Lance Edgar d8bd4bd847 Prevent listing for top-level Messages view
user must access inbox, archive etc. directly instead
2023-01-13 20:28:00 -06:00

612 lines
22 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Message Views
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import six
from rattail.db import model
from rattail.time import localtime
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from pyramid import httpexceptions
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
# from tailbone import forms
from tailbone.db import Session
from tailbone.views import MasterView
from tailbone.util import raw_datetime
class MessageView(MasterView):
Base class for message views.
model_class = model.Message
editable = False
deletable = False
checkboxes = True
replying = False
reply_header_sent_format = '%a %d %b %Y at %I:%M %p'
listable = False
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def get_index_title(self):
if self.listing:
return self.index_title
if self.viewing:
message = self.get_instance()
recipient = self.get_recipient(message)
if recipient and recipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE:
return "Message Archive"
elif not recipient:
return "Sent Messages"
return "Message Inbox"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
# not really used, but necessary to make certain other code happy
return self.request.route_url('messages.inbox')
def index(self):
if not self.request.user:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
return super(MessageView, self).index()
def get_instance(self):
if not self.request.user:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
message = super(MessageView, self).get_instance()
if not self.associated_with(message):
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
return message
def associated_with(self, message):
if message.sender is self.request.user:
return True
for recip in message.recipients:
if recip.recipient is self.request.user:
return True
return False
def query(self, session):
return session.query(model.Message)\
.filter(model.MessageRecipient.recipient == self.request.user)
def configure_grid(self, g):
g.joiners['sender'] = lambda q: q.join(model.User, model.User.uuid == model.Message.sender_uuid).outerjoin(model.Person)
g.filters['sender'] = g.make_filter('sender', model.Person.display_name,
default_active=True, default_verb='contains')
g.sorters['sender'] = g.make_sorter(model.Person.display_name)
g.filters['subject'].default_active = True
g.filters['subject'].default_verb = 'contains'
g.set_sort_defaults('sent', 'desc')
g.set_renderer('sent', self.render_sent)
g.set_renderer('sender', self.render_sender)
g.set_renderer('recipients', self.render_recipients)
g.set_label('sender', "From")
g.set_label('recipients', "To")
def render_sent(self, message, column_name):
return raw_datetime(self.rattail_config, message.sent)
def render_sender(self, message, field):
sender = message.sender
if sender is self.request.user:
return 'you'
return six.text_type(sender)
def render_subject_bold(self, message, field):
if not message.subject:
return ""
return HTML.tag('span', c=message.subject, style='font-weight: bold;')
def render_recipients(self, message, column_name):
recipients = message.recipients
if recipients:
recips = [r for r in recipients if r.recipient is not self.request.user]
recips = sorted([r.recipient.display_name for r in recips])
if len(recips) < len(recipients) and (
message.sender is not self.request.user or not recips):
recips.insert(0, "you")
if len(recips) < 5:
return ", ".join(recips)
return "{}, ...".format(', '.join(recips[:4]))
return ""
def render_recipients_full(self, message, field):
recipients = message.recipients
if not recipients:
return ""
use_buefy = self.get_use_buefy()
# remove current user from displayed list, even if they're a recipient
recips = [r for r in recipients
if r.recipient is not self.request.user]
# sort recipients by display name
recips = sorted([r.recipient.display_name for r in recips])
# if we *did* remove current user from list, insert them at front of list
if len(recips) < len(recipients) and (
message.sender is not self.request.user or not recips):
recips.insert(0, 'you')
# we only want to show the first 5 recipients by default, with
# client-side JS allowing the user to view all if they want
max_display = 5
if len(recips) > max_display:
if use_buefy:
basic = HTML.tag('span', c="{}, ".format(', '.join(recips[:max_display-1])))
more = tags.link_to("({} more)".format(len(recips[max_display-1:])), '#', **{
'v-show': '!showingAllRecipients',
'@click.prevent': 'showMoreRecipients()',
everyone = HTML.tag('span', c=', '.join(recips[max_display-1:]), **{
'v-show': 'showingAllRecipients',
'@click': 'hideMoreRecipients()',
'class_': 'everyone',
return HTML.tag('div', c=[basic, more, everyone])
basic = HTML.literal("{}, ".format(', '.join(recips[:max_display-1])))
more = tags.link_to("({} more)".format(len(recips[max_display-1:])), '#', class_='more')
everyone = HTML.tag('span', class_='everyone', c=', '.join(recips[max_display-1:]))
return basic + more + everyone
# show the full list if there are few enough recipients for that
return ', '.join(recips)
