Add basic checkbox support to new grids.
Also: * Add 'creatable', 'editable' etc. to master view class. * Add styles for warning/notice grid rows. * Misc. other tweaks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,5 +159,10 @@ class AlchemyGrid(Grid):
self._fa_grid._set_active(row, orm.object_session(row))
yield row
def get_row_key(self, row):
mapper = orm.object_mapper(row)
assert len(mapper.primary_key) == 1
return getattr(row, mapper.primary_key[0].key)
def render_cell(self, row, column):
return column.field.render_readonly()
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class Grid(object):
joiners={}, filterable=False, filters={},
sortable=False, sorters={}, default_sortkey=None, default_sortdir='asc',
pageable=False, default_pagesize=20, default_page=1,
width='auto', checkboxes=False, **kwargs):
width='auto', checkboxes=False, row_attrs={}, cell_attrs={},
self.key = key
self.request = request
self.columns = columns
@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ class Grid(object):
self.width = width
self.checkboxes = checkboxes
self.row_attrs = row_attrs
self.cell_attrs = cell_attrs
def get_default_filters(self):
@ -473,6 +476,8 @@ class Grid(object):
classes = ['newgrid']
if self.width == 'full':
if self.checkboxes:
return {'class_': ' '.join(classes),
'data-url': self.request.current_route_url(_query=None),
'data-permalink': self.request.current_route_url()}
@ -533,16 +538,14 @@ class Grid(object):
def get_row_attrs(self, row, i):
Returns a properly-formatted set of attributes which will be applied to
the ``<tr>`` element for the given row. Note that ``i`` will be a
1-based index value for the row within its table. The meaning of
``row`` is basically not defined; it depends on the type of data the
grid deals with.
Returns a dict of HTML attributes which is to be applied to the row's
``<tr>`` element. Note that ``i`` will be a 1-based index value for
the row within its table. The meaning of ``row`` is basically not
defined; it depends on the type of data the grid deals with.
# attrs = {'class_': self.get_row_class(row, i)}
# attrs = {}
# return format_attrs(**attrs)
return {}
if callable(self.row_attrs):
return self.row_attrs(row, i)
return self.row_attrs
# def get_row_class(self, row, i):
# class_ = self.default_row_class(row, i)
@ -552,18 +555,34 @@ class Grid(object):
# class_ = '{0} {1}'.format(class_, extra)
# return class_
# def checkbox(self, key):
# """
# Render a checkbox using the given key.
# """
# return tags.checkbox('checkbox-{0}-{1}'.format(self.key, key))
def get_row_key(self, row):
raise NotImplementedError
def checkbox(self, row):
return True
def checked(self, row):
return False
def render_checkbox(self, row):
Returns a boolean indicating whether ot not a checkbox should be
rendererd for the given row. Default implementation returns ``True``
in all cases.
if not self.checkbox(row):
return ''
return tags.checkbox('checkbox-{0}-{1}'.format(self.key, self.get_row_key(row)),
def get_cell_attrs(self, row, column):
Returns a dictionary of HTML attributes which should be applied to the
``<td>`` element in which the given row and column "intersect".
return {}
if callable(self.cell_attrs):
return self.cell_attrs(row, column)
return self.cell_attrs
def render_cell(self, row, column):
return ''
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ p {
.right {
float: right;
text-align: right;
@ -133,18 +133,46 @@
* tbody
.newgrid table tbody td {
.newgrid tbody td {
padding: 5px 6px;
.newgrid table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
.newgrid.selectable tbody td {
cursor: default;
.newgrid tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #e0e0e0;
.newgrid table tbody tr.hovering {
.newgrid tbody tr.hovering {
background-color: #bbbbbb;
.newgrid tbody tr.notice {
background-color: #fd6;
.newgrid tbody tr.notice:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #fe8;
.newgrid tbody tr.notice.hovering {
background-color: #ec7;
.newgrid tbody tr.warning {
background-color: #fcc;
.newgrid tbody tr.warning:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #ebb;
.newgrid tbody tr.warning.hovering {
background-color: #daa;
* main actions
@ -115,6 +115,29 @@
// Do some extra stuff for grids with checkboxes.
if (this.grid.hasClass('selectable')) {
// (Un-)Check all rows when clicking check-all box in header.
this.element.on('click', 'thead th.checkbox input', function() {
var checked = $(this).prop('checked');
that.grid.find('tbody td.checkbox input').prop('checked', checked);
// Select current row when clicked, unless clicking checkbox
// (since that already does select the row) or a link (since
// that does something completely different).
this.element.on('click', 'tbody td.checkbox input', function(event) {
this.element.on('click', 'tbody a', function(event) {
this.element.on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
$(this).find('td.checkbox input').click();
// Show 'more' actions when user hovers over 'more' link.
this.element.on('mouseenter', '.actions a.more', function() {
that.grid.find('.actions div.more').hide();
@ -112,11 +112,6 @@ $(function() {
* Enhance new-style grids.
