custom app must always explicitly opt-in to that feature
728 lines
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728 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2020 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Views for inventory batches
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import re
import decimal
import logging
import six
from rattail import pod
from rattail.db import model
from rattail.db.util import make_full_description
from rattail.time import localtime
from rattail.gpc import GPC
from rattail.util import pretty_quantity, OrderedDict
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import HTML, tags
from tailbone import forms, grids
from tailbone.views import MasterView
from tailbone.views.batch import BatchMasterView
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InventoryBatchView(BatchMasterView):
Master view for inventory batches.
model_class = model.InventoryBatch
model_title_plural = "Inventory Batches"
default_handler_spec = 'rattail.batch.inventory:InventoryBatchHandler'
route_prefix = 'batch.inventory'
url_prefix = '/batch/inventory'
index_title = "Inventory"
rows_creatable = True
bulk_deletable = True
mobile_creatable = True
mobile_rows_creatable = True
# set to True for the UI to "prefer" case amounts, as opposed to unit
prefer_cases = False
labels = {
'mode': "Count Mode",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
mobile_form_fields = [
model_row_class = model.InventoryBatchRow
rows_editable = True
row_labels = {
'upc': "UPC",
'previous_units_on_hand': "Prev. On Hand",
row_grid_columns = [
row_form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_grid(g)
# mode
g.set_enum('mode', self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE)
# total_cost
g.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
def render_mobile_listitem(self, batch, i):
return "({}) {} rows - {}, {}".format(
"?" if batch.rowcount is None else batch.rowcount,
localtime(self.request.rattail_config, batch.created, from_utc=True).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
def mutable_batch(self, batch):
return not batch.executed and not batch.complete and batch.mode != self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL
def allow_worksheet(self, batch):
return self.mutable_batch(batch)
def get_available_modes(self):
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
if self.request.is_root:
modes = self.handler.get_count_modes()
modes = self.handler.get_allowed_count_modes(
self.Session(), self.request.user,
modes = OrderedDict([(mode['code'], mode['label'])
for mode in modes])
return modes
def configure_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_form(f)
# mode
modes = self.get_available_modes()
f.set_enum('mode', modes)
f.set_label('mode', "Count Mode")
if len(modes) == 1:
f.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
f.set_default('mode', list(modes)[0])
# total_cost
if self.creating:
f.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# handheld_batches
if self.creating:
f.set_renderer('handheld_batches', self.render_handheld_batches)
# complete
if self.creating:
def render_handheld_batches(self, inventory_batch, field):
items = []
for handheld in inventory_batch._handhelds:
text = handheld.handheld.id_str
url = self.request.route_url('batch.handheld.view', uuid=handheld.handheld_uuid)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def row_editable(self, row):
return self.mutable_batch(row.batch)
def row_deletable(self, row):
return self.mutable_batch(row.batch)
def save_edit_row_form(self, form):
row = form.model_instance
batch = row.batch
if batch.total_cost is not None and row.total_cost is not None:
batch.total_cost -= row.total_cost
return super(InventoryBatchView, self).save_edit_row_form(form)
def delete_row(self):
row = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(self.request.matchdict['row_uuid'])
if not row:
raise self.notfound()
batch = row.batch
if batch.total_cost is not None and row.total_cost is not None:
batch.total_cost -= row.total_cost
return super(InventoryBatchView, self).delete_row()
def create_row(self):
Desktop workflow view for adding items to inventory batch.
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.executed:
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
schema = DesktopForm().bind(session=self.Session())
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if form.validate(newstyle=True):
product = self.Session.query(model.Product).get(form.validated['product'])
row = None
if self.should_aggregate_products(batch):
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
row.cases = form.validated['cases']
row.units = form.validated['units']
if not row:
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.product = product
row.upc = form.validated['upc']
row.brand_name = form.validated['brand_name']
row.description = form.validated['description']
row.size = form.validated['size']
row.case_quantity = form.validated['case_quantity']
row.cases = form.validated['cases']
row.units = form.validated['units']
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
description = make_full_description(form.validated['brand_name'],
self.request.session.flash("{} cases, {} units: {} {}".format(
form.validated['cases'] or 0, form.validated['units'] or 0,
form.validated['upc'].pretty(), description))
return self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url())
title = self.get_instance_title(batch)
return self.render_to_response('desktop_form', {
'batch': batch,
'instance': batch,
'instance_title': title,
'index_title': "{}: {}".format(self.get_model_title(), title),
'index_url': self.get_action_url('view', batch),
'form': form,
'dform': form.make_deform_form(),
'allow_cases': self.allow_cases(batch),
'prefer_cases': self.prefer_cases,
# TODO: deprecate / remove this
def allow_cases(self, batch):
return self.handler.allow_cases(batch)
# TODO: deprecate / remove this
def should_aggregate_products(self, batch):
Must return a boolean indicating whether rows should be aggregated by
product for the given batch.
return self.handler.should_aggregate_products(batch)
# TODO: deprecate / remove
def find_type2_product(self, entry):
return self.handler.get_type2_product_info(self.Session(), entry)
def desktop_lookup(self):
Try to locate a product by UPC, and validate it in the context of
current batch, returning some data for client JS.
