
2025 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2024 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Views for 'receiving' (purchasing) batches
import os
import decimal
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
# import humanize
from rattail import pod
from rattail.util import simple_error
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from wuttaweb.util import get_form_data
from tailbone import forms
from tailbone.views.purchasing import PurchasingBatchView
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# 'mispick',
# 'mispick',
class ReceivingBatchView(PurchasingBatchView):
Master view for receiving batches
route_prefix = 'receiving'
url_prefix = '/receiving'
model_title = "Receiving Batch"
model_title_plural = "Receiving Batches"
index_title = "Receiving"
downloadable = True
bulk_deletable = True
configurable = True
config_title = "Receiving"
default_help_url = 'https://rattailproject.org/docs/rattail-manual/features/purchasing/receiving/index.html'
rows_editable = False
rows_editable_but_not_directly = True
default_uom_is_case = True
labels = {
'truck_dump_batch': "Truck Dump Parent",
'invoice_parser_key': "Invoice Parser",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
'batch_type', # TODO: ideally would get rid of this one
row_grid_columns = [
row_form_fields = [
# convenience list of all quantity attributes involved for a truck dump claim
claim_keys = [
def batch_mode(self):
def configure_grid(self, g):
if not self.handler.allow_truck_dump_receiving():
def get_supported_vendors(self):
""" """
vendor_handler = self.app.get_vendor_handler()
vendors = {}
for parser in self.batch_handler.get_supported_invoice_parsers():
if parser.vendor_key:
vendor = vendor_handler.get_vendor(self.Session(),
if vendor:
vendors[vendor.uuid] = vendor
vendors = sorted(vendors.values(), key=lambda v: v.name)
return vendors
def row_deletable(self, row):
# first run it through the normal logic, if that doesn't like
# it then we won't either
if not super().row_deletable(row):
return False
# otherwise let handler decide
return self.batch_handler.is_row_deletable(row)
def get_instance_title(self, batch):
title = super().get_instance_title(batch)
if batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
title = "{} (TRUCK DUMP PARENT)".format(title)
elif batch.is_truck_dump_child():
title = "{} (TRUCK DUMP CHILD)".format(title)
return title
def configure_form(self, f):
model = self.model
batch = f.model_instance
allow_truck_dump = self.batch_handler.allow_truck_dump_receiving()
workflow = self.request.matchdict.get('workflow_key')
route_prefix = self.get_route_prefix()
# tweak some things if we are in "step 2" of creating new batch
if self.creating and workflow:
# display vendor but do not allow changing
vendor = self.Session.get(model.Vendor,
assert vendor
f.set_default('vendor_uuid', str(vendor))
# cancel should take us back to choosing a workflow
f.cancel_url = self.request.route_url('{}.create'.format(route_prefix))
# TODO: remove this
# batch_type
if self.creating:
f.set_widget('batch_type', dfwidget.HiddenWidget())
f.set_default('batch_type', workflow)
# truck_dump*
if allow_truck_dump:
# truck_dump
if self.creating or not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
# truck_dump_children_first
if self.creating or not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
# truck_dump_children
if self.viewing and batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_children', self.render_truck_dump_children)
# truck_dump_ready
if self.creating or not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
# truck_dump_status
if self.creating or not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
f.set_enum('truck_dump_status', model.PurchaseBatch.STATUS)
# truck_dump_batch
if self.creating:
f.replace('truck_dump_batch', 'truck_dump_batch_uuid')
batches = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatch)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.mode == self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE_RECEIVING)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.truck_dump == True)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.complete == True)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.executed == None)\
batch_values = [(b.uuid, "({}) {}, {}".format(b.id_str, b.date_received, b.vendor))
for b in batches]
batch_values.insert(0, ('', "(please choose)"))
f.set_widget('truck_dump_batch_uuid', forms.widgets.JQuerySelectWidget(values=batch_values))
f.set_label('truck_dump_batch_uuid', "Truck Dump Parent")
elif batch.is_truck_dump_child():
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_batch', self.render_truck_dump_batch)
# truck_dump_vendor
if self.creating:
f.set_label('truck_dump_vendor', "Vendor")
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_vendor', self.render_truck_dump_vendor)
# store
if self.creating:
store = self.rattail_config.get_store(self.Session())
f.set_default('store_uuid', store.uuid)
# TODO: seems like set_hidden() should also set HiddenWidget
f.set_widget('store_uuid', dfwidget.HiddenWidget())
# purchase
field = self.batch_handler.get_purchase_order_fieldname()
if field == 'purchase':
field = 'purchase_uuid'
# TODO: workflow "invoice_with_po" is for costing mode, should rename?
if self.creating and workflow in (
'from_po', 'from_po_with_invoice', 'invoice_with_po'):
f.replace('purchase', field)
purchases = self.batch_handler.get_eligible_purchases(
vendor, self.batch_mode)
values = [(self.batch_handler.get_eligible_purchase_key(p),
for p in purchases]
f.set_widget(field, dfwidget.SelectWidget(values=values))
if field == 'purchase_uuid':
f.set_label(field, "Purchase Order")
elif self.creating:
else: # not creating
if field != 'purchase_uuid':
f.replace('purchase', field)
f.set_renderer(field, self.render_purchase)
# department
if self.creating:
# order_quantities_known
if not self.editing:
# multiple invoice files (if applicable)
if (not self.creating
and batch.get_param('workflow') == 'from_multi_invoice'):
if 'invoice_files' not in f:
f.insert_before('invoice_file', 'invoice_files')
f.set_renderer('invoice_files', self.render_invoice_files)
f.set_readonly('invoice_files', True)
# invoice totals
f.set_label('invoice_total', "Invoice Total (Orig.)")
f.set_label('invoice_total_calculated', "Invoice Total (Calc.)")