* When filter labels are clicked, (un)check the associated checkbox.
@ -131,7 +131,6 @@
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<%def name="context_menu_items()">
<li>${h.link_to("Back to {0}".format(model_title_plural), url(route_prefix))}</li>
% if request.has_perm('{0}.view'.format(permission_prefix)):
% if master.viewable and request.has_perm('{0}.view'.format(permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("View this {0}".format(model_title), action_url('view', instance))}</li>
% endif
% if request.has_perm('{0}.delete'.format(permission_prefix)):
% if master.deletable and request.has_perm('{0}.delete'.format(permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Delete this {0}".format(model_title), action_url('delete', instance))}</li>
% endif
@ -9,8 +9,18 @@
<%def name="title()">${grid.model_title_plural}</%def>
<%def name="head_tags()">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
<%def name="context_menu_items()">
% if request.has_perm('{0}.create'.format(grid.permission_prefix)):
% if master.creatable and request.has_perm('{0}.create'.format(grid.permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Create a new {0}".format(grid.model_title), url('{0}.create'.format(grid.route_prefix)))}</li>
% endif
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<%def name="context_menu_items()">
<li>${h.link_to("Back to {0}".format(model_title_plural), url(route_prefix))}</li>
% if request.has_perm('{0}.edit'.format(permission_prefix)):
% if master.editable and request.has_perm('{0}.edit'.format(permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Edit this {0}".format(model_title), action_url('edit', instance))}</li>
% endif
% if request.has_perm('{0}.delete'.format(permission_prefix)):
% if master.deletable and master.deletable_instance(instance) and request.has_perm('{0}.delete'.format(permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Delete this {0}".format(model_title), action_url('delete', instance))}</li>
% endif
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## % if grid.checkboxes:
## <th class="checkbox">${h.checkbox('check-all')}</th>
## % endif
% if grid.checkboxes:
<th class="checkbox">${h.checkbox('check-all')}</th>
% endif
% for column in grid.iter_visible_columns():
% endfor
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
% for i, row in enumerate(grid.iter_rows(), 1):
<tr ${format_attrs(**grid.get_row_attrs(row, i))}>
## % if grid.checkboxes:
## <td class="checkbox">${grid.checkbox(row)}</td>
## % endif
% if grid.checkboxes:
<td class="checkbox">${grid.render_checkbox(row)}</td>
% endif
% for column in grid.iter_visible_columns():
<td ${format_attrs(**grid.get_cell_attrs(row, column))}>${grid.render_cell(row, column)}</td>
% endfor
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
% endfor
% if grid.pageable:
% if grid.pageable and grid.pager:
<div class="pager">
<p class="showing">
showing ${grid.pager.first_item} thru ${grid.pager.last_item} of ${grid.pager.item_count}
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
@ -45,11 +45,19 @@ class MasterView(View):
Base "master" view class. All model master views should derive from this.
creatable = True
viewable = True
editable = True
deletable = True
creating = False
viewing = False
editing = False
deleting = False
row_attrs = {}
cell_attrs = {}
# Available Views
@ -123,13 +131,10 @@ class MasterView(View):
if result is not None:
return result
# Flush immediately to force any pending integrity errors etc.; that
# way we don't set flash message until we know we have success.
self.request.session.flash("{0} {1} has been deleted.".format(
self.get_model_title(), instance))
return HTTPFound(location=self.get_index_url())
return self.redirect(self.get_after_delete_url(instance))
@ -237,6 +242,7 @@ class MasterView(View):
the template prefix.
