207 lines
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207 lines
6.3 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2018 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Views for employee shifts
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import datetime
import six
from rattail.db import model
from rattail.time import localtime
from rattail.util import pretty_hours, hours_as_decimal
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from tailbone.views import MasterView
def render_shift_length(shift, field):
if not shift.start_time or not shift.end_time:
return ""
if shift.end_time < shift.start_time:
return "??"
length = shift.end_time - shift.start_time
return HTML.tag('span', title="{} hrs".format(hours_as_decimal(length)), c=[pretty_hours(length)])
class ScheduledShiftsView(MasterView):
Master view for employee scheduled shifts.
model_class = model.ScheduledShift
url_prefix = '/shifts/scheduled'
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
g.joiners['employee'] = lambda q: q.join(model.Employee).join(model.Person)
g.filters['employee'] = g.make_filter('employee', model.Person.display_name,
default_active=True, default_verb='contains')
g.set_sort_defaults('start_time', 'desc')
g.set_renderer('length', render_shift_length)
g.set_label('employee', "Employee Name")
def configure_form(self, f):
super(ScheduledShiftsView, self).configure_form(f)
f.set_renderer('length', render_shift_length)
class WorkedShiftsView(MasterView):
Master view for employee worked shifts.
model_class = model.WorkedShift
url_prefix = '/shifts/worked'
results_downloadable_xlsx = True
has_versions = True
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(WorkedShiftsView, self).configure_grid(g)
g.joiners['employee'] = lambda q: q.join(model.Employee).join(model.Person)
g.filters['employee'] = g.make_filter('employee', model.Person.display_name)
g.sorters['employee'] = g.make_sorter(model.Person.display_name)
g.joiners['store'] = lambda q: q.join(model.Store)
g.filters['store'] = g.make_filter('store', model.Store.name)
g.sorters['store'] = g.make_sorter(model.Store.name)
# TODO: these sorters should be automatic once we fix the schema
g.sorters['start_time'] = g.make_sorter(model.WorkedShift.punch_in)
g.sorters['end_time'] = g.make_sorter(model.WorkedShift.punch_out)
# TODO: same goes for these renderers
g.set_type('start_time', 'datetime')
g.set_type('end_time', 'datetime')
# (but we'll still have to set this)
g.set_sort_defaults('start_time', 'desc')
g.set_renderer('length', render_shift_length)
g.set_label('employee', "Employee Name")
g.set_label('store', "Store Name")
g.set_label('punch_in', "Start Time")
g.set_label('punch_out', "End Time")
def get_instance_title(self, shift):
time = shift.start_time or shift.end_time
date = localtime(self.rattail_config, time).date()
return "WorkedShift: {}, {}".format(shift.employee, date)
def configure_form(self, f):
super(WorkedShiftsView, self).configure_form(f)
f.set_renderer('employee', self.render_employee)
f.set_renderer('length', render_shift_length)
if self.editing:
def render_employee(self, shift, field):
employee = shift.employee
if not employee:
return ""
text = six.text_type(employee)
url = self.request.route_url('employees.view', uuid=employee.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def get_xlsx_fields(self):
fields = super(WorkedShiftsView, self).get_xlsx_fields()
# add employee name
i = fields.index('employee_uuid')
fields.insert(i + 1, 'employee_name')
# add hours
return fields
def get_xlsx_row(self, shift, fields):
row = super(WorkedShiftsView, self).get_xlsx_row(shift, fields)
# localize start and end times (Excel requires time with no zone)
if shift.punch_in:
row['punch_in'] = localtime(self.rattail_config, shift.punch_in, from_utc=True, tzinfo=False)
if shift.punch_out:
row['punch_out'] = localtime(self.rattail_config, shift.punch_out, from_utc=True, tzinfo=False)
# add employee name
row['employee_name'] = shift.employee.person.display_name
# add hours
if shift.punch_in and shift.punch_out:
if shift.punch_in <= shift.punch_out:
row['hours'] = hours_as_decimal(shift.punch_out - shift.punch_in, places=4)
row['hours'] = "??"
elif shift.punch_in or shift.punch_out:
row['hours'] = "??"
row['hours'] = None
return row
def includeme(config):