if self.creating:
# hide all invoice fields if batch does not have invoice file
if not self.creating and not self.batch_handler.has_invoice_file(batch):
# receiving_complete
if self.creating:
# now that all fields are setup, some final tweaks based on workflow
if self.creating and workflow:
if workflow == 'from_scratch':
elif workflow == 'from_invoice':
elif workflow == 'from_multi_invoice':
if 'invoice_files' not in f:
f.insert_before('invoice_file', 'invoice_files')
f.set_type('invoice_files', 'multi_file', validate_unique=True)
elif workflow == 'from_po':
elif workflow == 'from_po_with_invoice':
elif workflow == 'truck_dump_children_first':
elif workflow == 'truck_dump_children_last':
def render_invoice_files(self, batch, field):
datadir = self.batch_handler.datadir(batch)
items = []
for filename in batch.get_param('invoice_files', []):
path = os.path.join(datadir, filename)
url = self.get_action_url('download', batch,
_query={'filename': filename})
link = self.render_file_field(path, url)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[link]))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def get_visible_params(self, batch):
params = super().get_visible_params(batch)
# remove this since we show it separately
params.pop('invoice_files', None)
return params
def template_kwargs_create(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super().template_kwargs_create(**kwargs)
model = self.model
if self.handler.allow_truck_dump_receiving():
vmap = {}
batches = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatch)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.mode == self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE_RECEIVING)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.truck_dump == True)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.complete == True)
for batch in batches:
vmap[batch.uuid] = batch.vendor_uuid
kwargs['batch_vendor_map'] = vmap
return kwargs
def get_batch_kwargs(self, batch, **kwargs):
kwargs = super().get_batch_kwargs(batch, **kwargs)
# must pull vendor from URL if it was not in form data
if 'vendor_uuid' not in kwargs and 'vendor' not in kwargs:
if 'vendor_uuid' in self.request.matchdict:
kwargs['vendor_uuid'] = self.request.matchdict['vendor_uuid']
workflow = kwargs['workflow']
if workflow == 'from_scratch':
kwargs.pop('truck_dump_batch', None)
kwargs.pop('truck_dump_batch_uuid', None)
elif workflow == 'from_invoice':
elif workflow == 'from_multi_invoice':
elif workflow == 'from_po':
# TODO: how to best handle this field? this doesn't seem flexible
kwargs['purchase_key'] = batch.purchase_uuid
elif workflow == 'from_po_with_invoice':
# TODO: how to best handle this field? this doesn't seem flexible
kwargs['purchase_key'] = batch.purchase_uuid
elif workflow == 'truck_dump_children_first':
kwargs['truck_dump'] = True
kwargs['truck_dump_children_first'] = True
kwargs['order_quantities_known'] = True
# TODO: this makes sense in some cases, but all?
# (should just omit that field when not relevant)
kwargs['date_ordered'] = None
elif workflow == 'truck_dump_children_last':
kwargs['truck_dump'] = True
kwargs['truck_dump_ready'] = True
# TODO: this makes sense in some cases, but all?
# (should just omit that field when not relevant)
kwargs['date_ordered'] = None
elif workflow.startswith('truck_dump_child'):
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
kwargs['store'] = truck_dump.store
kwargs['vendor'] = truck_dump.vendor
kwargs['truck_dump_batch'] = truck_dump
raise NotImplementedError
return kwargs
def make_po_vs_invoice_breakdown(self, batch):
Returns a simple breakdown as list of 2-tuples, each of which
has the display title as first member, and number of rows as
second member.
grouped = {}
labels = OrderedDict([
('both', "Found in both PO and Invoice"),
('po_not_invoice', "Found in PO but not Invoice"),
('invoice_not_po', "Found in Invoice but not PO"),
('neither', "Not found in PO nor Invoice"),
for row in batch.active_rows():
if row.po_line_number and not row.invoice_line_number:
grouped.setdefault('po_not_invoice', []).append(row)
elif row.invoice_line_number and not row.po_line_number:
grouped.setdefault('invoice_not_po', []).append(row)
elif row.po_line_number and row.invoice_line_number:
grouped.setdefault('both', []).append(row)
grouped.setdefault('neither', []).append(row)
breakdown = []
for key, label in labels.items():
if key in grouped:
'key': key,
'title': label,
'count': len(grouped[key]),
return breakdown
def allow_edit_catalog_unit_cost(self, batch):
# batch must not yet be frozen
if batch.executed or batch.complete:
return False
# user must have edit_row perm
if not self.has_perm('edit_row'):
return False
# config must allow this generally
if not self.batch_handler.allow_receiving_edit_catalog_unit_cost():
return False
return True
def allow_edit_invoice_unit_cost(self, batch):
# batch must not yet be frozen
if batch.executed or batch.complete:
return False
# user must have edit_row perm
if not self.has_perm('edit_row'):
return False
# config must allow this generally
if not self.batch_handler.allow_receiving_edit_invoice_unit_cost():
return False
return True
def template_kwargs_view(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super().template_kwargs_view(**kwargs)
batch = kwargs['instance']
if self.handler.has_purchase_order(batch) and self.handler.has_invoice_file(batch):
breakdown = self.make_po_vs_invoice_breakdown(batch)
factory = self.get_grid_factory()
g = factory(self.request,
columns=['title', 'count'])
g.set_click_handler('title', "autoFilterPoVsInvoice(props.row)")
kwargs['po_vs_invoice_breakdown_data'] = breakdown
kwargs['po_vs_invoice_breakdown_grid'] = HTML.literal(
kwargs['allow_edit_catalog_unit_cost'] = self.allow_edit_catalog_unit_cost(batch)
kwargs['allow_edit_invoice_unit_cost'] = self.allow_edit_invoice_unit_cost(batch)
if (kwargs['allow_edit_catalog_unit_cost']
and kwargs['allow_edit_invoice_unit_cost']
and not batch.get_param('confirmed_all_costs')):
kwargs['allow_confirm_all_costs'] = True
kwargs['allow_confirm_all_costs'] = False
return kwargs
def get_context_credits(self, row):
app = self.get_rattail_app()
credits_data = []
for credit in row.credits:
'uuid': credit.uuid,
'credit_type': credit.credit_type,
'expiration_date': str(credit.expiration_date) if credit.expiration_date else None,
'cases_shorted': app.render_quantity(credit.cases_shorted),
'units_shorted': app.render_quantity(credit.units_shorted),
'shorted': app.render_cases_units(credit.cases_shorted,
'credit_total': app.render_currency(credit.credit_total),
'mispick_upc': '-',
'mispick_brand_name': '-',
'mispick_description': '-',
'mispick_size': '-',
return credits_data
def template_kwargs_view_row(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super().template_kwargs_view_row(**kwargs)
app = self.get_rattail_app()
products_handler = app.get_products_handler()
row = kwargs['instance']
kwargs['allow_cases'] = self.batch_handler.allow_cases()
if row.product:
kwargs['image_url'] = products_handler.get_image_url(row.product)
elif row.upc:
kwargs['image_url'] = products_handler.get_image_url(upc=row.upc)
kwargs['row_context'] = self.get_context_row(row)
if not self.batch_handler.allow_expired_credits():
if 'expired' in modes:
if 'expired' in types:
kwargs['possible_receiving_modes'] = modes
kwargs['possible_credit_types'] = types
return kwargs
def department_for_purchase(self, purchase):
def delete_instance(self, batch):
Delete all data (files etc.) for the batch.
