Temporarily removes support for viewing current user's time sheet; that will be added back in soon.
808 lines
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808 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2016 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Model Master View
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import re
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
from edbob.util import prettify
import formalchemy
from pyramid import httpexceptions
from pyramid.renderers import get_renderer, render_to_response
from tailbone import forms
from tailbone.views import View
from tailbone.newgrids import filters, AlchemyGrid, GridAction
class MasterView(View):
Base "master" view class. All model master views should derive from this.
filterable = True
pageable = True
checkboxes = False
creatable = True
viewable = True
editable = True
deletable = True
listing = False
creating = False
viewing = False
editing = False
deleting = False
row_attrs = {}
cell_attrs = {}
grid_index = None
use_index_links = False
def Session(self):
SQLAlchemy scoped session to use when querying the database. Defaults
to ``tailbone.db.Session``.
from tailbone.db import Session
return Session
# Available Views
def index(self):
View to list/filter/sort the model data.
If this view receives a non-empty 'partial' parameter in the query
string, then the view will return the renderered grid only. Otherwise
returns the full page.
self.listing = True
grid = self.make_grid()
# If user just refreshed the page with a reset instruction, issue a
# redirect in order to clear out the query string.
if self.request.GET.get('reset-to-default-filters') == 'true':
return self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url(_query=None))
# Stash some grid stats, for possible use when generating URLs.
if grid.pageable and grid.pager:
self.first_visible_grid_index = grid.pager.first_item
# Return grid only, if partial page was requested.
if self.request.params.get('partial'):
self.request.response.content_type = b'text/html'
self.request.response.text = grid.render_grid()
return self.request.response
return self.render_to_response('index', {'grid': grid})
def create(self):
View for creating a new model record.
self.creating = True
form = self.make_form(self.get_model_class())
if self.request.method == 'POST':
if form.validate():
instance = form.fieldset.model
self.request.session.flash("{} has been created: {}".format(
self.get_model_title(), self.get_instance_title(instance)))
return self.redirect_after_create(instance)
return self.render_to_response('create', {'form': form})
def save_create_form(self, form):
def redirect_after_create(self, instance):
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', instance))
def view(self, instance=None):
View for viewing details of an existing model record.
self.viewing = True
if instance is None:
instance = self.get_instance()
form = self.make_form(instance)
return self.render_to_response('view', {
'instance': instance,
'instance_title': self.get_instance_title(instance),
'instance_editable': self.editable_instance(instance),
'instance_deletable': self.deletable_instance(instance),
'form': form})
def view_index(self):
View a record according to its grid index.
index = int(self.request.GET['index'])
except KeyError, ValueError:
return self.redirect(self.get_index_url())
if index < 1:
return self.redirect(self.get_index_url())
data = self.get_effective_data()
instance = data[index-1]
except IndexError:
return self.redirect(self.get_index_url())
self.grid_index = index
if hasattr(data, 'count'):
self.grid_count = data.count()
self.grid_count = len(data)
return self.view(instance)
def edit(self):
View for editing an existing model record.
self.editing = True
instance = self.get_instance()
form = self.make_form(instance)
if self.request.method == 'POST':
if form.validate():
self.request.session.flash("{} has been updated: {}".format(
self.get_model_title(), self.get_instance_title(instance)))
return self.redirect_after_edit(instance)
return self.render_to_response('edit', {
'instance': instance,
'instance_title': self.get_instance_title(instance),
'instance_deletable': self.deletable_instance(instance),
'form': form})
def save_edit_form(self, form):
def redirect_after_edit(self, instance):
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', instance))
def delete(self):
View for deleting an existing model record.
if not self.deletable:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden()
self.deleting = True
instance = self.get_instance()
instance_title = self.get_instance_title(instance)
if not self.deletable_instance(instance):
self.request.session.flash("Deletion is not permitted for {}: {}".format(
self.get_model_title(), instance_title))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', instance))
form = self.make_form(instance)
# TODO: Add better validation, ideally CSRF etc.
if self.request.method == 'POST':
# Let derived classes prep for (or cancel) deletion.
result = self.before_delete(instance)
if isinstance(result, httpexceptions.HTTPException):
return result
self.request.session.flash("{} has been deleted: {}".format(
self.get_model_title(), instance_title))
return self.redirect(self.get_after_delete_url(instance))
form.readonly = True
return self.render_to_response('delete', {
'instance': instance,
'instance_title': instance_title,
'form': form})
# Core Stuff
def get_model_class(cls, error=True):
Returns the data model class for which the master view exists.