# TODO!!
# def make_form(self, instance, **kwargs):
# form = super(MessageView, self).make_form(instance, **kwargs)
# if self.creating:
# form.id = 'new-message'
# form.cancel_url = self.request.get_referrer(default=self.request.route_url('messages.inbox'))
# form.create_label = "Send Message"
# return form
def configure_form(self, f):
super(MessageView, self).configure_form(f)
use_buefy = self.get_use_buefy()
f.submit_label = "Send Message"
if not use_buefy:
# we have custom logic to disable submit button
f.auto_disable = False
f.auto_disable_save = False
# TODO: A fair amount of this still seems hacky...
f.set_renderer('sender', self.render_sender)
f.set_label('sender', "From")
f.set_type('sent', 'datetime')
# recipients
f.set_renderer('recipients', self.render_recipients_full)
f.set_label('recipients', "To")
# subject
if use_buefy:
f.set_renderer('subject', self.render_subject_bold)
if self.creating:
f.set_widget('subject', dfwidget.TextInputWidget(
placeholder="please enter a subject",
# body
f.set_widget('body', dfwidget.TextAreaWidget(cols=50, rows=15))
if self.creating:
f.remove('sender', 'sent')
# recipients
f.insert_after('recipients', 'set_recipients')
f.set_node('set_recipients', colander.SchemaNode(colander.Set()))
if use_buefy:
f.set_widget('set_recipients', RecipientsWidgetBuefy())
f.set_widget('set_recipients', RecipientsWidget())
f.set_label('set_recipients', "To")
if self.replying:
old_message = self.get_instance()
f.set_default('subject', "Re: {}".format(old_message.subject))
f.set_default('body', self.get_reply_body(old_message))
# Determine an initial set of recipients, based on reply method.
# If replying to all, massage the list a little so that the
# current user is not listed, and the sender is listed first.
if self.replying == 'all':
value = [(r.recipient.uuid, r.recipient.person.display_name)
for r in old_message.recipients
if self.filter_reply_recipient(r.recipient)]
value = dict(value)
value.pop(self.request.user.uuid, None)
value = sorted(value.items(), key=lambda r: r[1])
value = [r[0] for r in value]
if old_message.sender is not self.request.user and old_message.sender.active:
value.insert(0, old_message.sender_uuid)
if use_buefy:
f.set_default('set_recipients', value)
f.set_default('set_recipients', ','.join(value))
# Just a normal reply, to sender only.
elif self.filter_reply_recipient(old_message.sender):
if use_buefy:
f.set_default('set_recipients', [old_message.sender.uuid])
f.set_default('set_recipients', old_message.sender.uuid)
# # Set focus to message body instead of recipients, when replying.
# fs.focus = fs.body
elif self.viewing:
def objectify(self, form, data=None):
if data is None:
data = form.validated
message = super(MessageView, self).objectify(form, data)
if self.creating:
if self.request.user:
message.sender = self.request.user
for uuid in data['set_recipients']:
user = self.Session.query(model.User).get(uuid)
if user:
message.add_recipient(user, status=self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX)
return message
def flash_after_create(self, obj):
self.request.session.flash("Message has been sent: {}".format(
def filter_reply_recipient(self, user):
return user.active
def get_reply_header(self, message):
sent = localtime(self.rattail_config, message.sent, from_utc=True)
sent = sent.strftime(self.reply_header_sent_format)
return "On {}, {} wrote:".format(sent, message.sender.person.display_name)
def get_reply_body(self, message):
Given an original message, this method should return the default body
value for a "reply" message, i.e. with ">" prefixes etc.
header = self.get_reply_header(message)
lines = message.body.split('\n')
if lines and lines[0]:
lines.insert(0, '')
lines = ['', '', '', header] + ["> {}".format(line) for line in lines]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def get_recipient(self, message):
Fetch the recipient from the given message, which corresponds to the
current (request) user.
for recipient in message.recipients:
if recipient.recipient is self.request.user:
return recipient
def template_kwargs_create(self, **kwargs):
use_buefy = self.get_use_buefy()
recips = self.get_available_recipients()
if use_buefy:
kwargs['recipient_display_map'] = recips
recips = list(recips.items())
kwargs['available_recipients'] = recips
if self.replying:
kwargs['original_message'] = self.get_instance()
if use_buefy:
kwargs['index_url'] = None
kwargs['index_title'] = "New Message"
return kwargs
def recipient_sortkey(self, recip):
uuid, entry = recip
if isinstance(entry, dict):
return entry['name']
return entry
def get_available_recipients(self):
Return the full mapping of recipients which may be included in a
message sent by the current user.
recips = {}
users = Session.query(model.User)\
.filter(model.User.active == True)
for user in users:
recips[user.uuid] = user.person.display_name
return recips
def template_kwargs_view(self, **kwargs):
message = kwargs['instance']
recipient = self.get_recipient(message)
kwargs['message'] = message
kwargs['recipient'] = recipient
if recipient and recipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE:
kwargs['index_url'] = self.request.route_url('messages.archive')
return kwargs
def reply(self):
Reply to a message, i.e. create a new one with first sender as recipient.
self.replying = True
return self.create()
def reply_all(self):
Reply-all to a message, i.e. create a new one with all original
recipients listed again in the new message.
self.replying = 'all'
return self.create()
def move(self):
Move a message, either to the archive or back to the inbox.
