so far only "simple" pagination is supported by wuttaweb, so basically the main feature flag, page size, current page. in this scenario *all* data is written to client-side JSON and Buefy handles the actual pagination. backend pagination coming soon for wuttaweb but for now tailbone still handles all that.
787 lines
26 KiB
787 lines
26 KiB
## -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
<% request.register_component(grid.vue_tagname, grid.vue_component) %>
<script type="text/x-template" id="${grid.vue_tagname}-template">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: end;">
<div class="filters">
% if getattr(grid, 'filterable', False):
## TODO: stop using |n filter
% endif
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;">
<div class="context-menu">
% if context_menu:
<ul id="context-menu">
## TODO: stop using |n filter
% endif
<div class="grid-tools-wrapper">
% if tools:
<div class="grid-tools">
## TODO: stop using |n filter
% endif
% if request.use_oruga:
% endif
% if request.rattail_config.getbool('tailbone', 'sticky_headers'):
% endif
% if getattr(grid, 'checkboxes', False):
% if request.use_oruga:
% else:
% endif
% if grid.clicking_row_checks_box:
% endif
% endif
% if getattr(grid, 'check_handler', None):
% endif
% if getattr(grid, 'check_all_handler', None):
% endif
% if hasattr(grid, 'checkable'):
% if isinstance(grid.checkable, str):
% elif grid.checkable:
:is-row-checkable="row => row._checkable"
% endif
% endif
% if getattr(grid, 'sortable', False):
## TODO: there is a bug (?) which prevents the arrow from
## displaying for simple default single-column sort. so to
## work around that, we *disable* multi-sort until the
## component is mounted. seems to work for now..see also
## https://github.com/buefy/buefy/issues/2584
## nb. specify default sort only if single-column
:default-sort="backendSorters.length == 1 ? [backendSorters[0].field, backendSorters[0].order] : null"
## nb. otherwise there may be default multi-column sort
## user must ctrl-click column header to do multi-sort
% endif
% if getattr(grid, 'click_handlers', None):
% endif
% if grid.paginated:
% endif
## TODO: should let grid (or master view) decide how to set these?
## note that :striped="true" was interfering with row status (e.g. warning) styles
% for column in grid.get_vue_columns():
<${b}-table-column field="${column['field']}"
:sortable="${json.dumps(column.get('sortable', False))}"
% if hasattr(grid, 'is_searchable') and grid.is_searchable(column['field']):
% endif
:visible="${json.dumps(column.get('visible', True))}">
% if hasattr(grid, 'raw_renderers') and column['field'] in grid.raw_renderers:
% elif grid.is_linked(column['field']):
<a :href="props.row._action_url_view"
% if view_click_handler:
% endif
% else:
<span v-html="props.row.${column['field']}"></span>
% endif
% endfor
% if grid.actions:
<${b}-table-column field="actions"
