the latter was apparently causing session flush and would create the "dummy" batch in addition to the "real" one...
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2018 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Views for 'receiving' (purchasing) batches
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import re
import logging
import six
import sqlalchemy as sa
from rattail import pod
from rattail.db import model, api
from rattail.db.util import maxlen
from rattail.gpc import GPC
from rattail.time import localtime
from rattail.util import pretty_quantity, prettify, OrderedDict
from rattail.vendors.invoices import iter_invoice_parsers, require_invoice_parser
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from pyramid import httpexceptions
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from tailbone import forms, grids
from tailbone.views.purchasing import PurchasingBatchView
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MobileItemStatusFilter(grids.filters.MobileFilter):
value_choices = ['incomplete', 'unexpected', 'damaged', 'expired', 'all']
def filter_equal(self, query, value):
# NOTE: this is only relevant for truck dump or "from scratch"
if value == 'received':
return query.filter(sa.or_(
model.PurchaseBatchRow.cases_received != 0,
model.PurchaseBatchRow.units_received != 0))
# TODO: is this accurate (enough) ?
if value == 'incomplete':
return query.filter(sa.or_(model.PurchaseBatchRow.cases_ordered != 0,
model.PurchaseBatchRow.units_ordered != 0))\
if value == 'invalid':
return query.filter(model.PurchaseBatchRow.status_code.in_((
if value == 'unexpected':
return query.filter(sa.and_(
model.PurchaseBatchRow.cases_ordered == None,
model.PurchaseBatchRow.cases_ordered == 0),
model.PurchaseBatchRow.units_ordered == None,
model.PurchaseBatchRow.units_ordered == 0)))
if value == 'damaged':
return query.filter(sa.or_(
model.PurchaseBatchRow.cases_damaged != 0,
model.PurchaseBatchRow.units_damaged != 0))
if value == 'expired':
return query.filter(sa.or_(
model.PurchaseBatchRow.cases_expired != 0,
model.PurchaseBatchRow.units_expired != 0))
return query
def iter_choices(self):
for value in self.value_choices:
yield value, prettify(value)
class ReceivingBatchView(PurchasingBatchView):
Master view for receiving batches
route_prefix = 'receiving'
url_prefix = '/receiving'
model_title = "Receiving Batch"
model_title_plural = "Receiving Batches"
index_title = "Receiving"
downloadable = True
rows_editable = True
mobile_creatable = True
mobile_rows_filterable = True
mobile_rows_creatable = True
mobile_rows_quickable = True
mobile_rows_deletable = True
allow_from_po = False
allow_from_scratch = True
allow_truck_dump = False
default_uom_is_case = True
purchase_order_fieldname = 'purchase'
labels = {
'truck_dump_batch': "Truck Dump Parent",
'invoice_parser_key': "Invoice Parser",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
mobile_form_fields = [
row_grid_columns = [
# 'item_id',
# 'po_total',
row_form_fields = [
def batch_mode(self):
def row_editable(self, row):
batch = row.batch
if batch.truck_dump_batch:
return False
return True
def row_deletable(self, row):
batch = row.batch
if batch.truck_dump:
return True
return False
def get_instance_title(self, batch):
title = super(ReceivingBatchView, self).get_instance_title(batch)
if batch.truck_dump:
title = "{} (TRUCK DUMP PARENT)".format(title)
elif batch.truck_dump_batch:
title = "{} (TRUCK DUMP CHILD)".format(title)
return title
def configure_form(self, f):
super(ReceivingBatchView, self).configure_form(f)
batch = f.model_instance
# batch_type
if self.creating:
f.set_enum('batch_type', OrderedDict([
('from_scratch', "New from Scratch"),
# truck_dump*
if self.allow_truck_dump:
# truck_dump
if self.creating:
elif batch.truck_dump_batch:
# truck_dump_children
if self.viewing:
if batch.truck_dump:
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_children', self.render_truck_dump_children)
# truck_dump_batch
if self.creating:
f.replace('truck_dump_batch', 'truck_dump_batch_uuid')
batches = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatch)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.mode == self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE_RECEIVING)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.truck_dump == True)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.complete == True)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.executed == None)\
batch_values = [(b.uuid, "({}) {}, {}".format(b.id_str, b.date_received, b.vendor))
for b in batches]
batch_values.insert(0, ('', "(please choose)"))
f.set_widget('truck_dump_batch_uuid', forms.widgets.JQuerySelectWidget(values=batch_values))
f.set_label('truck_dump_batch_uuid', "Truck Dump Parent")
elif batch.truck_dump:
elif batch.truck_dump_batch:
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_batch', self.render_truck_dump_batch)
# truck_dump_vendor
if self.creating:
f.set_label('truck_dump_vendor', "Vendor")
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_vendor', self.render_truck_dump_vendor)
# invoice_file
if self.creating:
f.set_type('invoice_file', 'file')
f.set_renderer('invoice_file', self.render_downloadable_file)