if not hasattr(cls, 'model_class') and error:
raise NotImplementedError("You must define the `model_class` for: {}".format(cls))
return getattr(cls, 'model_class', None)
def get_normalized_model_name(cls):
Returns the "normalized" name for the view's model class. This will be
the value of the :attr:`normalized_model_name` attribute if defined;
otherwise it will be a simple lower-cased version of the associated
model class name.
if hasattr(cls, 'normalized_model_name'):
return cls.normalized_model_name
return cls.get_model_class().__name__.lower()
def get_model_key(cls):
Return a string name for the primary key of the model class.
if hasattr(cls, 'model_key'):
return cls.model_key
mapper = orm.class_mapper(cls.get_model_class())
return ','.join([k.key for k in mapper.primary_key])
def get_model_title(cls):
Return a "humanized" version of the model name, for display in templates.
if hasattr(cls, 'model_title'):
return cls.model_title
title = cls.get_model_class().__name__
# convert "CamelCase" to "Camel Case"
return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\g<1> \g<2>', title)
def get_model_title_plural(cls):
Return a "humanized" (and plural) version of the model name, for
display in templates.
return getattr(cls, 'model_title_plural', '{0}s'.format(cls.get_model_title()))
def get_route_prefix(cls):
Returns a prefix which (by default) applies to all routes provided by
the master view class. This is the plural, lower-cased name of the
model class by default, e.g. 'products'.
model_name = cls.get_normalized_model_name()
return getattr(cls, 'route_prefix', '{0}s'.format(model_name))
def get_url_prefix(cls):
Returns a prefix which (by default) applies to all URLs provided by the
master view class. By default this is the route prefix, preceded by a
slash, e.g. '/products'.
return getattr(cls, 'url_prefix', '/{0}'.format(cls.get_route_prefix()))
def get_template_prefix(cls):
Returns a prefix which (by default) applies to all templates required by
the master view class. This uses the URL prefix by default.
return getattr(cls, 'template_prefix', cls.get_url_prefix())
def get_permission_prefix(cls):
Returns a prefix which (by default) applies to all permissions leveraged by
the master view class. This uses the route prefix by default.
return getattr(cls, 'permission_prefix', cls.get_route_prefix())
def get_index_url(self):
Returns the master view's index URL.
return self.request.route_url(self.get_route_prefix())
def get_index_title(cls):
Returns the title for the index page.
return getattr(cls, 'index_title', cls.get_model_title_plural())
def get_action_url(self, action, instance):
Generate a URL for the given action on the given instance.
return self.request.route_url('{0}.{1}'.format(self.get_route_prefix(), action),
def render_to_response(self, template, data):
Return a response with the given template rendered with the given data.
Note that ``template`` must only be a "key" (e.g. 'index' or 'view').
First an attempt will be made to render using the :attr:`template_prefix`.
If that doesn't work, another attempt will be made using '/master' as
the template prefix.
context = {
'master': self,
'model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'model_title_plural': self.get_model_title_plural(),
'route_prefix': self.get_route_prefix(),
'permission_prefix': self.get_permission_prefix(),
'index_title': self.get_index_title(),
'index_url': self.get_index_url(),
'action_url': self.get_action_url,
'grid_index': self.grid_index,
if self.grid_index:
context['grid_count'] = self.grid_count
if hasattr(self, 'template_kwargs_{}'.format(template)):
context.update(getattr(self, 'template_kwargs_{}'.format(template))(**context))
# First try the template path most specific to the view.
return render_to_response('{}/{}.mako'.format(self.get_template_prefix(), template),
context, request=self.request)
except IOError:
# Failing that, try one or more fallback templates.
for fallback in self.get_fallback_templates(template):
return render_to_response(fallback, context, request=self.request)
except IOError:
# If we made it all the way here, we found no templates at all, in
# which case re-attempt the first and let that error raise on up.
return render_to_response('{}/{}.mako'.format(self.get_template_prefix(), template),
context, request=self.request)
def get_fallback_templates(self, template):
return ['/master/{}.mako'.format(template)]
def template_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
Supplement the template context, for all views.
return kwargs
# Grid Stuff
def get_grid_factory(cls):
Returns the grid factory or class which is to be used when creating new
grid instances.
return getattr(cls, 'grid_factory', AlchemyGrid)
def get_grid_key(cls):
Returns the unique key to be used for the grid, for caching sort/filter
options etc.
return getattr(cls, 'grid_key', '{0}s'.format(cls.get_normalized_model_name()))
def make_grid_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
Return a dictionary of kwargs to be passed to the factory when creating
new grid instances.
