Lance Edgar 6d7754cf2a Add back-end support for multi-column grid sorting
or very nearly, anyway.  front-end still just supports 1 column yet
2023-10-08 14:29:01 -05:00

417 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import pytz
import humanize
import logging
import markdown
from rattail.time import timezone, make_utc
from rattail.files import resource_path
import colander
from pyramid.renderers import get_renderer
from pyramid.interfaces import IRoutesMapper
from webhelpers2.html import HTML, tags
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SortColumn(object):
Generic representation of a sort column, for use with sorting grid
data as well as with API.
def __init__(self, field_name, model_name=None):
self.field_name = field_name
self.model_name = model_name
def get_csrf_token(request):
Convenience function to retrieve the effective CSRF token for the given
token = request.session.get_csrf_token()
if token is None:
token = request.session.new_csrf_token()
return token
def csrf_token(request, name='_csrf'):
Convenience function. Returns CSRF hidden tag inside hidden DIV.
token = get_csrf_token(request)
return HTML.tag("div", tags.hidden(name, value=token), style="display:none;")
def get_form_data(request):
Returns the effective form data for the given request. Mostly
this is a convenience, to return either POST or JSON depending on
the type of request.
# nb. we prefer JSON only if no POST is present
# TODO: this seems to work for our use case at least, but perhaps
# there is a better way? see also
# https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/api/request.html#pyramid.request.Request.is_xhr
if request.is_xhr and not request.POST:
return request.json_body
return request.POST
def get_global_search_options(request):
Returns global search options for current request. Basically a
list of all "index views" minus the ones they aren't allowed to
options = []
pages = sorted(request.registry.settings['tailbone_index_pages'],
key=lambda page: page['label'])
for page in pages:
if not page['permission'] or request.has_perm(page['permission']):
option = dict(page)
option['url'] = request.route_url(page['route'])
return options
def get_libver(request, key, fallback=True, default_only=False):
Return the appropriate URL for the library identified by ``key``.
config = request.rattail_config
if not default_only:
version = config.get('tailbone', 'libver.{}'.format(key))
if version:
return version
if not fallback and not default_only:
if key == 'buefy':
version = config.get('tailbone', 'buefy_version')
if version:
return version
elif key == 'buefy.css':
version = get_libver(request, 'buefy', fallback=False)
if version:
return version
elif key == 'vue':
version = config.get('tailbone', 'vue_version')
if version:
return version
if key == 'buefy':
if not default_only:
version = config.get('tailbone', 'buefy_version')
if version:
return version
return 'latest'
elif key == 'buefy.css':
version = get_libver(request, 'buefy', default_only=default_only)
if version:
return version
return 'latest'
elif key == 'vue':
if not default_only:
version = config.get('tailbone', 'vue_version')
if version:
return version
return '2.6.14'
elif key == 'vue_resource':
return 'latest'
elif key == 'fontawesome':
return '5.3.1'
def get_liburl(request, key, fallback=True):
Return the appropriate URL for the library identified by ``key``.
config = request.rattail_config
url = config.get('tailbone', 'liburl.{}'.format(key))
if url:
return url
if not fallback:
version = get_libver(request, key)
if key == 'buefy':
return 'https://unpkg.com/buefy@{}/dist/buefy.min.js'.format(version)
elif key == 'buefy.css':
return 'https://unpkg.com/buefy@{}/dist/buefy.min.css'.format(version)
elif key == 'vue':
return 'https://unpkg.com/vue@{}/dist/vue.min.js'.format(version)
elif key == 'vue_resource':
return 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-resource@{}'.format(version)
elif key == 'fontawesome':
return 'https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v{}/js/all.js'.format(version)
def pretty_datetime(config, value):
Formats a datetime as a "pretty" human-readable string, with a tooltip
showing the ISO string value.
:param config: Reference to a config object.
:param value: A ``datetime.datetime`` instance. Note that if this instance
is not timezone-aware, its timezone is assumed to be UTC.
if not value:
return ''
# Make sure we're dealing with a tz-aware value. If we're given a naive
# value, we assume it to be local to the UTC timezone.
if not value.tzinfo:
value = pytz.utc.localize(value)
# Calculate time diff using UTC.
time_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - make_utc(value)
# Convert value to local timezone.
local = timezone(config)
value = local.normalize(value.astimezone(local))
return HTML.tag('span',
title=value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z'),
def raw_datetime(config, value, verbose=False, as_date=False):
Formats a datetime as a "raw" human-readable string, with a tooltip
showing the more human-friendly "time since" equivalent.