# invoice_parser_key
if self.creating:
parsers = sorted(iter_invoice_parsers(), key=lambda p: p.display)
parser_values = [(p.key, p.display) for p in parsers]
parser_values.insert(0, ('', "(please choose)"))
f.set_widget('invoice_parser_key', forms.widgets.JQuerySelectWidget(values=parser_values))
# store
if self.creating:
store = self.rattail_config.get_store(self.Session())
f.set_widget('store_uuid', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
f.set_default('store_uuid', store.uuid)
# purchase
if self.creating:
# department
if self.creating:
# order_quantities_known
if not self.editing:
def template_kwargs_create(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super(ReceivingBatchView, self).template_kwargs_create(**kwargs)
if self.allow_truck_dump:
vmap = {}
batches = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatch)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.mode == self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE_RECEIVING)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.truck_dump == True)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.complete == True)
for batch in batches:
vmap[batch.uuid] = batch.vendor_uuid
kwargs['batch_vendor_map'] = vmap
return kwargs
def get_batch_kwargs(self, batch, mobile=False):
kwargs = super(ReceivingBatchView, self).get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=mobile)
if not mobile:
batch_type = self.request.POST['batch_type']
if batch_type == 'from_scratch':
kwargs.pop('truck_dump_batch', None)
kwargs.pop('truck_dump_batch_uuid', None)
elif batch_type.startswith('truck_dump_child'):
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
kwargs['store'] = truck_dump.store
kwargs['vendor'] = truck_dump.vendor
kwargs['truck_dump_batch'] = truck_dump
raise NotImplementedError
return kwargs
def department_for_purchase(self, purchase):
def delete_instance(self, batch):
Delete all data (files etc.) for the batch.
truck_dump = batch.truck_dump_batch
if batch.truck_dump:
for child in batch.truck_dump_children:
super(ReceivingBatchView, self).delete_instance(batch)
if truck_dump:
def render_truck_dump_batch(self, batch, field):
truck_dump = batch.truck_dump_batch
if not truck_dump:
return ""
text = six.text_type(truck_dump)
url = self.request.route_url('receiving.view', uuid=truck_dump.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def render_truck_dump_vendor(self, batch, field):
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
vendor = truck_dump.vendor
text = "({}) {}".format(vendor.id, vendor.name)
url = self.request.route_url('vendors.view', uuid=vendor.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def render_truck_dump_children(self, batch, field):
contents = []
children = batch.truck_dump_children
if children:
items = []
for child in children:
text = six.text_type(child)
url = self.request.route_url('receiving.view', uuid=child.uuid)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
contents.append(HTML.tag('ul', c=items))
if batch.complete and not batch.executed:
buttons = self.make_truck_dump_child_buttons(batch)
if buttons:
buttons = HTML.literal(' ').join(buttons)
contents.append(HTML.tag('div', class_='buttons', c=[buttons]))
if not contents:
return ""
return HTML.tag('div', c=contents)
def make_truck_dump_child_buttons(self, batch):
return [
tags.link_to("Add from Invoice File", self.get_action_url('add_child_from_invoice', batch), class_='button autodisable'),
def add_child_from_invoice(self):
View for adding a child batch to a truck dump, from invoice file.
batch = self.get_instance()
if not batch.truck_dump:
self.request.session.flash("Batch is not a truck dump: {}".format(batch))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
if batch.executed:
self.request.session.flash("Batch has already been executed: {}".format(batch))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
if not batch.complete:
self.request.session.flash("Batch is not marked as complete: {}".format(batch))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
self.creating = True
form = self.make_child_from_invoice_form(self.get_model_class())
return self.create(form=form)
def make_child_from_invoice_form(self, instance, **kwargs):
Creates a new form for the given model class/instance
kwargs['configure'] = self.configure_child_from_invoice_form
return self.make_form(instance=instance, **kwargs)
def configure_child_from_invoice_form(self, f):
assert self.creating
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
# batch_type
f.set_widget('batch_type', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
f.set_default('batch_type', 'truck_dump_child_from_invoice')
# truck_dump_batch_uuid
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_parent', self.render_truck_dump_parent)
def render_truck_dump_parent(self, batch, field):
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
text = six.text_type(truck_dump)
url = self.request.route_url('receiving.view', uuid=truck_dump.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def render_mobile_listitem(self, batch, i):
title = "({}) {} for ${:0,.2f} - {}, {}".format(
batch.po_total or 0,
return title
def make_mobile_row_filters(self):
Returns a set of filters for the mobile row grid.