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.executed:
return {
'error': "Current batch has already been executed",
'redirect': self.get_action_url('view', batch),
entry = self.request.GET.get('upc', '')
aggregate = self.should_aggregate_products(batch)
type2 = self.find_type2_product(entry)
if type2:
product, price = type2
product = self.find_product(entry)
force_unit_item = True # TODO: make configurable?
unit_forced = False
if force_unit_item and product and product.is_pack_item():
product = product.unit
unit_forced = True
data = self.product_info(product)
if type2:
data['type2'] = True
if not aggregate:
if price is None:
data['units'] = 1
data['units'] = float((price / product.regular_price.price).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01')))
result = {'product': data, 'upc_raw': entry, 'upc': None, 'force_unit_item': unit_forced}
if not data:
upc = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry.strip())
if upc:
upc = GPC(upc)
result['upc'] = six.text_type(upc)
result['upc_pretty'] = upc.pretty()
result['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, upc)
if product and aggregate:
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
result['already_present_in_batch'] = True
result['cases'] = float(row.cases) if row.cases is not None else None
result['units'] = float(row.units) if row.units is not None else None
return result
# TODO: deprecate / remove
def find_row_for_product(self, batch, product):
return self.handler.find_row_for_product(self.Session(), batch, product)
# TODO: deprecate / remove (?)
def find_product(self, entry):
lookup_by_code = self.rattail_config.getbool(
'tailbone', 'inventory.lookup_by_code', default=False)
return self.handler.locate_product_for_entry(
self.Session(), entry, lookup_by_code=lookup_by_code)
def product_info(self, product):
data = {}
if product and (not product.deleted or self.request.has_perm('products.view_deleted')):
data['uuid'] = product.uuid
data['upc'] = six.text_type(product.upc)
data['upc_pretty'] = product.upc.pretty()
data['full_description'] = product.full_description
data['brand_name'] = six.text_type(product.brand or '')
data['description'] = product.description
data['size'] = product.size
data['case_quantity'] = 1 # default
data['cost_found'] = False
data['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, product.upc)
return data
def configure_mobile_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_mobile_form(f)
batch = f.model_instance
# mode
modes = self.get_available_modes()
f.set_enum('mode', modes)
mode_values = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(modes.items())]
f.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.PlainSelectWidget(values=mode_values))
# complete
if self.creating or batch.executed or not batch.complete:
# rowcount
if self.viewing and not batch.executed and not batch.complete:
# TODO: this view can create new rows, with only a GET query. that should
# probably be changed to require POST; for now we just require the "create
# batch row" perm and call it good..
def mobile_row_from_upc(self):
Locate and/or create a row within the batch, according to the given
product UPC, then redirect to the row view page.
batch = self.get_instance()
row = None
raw_entry = self.request.GET.get('upc', '')
entry = raw_entry.strip()
entry = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry)
if entry:
if len(entry) <= 14:
row = self.add_row_for_upc(batch, entry, warn_if_present=True)
if not row:
self.request.session.flash("Product not found: {}".format(entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
self.request.session.flash("UPC has too many digits ({}): {}".format(len(entry), entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
self.request.session.flash("Product not found: {}".format(raw_entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
return self.redirect(self.mobile_row_route_url('view', uuid=row.batch_uuid, row_uuid=row.uuid))
def add_row_for_upc(self, batch, entry, warn_if_present=False):
Add a row to the batch for the given UPC, if applicable.
row = self.handler.quick_entry(self.Session(), batch, entry)
if row:
if row.product and getattr(row.product, '__forced_unit_item__', False):
self.request.session.flash("You scanned a pack item, but must count the units instead.", 'error')
if warn_if_present and getattr(row, '__existing_reused__', False):
self.request.session.flash("Product already exists in batch; please confirm counts", 'error')
return row
def template_kwargs_view_row(self, **kwargs):
row = kwargs['instance']
kwargs['product_image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc)
return kwargs
def get_batch_kwargs(self, batch, mobile=False):
kwargs = super(InventoryBatchView, self).get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=False)
kwargs['mode'] = batch.mode
kwargs['complete'] = False
kwargs['reason_code'] = batch.reason_code
return kwargs
def get_mobile_row_data(self, batch):
# we want newest on top, for inventory batch rows
return self.get_row_data(batch)\
# TODO: ugh, the hackiness. needs a refactor fo sho
def mobile_view_row(self):
Mobile view for inventory batch rows. Note that this also handles
updating a row...ugh.