## TODO: we do not currently differentiate for "main vs. more"
## here, but ideally we would tuck "more" away in a drawer etc.
% for action in grid.actions:
<a v-if="props.row._action_url_${action.key}"
class="grid-action${' has-text-danger' if action.key == 'delete' else ''} ${action.link_class or ''}"
% if getattr(action, 'click_handler', None):
% endif
% if getattr(action, 'target', None):
% endif
% endfor
% endif
<template #empty>
<section class="section">
<div class="content has-text-grey has-text-centered">
<p>Nothing here.</p>
<template #footer>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
% if getattr(grid, 'expose_direct_link', False):
<b-button type="is-primary"
title="Copy link to clipboard">
% if request.use_oruga:
<o-icon icon="share-alt" />
% else:
<span><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i></span>
% endif
% else:
% endif
% if grid.paginated:
<div v-if="firstItem"
style="display: flex; gap: 0.5rem; align-items: center;">
{{ firstItem.toLocaleString('en') }} - {{ lastItem.toLocaleString('en') }}
of {{ total.toLocaleString('en') }} results;
<b-select v-model="perPage"
% for value in grid.get_pagesize_options():
<option value="${value}">${value}</option>
% endfor
per page
% endif
## dummy input field needed for sharing links on *insecure* sites
% if getattr(request, 'scheme', None) == 'http':
<b-input v-model="shareLink" ref="shareLink" v-show="shareLink"></b-input>
% endif
<script type="text/javascript">
let ${grid.vue_component}CurrentData = ${json.dumps(grid.get_vue_data())|n}
let ${grid.vue_component}Data = {
loading: false,
ajaxDataUrl: ${json.dumps(getattr(grid, 'ajax_data_url', request.path_url))|n},
savingDefaults: false,
data: ${grid.vue_component}CurrentData,
rowStatusMap: ${json.dumps(grid_data['row_status_map'] if grid_data is not Undefined else {})|n},
checkable: ${json.dumps(getattr(grid, 'checkboxes', False))|n},
% if getattr(grid, 'checkboxes', False):
checkedRows: ${grid_data['checked_rows_code']|n},
% endif
% if grid.paginated:
paginated: ${json.dumps(grid.paginated)|n},
total: ${len(grid_data['data']) if static_data else (grid_data['total_items'] if grid_data is not Undefined else 0)},
perPage: ${json.dumps(grid.pagesize if grid.paginated else None)|n},
currentPage: ${json.dumps(grid.page if grid.paginated else None)|n},
firstItem: ${json.dumps(grid_data['first_item'] if grid.paginated else None)|n},
lastItem: ${json.dumps(grid_data['last_item'] if grid.paginated else None)|n},
% endif
% if getattr(grid, 'sortable', False):
## TODO: there is a bug (?) which prevents the arrow from
## displaying for simple default single-column sort. so to
## work around that, we *disable* multi-sort until the
## component is mounted. seems to work for now..see also
## https://github.com/buefy/buefy/issues/2584
allowMultiSort: false,
## nb. this contains all truly active sorters
backendSorters: ${json.dumps(grid.active_sorters)|n},
## nb. whereas this will only contain multi-column sorters,
## but will be *empty* for single-column sorting
% if len(grid.active_sorters) > 1:
sortingPriority: ${json.dumps(grid.active_sorters)|n},
% else:
sortingPriority: [],
% endif
% endif
## filterable: ${json.dumps(grid.filterable)|n},
filters: ${json.dumps(filters_data if getattr(grid, 'filterable', False) else None)|n},
filtersSequence: ${json.dumps(filters_sequence if getattr(grid, 'filterable', False) else None)|n},
addFilterTerm: '',
addFilterShow: false,
## dummy input value needed for sharing links on *insecure* sites
% if getattr(request, 'scheme', None) == 'http':
shareLink: null,
% endif
let ${grid.vue_component} = {
template: '#${grid.vue_tagname}-template',
mixins: [FormPosterMixin],
props: {
csrftoken: String,
computed: {
addFilterChoices() {
// nb. this returns all choices available for "Add Filter" operation
// collect all filters, which are *not* already shown
let choices = []
for (let field of this.filtersSequence) {
let filtr = this.filters[field]
if (!filtr.visible) {
// parse list of search terms
let terms = []
for (let term of this.addFilterTerm.toLowerCase().split(' ')) {
term = term.trim()
if (term) {
// only filters matching all search terms are presented
// as choices to the user
return choices.filter(option => {
let label = option.label.toLowerCase()
for (let term of terms) {
if (label.indexOf(term) < 0) {
return false
return true
// note, can use this with v-model for hidden 'uuids' fields
selected_uuids: function() {
return this.checkedRowUUIDs().join(',')
// nb. this can be overridden if needed, e.g. to dynamically
// show/hide certain records in a static data set