truck_dump = batch.truck_dump_batch
if batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
for child in batch.truck_dump_children:
if truck_dump:
def render_truck_dump_batch(self, batch, field):
truck_dump = batch.truck_dump_batch
if not truck_dump:
return ""
text = "({}) {}".format(truck_dump.id_str, truck_dump.description or '')
url = self.request.route_url('receiving.view', uuid=truck_dump.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def render_truck_dump_vendor(self, batch, field):
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
vendor = truck_dump.vendor
text = "({}) {}".format(vendor.id, vendor.name)
url = self.request.route_url('vendors.view', uuid=vendor.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
def render_truck_dump_children(self, batch, field):
contents = []
children = batch.truck_dump_children
if children:
items = []
for child in children:
text = "({}) {}".format(child.id_str, child.description or '')
url = self.request.route_url('receiving.view', uuid=child.uuid)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
contents.append(HTML.tag('ul', c=items))
if not batch.executed and (batch.complete or batch.truck_dump_children_first):
buttons = self.make_truck_dump_child_buttons(batch)
if buttons:
buttons = HTML.literal(' ').join(buttons)
contents.append(HTML.tag('div', class_='buttons', c=[buttons]))
if not contents:
return ""
return HTML.tag('div', c=contents)
def make_truck_dump_child_buttons(self, batch):
return [
tags.link_to("Add from Invoice File", self.get_action_url('add_child_from_invoice', batch), class_='button autodisable'),
def add_child_from_invoice(self):
View for adding a child batch to a truck dump, from invoice file.
batch = self.get_instance()
if not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
self.request.session.flash("Batch is not a truck dump: {}".format(batch))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
if batch.executed:
self.request.session.flash("Batch has already been executed: {}".format(batch))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
if not batch.complete and not batch.truck_dump_children_first:
self.request.session.flash("Batch is not marked as complete: {}".format(batch))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
self.creating = True
form = self.make_child_from_invoice_form(self.get_model_class())
return self.create(form=form)
def make_child_from_invoice_form(self, instance, **kwargs):
Creates a new form for the given model class/instance
kwargs['configure'] = self.configure_child_from_invoice_form
return self.make_form(instance=instance, **kwargs)
def configure_child_from_invoice_form(self, f):
assert self.creating
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
# cancel should go back to truck dump parent
f.cancel_url = self.get_action_url('view', truck_dump)
# batch_type
f.set_widget('batch_type', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
f.set_default('batch_type', 'truck_dump_child_from_invoice')
f.set_hidden('batch_type', False)
# truck_dump_batch_uuid
f.set_renderer('truck_dump_parent', self.render_truck_dump_parent)
# invoice_parser_key
def render_truck_dump_parent(self, batch, field):
truck_dump = self.get_instance()
text = str(truck_dump)
url = self.request.route_url('receiving.view', uuid=truck_dump.uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
# TODO: is this actually used? wait to see if something breaks..
# @staticmethod
# @colander.deferred
# def validate_purchase(node, kw):
# session = kw['session']
# def validate(node, value):
# purchase = session.get(model.Purchase, value)
# if not purchase:
# raise colander.Invalid(node, "Purchase not found")
# return purchase.uuid
# return validate
def assign_purchase_order(self, batch, po_form):
Assign the original purchase order to the given batch. Default
behavior assumes a Rattail Purchase object is what we're after.
