Add basic "receive row" desktop view for receiving batches

not terribly polished yet, but works
This commit is contained in:
Lance Edgar 2019-03-13 18:31:57 -05:00
parent 7fab472fc4
commit c869516449
8 changed files with 343 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -98,6 +98,16 @@ class GPCType(colander.SchemaType):
raise colander.Invalid(node, six.text_type(err))
class ProductQuantity(colander.MappingSchema):
Combo schema type for product cases and units; useful for inventory,
ordering, receiving etc. Meant to be used with the ``CasesUnitsWidget``.
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
class ModelType(colander.SchemaType):
Custom schema type for scalar ORM relationship fields.

View file

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import tags, HTML
from tailbone.forms.types import ProductQuantity
class ReadonlyWidget(dfwidget.HiddenWidget):
@ -88,6 +90,46 @@ class PercentInputWidget(dfwidget.TextInputWidget):
return six.text_type(value)
class CasesUnitsWidget(dfwidget.Widget):
Widget for collecting case and/or unit quantities. Most useful when you
need to ensure user provides cases *or* units but not both.
template = 'cases_units'
amount_required = False
one_amount_only = False
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
if cstruct in (colander.null, None):
cstruct = ''
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
kw['cases'] = cstruct['cases'] or ''
kw['units'] = cstruct['units'] or ''
template = readonly and self.readonly_template or self.template
values = self.get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
return field.renderer(template, **values)
def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
if pstruct is colander.null:
return colander.null
schema = ProductQuantity()
validated = schema.deserialize(pstruct)
except colander.Invalid as exc:
raise colander.Invalid(field.schema, "Invalid pstruct: %s" % exc)
if self.amount_required and not (validated['cases'] or validated['units']):
raise colander.Invalid(field.schema, "Must provide case or unit amount",
if self.amount_required and self.one_amount_only and validated['cases'] and validated['units']:
raise colander.Invalid(field.schema, "Must provide case *or* unit amount, "
"but *not* both", value=validated)
return validated
class PlainSelectWidget(dfwidget.SelectWidget):
template = 'select_plain'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<!--! -*- mode: html; -*- -->
<div tal:define="oid oid|field.oid;
css_class css_class|field.widget.css_class;
style style|;"
<input type="text" name="cases" value="${cases}"
tal:attributes="style style;
class string: form-control ${css_class or ''};
<input type="text" name="units" value="${units}"
tal:attributes="class string: form-control ${css_class or ''};
style style;

View file

@ -20,14 +20,23 @@
% endif
<%def name="object_helpers()"></%def>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
<div class="form-wrapper">
</div><!-- form-wrapper -->
<ul id="context-menu">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div class="object-helpers">
<ul id="context-menu">

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
<%inherit file="/base.mako" />
<%def name="title()">Receive for Row #${row.sequence}</%def>
<%def name="context_menu_items()">
% if master.rows_viewable and request.has_perm('{}.view'.format(permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("View this {}".format(row_model_title), row_action_url('view', row))}</li>
% endif
<%def name="extra_javascript()">
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleFields(mode) {
if (mode === undefined) {
mode = $('select[name="mode"]').val();
if (mode == 'expired') {
} else {
$(function() {
$('select[name="mode"]').on('selectmenuchange', function(event, ui) {
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
<div class="form-wrapper">
</div><!-- form-wrapper -->
<ul id="context-menu">

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
## -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
<%inherit file="/master/view_row.mako" />
<%def name="object_helpers()">
% if not batch.executed and not batch.is_truck_dump_child():
<div class="object-helper">
<h3>Receiving Tools</h3>
<div class="object-helper-content">
${h.link_to("Receive Product", url('{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix), uuid=batch.uuid, row_uuid=row.uuid), class_='button autodisable')}
% endif

View file

@ -1111,6 +1111,9 @@ class BatchMasterView(MasterView):
def template_kwargs_view_row(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['batch_model_title'] = kwargs['parent_model_title']
# TODO: should these be set somewhere else?
kwargs['row'] = kwargs['instance']
kwargs['batch'] = kwargs['row'].batch
return kwargs
def get_parent(self, row):

