Move inventory batch view to its proper location
but keep "inventory adjustment reasons" where it was; that also is proper
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2020 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <>.
Views for inventory batches
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import re
import decimal
import logging
import six
from rattail import pod
from rattail.db import model, api
from rattail.db.util import make_full_description
from rattail.time import localtime
from rattail.gpc import GPC
from rattail.util import pretty_quantity
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import HTML, tags
from tailbone import forms, grids
from tailbone.views import MasterView
from tailbone.views.batch import BatchMasterView
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InventoryBatchView(BatchMasterView):
Master view for inventory batches.
model_class = model.InventoryBatch
model_title_plural = "Inventory Batches"
default_handler_spec = 'rattail.batch.inventory:InventoryBatchHandler'
route_prefix = 'batch.inventory'
url_prefix = '/batch/inventory'
index_title = "Inventory"
rows_creatable = True
results_executable = True
mobile_creatable = True
mobile_rows_creatable = True
# set to False to disable "zero all" batch count mode
allow_zero_all = True
# set to False to disable "variance" batch count mode
allow_variance = True
# set to False to prevent exposing case fields for user input,
# when the batch count mode is "adjust only"
allow_adjustment_cases = True
# set to True for the UI to "prefer" case amounts, as opposed to unit
prefer_cases = False
labels = {
'mode': "Count Mode",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
mobile_form_fields = [
model_row_class = model.InventoryBatchRow
rows_editable = True
row_labels = {
'upc': "UPC",
'previous_units_on_hand': "Prev. On Hand",
row_grid_columns = [
row_form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_grid(g)
# mode
g.set_enum('mode', self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE)
# total_cost
g.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
def render_mobile_listitem(self, batch, i):
return "({}) {} rows - {}, {}".format(
"?" if batch.rowcount is None else batch.rowcount,
localtime(self.request.rattail_config, batch.created, from_utc=True).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
def mutable_batch(self, batch):
return not batch.executed and not batch.complete and batch.mode != self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL
def allow_worksheet(self, batch):
return self.mutable_batch(batch)
def get_available_modes(self):
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
modes = dict(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE)
if not self.request.has_perm('{}.create.replace'.format(permission_prefix)):
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE, None)
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE_ADJUST'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE_ADJUST, None)
if not self.allow_zero_all or not self.request.has_perm('{}'.format(permission_prefix)):
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL, None)
if not self.allow_variance or not self.request.has_perm('{}.create.variance'.format(permission_prefix)):
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_VARIANCE'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_VARIANCE, None)
return modes
def configure_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_form(f)
# mode
modes = self.get_available_modes()
f.set_enum('mode', modes)
f.set_label('mode', "Count Mode")
if len(modes) == 1:
f.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
f.set_default('mode', list(modes)[0])
# total_cost
if self.creating:
f.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# handheld_batches
if self.creating:
f.set_renderer('handheld_batches', self.render_handheld_batches)
# complete
if self.creating:
def render_handheld_batches(self, inventory_batch, field):
items = []
for handheld in inventory_batch._handhelds:
text = handheld.handheld.id_str
url = self.request.route_url('batch.handheld.view', uuid=handheld.handheld_uuid)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def row_editable(self, row):
return self.mutable_batch(row.batch)
def row_deletable(self, row):
return self.mutable_batch(row.batch)
def save_edit_row_form(self, form):
row = form.model_instance
batch = row.batch
if batch.total_cost is not None and row.total_cost is not None:
batch.total_cost -= row.total_cost
return super(InventoryBatchView, self).save_edit_row_form(form)
def delete_row(self):
row = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(self.request.matchdict['row_uuid'])
if not row:
raise self.notfound()
batch = row.batch
if batch.total_cost is not None and row.total_cost is not None:
batch.total_cost -= row.total_cost
return super(InventoryBatchView, self).delete_row()
def create_row(self):
Desktop workflow view for adding items to inventory batch.