field = self.batch_handler.get_purchase_order_fieldname()
purchase = self.handler.assign_purchase_order(
batch, po_form.validated[field],
department = self.department_for_purchase(purchase)
if department:
batch.department_uuid = department.uuid
def configure_row_grid(self, g):
model = self.model
batch = self.get_instance()
# vendor_code
g.filters['vendor_code'].default_active = True
g.filters['vendor_code'].default_verb = 'contains'
# catalog_unit_cost
g.set_renderer('catalog_unit_cost', self.render_simple_unit_cost)
if self.allow_edit_catalog_unit_cost(batch):
g.set_raw_renderer('catalog_unit_cost', self.render_catalog_unit_cost)
# invoice_unit_cost
g.set_renderer('invoice_unit_cost', self.render_simple_unit_cost)
if self.allow_edit_invoice_unit_cost(batch):
g.set_raw_renderer('invoice_unit_cost', self.render_invoice_unit_cost)
show_ordered = self.rattail_config.getbool(
'rattail.batch', 'purchase.receiving.show_ordered_column_in_grid',
if not show_ordered:
show_shipped = self.rattail_config.getbool(
'rattail.batch', 'purchase.receiving.show_shipped_column_in_grid',
if not show_shipped:
# hide 'ordered' columns for truck dump parent, if its "children first"
# flag is set, since that batch type is only concerned with receiving
if batch.is_truck_dump_parent() and not batch.truck_dump_children_first:
# add "Transform to Unit" action, if appropriate
if batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
if self.request.has_perm('{}.edit_row'.format(permission_prefix)):
transform = self.make_action('transform',
label="Transform to Unit",
if g.actions and g.actions[-1].key == 'delete':
delete = g.actions.pop()
# truck_dump_status
if not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
g.set_enum('truck_dump_status', model.PurchaseBatchRow.STATUS)
def render_simple_unit_cost(self, row, field):
value = getattr(row, field)
if value is None:
# TODO: if anyone ever wants to see "raw" costs displayed,
# should make this configurable, b/c some folks already wanted
# the shorter 2-decimal display
#return str(value)
app = self.get_rattail_app()
return app.render_currency(value)
def render_catalog_unit_cost(self):
return HTML.tag('receiving-cost-editor', **{
'field': 'catalog_unit_cost',
'v-model': 'props.row.catalog_unit_cost',
':ref': "'catalogUnitCost_' + props.row.uuid",
':row': 'props.row',
'@input': 'catalogCostConfirmed',
def render_invoice_unit_cost(self):
return HTML.tag('receiving-cost-editor', **{
'field': 'invoice_unit_cost',
'v-model': 'props.row.invoice_unit_cost',
':ref': "'invoiceUnitCost_' + props.row.uuid",
':row': 'props.row',
'@input': 'invoiceCostConfirmed',
def row_grid_extra_class(self, row, i):
css_class = super().row_grid_extra_class(row, i)
if row.catalog_cost_confirmed:
css_class = '{} catalog_cost_confirmed'.format(css_class or '')
if row.invoice_cost_confirmed:
css_class = '{} invoice_cost_confirmed'.format(css_class or '')
return css_class
def get_row_instance_title(self, row):
if row.product:
return str(row.product)
if row.upc:
return row.upc.pretty()
return super().get_row_instance_title(row)
def transform_unit_url(self, row, i):
# grid action is shown only when we return a URL here
if self.row_editable(row):
if row.batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
if row.product and row.product.is_pack_item():
return self.get_row_action_url('transform_unit', row)
def make_row_credits_grid(self, row):
# first make grid like normal
g = super().make_row_credits_grid(row)
if (self.has_perm('edit_row')
and self.row_editable(row)):
# add the Un-Declare action
'remove', label="Un-Declare",
url='#', icon='trash',
return g
def vuejs_convert_quantity(self, cstruct):
result = dict(cstruct)
if result['cases'] is colander.null:
result['cases'] = None
elif isinstance(result['cases'], decimal.Decimal):
result['cases'] = float(result['cases'])
if result['units'] is colander.null:
result['units'] = None
elif isinstance(result['units'], decimal.Decimal):
result['units'] = float(result['units'])
return result
def receive_row(self, **kwargs):
Primary desktop view for row-level receiving.
app = self.get_rattail_app()
# TODO: this code was largely copied from mobile_receive_row() but it
# tries to pave the way for shared logic, i.e. where the latter would
# simply invoke this method and return the result. however we're not
# there yet...for now it's only tested for desktop
self.viewing = True
row = self.get_row_instance()
# don't even bother showing this page if that's all the
# request was about
if self.request.method == 'GET':
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row))
# make sure edit is allowed
if not (self.has_perm('edit_row') and self.row_editable(row)):
raise self.forbidden()
# check for JSON POST, which is submitted via AJAX from
# the "view row" page
if self.request.method == 'POST' and not self.request.POST:
data = self.request.json_body
kwargs = dict(data)
# TODO: for some reason quantities can come through as strings?
cases = kwargs['quantity']['cases']
if cases is not None:
if cases == '':
cases = None
cases = decimal.Decimal(cases)
kwargs['cases'] = cases
units = kwargs['quantity']['units']
if units is not None:
if units == '':
units = None
units = decimal.Decimal(units)
kwargs['units'] = units
del kwargs['quantity']
# handler takes care of the receiving logic for us
self.batch_handler.receive_row(row, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
return self.json_response({'error': str(error)})
return self.json_response({
'ok': True,
'row': self.get_context_row(row)})
batch = row.batch
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
possible_modes = [
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'parent_instance': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'product_image_url': self.get_row_image_url(row),
'allow_expired': self.handler.allow_expired_credits(),
'allow_cases': self.handler.allow_cases(),
'quick_receive': False,
'quick_receive_all': False,
schema = ReceiveRowForm().bind(session=self.Session())
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
form.cancel_url = self.get_row_action_url('view', row)
# mode
mode_values = [(mode, mode) for mode in possible_modes]
mode_widget = dfwidget.SelectWidget(values=mode_values)
form.set_widget('mode', mode_widget)
# quantity
form.set_widget('quantity', forms.widgets.CasesUnitsWidget(amount_required=True,
form.set_vuejs_field_converter('quantity', self.vuejs_convert_quantity)
# expiration_date
form.set_type('expiration_date', 'date_jquery')
# TODO: what is this one about again?
if form.validate():
# handler takes care of the row receiving logic for us
kwargs = dict(form.validated)
kwargs['cases'] = kwargs['quantity']['cases']
kwargs['units'] = kwargs['quantity']['units']
del kwargs['quantity']
self.handler.receive_row(row, **kwargs)
# keep track of last-used uom, although we just track
# whether or not it was 'CS' since the unit_uom can vary
# TODO: should this be done for desktop too somehow?
sticky_case = None
# if mobile and not form.validated['quick_receive']:
# cases = form.validated['cases']
# units = form.validated['units']
# if cases and not units:
# sticky_case = True
# elif units and not cases:
# sticky_case = False
if sticky_case is not None:
self.request.session['tailbone.mobile.receiving.sticky_uom_is_case'] = sticky_case
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row))
# unit_uom can vary by product
context['unit_uom'] = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
if context['quick_receive'] and context['quick_receive_all']:
if context['allow_cases']:
context['quick_receive_uom'] = 'CS'
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add CS support for quick_receive_all")
context['quick_receive_uom'] = context['unit_uom']
accounted_for = self.handler.get_units_accounted_for(row)
remainder = self.handler.get_units_ordered(row) - accounted_for
if accounted_for:
# some product accounted for; button should receive "remainder" only
if remainder:
remainder = app.render_quantity(remainder)
context['quick_receive_quantity'] = remainder
context['quick_receive_text'] = "Receive Remainder ({} {})".format(remainder, context['unit_uom'])
# unless there is no remainder, in which case disable it
context['quick_receive'] = False
else: # nothing yet accounted for, button should receive "all"
if not remainder:
raise ValueError("why is remainder empty?")