visibleData() {
return this.data
directLink() {
let params = new URLSearchParams(this.getAllParams())
return `${request.path_url}?${'$'}{params}`
mounted() {
## TODO: there is a bug (?) which prevents the arrow from
## displaying for simple default single-column sort. so to
## work around that, we *disable* multi-sort until the
## component is mounted. seems to work for now..see also
## https://github.com/buefy/buefy/issues/2584
this.allowMultiSort = true
methods: {
formatAddFilterItem(filtr) {
if (!filtr.key) {
filtr = this.filters[filtr]
return filtr.label || filtr.key
% if getattr(grid, 'click_handlers', None):
cellClick(row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex) {
% for key in grid.click_handlers:
if (column._props.field == '${key}') {
% endfor
% endif
copyDirectLink() {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
// this is the way forward, but requires HTTPS
} else {
// use deprecated 'copy' command, but this just
// tells the browser to copy currently-selected
// text..which means we first must "add" some text
// to screen, and auto-select that, before copying
// to clipboard
this.shareLink = this.directLink
this.$nextTick(() => {
let input = this.$refs.shareLink.$el.firstChild
// re-hide the dummy input
this.shareLink = null
message: "Link was copied to clipboard",
type: 'is-info',
duration: 2000, // 2 seconds
addRowClass(index, className) {
// TODO: this may add duplicated name to class string
// (not a serious problem i think, but could be improved)
this.rowStatusMap[index] = (this.rowStatusMap[index] || '')
+ ' ' + className
// nb. for some reason b-table does not always "notice"
// when we update status; so we force it to refresh
getRowClass(row, index) {
return this.rowStatusMap[index]
getBasicParams() {
let params = {}
% if getattr(grid, 'sortable', False):
for (let i = 1; i <= this.backendSorters.length; i++) {
params['sort'+i+'key'] = this.backendSorters[i-1].field
params['sort'+i+'dir'] = this.backendSorters[i-1].order
% endif
% if grid.paginated:
params.pagesize = this.perPage
params.page = this.currentPage
% endif
return params
getFilterParams() {
let params = {}
for (var key in this.filters) {
var filter = this.filters[key]
if (filter.active) {
params[key] = filter.value
params[key+'.verb'] = filter.verb
if (Object.keys(params).length) {
params.filter = true
return params
getAllParams() {
return {...this.getBasicParams(),
## TODO: i noticed buefy docs show using `async` keyword here,
## so now i am too. knowing nothing at all of if/how this is
## supposed to improve anything. we shall see i guess
async loadAsyncData(params, success, failure) {
if (params === undefined || params === null) {
params = new URLSearchParams(this.getBasicParams())
} else {
params = new URLSearchParams(params)
if (!params.has('partial')) {
params.append('partial', true)
params = params.toString()
this.loading = true
this.$http.get(`${'$'}{this.ajaxDataUrl}?${'$'}{params}`).then(({ data }) => {
if (!data.error) {
${grid.vue_component}CurrentData = data.data
this.data = ${grid.vue_component}CurrentData
this.rowStatusMap = data.row_status_map
this.total = data.total_items
this.firstItem = data.first_item
this.lastItem = data.last_item
this.loading = false
this.savingDefaults = false
this.checkedRows = this.locateCheckedRows(data.checked_rows)
if (success) {
} else {
message: data.error,
type: 'is-danger',
duration: 2000, // 4 seconds
this.loading = false
this.savingDefaults = false
if (failure) {
.catch((error) => {
this.data = []
this.total = 0
this.loading = false
this.savingDefaults = false
if (failure) {
throw error
locateCheckedRows(checked) {
let rows = []
if (checked) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
if (checked.includes(i)) {
return rows
onPageChange(page) {
this.currentPage = page
perPageUpdated(value) {
// nb. buefy passes value, oruga passes event
if (value.target) {
value = event.target.value
pagesize: value,
onSort(field, order, event) {
// nb. buefy passes field name, oruga passes object
if (field.field) {
field = field.field
if (event.ctrlKey) {
// engage or enhance multi-column sorting
let sorter = this.backendSorters.filter(i => i.field === field)[0]
if (sorter) {
sorter.order = sorter.order === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'
} else {
this.backendSorters.push({field, order})
this.sortingPriority = this.backendSorters
} else {
// sort by single column only
this.backendSorters = [{field, order}]
this.sortingPriority = []
// always reset to first page when changing sort options
// TODO: i mean..right? would we ever not want that?