batch = self.get_instance()
filters = grids.filters.GridFilterSet()
# visible filter options will depend on whether batch came from purchase
if batch.order_quantities_known:
value_choices = ['incomplete', 'unexpected', 'damaged', 'expired', 'invalid', 'all']
default_status = 'incomplete'
value_choices = ['received', 'damaged', 'expired', 'invalid', 'all']
default_status = 'all'
# remove 'expired' filter option if not relevant
if 'expired' in value_choices and not self.handler.allow_expired_credits():
filters['status'] = MobileItemStatusFilter('status',
return filters
def get_purchase(self, uuid):
return self.Session.query(model.Purchase).get(uuid)
def mobile_create(self):
Mobile view for creating a new receiving batch
mode = self.batch_mode
data = {'mode': mode}
phase = 1
schema = MobileNewReceivingBatch().bind(session=self.Session())
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if form.validate(newstyle=True):
phase = form.validated['phase']
if form.validated['workflow'] == 'from_scratch':
if not self.allow_from_scratch:
raise NotImplementedError("Requested workflow not supported: from_scratch")
batch = self.model_class()
batch.store = self.rattail_config.get_store(self.Session())
batch.mode = mode
batch.vendor = self.Session.query(model.Vendor).get(form.validated['vendor'])
batch.created_by = self.request.user
batch.date_received = localtime(self.rattail_config).date()
kwargs = self.get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=True)
batch = self.handler.make_batch(self.Session(), **kwargs)
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
elif form.validated['workflow'] == 'truck_dump':
if not self.allow_truck_dump:
raise NotImplementedError("Requested workflow not supported: truck_dump")
batch = self.model_class()
batch.store = self.rattail_config.get_store(self.Session())
batch.mode = mode
batch.truck_dump = True
batch.vendor = self.Session.query(model.Vendor).get(form.validated['vendor'])
batch.created_by = self.request.user
batch.date_received = localtime(self.rattail_config).date()
kwargs = self.get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=True)
batch = self.handler.make_batch(self.Session(), **kwargs)
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
elif form.validated['workflow'] == 'from_po':
if not self.allow_from_po:
raise NotImplementedError("Requested workflow not supported: from_po")
vendor = self.Session.query(model.Vendor).get(form.validated['vendor'])
data['vendor'] = vendor
schema = self.make_mobile_receiving_from_po_schema()
po_form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if phase == 2:
if po_form.validate(newstyle=True):
batch = self.model_class()
batch.store = self.rattail_config.get_store(self.Session())
batch.mode = mode
batch.vendor = vendor
batch.buyer = self.request.user.employee
batch.created_by = self.request.user
batch.date_received = localtime(self.rattail_config).date()
self.assign_purchase_order(batch, po_form)
kwargs = self.get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=True)
batch = self.handler.make_batch(self.Session(), **kwargs)
if self.handler.should_populate(batch):
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
phase = 2
raise NotImplementedError("Requested workflow not supported: {}".format(form.validated['workflow']))
data['form'] = form
data['dform'] = form.make_deform_form()
data['mode_title'] = self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE[mode].capitalize()
data['phase'] = phase
if phase == 2:
purchases = self.eligible_purchases(vendor.uuid, mode=mode)
data['purchases'] = [(p['key'], p['display']) for p in purchases['purchases']]
data['purchase_order_fieldname'] = self.purchase_order_fieldname
return self.render_to_response('create', data, mobile=True)
def make_mobile_receiving_from_po_schema(self):
schema = colander.MappingSchema()
return schema.bind(session=self.Session())
def validate_purchase(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
purchase = session.query(model.Purchase).get(value)
if not purchase:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Purchase not found")
return purchase.uuid
return validate
def assign_purchase_order(self, batch, po_form):
Assign the original purchase order to the given batch. Default
behavior assumes a Rattail Purchase object is what we're after.