remainder = app.render_quantity(remainder)
context['quick_receive_quantity'] = remainder
context['quick_receive_text'] = "Receive ALL ({} {})".format(remainder, context['unit_uom'])
# effective uom can vary in a few ways...the basic default is 'CS' if
# self.default_uom_is_case is true, otherwise whatever unit_uom is.
sticky_case = None
# if mobile:
# # TODO: should do this for desktop also, but rename the session variable
# sticky_case = self.request.session.get('tailbone.mobile.receiving.sticky_uom_is_case')
if sticky_case is None:
context['uom'] = 'CS' if self.default_uom_is_case else context['unit_uom']
elif sticky_case:
context['uom'] = 'CS'
context['uom'] = context['unit_uom']
if context['uom'] == 'CS' and row.units_ordered and not row.cases_ordered:
context['uom'] = context['unit_uom']
# # TODO: should do this for desktop in addition to mobile?
# if mobile and batch.order_quantities_known and not row.cases_ordered and not row.units_ordered:
# warn = True
# if batch.is_truck_dump_parent() and row.product:
# uuids = [child.uuid for child in batch.truck_dump_children]
# if uuids:
# count = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatchRow)\
# .filter(model.PurchaseBatchRow.batch_uuid.in_(uuids))\
# .filter(model.PurchaseBatchRow.product == row.product)\
# .count()
# if count:
# warn = False
# if warn:
# self.request.session.flash("This item was NOT on the original purchase order.", 'receiving-warning')
# # TODO: should do this for desktop in addition to mobile?
# if mobile:
# # maybe alert user if they've already received some of this product
# alert_received = self.rattail_config.getbool('tailbone', 'receiving.alert_already_received',
# default=False)
# if alert_received:
# if self.handler.get_units_confirmed(row):
# msg = "You have already received some of this product; last update was {}.".format(
# humanize.naturaltime(make_utc() - row.modified))
# self.request.session.flash(msg, 'receiving-warning')
context['form'] = form
context['dform'] = form.make_deform_form()
context['parent_url'] = self.get_action_url('view', batch)
context['parent_title'] = self.get_instance_title(batch)
return self.render_to_response('receive_row', context)
def declare_credit(self):
View for declaring a credit, i.e. converting some "received" or similar
quantity, to a credit of some sort.
row = self.get_row_instance()
# don't even bother showing this page if that's all the
# request was about
if self.request.method == 'GET':
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row))
# make sure edit is allowed
if not (self.has_perm('edit_row') and self.row_editable(row)):
raise self.forbidden()
# check for JSON POST, which is submitted via AJAX from
# the "view row" page
if self.request.method == 'POST' and not self.request.POST:
data = self.request.json_body
kwargs = dict(data)
# TODO: for some reason quantities can come through as strings?
if kwargs['cases'] is not None:
if kwargs['cases'] == '':
kwargs['cases'] = None
kwargs['cases'] = decimal.Decimal(kwargs['cases'])
if kwargs['units'] is not None:
if kwargs['units'] == '':
kwargs['units'] = None
kwargs['units'] = decimal.Decimal(kwargs['units'])
result = self.handler.can_declare_credit(row, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
return self.json_response({'error': str(error)})
if result:
self.handler.declare_credit(row, **kwargs)
return self.json_response({
'error': "Handler says you can't declare that credit; "
"not sure why"})
return self.json_response({
'ok': True,
'row': self.get_context_row(row)})
batch = row.batch
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'parent_instance': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'product_image_url': self.get_row_image_url(row),
'allow_expired': self.handler.allow_expired_credits(),
'allow_cases': self.handler.allow_cases(),
schema = DeclareCreditForm()
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
form.cancel_url = self.get_row_action_url('view', row)
# credit_type
values = [(m, m) for m in POSSIBLE_CREDIT_TYPES]
widget = dfwidget.SelectWidget(values=values)
form.set_widget('credit_type', widget)
# quantity
form.set_widget('quantity', forms.widgets.CasesUnitsWidget(
amount_required=True, one_amount_only=True))
form.set_vuejs_field_converter('quantity', self.vuejs_convert_quantity)
# expiration_date
form.set_type('expiration_date', 'date_jquery')
if form.validate():
# handler takes care of the row receiving logic for us
kwargs = dict(form.validated)
kwargs['cases'] = kwargs['quantity']['cases']
kwargs['units'] = kwargs['quantity']['units']
del kwargs['quantity']
result = self.handler.can_declare_credit(row, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
self.request.session.flash("Handler says you can't declare that credit: {}".format(error), 'error')
if result:
self.handler.declare_credit(row, **kwargs)
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row))
self.request.session.flash("Handler says you can't declare that credit; not sure why", 'error')
context['form'] = form
context['dform'] = form.make_deform_form()
context['parent_url'] = self.get_action_url('view', batch)
context['parent_title'] = self.get_instance_title(batch)
return self.render_to_response('declare_credit', context)
def undeclare_credit(self):
View for un-declaring a credit, i.e. moving the credit amounts
back into the "received" tally.