defaults = {
'width': 'full',
'filterable': self.filterable,
'sortable': True,
'default_sortkey': getattr(self, 'default_sortkey', None),
'sortdir': getattr(self, 'sortdir', 'asc'),
'pageable': self.pageable,
'checkboxes': self.checkboxes,
'checked': self.checked,
'row_attrs': self.get_row_attrs,
'cell_attrs': self.get_cell_attrs,
'model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'model_title_plural': self.get_model_title_plural(),
'permission_prefix': self.get_permission_prefix(),
'route_prefix': self.get_route_prefix(),
if 'main_actions' not in kwargs and 'more_actions' not in kwargs:
main, more = self.get_grid_actions()
defaults['main_actions'] = main
defaults['more_actions'] = more
return defaults
def get_grid_actions(self):
return self.get_main_actions(), self.get_more_actions()
def get_row_attrs(self, row, i):
Returns a dict of HTML attributes which is to be applied to the row's
``<tr>`` element. Note that ``i`` will be a 1-based index value for
the row within its table. The meaning of ``row`` is basically not
defined; it depends on the type of data the grid deals with.
if callable(self.row_attrs):
return self.row_attrs(row, i)
return self.row_attrs
def get_cell_attrs(self, row, column):
Returns a dictionary of HTML attributes which should be applied to the
``<td>`` element in which the given row and column "intersect".
if callable(self.cell_attrs):
return self.cell_attrs(row, column)
return self.cell_attrs
def get_main_actions(self):
Return a list of 'main' actions for the grid.
actions = []
prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
if self.viewable and self.request.has_perm('{}.view'.format(prefix)):
url = self.get_view_index_url if self.use_index_links else None
actions.append(self.make_action('view', icon='zoomin', url=url))
return actions
def get_view_index_url(self, row, i):
route = '{}.view_index'.format(self.get_route_prefix())
return '{}?index={}'.format(self.request.route_url(route), self.first_visible_grid_index + i - 1)
def get_more_actions(self):
Return a list of 'more' actions for the grid.
actions = []
prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
if self.editable and self.request.has_perm('{}.edit'.format(prefix)):
actions.append(self.make_action('edit', icon='pencil'))
if self.deletable and self.request.has_perm('{}.delete'.format(prefix)):
actions.append(self.make_action('delete', icon='trash', url=self.default_delete_url))
return actions
def default_delete_url(self, row, i=None):
if self.deletable_instance(row):
return self.request.route_url('{}.delete'.format(self.get_route_prefix()),
def make_action(self, key, url=None, **kwargs):
Make a new :class:`GridAction` instance for the current grid.
if url is None:
route = '{}.{}'.format(self.get_route_prefix(), key)
url = lambda r, i: self.request.route_url(route, **self.get_action_route_kwargs(r))
return GridAction(key, url=url, **kwargs)
def get_action_route_kwargs(self, row):
Hopefully generic kwarg generator for basic action routes.
mapper = orm.object_mapper(row)
except orm.exc.UnmappedInstanceError:
return {self.model_key: row[self.model_key]}
keys = [k.key for k in mapper.primary_key]
values = [getattr(row, k) for k in keys]
return dict(zip(keys, values))
def make_grid(self, **kwargs):
Make and return a new (configured) grid instance.
factory = self.get_grid_factory()
key = self.get_grid_key()
data = self.get_data(session=kwargs.get('session'))
kwargs = self.make_grid_kwargs(**kwargs)
grid = factory(key, self.request, data=data, model_class=self.get_model_class(error=False), **kwargs)
return grid
def _preconfigure_grid(self, grid):
def configure_grid(self, grid):
Configure the grid, customizing as necessary. Subclasses are
encouraged to override this method.
As a bare minimum, the logic for this method must at some point invoke
the ``configure()`` method on the grid instance. The default
implementation does exactly (and only) this, passing no arguments.
This requirement is a result of using FormAlchemy under the hood, and
it is in fact a call to :meth:`formalchemy:formalchemy.tables.Grid.configure()`.
if hasattr(grid, 'configure'):
def get_data(self, session=None):
Generate the base data set for the grid. This typically will be a
SQLAlchemy query against the view's model class, but subclasses may
override this to support arbitrary data sets.
Note that if your view is typical and uses a SA model, you should not
override this methid, but override :meth:`query()` instead.
if session is None:
session = self.Session()
return self.query(session)
def query(self, session):
Produce the initial/base query for the master grid. By default this is
simply a query against the model class, but you may override as
necessary to apply any sort of pre-filtering etc. This is useful if
say, you don't ever want to show records of a certain type to non-admin
users. You would modify the base query to hide what you wanted,
regardless of the user's filter selections.
return session.query(self.get_model_class())
def get_effective_data(self, session=None):
Convenience method which returns the "effective" data for the master
grid, filtered and sorted to match what would show on the UI, but not
paged etc.