self.viewing = True
row = self.get_row_instance()
batch = self.get_parent(row)
form = self.make_mobile_row_form(row)
allow_cases = self.allow_cases(batch)
unit_uom = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
if row.cases and allow_cases:
uom = 'CS'
elif row.units:
uom = unit_uom
elif row.case_quantity and allow_cases and self.prefer_cases:
uom = 'CS'
uom = unit_uom
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'parent_title': self.get_instance_title(batch),
'parent_url': self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True),
'product_image_url': pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc),
'form': form,
'allow_cases': allow_cases,
'unit_uom': unit_uom,
'uom': uom,
if self.request.has_perm('{}.edit_row'.format(self.get_permission_prefix())):
schema = InventoryForm().bind(session=self.Session())
update_form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if update_form.validate(newstyle=True):
row = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(update_form.validated['row'])
cases = update_form.validated['cases']
units = update_form.validated['units']
if cases is not colander.null:
row.cases = cases
row.units = None
elif units is not colander.null:
row.cases = None
row.units = units
raise NotImplementedError
route_prefix = self.get_route_prefix()
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url('mobile.{}.view'.format(route_prefix), uuid=batch.uuid))
return self.render_to_response('view_row', context, mobile=True)
def get_row_instance_title(self, row):
if row.upc:
return row.upc.pretty()
if row.item_id:
return row.item_id
return "row {}".format(row.sequence)
def configure_row_grid(self, g):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_row_grid(g)
# quantity fields
g.set_type('previous_units_on_hand', 'quantity')
g.set_type('cases', 'quantity')
g.set_type('units', 'quantity')
# currency fields
g.set_type('unit_cost', 'currency')
g.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# short labels
g.set_label('brand_name', "Brand")
g.set_label('status_code', "Status")
# links
def row_grid_extra_class(self, row, i):
if row.status_code == row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND:
return 'warning'
def render_mobile_row_listitem(self, row, i):
description = row.product.full_description if row.product else row.description
unit_uom = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
qty = "{} {}".format(pretty_quantity(row.cases or row.units), 'CS' if row.cases else unit_uom)
return "({}) {} - {}".format(row.upc.pretty(), description, qty)
def configure_row_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_row_form(f)
row = f.model_instance
# readonly fields
# quantity fields
f.set_type('case_quantity', 'quantity')
f.set_type('previous_units_on_hand', 'quantity')
f.set_type('cases', 'quantity')
f.set_type('units', 'quantity')
f.set_type('variance', 'quantity')
# currency fields
f.set_type('unit_cost', 'currency')
f.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# upc
f.set_renderer('upc', self.render_upc)
# cases
if self.editing:
if not self.allow_cases(row.batch):
def render_upc(self, row, field):
upc = row.upc
if not upc:
return ""
text = upc.pretty()
if row.product_uuid:
url = self.request.route_url('products.view', uuid=row.product_uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
return text
def defaults(cls, config):
def _inventory_defaults(cls, config):
rattail_config = config.registry.settings['rattail_config']
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
model_title = cls.get_model_title()
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
legacy_mobile = cls.legacy_mobile_enabled(rattail_config)
# we need batch handler to determine available permissions
factory = cls.get_handler_factory(rattail_config)
handler = factory(rattail_config)
# extra perms for creating batches per "mode"
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.replace'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'replace' mode".format(model_title))
if handler.allow_zero_all:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.zero'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'zero' mode".format(model_title))
if handler.allow_variance:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.variance'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'variance' mode".format(model_title))
# row UPC lookup, for desktop
config.add_route('{}.desktop_lookup'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{{}}}/desktop-form/lookup'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='desktop_lookup', route_name='{}.desktop_lookup'.format(route_prefix),
renderer='json', permission='{}.create_row'.format(permission_prefix))
# mobile - make new row from UPC
if legacy_mobile:
config.add_route('mobile.{}.row_from_upc'.format(route_prefix), '/mobile{}/{{{}}}/row-from-upc'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='mobile_row_from_upc', route_name='mobile.{}.row_from_upc'.format(route_prefix),
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_inventory_batch_row(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
row = session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(value)
if not row:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch row not found")
if row.batch.executed:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch has already been executed")
return row.uuid
return validate
class InventoryForm(colander.MappingSchema):
row = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_product(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
product = session.query(model.Product).get(value)
if not product:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Product not found")
return product.uuid
return validate
class DesktopForm(colander.Schema):
product = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
upc = colander.SchemaNode(forms.types.GPCType())
brand_name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
description = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
size = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), missing=colander.null)
case_quantity = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal())
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),
def includeme(config):