model = self.model
row = self.get_row_instance()
data = self.request.json_body
# make sure edit is allowed
if not (self.has_perm('edit_row') and self.row_editable(row)):
raise self.forbidden()
# figure out which credit to un-declare
credit = None
uuid = data.get('uuid')
if uuid:
credit = self.Session.get(model.PurchaseBatchCredit, uuid)
if not credit:
return {'error': "Credit not found"}
# un-declare it
self.batch_handler.undeclare_credit(row, credit)
return {'ok': True,
'row': self.get_context_row(row)}
def get_context_row(self, row):
app = self.get_rattail_app()
return {
'sequence': row.sequence,
'case_quantity': float(row.case_quantity) if row.case_quantity is not None else None,
'ordered': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'ordered'),
'shipped': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'shipped'),
'received': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'received'),
'cases_received': float(row.cases_received) if row.cases_received is not None else None,
'units_received': float(row.units_received) if row.units_received is not None else None,
'damaged': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'damaged'),
'expired': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'expired'),
'mispick': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'mispick'),
'missing': self.render_row_quantity(row, 'missing'),
'credits': self.get_context_credits(row),
'invoice_total_calculated': app.render_currency(row.invoice_total_calculated),
'status': row.STATUS[row.status_code],
def transform_unit_row(self):
View which transforms the given row, which is assumed to associate with
a "pack" item, such that it instead associates with the "unit" item,
with quantities adjusted accordingly.
model = self.model
batch = self.get_instance()
row_uuid = self.request.params.get('row_uuid')
row = self.Session.get(model.PurchaseBatchRow, row_uuid) if row_uuid else None
if row and row.batch is batch and not row.removed:
pass # we're good
if self.request.method == 'POST':
raise self.notfound()
return {'error': "Row not found."}
def normalize(product):
data = {
'upc': product.upc,
'item_id': product.item_id,
'description': product.description,
'size': product.size,
'case_quantity': None,
'cases_received': row.cases_received,
cost = product.cost_for_vendor(batch.vendor)
if cost:
data['case_quantity'] = cost.case_size
return data
if self.request.method == 'POST':
self.request.session.flash("Transformed pack to unit item for: {}".format(row.product))
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
pack_data = normalize(row.product)
pack_data['units_received'] = row.units_received
unit_data = normalize(row.product.unit)
unit_data['units_received'] = None
if row.units_received:
unit_data['units_received'] = row.units_received * row.product.pack_size
diff = self.make_diff(pack_data, unit_data, monospace=True)
return self.render_to_response('transform_unit_row', {
'batch': batch,
'row': row,
'diff': diff,
def configure_row_form(self, f):
model = self.model
batch = self.get_instance()
# when viewing a row which has no product reference, enable
# the 'upc' field to help with troubleshooting
# TODO: this maybe should be optional..?
if self.viewing and 'upc' not in f:
row = self.get_row_instance()
if not row.product:
# allow input for certain fields only; all others are readonly
mutable = [
for name in f.fields:
if name not in mutable:
# invoice totals
f.set_label('invoice_total', "Invoice Total (Orig.)")
f.set_label('invoice_total_calculated', "Invoice Total (Calc.)")
# claims
if batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
f.set_renderer('claims', self.render_parent_row_claims)
f.set_helptext('claims', "Parent row is claimed by these child rows.")
elif batch.is_truck_dump_child():
f.set_renderer('claims', self.render_child_row_claims)
f.set_helptext('claims', "Child row makes claims against these parent rows.")
# truck_dump_status
if self.creating or not batch.is_truck_dump_parent():
f.set_enum('truck_dump_status', model.PurchaseBatchRow.STATUS)
# misc. labels
f.set_label('vendor_code', "Vendor Item Code")
def render_parent_row_claims(self, row, field):
items = []
for claim in row.claims:
child_row = claim.claiming_row
child_batch = child_row.batch
text = child_batch.id_str
if child_batch.description:
text = "{} ({})".format(text, child_batch.description)
text = "{}, row {}".format(text, child_row.sequence)
url = self.get_row_action_url('view', child_row)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def render_child_row_claims(self, row, field):
items = []
for claim in row.truck_dump_claims:
parent_row = claim.claimed_row
parent_batch = parent_row.batch
text = parent_batch.id_str
if parent_batch.description:
text = "{} ({})".format(text, parent_batch.description)
text = "{}, row {}".format(text, parent_row.sequence)
url = self.get_row_action_url('view', parent_row)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def validate_row_form(self, form):
# if normal validation fails, stop there
if not super().validate_row_form(form):
return False
# if user is editing row from truck dump child, then we must further
# validate the form to ensure whatever new amounts they've requested
# would in fact fall within the bounds of what is available from the
# truck dump parent batch...
if self.editing:
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.is_truck_dump_child():
old_row = self.get_row_instance()
case_quantity = old_row.case_quantity
# get all "existing" (old) claim amounts
old_claims = {}
for claim in old_row.truck_dump_claims:
for key in self.claim_keys:
amount = getattr(claim, key)
if amount is not None:
old_claims[key] = old_claims.get(key, 0) + amount
# get all "proposed" (new) claim amounts
new_claims = {}
for key in self.claim_keys:
amount = form.validated[key]
if amount is not colander.null and amount is not None:
# do not allow user to request a negative claim amount
if amount < 0:
self.request.session.flash("Cannot claim a negative amount for: {}".format(key), 'error')
return False
new_claims[key] = amount
# figure out what changes are actually being requested
claim_diff = {}
for key in new_claims:
if key not in old_claims:
claim_diff[key] = new_claims[key]
elif new_claims[key] != old_claims[key]:
claim_diff[key] = new_claims[key] - old_claims[key]
# do not allow user to request a negative claim amount
if claim_diff[key] < (0 - old_claims[key]):
self.request.session.flash("Cannot claim a negative amount for: {}".format(key), 'error')
return False
for key in old_claims:
if key not in new_claims:
claim_diff[key] = 0 - old_claims[key]
# find all rows from truck dump parent which "may" pertain to child row
# TODO: perhaps would need to do a more "loose" match on UPC also?
if not old_row.product_uuid:
raise NotImplementedError("Don't (yet) know how to handle edit for row with no product")
parent_rows = [row for row in batch.truck_dump_batch.active_rows()
if row.product_uuid == old_row.product_uuid]