message = self.get_instance()
recipient = self.get_recipient(message)
if not recipient:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden
dest = self.request.GET.get('dest')
if dest not in ('inbox', 'archive'):
self.request.session.flash("Sorry, I couldn't make sense out of that request.")
return self.redirect(self.request.get_referrer(
new_status = self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX if dest == 'inbox' else self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE
if recipient.status != new_status:
recipient.status = new_status
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url('messages.{}'.format(
'archive' if dest == 'inbox' else 'inbox')))
def move_bulk(self):
Move messages in bulk, to the archive or back to the inbox.
dest = self.request.POST.get('destination', 'archive')
if self.request.method == 'POST':
uuids = self.request.POST.get('uuids', '').split(',')
if uuids:
new_status = self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX if dest == 'inbox' else self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE
for uuid in uuids:
recip = self.Session.query(model.MessageRecipient)\
.filter(model.MessageRecipient.message_uuid == uuid)\
.filter(model.MessageRecipient.recipient_uuid == self.request.user.uuid)\
if recip and recip.status != new_status:
recip.status = new_status
route = 'messages.{}'.format('archive' if dest == 'inbox' else 'inbox')
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url(route))
def defaults(cls, config):
Extra default config for message views.
# reply
config.add_route('messages.reply', '/messages/{uuid}/reply')
config.add_view(cls, attr='reply', route_name='messages.reply',
# reply-all
config.add_route('messages.reply_all', '/messages/{uuid}/reply-all')
config.add_view(cls, attr='reply_all', route_name='messages.reply_all',
# move (single)
config.add_route('messages.move', '/messages/{uuid}/move')
config.add_view(cls, attr='move', route_name='messages.move')
# move bulk
config.add_route('messages.move_bulk', '/messages/move-bulk')
config.add_view(cls, attr='move_bulk', route_name='messages.move_bulk')
# TODO: deprecate / remove this
MessagesView = MessageView
class InboxView(MessageView):
Inbox message view.
url_prefix = '/messages/inbox'
grid_key = 'messages.inbox'
index_title = "Message Inbox"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.route_url('messages.inbox')
def query(self, session):
q = super(InboxView, self).query(session)
return q.filter(model.MessageRecipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_INBOX)
class ArchiveView(MessageView):
Archived message view.
url_prefix = '/messages/archive'
grid_key = 'messages.archive'
index_title = "Message Archive"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.route_url('messages.archive')
def query(self, session):
q = super(ArchiveView, self).query(session)
return q.filter(model.MessageRecipient.status == self.enum.MESSAGE_STATUS_ARCHIVE)
class SentView(MessageView):
Sent messages view.
url_prefix = '/messages/sent'
grid_key = 'messages.sent'
checkboxes = False
index_title = "Sent Messages"
def get_index_url(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.route_url('messages.sent')
def query(self, session):
return session.query(model.Message)\
.filter(model.Message.sender == self.request.user)
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(SentView, self).configure_grid(g)
g.filters['sender'].default_active = False
g.joiners['recipients'] = lambda q: q.join(model.MessageRecipient)\
.join(model.User, model.User.uuid == model.MessageRecipient.recipient_uuid)\
g.filters['recipients'] = g.make_filter('recipients', model.Person.display_name,
default_active=True, default_verb='contains')
class RecipientsWidget(dfwidget.TextInputWidget):
def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
if pstruct is colander.null:
return []
elif not isinstance(pstruct, six.string_types):
raise colander.Invalid(field.schema, "Pstruct is not a string")
if self.strip:
pstruct = pstruct.strip()
if not pstruct:
return []
return pstruct.split(',')
class RecipientsWidgetBuefy(dfwidget.Widget):
Custom "message recipients" widget, for use with Buefy / Vue.js themes.
template = 'message_recipients_buefy'
def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
if pstruct is colander.null:
return colander.null
if not isinstance(pstruct, six.string_types):
raise colander.Invalid(field.schema, "Pstruct is not a string")
if not pstruct:
return colander.null
pstruct = pstruct.split(',')
return pstruct
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
if cstruct in (colander.null, None):
cstruct = ""
template = self.template
values = self.get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
return field.renderer(template, **values)
def defaults(config, **kwargs):
base = globals()
config.add_tailbone_permission('messages', 'messages.list',
"List/Search Messages")
# inbox
InboxView = kwargs.get('InboxView', base['InboxView'])
config.add_route('messages.inbox', '/messages/inbox/')
config.add_view(InboxView, attr='index',
# archive
ArchiveView = kwargs.get('ArchiveView', base['ArchiveView'])
config.add_route('messages.archive', '/messages/archive/')
config.add_view(ArchiveView, attr='index',
# sent
SentView = kwargs.get('SentView', base['SentView'])
config.add_route('messages.sent', '/messages/sent/')
config.add_view(SentView, attr='index',
MessageView = kwargs.get('MessageView', base['MessageView'])
def includeme(config):