2014-10-29 16:30:19 -05:00

471 lines
9.9 KiB

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Add monospace font for label printer format command.
* Refactor some label printing stuff, per rattail changes.
* Add support for ``Product.not_for_sale`` flag.
* Add explicit file encoding to all Mako templates.
* Add "active" filter to users view; enable it by default.
* Add customer phone autocomplete and customer "info" AJAX view.
* Allow editing ``User.active`` field.
* Add Person autocomplete view which restricts to employees only.
* Add product report codes to the UI.
* Add experimental soundex filter support to the Customers grid.
* Add event hook for attaching Rattail ``config`` to new requests.
* Fix vendor filter/sort issues in products grid.
* Add ``Family`` and ``Product.family`` to the general grid/crud UI.
* Add POD image support to product view page.
* Use global ``Session`` from rattail (again).
* Apply zope transaction to global Tailbone Session class.
* Fix customer lookup bug in customer detail view.
* Add ``SessionProgress`` class, and ``progress`` views.
* Removed reliance on global ``rattail.db.Session`` class.
* Changed ``UserFieldRenderer`` to leverage ``User.display_name``.
* Refactored model imports, etc.
This is in preparation for using database models only from ``rattail``
(i.e. no ``edbob``). Mostly the model and enum imports were affected.
* Removed references to ``edbob.enum``.
* Added forbidden view.
* Fixed bug with ``request.has_any_perm()``.
* Made ``SortableAlchemyGridView`` default to full (100%) width.
* Refactored ``AutocompleteFieldRenderer``.
Also improved some organization of renderers.
* Allow overriding form class/factory for CRUD views.
* Made ``EnumFieldRenderer`` a proper class.
* Don't sort values in ``EnumFieldRenderer``.
The dictionaries used to supply enumeration values should be ``OrderedDict``
instances if sorting is needed.
* Added ``Product.family`` to CRUD view.
* Fixed manifest (whoops).
* Added some autocomplete Javascript magic.
Not sure how this got missed the first time around.
* Added ``products.search`` route/view.
This is for simple AJAX uses.
* Fixed grid join map bug.
* Fixed change password template/form.
* Added ``forms.alchemy`` module and changed CRUD view to use it.
* Added progress template.
* Changed vendor filter in product search to find "any vendor".
I.e. the current filter is *not* restricted to the preferred vendor only.
Probably should still add one (back) for preferred only as well; hence the
commented code.
* Major overhaul for standalone operation.
This removes some of the ``edbob`` reliance, as well as borrowing some
templates and styling etc. from Dtail.
Stop using ``edbob.db.engine``, stop using all edbob templates, etc.
* Fix authorization policy bug.
This was really an edge case, but in any event the problem would occur when a
user was logged in, and then that user account was deleted.
* Added ``global_title()`` to base template.
* Made logo more easily customizable in login template.
* Rebranded to Tailbone.
* Added some tests.
* Added ``helpers`` module.
Also added a Pyramid subscriber hook to add the module to the template
renderer context with a key of ``h``. This is nothing really new, but it
overrides the helper provided by ``edbob``, and adds a ``pretty_date()``
function (which maybe isn't a good idea anyway..?).
* Added ``simpleform`` wildcard import to ``forms`` module.
* Added autocomplete view and template.
* Fixed customer group deletion.
Now any customer associations are dropped first, to avoid database integrity
* Stole grids and grid-based views from ``edbob``.
* Removed several references to ``edbob``.
* Replaced ``Grid.clickable`` with ``.viewable``.
Clickable grid rows seemed to be more irritating than useful. Now a view
icon is shown instead.
* Added style for grid checkbox cells.
* Fixed FormAlchemy table rendering when underlying session is not primary.
This was needed for a grid based on a LOC SMS session.
* Added grid sort arrow images.
* Improved query modification logic in alchemy grid views.
* Overhauled report views to allow easier template customization.
* Improved product UPC search so check digit is optional.
* Fixed import issue with ``views.reports`` module.
* Fixed bugs where edit links were appearing for unprivileged users.
* Added support for product codes.
These are shown when viewing a product, and may be used to locate a product
via search filters.
* Removed ``setup.cfg`` file.
* Added ``Session`` to ``rattail.pyramid`` namespace.