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.executed:
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
schema = DesktopForm().bind(session=self.Session())
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if form.validate(newstyle=True):
product = self.Session.query(model.Product).get(form.validated['product'])
row = None
if self.should_aggregate_products(batch):
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
row.cases = form.validated['cases']
row.units = form.validated['units']
if not row:
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.product = product
row.upc = form.validated['upc']
row.brand_name = form.validated['brand_name']
row.description = form.validated['description']
row.size = form.validated['size']
row.case_quantity = form.validated['case_quantity']
row.cases = form.validated['cases']
row.units = form.validated['units']
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
description = make_full_description(form.validated['brand_name'],
self.request.session.flash("{} cases, {} units: {} {}".format(
form.validated['cases'] or 0, form.validated['units'] or 0,
form.validated['upc'].pretty(), description))
return self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url())
title = self.get_instance_title(batch)
return self.render_to_response('desktop_form', {
'batch': batch,
'instance': batch,
'instance_title': title,
'index_title': "{}: {}".format(self.get_model_title(), title),
'index_url': self.get_action_url('view', batch),
'form': form,
'dform': form.make_deform_form(),
'allow_cases': self.allow_cases(batch),
'prefer_cases': self.prefer_cases,
def allow_cases(self, batch):
if batch.mode == self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ADJUST:
if self.allow_adjustment_cases:
return True
return False
return True
def should_aggregate_products(self, batch):
Must return a boolean indicating whether rows should be aggregated by
product for the given batch.
if batch.mode == self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_VARIANCE:
return True
return False
def desktop_lookup(self):
Try to locate a product by UPC, and validate it in the context of
current batch, returning some data for client JS.
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.executed:
return {
'error': "Current batch has already been executed",
'redirect': self.get_action_url('view', batch),
entry = self.request.GET.get('upc', '')
aggregate = self.should_aggregate_products(batch)
type2 = self.find_type2_product(entry)
if type2:
product, price = type2
product = self.find_product(entry)
force_unit_item = True # TODO: make configurable?
unit_forced = False
if force_unit_item and product and product.is_pack_item():
product = product.unit
unit_forced = True
data = self.product_info(product)
if type2:
data['type2'] = True
if not aggregate:
if price is None:
data['units'] = 1
data['units'] = float((price / product.regular_price.price).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01')))
result = {'product': data, 'upc_raw': entry, 'upc': None, 'force_unit_item': unit_forced}
if not data:
upc = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry.strip())
if upc:
upc = GPC(upc)
result['upc'] = six.text_type(upc)
result['upc_pretty'] = upc.pretty()
result['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, upc)
if product and aggregate:
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
result['already_present_in_batch'] = True
result['cases'] = float(row.cases) if row.cases is not None else None
result['units'] = float(row.units) if row.units is not None else None
return result
def find_row_for_product(self, batch, product):
rows = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow)\
.filter(model.InventoryBatchRow.batch == batch)\
.filter(model.InventoryBatchRow.product == product)\
.filter(model.InventoryBatchRow.removed == False)\
if rows:
if len(rows) > 1:
log.error("inventory batch %s should aggregate products, but has %s rows for: %s",
batch.id_str, len(rows), product)
return rows[0]
def find_product(self, entry):
upc = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry.strip())
if upc:
# first try to locate existing batch row by UPC match
provided = GPC(upc, calc_check_digit=False)
checked = GPC(upc, calc_check_digit='upc')
product = api.get_product_by_upc(self.Session(), provided)
if product:
return product
product = api.get_product_by_upc(self.Session(), checked)
if product:
return product
# maybe try to locate product by alternate code
if self.rattail_config.getbool('tailbone', 'inventory.lookup_by_code', default=False):
product = api.get_product_by_code(self.Session(), entry)
if product:
return product
def product_info(self, product):
data = {}
if product and (not product.deleted or self.request.has_perm('products.view_deleted')):
data['uuid'] = product.uuid
data['upc'] = six.text_type(product.upc)
data['upc_pretty'] = product.upc.pretty()
data['full_description'] = product.full_description
data['brand_name'] = six.text_type(product.brand or '')
data['description'] = product.description
data['size'] = product.size
data['case_quantity'] = 1 # default
data['cost_found'] = False
data['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, product.upc)
return data
def configure_mobile_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_mobile_form(f)
batch = f.model_instance
# mode
modes = self.get_available_modes()
f.set_enum('mode', modes)
mode_values = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(modes.items())]
f.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.PlainSelectWidget(values=mode_values))
# complete
if self.creating or batch.executed or not batch.complete:
# rowcount
if self.viewing and not batch.executed and not batch.complete:
# TODO: document this, maybe move it etc.
unknown_product_creates_row = True
# TODO: this view can create new rows, with only a GET query. that should
# probably be changed to require POST; for now we just require the "create
# batch row" perm and call it good..
def mobile_row_from_upc(self):
Locate and/or create a row within the batch, according to the given
product UPC, then redirect to the row view page.