purchase = self.get_purchase(po_form.validated[self.purchase_order_fieldname])
if isinstance(purchase, model.Purchase):
batch.purchase_uuid = purchase.uuid
department = self.department_for_purchase(purchase)
if department:
batch.department_uuid = department.uuid
def configure_mobile_form(self, f):
super(ReceivingBatchView, self).configure_mobile_form(f)
batch = f.model_instance
# truck_dump
if not self.creating:
if not batch.truck_dump:
# department
if not self.creating:
if batch.truck_dump:
def configure_row_grid(self, g):
super(ReceivingBatchView, self).configure_row_grid(g)
g.set_label('department_name', "Department")
def configure_row_form(self, f):
super(ReceivingBatchView, self).configure_row_form(f)
def render_mobile_row_listitem(self, row, i):
key = self.render_product_key_value(row)
description = row.product.full_description if row.product else row.description
return "({}) {}".format(key, description)
def should_aggregate_products(self, batch):
Must return a boolean indicating whether rows should be aggregated by
product for the given batch.
return True
def quick_locate_rows(self, batch, entry):
rows = []
# try to locate rows by product uuid match before other key
product = self.Session.query(model.Product).get(entry)
if product:
rows = [row for row in batch.active_rows()
if row.product_uuid == product.uuid]
if rows:
return rows
key = self.rattail_config.product_key()
if key == 'upc':
# we prefer "exact" UPC matches, i.e. those which assumed the entry
# already contained the check digit.
provided = GPC(entry, calc_check_digit=False)
rows = [row for row in batch.active_rows()
if row.upc == provided]
if rows:
return rows
# if no "exact" UPC matches, we'll settle for those (UPC matches)
# which assume the entry lacked a check digit.
checked = GPC(entry, calc_check_digit='upc')
rows = [row for row in batch.active_rows()
if row.upc == checked]
return rows
elif key == 'item_id':
rows = [row for row in batch.active_rows()
if row.item_id == entry]
return rows
def save_quick_row_form(self, form):
batch = self.get_instance()
entry = form.validated['quick_row_entry']
# maybe try to locate existing row first
rows = self.quick_locate_rows(batch, entry)
if rows:
# if aggregating, just re-use matching row
prefer_existing = self.should_aggregate_products(batch)
if prefer_existing:
if len(rows) > 1:
log.warning("found multiple row matches for '%s' in batch %s: %s",
entry, batch.id_str, batch)
return rows[0]
else: # borrow product from matching row, but make new row
other_row = rows[0]
row = model.PurchaseBatchRow()
row.product = other_row.product
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
# try to locate product by uuid before other, more specific key
product = self.Session.query(model.Product).get(entry)
if product and not product.deleted:
row = model.PurchaseBatchRow()
row.product = product
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
key = self.rattail_config.product_key()
if key == 'upc':
# try to locate product by upc
provided = GPC(entry, calc_check_digit=False)
checked = GPC(entry, calc_check_digit='upc')
product = api.get_product_by_upc(self.Session(), provided)
if not product:
product = api.get_product_by_upc(self.Session(), checked)
if product:
row = model.PurchaseBatchRow()
row.product = product
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
# check for "bad" upc
if len(entry) > 14:
# product not in system, but presumably sane upc, so add to batch anyway
row = model.PurchaseBatchRow()
row.upc = provided # TODO: why not checked? how to know?
row.item_id = entry
row.description = "(unknown product)"
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
elif key == 'item_id':
# try to locate product by item_id
product = api.get_product_by_item_id(self.Session(), entry)
if product:
row = model.PurchaseBatchRow()
row.product = product
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
# check for "too long" item_id
if len(entry) > maxlen(model.PurchaseBatchRow.item_id):
# product not in system, but presumably sane item_id, so add to batch anyway
row = model.PurchaseBatchRow()
row.item_id = entry
row.description = "(unknown product)"
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
raise NotImplementedError("don't know how to handle product key: {}".format(key))
def redirect_after_quick_row(self, row, mobile=False):
if mobile:
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row, mobile=mobile))
return super(ReceivingBatchView, self).redirect_after_quick_row(row, mobile=mobile)
def mobile_view_row(self):
Mobile view for receiving batch row items. Note that this also handles
updating a row.
