get_node_type(setting), **kwargs))
helptext[setting.node_name] = setting.__doc__.strip()
return AppSettingsForm(schema=schema, request=self.request, helptext=helptext)
def get_node_type(self, setting):
if setting.data_type is bool:
return colander.Bool()
elif setting.data_type is int:
return colander.Integer()
return colander.String()
def save_form(self, form):
for setting in self.iter_known_settings():
value = form.validated[setting.node_name]
if value is colander.null:
value = ''
self.save_setting_value(setting, value)
def iter_known_settings(self):
Iterate over all known settings.
modules = self.rattail_config.getlist('rattail', 'settings')
if modules:
core_only = False
modules = ['rattail.settings']
core_only = True
for module in modules:
module = import_module_path(module)
for name in dir(module):
obj = getattr(module, name)
if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Setting) and obj is not Setting:
if core_only and not obj.core:
# NOTE: we set this here, and reference it elsewhere
obj.node_name = self.get_node_name(obj)
yield obj
def get_node_name(self, setting):
return '[{}] {}'.format(setting.namespace, setting.name)
def get_setting_value(self, setting):
if setting.data_type is bool:
return self.rattail_config.getbool(setting.namespace, setting.name)
if setting.data_type is list:
return '\n'.join(
self.rattail_config.getlist(setting.namespace, setting.name,
return self.rattail_config.get(setting.namespace, setting.name)
def save_setting_value(self, setting, value):
existing = self.get_setting_value(setting)
if existing != value:
legacy_name = '{}.{}'.format(setting.namespace, setting.name)
if setting.data_type is bool:
value = 'true' if value else 'false'
elif setting.data_type is list:
entries = [self.clean_list_entry(entry)
for entry in value.split('\n')]
value = ', '.join(entries)
value = str(value)
app = self.get_rattail_app()
app.save_setting(Session(), legacy_name, value)
def clean_list_entry(self, value):
value = value.strip()
if '"' in value and "'" in value:
raise NotImplementedError("don't know how to handle escaping 2 "
"different types of quotes!")
if '"' in value:
return "'{}'".format(value)
if "'" in value:
return '"{}"'.format(value)
return value
def defaults(cls, config):
config.add_route('appsettings', '/settings/app/')
config.add_view(cls, route_name='appsettings',
def defaults(config, **kwargs):
base = globals()
AppInfoView = kwargs.get('AppInfoView', base['AppInfoView'])
AppSettingsView = kwargs.get('AppSettingsView', base['AppSettingsView'])
SettingView = kwargs.get('SettingView', base['SettingView'])
def includeme(config):