* Added Email Address field to Vendor CRUD views.
* Added extra key lookups for customer and product routes.
Now the CRUD routes for these objects can leverage UUIDs of various related
objects in addition to the primary object. More should be done with this,
but at least we have a start.
* Replaced ``forms`` module with subpackage; added some initial goodies (many
of which are currently just imports from ``edbob``).
* Added/edited various CRUD templates for consistency.
* Modified several view modules so their Pyramid configuration is more
"extensible." This just means routes and views are defined as two separate
steps, so that derived applications may inherit the route definitions if they
so choose.
* Added Employee CRUD views; added Email Address field to index view.
* Updated ``people`` view module so it no longer derives from that of
* Added support for, and some implementations of, extra key lookup abilities to
CRUD views. This allows URLs to use a "natural" key (e.g. Customer ID
instead of UUID), for cases where that is more helpful.
* Product CRUD now uses autocomplete for Brand field. Also, price fields no
longer appear within an editable fieldset.
* Within Store index view, default sort is now ID instead of Name.
* Added Contact and Phone Number fields to Vendor CRUD views; added Contact and
Email Address fields to index view.
- [feature] Added CRUD view and template.
- [feature] Added ``AutocompleteView``.
- [feature] Added Person autocomplete view and User CRUD views.
- [feature] Added ``id`` and ``status`` fields to Employee grid view.
- [feature] Sorted the Ordering Worksheet by product brand, description.
- [feature] Made batch creation and execution threads aware of
`sys.excepthook`. Updated both instances to use `rattail.threads.Thread`
instead of `threading.Thread`. This way if an exception occurs within the
thread, the registered handler will be invoked.
- [bug] Label profile editing now uses stripping field renderer to avoid
problems with leading/trailing whitespace.
- [feature] Added Inventory Worksheet report.
- [feature] Added Brand and Size fields to the Ordering Worksheet. Also
tweaked the template styles slightly, and added the ability to override the
template via config.
- [feature] Added "preferred only" option to Ordering Worksheet.
- [bug] Fixed bug where requesting deletion of non-existent batch row was
redirecting to a non-existent route.
- [bug] Fixed batch grid and CRUD views so that the execution time shows a
pretty (and local) display instead of 24-hour UTC time.
- [feature] Added some more CRUD. Mostly this was for departments,
subdepartments, brands and products. This was rather ad-hoc and still is
probably far from complete.
- [general] Changed main batch route.
- [bug] Fixed label profile templates so they properly handle a missing or
invalid printer spec.
- [bug] Fixed bug which prevented UPC search from working on products screen.
- [general] Fixed namespace packages, per ``setuptools`` documentation.
- [feature] Added support for ``LabelProfile.visible``. This field may now be
edited, and it is honored when displaying the list of available profiles to
be used for printing from the products page.
- [bug] Fixed bug where non-numeric data entered in the UPC search field on the
products page was raising an error.
- [bug] Fixed product label printing to handle any uncaught exception, and
report the error message to the end user.
- [general] Updated category views and templates. These were sorely out of
- Add brands autocomplete view.
- Add departments autocomplete view.
- Add ID filter to vendors grid.
- Tweak batch progress indicators.
- Add "Executed" column, filter to batch grid.
- Add ability to restrict batch providers via config.
- Add Vendor CRUD.
- Add Brand views.
- Added support for GPC data type.
- Added eager import of ``rattail.sil`` in ``before_render`` hook.
- Removed ``rattail.pyramid.util`` module.
- Added initial batch support: views, templates, creation from Product grid.
- Added support for ``rattail.LabelProfile`` class.
- Improved Product grid to include filter/sort on Vendor.
- Cleaned up dependencies.
- Added ``rattail.pyramid.includeme()``.
- Added ``CustomerGroup`` CRUD view (read only).
- Added hot links to ``Customer`` CRUD view.
- Added ``Store`` index, CRUD views.
- Updated ``rattail.pyramid.views.includeme()``.
- Added ``email_preference`` to ``Customer`` CRUD.
- Update grid and CRUD views per changes in ``edbob``.
- Add price field renderers.
- Add/tweak lots of views for database models.
- Add label printing to product list view.
- Add (some of) ``Product`` CRUD.
- Refactor category views.
- Initial port to Rattail v0.3.