View file

@ -800,6 +800,159 @@ class ReceivingBatchView(PurchasingBatchView):
if row.product and row.product.is_pack_item():
return self.get_row_action_url('transform_unit', row)
def receive_row(self, mobile=False):
Primary desktop view for row-level receiving.
# TODO: this code was largely copied from mobile_receive_row() but it
# tries to pave the way for shared logic, i.e. where the latter would
# simply invoke this method and return the result. however we're not
# there yet...for now it's only tested for desktop = mobile
self.viewing = True
row = self.get_row_instance()
batch = row.batch
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
possible_modes = [
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'parent_instance': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'product_image_url': self.get_row_image_url(row),
'allow_expired': self.handler.allow_expired_credits(),
'allow_cases': self.handler.allow_cases(),
'quick_receive': False,
'quick_receive_all': False,
if mobile:
context['quick_receive'] = self.rattail_config.getbool('rattail.batch', 'purchase.mobile_quick_receive',
if batch.order_quantities_known:
context['quick_receive_all'] = self.rattail_config.getbool('rattail.batch', 'purchase.mobile_quick_receive_all',
schema = ReceiveRowForm().bind(session=self.Session())
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
form.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.JQuerySelectWidget(values=[(m, m) for m in possible_modes]))
form.set_widget('quantity', forms.widgets.CasesUnitsWidget(amount_required=True,
form.set_type('expiration_date', 'date_jquery')
if not mobile:
if form.validate(newstyle=True):
# handler takes care of the row receiving logic for us
kwargs = dict(form.validated)
kwargs['cases'] = kwargs['quantity']['cases']
kwargs['units'] = kwargs['quantity']['units']
del kwargs['quantity']
self.handler.receive_row(row, **kwargs)
# keep track of last-used uom, although we just track
# whether or not it was 'CS' since the unit_uom can vary
# TODO: should this be done for desktop too somehow?
sticky_case = None
if mobile and not form.validated['quick_receive']:
cases = form.validated['cases']
units = form.validated['units']
if cases and not units:
sticky_case = True
elif units and not cases:
sticky_case = False
if sticky_case is not None:
self.request.session[''] = sticky_case
if mobile:
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
return self.redirect(self.get_row_action_url('view', row))
# unit_uom can vary by product
context['unit_uom'] = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
if context['quick_receive'] and context['quick_receive_all']:
if context['allow_cases']:
context['quick_receive_uom'] = 'CS'
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add CS support for quick_receive_all")
context['quick_receive_uom'] = context['unit_uom']
accounted_for = self.handler.get_units_accounted_for(row)
remainder = self.handler.get_units_ordered(row) - accounted_for
if accounted_for:
# some product accounted for; button should receive "remainder" only
if remainder:
remainder = pretty_quantity(remainder)
context['quick_receive_quantity'] = remainder
context['quick_receive_text'] = "Receive Remainder ({} {})".format(remainder, context['unit_uom'])
# unless there is no remainder, in which case disable it
context['quick_receive'] = False
else: # nothing yet accounted for, button should receive "all"
if not remainder:
raise ValueError("why is remainder empty?")
remainder = pretty_quantity(remainder)
context['quick_receive_quantity'] = remainder
context['quick_receive_text'] = "Receive ALL ({} {})".format(remainder, context['unit_uom'])
# effective uom can vary in a few ways...the basic default is 'CS' if
# self.default_uom_is_case is true, otherwise whatever unit_uom is.
sticky_case = None
if mobile:
# TODO: should do this for desktop also, but rename the session variable
sticky_case = self.request.session.get('')
if sticky_case is None:
context['uom'] = 'CS' if self.default_uom_is_case else context['unit_uom']
elif sticky_case:
context['uom'] = 'CS'
context['uom'] = context['unit_uom']
if context['uom'] == 'CS' and row.units_ordered and not row.cases_ordered:
context['uom'] = context['unit_uom']
# TODO: should do this for desktop in addition to mobile?
if mobile and batch.order_quantities_known and not row.cases_ordered and not row.units_ordered:
warn = True
if batch.is_truck_dump_parent() and row.product:
uuids = [child.uuid for child in batch.truck_dump_children]
if uuids:
count = self.Session.query(model.PurchaseBatchRow)\
.filter(model.PurchaseBatchRow.product == row.product)\
if count:
warn = False
if warn:
self.request.session.flash("This item was NOT on the original purchase order.", 'receiving-warning')
# TODO: should do this for desktop in addition to mobile?
if mobile:
# maybe alert user if they've already received some of this product
alert_received = self.rattail_config.getbool('tailbone', 'receiving.alert_already_received',
if alert_received:
if self.handler.get_units_confirmed(row):
msg = "You have already received some of this product; last update was {}.".format(
humanize.naturaltime(make_utc() - row.modified))
self.request.session.flash(msg, 'receiving-warning')
context['form'] = form
context['dform'] = form.make_deform_form()
context['parent_url'] = self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=mobile)
context['parent_title'] = self.get_instance_title(batch)
return self.render_to_response('receive_row', context, mobile=mobile)
def transform_unit_row(self):
View which transforms the given row, which is assumed to associate with
@ -853,15 +1006,16 @@ class ReceivingBatchView(PurchasingBatchView):
super(ReceivingBatchView, self).configure_row_form(f)
batch = self.get_instance()
# allow input for certain fields only; all others are readonly
mutable = [
for name in f.fields:
if name not in mutable:
# invoice totals
f.set_label('invoice_total', "Invoice Total (Orig.)")
f.set_label('invoice_total_calculated', "Invoice Total (Calc.)")
# claims
@ -1629,6 +1783,9 @@ class ReceivingBatchView(PurchasingBatchView):
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
# row-level receiving
config.add_route('{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{uuid}}/rows/{{row_uuid}}/receive'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='receive_row', route_name='{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix),
config.add_route('mobile.{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix), '/mobile{}/{{uuid}}/rows/{{row_uuid}}/receive'.format(url_prefix))
config.add_view(cls, attr='mobile_receive_row', route_name='mobile.{}.receive_row'.format(route_prefix),
@ -1711,6 +1868,25 @@ def valid_purchase_batch_row(node, kw):
return validate
class ReceiveRowForm(colander.MappingSchema):
mode = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
# 'mispick',
quantity = forms.types.ProductQuantity()
expiration_date = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Date(),
quick_receive = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Boolean())
class MobileReceivingForm(colander.MappingSchema):
row = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),