this.currentPage = 1
sortingPriorityRemoved(field) {
// prune field from active sorters
this.backendSorters = this.backendSorters.filter(
(sorter) => sorter.field !== field)
// nb. must keep active sorter list "as-is" even if
// there is only one sorter; buefy seems to expect it
this.sortingPriority = this.backendSorters
resetView() {
this.loading = true
// use current url proper, plus reset param
let url = '?reset-to-default-filters=true'
// add current hash, to preserve that in redirect
if (location.hash) {
url += '&hash=' + location.hash.slice(1)
location.href = url
addFilterInit() {
this.addFilterShow = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
const input = this.$refs.addFilterAutocomplete.$el.querySelector('input')
input.addEventListener('keydown', this.addFilterKeydown)
addFilterHide() {
const input = this.$refs.addFilterAutocomplete.$el.querySelector('input')
input.removeEventListener('keydown', this.addFilterKeydown)
this.addFilterTerm = ''
this.addFilterShow = false
addFilterKeydown(event) {
// ESC will clear searchbox
if (event.which == 27) {
addFilterSelect(filtr) {
addFilter(filter_key) {
// show corresponding grid filter
this.filters[filter_key].visible = true
this.filters[filter_key].active = true
// track down the component
var gridFilter = null
for (var gf of this.$refs.gridFilters) {
if (gf.filter.key == filter_key) {
gridFilter = gf
// tell component to focus the value field, ASAP
this.$nextTick(function() {
applyFilters(params) {
if (params === undefined) {
params = {}
// merge in actual filter params
// cf. https://stackoverflow.com/a/171256
params = {...params, ...this.getFilterParams()}
// hide inactive filters
for (var key in this.filters) {
var filter = this.filters[key]
if (!filter.active) {
filter.visible = false
// set some explicit params
params.partial = true
params.filter = true
params = new URLSearchParams(params)
appliedFiltersHook() {},
clearFilters() {
// explicitly deactivate all filters
for (var key in this.filters) {
this.filters[key].active = false
// then just "apply" as normal
// explicitly set filters for the grid, to the given set.
// this totally overrides whatever might be current. the
// new filter set should look like:
// [
// {key: 'status_code',
// verb: 'equal',
// value: 1},
// {key: 'description',
// verb: 'contains',
// value: 'whatever'},
// ]
setFilters(newFilters) {
for (let key in this.filters) {
let filter = this.filters[key]
let active = false
for (let newFilter of newFilters) {
if (newFilter.key == key) {
active = true
filter.active = true
filter.visible = true
filter.verb = newFilter.verb
filter.value = newFilter.value
if (!active) {
filter.active = false
filter.visible = false
saveDefaults() {
this.savingDefaults = true
// apply current filters as normal, but add special directive
this.applyFilters({'save-current-filters-as-defaults': true})
deleteObject(event) {
// we let parent component/app deal with this, in whatever way makes sense...
// TODO: should we ever provide anything besides the URL for this?
this.$emit('deleteActionClicked', event.target.href)
checkedRowUUIDs() {
let uuids = []
for (let row of this.$data.checkedRows) {
return uuids
allRowUUIDs() {
let uuids = []
for (let row of this.data) {
return uuids
// when a user clicks a row, handle as if they clicked checkbox.
// note that this method is only used if table is "checkable"
rowClick(row) {
let i = this.checkedRows.indexOf(row)
if (i >= 0) {
this.checkedRows.splice(i, 1)
} else {
% if getattr(grid, 'check_handler', None):
this.${grid.check_handler}(this.checkedRows, row)
% endif