# NOTE: "confirmed" are the proper amounts which exist in the
# parent batch. "claimed" are the amounts claimed by this row.
# get existing "confirmed" and "claimed" amounts for all
# (possibly related) truck dump parent rows
confirmed = {}
claimed = {}
for parent_row in parent_rows:
for key in self.claim_keys:
amount = getattr(parent_row, key)
if amount is not None:
confirmed[key] = confirmed.get(key, 0) + amount
for claim in parent_row.claims:
for key in self.claim_keys:
amount = getattr(claim, key)
if amount is not None:
claimed[key] = claimed.get(key, 0) + amount
# now to see if user's request is possible, given what is
# available...
# first we must (pretend to) "relinquish" any claims which are
# to be reduced or eliminated, according to our diff
for key, amount in claim_diff.items():
if amount < 0:
amount = abs(amount) # make positive, for more readable math
if key not in claimed or claimed[key] < amount:
self.request.session.flash("Cannot relinquish more claims than the "
"parent batch has to offer.", 'error')
return False
claimed[key] -= amount
# next we must determine if any "new" requests would increase
# the claim(s) beyond what is available
for key, amount in claim_diff.items():
if amount > 0:
claimed[key] = claimed.get(key, 0) + amount
if key not in confirmed or confirmed[key] < claimed[key]:
self.request.session.flash("Cannot request to claim more product than "
"is available in Truck Dump Parent batch", 'error')
return False
# looks like the claim diff is all good, so let's attach that
# to the form now and then pick this up again in save()
form._claim_diff = claim_diff
# all validation went ok
return True
def save_edit_row_form(self, form):
model = self.model
batch = self.get_instance()
row = self.objectify(form)
# editing a row for truck dump child batch can be complicated...
if batch.is_truck_dump_child():
# grab the claim diff which we attached to the form during validation
claim_diff = form._claim_diff
# first we must "relinquish" any claims which are to be reduced or
# eliminated, according to our diff
for key, amount in claim_diff.items():
if amount < 0:
amount = abs(amount) # make positive, for more readable math
# we'd prefer to find an exact match, i.e. there was a 1CS
# claim and our diff said to reduce by 1CS
matches = [claim for claim in row.truck_dump_claims
if getattr(claim, key) == amount]
if matches:
claim = matches[0]
setattr(claim, key, None)
# but if no exact match(es) then we'll just whittle
# away at whatever (smallest) claims we do find
possible = [claim for claim in row.truck_dump_claims
if getattr(claim, key) is not None]
for claim in sorted(possible, key=lambda claim: getattr(claim, key)):
previous = getattr(claim, key)
if previous:
if previous >= amount:
if (previous - amount):
setattr(claim, key, previous - amount)
setattr(claim, key, None)
amount = 0
setattr(claim, key, None)
amount -= previous
if amount:
raise NotImplementedError("Had leftover amount when \"relinquishing\" claim(s)")
# next we must stake all new claim(s) as requested, per our diff
for key, amount in claim_diff.items():
if amount > 0:
# if possible, we'd prefer to add to an existing claim
# which already has an amount for this key
existing = [claim for claim in row.truck_dump_claims
if getattr(claim, key) is not None]
if existing:
claim = existing[0]
setattr(claim, key, getattr(claim, key) + amount)
# next we'd prefer to add to an existing claim, of any kind
elif row.truck_dump_claims:
claim = row.truck_dump_claims[0]
setattr(claim, key, (getattr(claim, key) or 0) + amount)
# otherwise we must create a new claim...
# find all rows from truck dump parent which "may" pertain to child row
# TODO: perhaps would need to do a more "loose" match on UPC also?
if not row.product_uuid:
raise NotImplementedError("Don't (yet) know how to handle edit for row with no product")
parent_rows = [parent_row for parent_row in batch.truck_dump_batch.active_rows()
if parent_row.product_uuid == row.product_uuid]
# remove any parent rows which are fully claimed
# TODO: should perhaps leverage actual amounts for this, instead
parent_rows = [parent_row for parent_row in parent_rows
if parent_row.status_code != parent_row.STATUS_TRUCKDUMP_CLAIMED]
# try to find a parent row which is exact match on claim amount
matches = [parent_row for parent_row in parent_rows
if getattr(parent_row, key) == amount]
if matches:
# make the claim against first matching parent row
claim = model.PurchaseBatchRowClaim()
claim.claimed_row = parent_rows[0]
setattr(claim, key, amount)
# but if no exact match(es) then we'll just whittle
# away at whatever (smallest) parent rows we do find
for parent_row in sorted(parent_rows, lambda prow: getattr(prow, key)):
available = getattr(parent_row, key) - sum([getattr(claim, key) for claim in parent_row.claims])
if available:
if available >= amount:
# make claim against this parent row, making it fully claimed
claim = model.PurchaseBatchRowClaim()
claim.claimed_row = parent_row
setattr(claim, key, amount)
amount = 0
# make partial claim against this parent row
claim = model.PurchaseBatchRowClaim()
claim.claimed_row = parent_row
setattr(claim, key, available)
amount -= available
if amount:
raise NotImplementedError("Had leftover amount when \"staking\" claim(s)")
# now we must be sure to refresh all truck dump parent batch rows
# which were affected. but along with that we also should purge
# any empty claims, i.e. those which were fully relinquished
pending_refresh = set()
for claim in list(row.truck_dump_claims):
parent_row = claim.claimed_row
if claim.is_empty():
for parent_row in pending_refresh:
return row
def redirect_after_edit_row(self, row, **kwargs):
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row))
def update_row_cost(self):
AJAX view for updating various cost fields in a data row.