'master': self,
'model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'model_title_plural': self.get_model_title_plural(),
'route_prefix': self.get_route_prefix(),
@ -300,28 +306,55 @@ class MasterView(View):
'pageable': True,
'main_actions': self.get_main_actions(),
'more_actions': self.get_more_actions(),
'checkbox': self.checkbox,
'checked': self.checked,
'row_attrs': self.get_row_attrs,
'cell_attrs': self.get_cell_attrs,
'model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'model_title_plural': self.get_model_title_plural(),
'permission_prefix': self.get_permission_prefix(),
'route_prefix': self.get_route_prefix(),
def get_row_attrs(self, row, i):
Returns a dict of HTML attributes which is to be applied to the row's
``<tr>`` element. Note that ``i`` will be a 1-based index value for
the row within its table. The meaning of ``row`` is basically not
defined; it depends on the type of data the grid deals with.
if callable(self.row_attrs):
return self.row_attrs(row, i)
return self.row_attrs
def get_cell_attrs(self, row, column):
Returns a dictionary of HTML attributes which should be applied to the
``<td>`` element in which the given row and column "intersect".
if callable(self.cell_attrs):
return self.cell_attrs(row, column)
return self.cell_attrs
def get_main_actions(self):
Return a list of 'main' actions for the grid.
return [
self.make_action('view', icon='zoomin'),
actions = []
if self.viewable:
actions.append(self.make_action('view', icon='zoomin'))
return actions
def get_more_actions(self):
Return a list of 'more' actions for the grid.
return [
self.make_action('edit', icon='pencil'),
self.make_action('delete', icon='trash'),
actions = []
if self.editable:
actions.append(self.make_action('edit', icon='pencil'))
if self.deletable:
actions.append(self.make_action('delete', icon='trash'))
return actions
def make_action(self, key, **kwargs):
@ -350,6 +383,7 @@ class MasterView(View):
data = self.make_query()
kwargs = self.make_grid_kwargs()
grid = factory(key, self.request, data=data, model_class=self.model_class, **kwargs)
grid._fa_grid.prettify = prettify
return grid
@ -387,6 +421,21 @@ class MasterView(View):
return session.query(self.model_class)
def checkbox(self, instance):
Returns a boolean indicating whether ot not a checkbox should be
rendererd for the given row. Default implementation returns ``True``
in all cases.
return True
def checked(self, instance):
Returns a boolean indicating whether ot not a checkbox should be
checked by default, for the given row. Default implementation returns
``False`` in all cases.
return False
# CRUD Stuff
@ -445,11 +494,39 @@ class MasterView(View):
Event hook, called just after an existing instance is saved.
def deletable_instance(self, instance):
Returns boolean indicating whether or not the given instance can be
considered "deletable". Returns ``True`` by default; override as
return True
def before_delete(self, instance):
Event hook, called just before deletion is attempted.
def delete_instance(self, instance):
Delete the instance, or mark it as deleted, or whatever you need to do.
# Flush immediately to force any pending integrity errors etc.; that
# way we don't set flash message until we know we have success.
def get_after_delete_url(self, instance):
Returns the URL to which the user should be redirected after
successfully "deleting" the given instance.
if hasattr(self, 'after_delete_url'):
if callable(self.after_delete_url):
return self.after_delete_url(instance)
return self.after_delete_url
return self.get_index_url()
# Config Stuff
@ -476,13 +553,15 @@ class MasterView(View):
"List/Search {0}".format(model_title_plural))
# create
if cls.creatable:
config.add_route('{0}.create'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/new'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='create', route_name='{0}.create'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.create'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {0}".format(model_title_plural))
"Create new {0}".format(model_title))
# view
if cls.viewable:
config.add_route('{0}.view'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/{{{1}}}'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='view', route_name='{0}.view'.format(route_prefix),
@ -490,15 +569,17 @@ class MasterView(View):
"View {0} Details".format(model_title))
# edit
if cls.editable:
config.add_route('{0}.edit'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/{{{1}}}/edit'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='edit', route_name='{0}.edit'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.edit'.format(permission_prefix),
"Edit {0}".format(model_title_plural))
"Edit {0}".format(model_title))
# delete
if cls.deletable:
config.add_route('{0}.delete'.format(route_prefix), '{0}/{{{1}}}/delete'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='delete', route_name='{0}.delete'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{0}.delete'.format(permission_prefix),
"Delete {0}".format(model_title_plural))
"Delete {0}".format(model_title))
Reference in a new issue