Lance Edgar 8b4b3de336 Add support for Pyramid 2.x; new security policy
custom apps are still free to use pyramid 1.x

new security policy is only used if config file says so
2024-04-16 09:48:29 -05:00

245 lines
8.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2024 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Authentication & Authorization
import logging
import re
from rattail.util import prettify, NOTSET
from zope.interface import implementer
from pyramid.interfaces import IAuthorizationPolicy
from pyramid.security import remember, forget, Everyone, Authenticated
from pyramid.authentication import SessionAuthenticationPolicy
from tailbone.db import Session
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def login_user(request, user, timeout=NOTSET):
Perform the steps necessary to login the given user. Note that this
returns a ``headers`` dict which you should pass to the redirect.
app = request.rattail_config.get_app()
headers = remember(request, user.uuid)
if timeout is NOTSET:
timeout = session_timeout_for_user(user)
log.debug("setting session timeout for '{}' to {}".format(user.username, timeout))
set_session_timeout(request, timeout)
return headers
def logout_user(request):
Perform the logout action for the given request. Note that this returns a
``headers`` dict which you should pass to the redirect.
app = request.rattail_config.get_app()
user = request.user
if user:
headers = forget(request)
return headers
def session_timeout_for_user(user):
Returns the "max" session timeout for the user, according to roles
from rattail.db.auth import authenticated_role
roles = user.roles + [authenticated_role(Session())]
timeouts = [role.session_timeout for role in roles
if role.session_timeout is not None]
if timeouts and 0 not in timeouts:
return max(timeouts)
def set_session_timeout(request, timeout):
Set the server-side session timeout to the given value.
request.session['_timeout'] = timeout or None
class TailboneAuthenticationPolicy(SessionAuthenticationPolicy):
Custom authentication policy for Tailbone.
This is mostly Pyramid's built-in session-based policy, but adds
logic to accept Rattail User API Tokens in lieu of current user
being identified via the session.
Note that the traditional Tailbone web app does *not* use this
policy, only the Tailbone web API uses it by default.
def unauthenticated_userid(self, request):
# figure out userid from header token if present
credentials = request.headers.get('Authorization')
if credentials:
match = re.match(r'^Bearer (\S+)$', credentials)
if match:
token = match.group(1)
rattail_config = request.registry.settings.get('rattail_config')
app = rattail_config.get_app()
auth = app.get_auth_handler()
user = auth.authenticate_user_token(Session(), token)
if user:
return user.uuid
# otherwise do normal session-based logic
return super().unauthenticated_userid(request)
class TailboneAuthorizationPolicy(object):
def permits(self, context, principals, permission):
config = context.request.rattail_config
model = config.get_model()
app = config.get_app()
auth = app.get_auth_handler()
for userid in principals:
if userid not in (Everyone, Authenticated):
if context.request.user and context.request.user.uuid == userid:
return context.request.has_perm(permission)
# this is pretty rare, but can happen in dev after
# re-creating the database, which means new user uuids.
# TODO: the odds of this query returning a user in that
# case, are probably nil, and we should just skip this bit?
user = Session.get(model.User, userid)
if user:
if auth.has_permission(Session(), user, permission):
return True
if Everyone in principals:
return auth.has_permission(Session(), None, permission)
return False
def principals_allowed_by_permission(self, context, permission):
raise NotImplementedError
class TailboneSecurityPolicy:
def __init__(self, api_mode=False):
from pyramid.authentication import SessionAuthenticationHelper
from pyramid.request import RequestLocalCache
self.api_mode = api_mode
self.session_helper = SessionAuthenticationHelper()
self.identity_cache = RequestLocalCache(self.load_identity)
def load_identity(self, request):
config = request.registry.settings.get('rattail_config')
app = config.get_app()
user = None
if self.api_mode:
# determine/load user from header token if present
credentials = request.headers.get('Authorization')
if credentials:
match = re.match(r'^Bearer (\S+)$', credentials)
if match:
token = match.group(1)
auth = app.get_auth_handler()
user = auth.authenticate_user_token(Session(), token)
if not user:
# fetch user uuid from current session
uuid = self.session_helper.authenticated_userid(request)
if not uuid:
# fetch user object from db
model = app.model
user = Session.get(model.User, uuid)
if not user:
# this user is responsible for data changes in current request
return user
def identity(self, request):
return self.identity_cache.get_or_create(request)
def authenticated_userid(self, request):
user = self.identity(request)
if user is not None:
return user.uuid
def remember(self, request, userid, **kw):
return self.session_helper.remember(request, userid, **kw)
def forget(self, request, **kw):
return self.session_helper.forget(request, **kw)
def permits(self, request, context, permission):
config = request.registry.settings.get('rattail_config')
app = config.get_app()
auth = app.get_auth_handler()
user = self.identity(request)
return auth.has_permission(Session(), user, permission)
def add_permission_group(config, key, label=None, overwrite=True):
Add a permission group to the app configuration.
def action():
perms = config.get_settings().get('tailbone_permissions', {})
if key not in perms or overwrite:
group = perms.setdefault(key, {'key': key})
group['label'] = label or prettify(key)
config.add_settings({'tailbone_permissions': perms})
config.action(None, action)
def add_permission(config, groupkey, key, label=None):
Add a permission to the app configuration.
def action():
perms = config.get_settings().get('tailbone_permissions', {})
group = perms.setdefault(groupkey, {'key': groupkey})
group.setdefault('label', prettify(groupkey))
perm = group.setdefault('perms', {}).setdefault(key, {'key': key})
perm['label'] = label or prettify(key)
config.add_settings({'tailbone_permissions': perms})
config.action(None, action)