still could use even more i'm sure, but this takes advantage of buefy to add dialogs etc. from the "view receiving batch row" page. this batch no longer allows direct edit of rows but that's hopefully for the better.
18 lines
879 B
18 lines
879 B
## -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
<%inherit file="/master/edit.mako" />
<%def name="context_menu_items()">
<li>${h.link_to("Back to {}".format(parent_model_title), parent_url)}</li>
% if master.rows_viewable and request.has_perm('{}.view'.format(row_permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("View this {}".format(row_model_title), row_action_url('view', instance))}</li>
% endif
% if master.rows_deletable and instance_deletable and request.has_perm('{}.delete'.format(row_permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Delete this {}".format(row_model_title), row_action_url('delete', instance))}</li>
% endif
% if master.rows_creatable and request.has_perm('{}.create'.format(row_permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Create a new {}".format(row_model_title), url('{}.create_row'.format(route_prefix), uuid=row_parent.uuid))}</li>
% endif