:param config: Reference to a config object.
:param value: A ``datetime.datetime`` instance. Note that if this instance
is not timezone-aware, its timezone is assumed to be UTC.
if not value:
return ''
app = config.get_app()
# Make sure we're dealing with a tz-aware value. If we're given a naive
# value, we assume it to be local to the UTC timezone.
if not value.tzinfo:
value = pytz.utc.localize(value)
# Calculate time diff using UTC.
time_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - make_utc(value)
# Convert value to local timezone.
local = timezone(config)
value = local.normalize(value.astimezone(local))
kwargs = {}
# Avoid strftime error when year falls before epoch.
if value.year >= 1900:
if as_date:
kwargs['c'] = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
kwargs['c'] = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p')
kwargs['c'] = str(value)
time_diff = app.render_time_ago(time_ago, fallback=None)
if time_diff is not None:
# by "verbose" we mean the result text to look like "YYYY-MM-DD (X days ago)"
if verbose:
kwargs['c'] = "{} ({})".format(kwargs['c'], time_diff)
# vs. if *not* verbose, text is "YYYY-MM-DD" but we add "X days ago" as title
kwargs['title'] = time_diff
return HTML.tag('span', **kwargs)
def render_markdown(text, raw=False, **kwargs):
Render the given markdown text as HTML.
kwargs.setdefault('extensions', ['fenced_code', 'codehilite'])
md = markdown.markdown(text, **kwargs)
if raw:
return md
md = HTML.literal(md)
return HTML.tag('div', class_='rendered-markdown', c=[md])
def set_app_theme(request, theme, session=None):
Set the app theme. This modifies the *global* Mako template lookup
directory path, i.e. theme for all users will change immediately.
This also saves the setting for the new theme, and updates the running app
registry settings with the new theme.
theme = get_effective_theme(request.rattail_config, theme=theme, session=session)
theme_path = get_theme_template_path(request.rattail_config, theme=theme, session=session)
# there's only one global template lookup; can get to it via any renderer
# but should *not* use /base.mako since that one is about to get volatile
renderer = get_renderer('/menu.mako')
lookup = renderer.lookup
# overwrite first entry in lookup's directory list
lookup.directories[0] = theme_path
# clear template cache for lookup object, so it will reload each (as needed)
app = request.rattail_config.get_app()
close = False
if not session:
session = app.make_session()
close = True
app.save_setting(session, 'tailbone.theme', theme)
if close:
request.registry.settings['tailbone.theme'] = theme
def get_theme_template_path(rattail_config, theme=None, session=None):
Retrieves the template path for the given theme.
theme = get_effective_theme(rattail_config, theme=theme, session=session)
theme_path = rattail_config.get('tailbone', 'theme.{}'.format(theme),
return resource_path(theme_path)
def get_effective_theme(rattail_config, theme=None, session=None):
Validates and returns the "effective" theme. If you provide a theme, that
will be used; otherwise it is read from database setting.
app = rattail_config.get_app()
if not theme:
close = False
if not session:
session = app.make_session()
close = True
theme = app.get_setting(session, 'tailbone.theme') or 'default'
if close:
# confirm requested theme is available
available = rattail_config.getlist('tailbone', 'themes',
if theme not in available:
raise ValueError("theme not available: {}".format(theme))
return theme
def validate_email_address(address):
Perform basic validation on the given email address. This leverages the
``colander`` package for actual validation logic.
node = colander.SchemaNode(typ=colander.String)
validator = colander.Email()
validator(node, address)
return address
def email_address_is_valid(address):
Returns boolean indicating whether the address can validate.
except colander.Invalid:
return False
return True
def route_exists(request, route_name):
Checks for existence of the given route name, within the running app
config. Returns boolean indicating whether it exists.
reg = request.registry
mapper = reg.getUtility(IRoutesMapper)
route = mapper.get_route(route_name)
return bool(route)
def include_configured_views(pyramid_config):
Include arbitrary additional views based on DB settings.
rattail_config = pyramid_config.registry.settings.get('rattail_config')
app = rattail_config.get_app()
model = rattail_config.get_model()
session = app.make_session()
# fetch all include-related settings at once
settings = session.query(model.Setting)\
for setting in settings:
if setting.value:
log.warning("pyramid failed to include: %s", exc_info=True)