if session is None:
session = self.Session()
grid = self.make_grid(session=session, pageable=False,
main_actions=[], more_actions=[])
return grid._fa_grid.rows
def get_effective_query(self, session):
return self.get_effective_data(session)
def checkbox(self, instance):
Returns a boolean indicating whether ot not a checkbox should be
rendererd for the given row. Default implementation returns ``True``
in all cases.
return True
def checked(self, instance):
Returns a boolean indicating whether ot not a checkbox should be
checked by default, for the given row. Default implementation returns
``False`` in all cases.
return False
# CRUD Stuff
def get_instance(self):
Fetch the current model instance by inspecting the route kwargs and
doing a database lookup. If the instance cannot be found, raises 404.
key = self.request.matchdict[self.get_model_key()]
instance = self.Session.query(self.get_model_class()).get(key)
if not instance:
raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
return instance
def get_instance_title(self, instance):
Return a "pretty" title for the instance, to be used in the page title etc.
return unicode(instance)
def make_form(self, instance, **kwargs):
Make a FormAlchemy-based form for use with CRUD views.
# TODO: Some hacky stuff here, to accommodate old form cruft. Probably
# should refactor forms soon too, but trying to avoid it for the moment.
kwargs.setdefault('creating', self.creating)
kwargs.setdefault('editing', self.editing)
fieldset = self.make_fieldset(instance)
kwargs.setdefault('action_url', self.request.current_route_url(_query=None))
if self.creating:
kwargs.setdefault('cancel_url', self.get_index_url())
kwargs.setdefault('cancel_url', self.get_action_url('view', instance))
factory = kwargs.pop('factory', forms.AlchemyForm)
form = factory(self.request, fieldset, **kwargs)
form.readonly = self.viewing
return form
def save_form(self, form):
def make_fieldset(self, instance, **kwargs):
Make a FormAlchemy fieldset for the given model instance.
kwargs.setdefault('session', self.Session())
kwargs.setdefault('request', self.request)
fieldset = formalchemy.FieldSet(instance, **kwargs)
fieldset.prettify = prettify
return fieldset
def _preconfigure_fieldset(self, fieldset):
def configure_fieldset(self, fieldset):
Configure the given fieldset.
def _postconfigure_fieldset(self, fieldset):
def before_create(self, form):
Event hook, called just after the form to create a new instance has
been validated, but prior to the form itself being saved.
def after_create(self, instance):
Event hook, called just after a new instance is saved.
def editable_instance(self, instance):
Returns boolean indicating whether or not the given instance can be
considered "editable". Returns ``True`` by default; override as
return True
def after_edit(self, instance):
Event hook, called just after an existing instance is saved.
def deletable_instance(self, instance):
Returns boolean indicating whether or not the given instance can be
considered "deletable". Returns ``True`` by default; override as
return True
def before_delete(self, instance):
Event hook, called just before deletion is attempted.
def delete_instance(self, instance):
Delete the instance, or mark it as deleted, or whatever you need to do.
# Flush immediately to force any pending integrity errors etc.; that
# way we don't set flash message until we know we have success.
def get_after_delete_url(self, instance):
Returns the URL to which the user should be redirected after
successfully "deleting" the given instance.
if hasattr(self, 'after_delete_url'):
if callable(self.after_delete_url):
return self.after_delete_url(instance)
return self.after_delete_url
return self.get_index_url()
# Config Stuff
def defaults(cls, config):
Provide default configuration for a master view.
def _defaults(cls, config):
Provide default configuration for a master view.
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
model_title = cls.get_model_title()
model_title_plural = cls.get_model_title_plural()
config.add_tailbone_permission_group(permission_prefix, model_title_plural, overwrite=False)
# list/search
config.add_route(route_prefix, '{0}/'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='index', route_name=route_prefix,
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.list'.format(permission_prefix),
"List/Search {0}".format(model_title_plural))
# create
if cls.creatable:
config.add_route('{0}.create'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/new'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='create', route_name='{0}.create'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.create'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {0}".format(model_title))
# view
if cls.viewable:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.view'.format(permission_prefix),
"View {} details".format(model_title))
# view by grid index
config.add_route('{}.view_index'.format(route_prefix), '{}/view'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='view_index', route_name='{}.view_index'.format(route_prefix),
# view by record key
config.add_route('{}.view'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{{}}}'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='view', route_name='{}.view'.format(route_prefix),
# edit
if cls.editable:
config.add_route('{0}.edit'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/{{{1}}}/edit'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='edit', route_name='{0}.edit'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.edit'.format(permission_prefix),
"Edit {0}".format(model_title))
# delete
if cls.deletable:
config.add_route('{0}.delete'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/{{{1}}}/delete'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='delete', route_name='{0}.delete'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.delete'.format(permission_prefix),
"Delete {0}".format(model_title))