app = self.get_rattail_app()
model = self.model
batch = self.get_instance()
data = dict(get_form_data(self.request))
# validate row
uuid = data.get('row_uuid')
row = self.Session.get(model.PurchaseBatchRow, uuid) if uuid else None
if not row or row.batch is not batch:
return {'error': "Row not found"}
# validate/normalize cost value(s)
for field in ('catalog_unit_cost', 'invoice_unit_cost'):
if field in data:
cost = data[field]
if cost == '':
return {'error': "You must specify a cost"}
cost = decimal.Decimal(str(cost))
except decimal.InvalidOperation:
return {'error': "Cost is not valid!"}
data[field] = cost
# okay, update our row
self.handler.update_row_cost(row, **data)
return {
'row': {
'catalog_unit_cost': self.render_simple_unit_cost(row, 'catalog_unit_cost'),
'catalog_cost_confirmed': row.catalog_cost_confirmed,
'invoice_unit_cost': self.render_simple_unit_cost(row, 'invoice_unit_cost'),
'invoice_cost_confirmed': row.invoice_cost_confirmed,
'invoice_total_calculated': app.render_currency(row.invoice_total_calculated),
'batch': {
'invoice_total_calculated': app.render_currency(batch.invoice_total_calculated),
def save_quick_row_form(self, form):
batch = self.get_instance()
entry = form.validated['quick_entry']
row = self.handler.quick_entry(self.Session(), batch, entry)
return row
def get_row_image_url(self, row):
if self.rattail_config.getbool('rattail.batch', 'purchase.mobile_images', default=True):
return pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc)
def can_auto_receive(self, batch):
return self.handler.can_auto_receive(batch)
def auto_receive(self):
View which can "auto-receive" all items in the batch.
batch = self.get_instance()
return self.handler_action(batch, 'auto_receive')
def confirm_all_costs(self):
View which can "confirm all costs" for the batch.
batch = self.get_instance()
return self.handler_action(batch, 'confirm_all_receiving_costs')
def confirm_all_receiving_costs_thread(self, uuid, user_uuid, progress=None):
app = self.get_rattail_app()
model = self.model
session = app.make_session()
batch = session.get(model.PurchaseBatch, uuid)
# user = session.query(model.User).get(user_uuid)
self.handler.confirm_all_receiving_costs(batch, progress=progress)
# if anything goes wrong, rollback and log the error etc.
except Exception as error:
log.exception("failed to confirm all costs for batch: %s", batch)
if progress:
progress.session['error'] = True
progress.session['error_msg'] = f"Failed to confirm costs: {simple_error(error)}"
success_url = self.get_action_url('view', batch)
if progress:
progress.session['complete'] = True
progress.session['success_url'] = success_url
def configure_get_simple_settings(self):
config = self.rattail_config
return [
# workflows
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_receiving_from_scratch',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_receiving_from_invoice',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_receiving_from_multi_invoice',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_receiving_from_purchase_order',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_receiving_from_purchase_order_with_invoice',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_truck_dump_receiving',
'type': bool},
# vendors
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_receiving_any_vendor',
'type': bool},
# TODO: deprecated; can remove this once all live config
# is updated. but for now it remains so this setting is
# auto-deleted
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.supported_vendors_only',
'type': bool},
# display
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.receiving.show_ordered_column_in_grid',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.receiving.show_shipped_column_in_grid',
'type': bool},
# product handling
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_cases',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_decimal_quantities',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.allow_expired_credits',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.receiving.should_autofix_invoice_case_vs_unit',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.receiving.allow_edit_catalog_unit_cost',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.receiving.allow_edit_invoice_unit_cost',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.receiving.auto_missing_credits',
'type': bool},
# mobile interface
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.mobile_images',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.mobile_quick_receive',
'type': bool},
{'section': 'rattail.batch',
'option': 'purchase.mobile_quick_receive_all',
'type': bool},
def defaults(cls, config):
def _receiving_defaults(cls, config):
rattail_config = config.registry.settings.get('rattail_config')
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
instance_url_prefix = cls.get_instance_url_prefix()
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
model_title = cls.get_model_title()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
# row-level receiving
config.add_route('{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix), '{}/rows/{{row_uuid}}/receive'.format(instance_url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='receive_row', route_name='{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix),
# declare credit for row
config.add_route('{}.declare_credit'.format(route_prefix), '{}/rows/{{row_uuid}}/declare-credit'.format(instance_url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='declare_credit', route_name='{}.declare_credit'.format(route_prefix),
# un-declare credit
config.add_view(cls, attr='undeclare_credit',
# update row cost
config.add_route('{}.update_row_cost'.format(route_prefix), '{}/update-row-cost'.format(instance_url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='update_row_cost', route_name='{}.update_row_cost'.format(route_prefix),
# add TD child batch, from invoice file
config.add_route('{}.add_child_from_invoice'.format(route_prefix), '{}/add-child-from-invoice'.format(instance_url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='add_child_from_invoice', route_name='{}.add_child_from_invoice'.format(route_prefix),
# transform TD parent row from "pack" to "unit" item
config.add_route('{}.transform_unit_row'.format(route_prefix), '{}/transform-unit'.format(instance_url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='transform_unit_row', route_name='{}.transform_unit_row'.format(route_prefix),
permission='{}.edit_row'.format(permission_prefix), renderer='json')
# confirm all costs
config.add_view(cls, attr='confirm_all_costs',
# auto-receive all items
"Auto-receive all items for a {}".format(model_title))
config.add_route('{}.auto_receive'.format(route_prefix), '{}/auto-receive'.format(instance_url_prefix),
config.add_view(cls, attr='auto_receive', route_name='{}.auto_receive'.format(route_prefix),
class ReceiveRowForm(colander.MappingSchema):
mode = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
quantity = forms.types.ProductQuantity()
expiration_date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date(),
quick_receive = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Boolean())
def deserialize(self, *args):
result = super().deserialize(*args)
if result['mode'] == 'expired' and not result['expiration_date']:
msg = "Expiration date is required for items with 'expired' mode."
self.raise_invalid(msg, node=self.get('expiration_date'))
return result
class DeclareCreditForm(colander.MappingSchema):
credit_type = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
quantity = forms.types.ProductQuantity()
expiration_date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date(),
def defaults(config, **kwargs):
base = globals()
ReceivingBatchView = kwargs.get('ReceivingBatchView', base['ReceivingBatchView'])
def includeme(config):