finally! this cleans up some view config and AFAIK there is no loss in functionality etc.
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2021 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Employee Views
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import six
import sqlalchemy as sa
from rattail.db import model
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from tailbone import grids
from tailbone.views import MasterView
class EmployeeView(MasterView):
Master view for the Employee class.
model_class = model.Employee
has_versions = True
touchable = True
supports_autocomplete = True
labels = {
'id': "ID",
'display_name': "Short Name",
'phone': "Phone Number",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(EmployeeView, self).configure_grid(g)
route_prefix = self.get_route_prefix()
# phone
g.set_joiner('phone', lambda q: q.outerjoin(model.EmployeePhoneNumber, sa.and_(
model.EmployeePhoneNumber.parent_uuid == model.Employee.uuid,
model.EmployeePhoneNumber.preference == 1)))
g.set_filter('phone', model.EmployeePhoneNumber.number,
label="Phone Number",
g.set_sorter('phone', model.EmployeePhoneNumber.number)
# email
g.joiners['email'] = lambda q: q.outerjoin(model.EmployeeEmailAddress, sa.and_(
model.EmployeeEmailAddress.parent_uuid == model.Employee.uuid,
model.EmployeeEmailAddress.preference == 1))
g.filters['email'] = g.make_filter('email', model.EmployeeEmailAddress.address,
label="Email Address")
# first/last name
g.filters['first_name'] = g.make_filter('first_name', model.Person.first_name)
g.filters['last_name'] = g.make_filter('last_name', model.Person.last_name)
# username
if self.request.has_perm('users.view'):
g.set_joiner('username', lambda q: q.outerjoin(model.User))
g.set_filter('username', model.User.username)
g.set_sorter('username', model.User.username)
g.set_renderer('username', self.grid_render_username)
# id
if self.request.has_perm('{}.edit'.format(route_prefix)):
del g.filters['id']
# status
if self.request.has_perm('{}.edit'.format(route_prefix)):
g.set_enum('status', self.enum.EMPLOYEE_STATUS)
g.filters['status'].default_active = True
g.filters['status'].default_verb = 'equal'
# TODO: why must we set unicode string value here?
g.filters['status'].default_value = six.text_type(self.enum.EMPLOYEE_STATUS_CURRENT)
del g.filters['status']
g.filters['first_name'].default_active = True
g.filters['first_name'].default_verb = 'contains'
g.filters['last_name'].default_active = True
g.filters['last_name'].default_verb = 'contains'
g.sorters['first_name'] = lambda q, d: q.order_by(getattr(model.Person.first_name, d)())
g.sorters['last_name'] = lambda q, d: q.order_by(getattr(model.Person.last_name, d)())
g.sorters['email'] = lambda q, d: q.order_by(getattr(model.EmployeeEmailAddress.address, d)())
g.set_label('email', "Email Address")
def query(self, session):
q = session.query(model.Employee).join(model.Person)
if not self.request.has_perm('employees.edit'):
q = q.filter(model.Employee.status == self.enum.EMPLOYEE_STATUS_CURRENT)
return q
def grid_render_username(self, employee, field):
person = employee.person if employee else None
if not person:
return ""
return ", ".join([u.username for u in person.users])
def grid_extra_class(self, employee, i):
if employee.status == self.enum.EMPLOYEE_STATUS_FORMER:
return 'warning'
def is_employee_protected(self, employee):
for user in employee.person.users:
if self.user_is_protected(user):
return True
return False
def editable_instance(self, employee):
if self.request.is_root:
return True
return not self.is_employee_protected(employee)
def deletable_instance(self, employee):
if self.request.is_root:
return True
return not self.is_employee_protected(employee)
def configure_form(self, f):
super(EmployeeView, self).configure_form(f)
employee = f.model_instance
f.set_renderer('person', self.render_person)
if self.creating or self.editing:
f.set_renderer('users', self.render_users)
f.set_renderer('stores', self.render_stores)
f.set_label('stores', "Stores") # TODO: should not be necessary
if self.creating or self.editing:
stores = self.get_possible_stores().all()
store_values = [(s.uuid, six.text_type(s)) for s in stores]
f.set_node('stores', colander.SchemaNode(colander.Set()))
f.set_widget('stores', dfwidget.SelectWidget(multiple=True,
if self.editing:
f.set_default('stores', [s.uuid for s in employee.stores])
f.set_renderer('departments', self.render_departments)
f.set_label('departments', "Departments") # TODO: should not be necessary
if self.creating or self.editing:
departments = self.get_possible_departments().all()
dept_values = [(d.uuid, six.text_type(d)) for d in departments]
f.set_node('departments', colander.SchemaNode(colander.Set()))
f.set_widget('departments', dfwidget.SelectWidget(multiple=True,
if self.editing:
f.set_default('departments', [d.uuid for d in employee.departments])
f.set_enum('status', self.enum.EMPLOYEE_STATUS)
f.set_type('full_time_start', 'date_jquery')
if self.editing:
# TODO: this should not be needed (association proxy)
f.set_default('full_time_start', employee.full_time_start)
f.set_label('email', "Email Address")
if not self.viewing:
f.remove_fields('first_name', 'last_name')
def objectify(self, form, data=None):
if data is None:
data = form.validated
employee = super(EmployeeView, self).objectify(form, data)
self.update_stores(employee, data)
self.update_departments(employee, data)
return employee
def update_stores(self, employee, data):
if 'stores' not in data:
old_stores = set([s.uuid for s in employee.stores])
new_stores = data['stores']
for uuid in new_stores:
if uuid not in old_stores:
for uuid in old_stores:
if uuid not in new_stores:
store = self.Session.query(model.Store).get(uuid)
def update_departments(self, employee, data):
if 'departments' not in data:
old_depts = set([d.uuid for d in employee.departments])
new_depts = data['departments']
for uuid in new_depts:
if uuid not in old_depts:
for uuid in old_depts:
if uuid not in new_depts:
dept = self.Session.query(model.Department).get(uuid)
def get_possible_stores(self):
return self.Session.query(model.Store)\
def get_possible_departments(self):
return self.Session.query(model.Department)\
def render_person(self, employee, field):
person = employee.person if employee else None
if not person:
return ""
text = six.text_type(person)
url = self.request.route_url('people.view', uuid=person.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def render_stores(self, employee, field):
stores = employee.stores if employee else None
if not stores:
return ""
items = []
for store in sorted(stores, key=six.text_type):
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=six.text_type(store)))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def render_departments(self, employee, field):
departments = employee.departments if employee else None
if not departments:
return ""
items = []
for department in sorted(departments, key=six.text_type):
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=six.text_type(department)))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def get_version_child_classes(self):
return [
(model.Person, 'uuid', 'person_uuid'),
(model.EmployeePhoneNumber, 'parent_uuid'),
(model.EmployeeEmailAddress, 'parent_uuid'),
(model.EmployeeStore, 'employee_uuid'),
(model.EmployeeDepartment, 'employee_uuid'),
def includeme(config):