self.viewing = True
row = self.get_row_instance()
batch = row.batch
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
form = self.make_mobile_row_form(row)
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'parent_instance': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'product_image_url': pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc),
'form': form,
'allow_expired': self.handler.allow_expired_credits(),
'allow_cases': self.handler.allow_cases(),
if self.request.has_perm('{}.create_row'.format(permission_prefix)):
schema = MobileReceivingForm().bind(session=self.Session())
update_form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if update_form.validate(newstyle=True):
row = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatchRow).get(update_form.validated['row'])
mode = update_form.validated['mode']
cases = update_form.validated['cases']
units = update_form.validated['units']
# add values as-is to existing case/unit amounts. note
# that this can sometimes give us negative values! e.g. if
# user scans 1 CS and then subtracts 2 EA, then we would
# have 1 / -2 for our counts. but we consider that to be
# expected, and other logic must allow for the possibility
if cases:
setattr(row, 'cases_{}'.format(mode),
(getattr(row, 'cases_{}'.format(mode)) or 0) + cases)
if units:
setattr(row, 'units_{}'.format(mode),
(getattr(row, 'units_{}'.format(mode)) or 0) + units)
# if mode in ('damaged', 'expired', 'mispick'):
if mode in ('damaged', 'expired'):
self.attach_credit(row, mode, cases, units,
# discarded=update_form.data['trash'],
# mispick_product=shipped_product)
# first undo any totals previously in effect for the row, then refresh
if row.invoice_total:
batch.invoice_total -= row.invoice_total
# keep track of last-used uom, although we just track
# whether or not it was 'CS' since the unit_uom can vary
sticky_case = None
if not update_form.validated['quick_receive']:
if cases and not units:
sticky_case = True
elif units and not cases:
sticky_case = False
if sticky_case is not None:
self.request.session['tailbone.mobile.receiving.sticky_uom_is_case'] = sticky_case
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
# unit_uom can vary by product
context['unit_uom'] = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
# effective uom can vary in a few ways...the basic default is 'CS' if
# self.default_uom_is_case is true, otherwise whatever unit_uom is.
sticky_case = self.request.session.get('tailbone.mobile.receiving.sticky_uom_is_case')
if sticky_case is None:
context['uom'] = 'CS' if self.default_uom_is_case else context['unit_uom']
elif sticky_case:
context['uom'] = 'CS'
context['uom'] = context['unit_uom']
if context['uom'] == 'CS' and row.units_ordered and not row.cases_ordered:
context['uom'] = context['unit_uom']
if batch.order_quantities_known and not row.cases_ordered and not row.units_ordered:
self.request.session.flash("This item was NOT on the original purchase order.", 'receiving-warning')
return self.render_to_response('view_row', context, mobile=True)
def attach_credit(self, row, credit_type, cases, units, expiration_date=None, discarded=None, mispick_product=None):
batch = row.batch
credit = model.PurchaseBatchCredit()
credit.credit_type = credit_type
credit.store = batch.store
credit.vendor = batch.vendor
credit.date_ordered = batch.date_ordered
credit.date_shipped = batch.date_shipped
credit.date_received = batch.date_received
credit.invoice_number = batch.invoice_number
credit.invoice_date = batch.invoice_date
credit.product = row.product
credit.upc = row.upc
credit.vendor_item_code = row.vendor_code
credit.brand_name = row.brand_name
credit.description = row.description
credit.size = row.size
credit.department_number = row.department_number
credit.department_name = row.department_name
credit.case_quantity = row.case_quantity
credit.cases_shorted = cases
credit.units_shorted = units
credit.invoice_line_number = row.invoice_line_number
credit.invoice_case_cost = row.invoice_case_cost
credit.invoice_unit_cost = row.invoice_unit_cost
credit.invoice_total = row.invoice_total
# calculate credit total
# TODO: should this leverage case cost if present?
credit_units = self.handler.get_units(credit.cases_shorted,
credit.credit_total = credit_units * (credit.invoice_unit_cost or 0)
credit.product_discarded = discarded
if credit_type == 'expired':
credit.expiration_date = expiration_date
elif credit_type == 'mispick' and mispick_product:
credit.mispick_product = mispick_product
credit.mispick_upc = mispick_product.upc
if mispick_product.brand:
credit.mispick_brand_name = mispick_product.brand.name
credit.mispick_description = mispick_product.description
credit.mispick_size = mispick_product.size
return credit
def _receiving_defaults(cls, config):
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
if cls.allow_truck_dump:
config.add_route('{}.add_child_from_invoice'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{{}}}/add-child-from-invoice'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='add_child_from_invoice', route_name='{}.add_child_from_invoice'.format(route_prefix),
def defaults(cls, config):
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_vendor(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
vendor = session.query(model.Vendor).get(value)
if not vendor:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Vendor not found")
return vendor.uuid
return validate
class MobileNewReceivingBatch(colander.MappingSchema):
vendor = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
workflow = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
phase = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Int())
class MobileNewReceivingFromPO(colander.MappingSchema):
purchase = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_purchase_batch_row(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
row = session.query(model.PurchaseBatchRow).get(value)
if not row:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch row not found")
if row.batch.executed:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch has already been executed")
return row.uuid
return validate
class MobileReceivingForm(colander.MappingSchema):
row = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
mode = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
# 'mispick',
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=None)
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=None)
expiration_date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date(),
quick_receive = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Boolean())
def includeme(config):