batch = self.get_instance()
row = None
raw_entry = self.request.GET.get('upc', '')
entry = raw_entry.strip()
entry = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry)
if entry:
if len(entry) <= 14:
row = self.add_row_for_upc(batch, entry, warn_if_present=True)
if not row:
self.request.session.flash("Product not found: {}".format(entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
self.request.session.flash("UPC has too many digits ({}): {}".format(len(entry), entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
self.request.session.flash("Product not found: {}".format(raw_entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
return self.redirect(self.mobile_row_route_url('view', uuid=row.batch_uuid, row_uuid=row.uuid))
def add_row_for_upc(self, batch, entry, warn_if_present=False):
Add a row to the batch for the given UPC, if applicable.
type2 = self.find_type2_product(entry)
if type2:
product, price = type2
product = self.find_product(entry)
if product:
force_unit_item = self.rattail_config.getbool(
'tailbone', 'inventory.force_unit_item', default=False)
if force_unit_item and product.is_pack_item():
product = product.unit
self.request.session.flash("You scanned a pack item, but must count the units instead.", 'error')
aggregate = self.should_aggregate_products(batch)
if aggregate:
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
if warn_if_present:
self.request.session.flash("Product already exists in batch; please confirm counts", 'error')
return row
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.product = product
row.upc = product.upc
if type2 and not aggregate:
if price is None:
row.units = 1
row.units = (price / product.regular_price.price).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01'))
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
elif self.unknown_product_creates_row:
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.upc = GPC(upc, calc_check_digit=False) # TODO: why not calc check digit?
row.description = "(unknown product)"
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
def template_kwargs_view_row(self, **kwargs):
row = kwargs['instance']
kwargs['product_image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc)
return kwargs
def get_batch_kwargs(self, batch, mobile=False):
kwargs = super(InventoryBatchView, self).get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=False)
kwargs['mode'] = batch.mode
kwargs['complete'] = False
kwargs['reason_code'] = batch.reason_code
return kwargs
def get_mobile_row_data(self, batch):
# we want newest on top, for inventory batch rows
return self.get_row_data(batch)\
# TODO: ugh, the hackiness. needs a refactor fo sho
def mobile_view_row(self):
Mobile view for inventory batch rows. Note that this also handles
updating a row...ugh.
self.viewing = True
row = self.get_row_instance()
batch = self.get_parent(row)
form = self.make_mobile_row_form(row)
allow_cases = self.allow_cases(batch)
unit_uom = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
if row.cases and allow_cases:
uom = 'CS'
elif row.units:
uom = unit_uom
elif row.case_quantity and allow_cases and self.prefer_cases:
uom = 'CS'
uom = unit_uom
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'parent_title': self.get_instance_title(batch),
'parent_url': self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True),
'product_image_url': pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc),
'form': form,
'allow_cases': allow_cases,
'unit_uom': unit_uom,
'uom': uom,
if self.request.has_perm('{}.edit_row'.format(self.get_permission_prefix())):
schema = InventoryForm().bind(session=self.Session())
update_form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if update_form.validate(newstyle=True):
row = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(update_form.validated['row'])
cases = update_form.validated['cases']
units = update_form.validated['units']
if cases is not colander.null:
row.cases = cases
row.units = None
elif units is not colander.null:
row.cases = None
row.units = units
raise NotImplementedError
route_prefix = self.get_route_prefix()
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url('mobile.{}.view'.format(route_prefix), uuid=batch.uuid))
return self.render_to_response('view_row', context, mobile=True)
def get_row_instance_title(self, row):
if row.upc:
return row.upc.pretty()
if row.item_id:
return row.item_id
return "row {}".format(row.sequence)
def configure_row_grid(self, g):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_row_grid(g)
# quantity fields
g.set_type('previous_units_on_hand', 'quantity')
g.set_type('cases', 'quantity')
g.set_type('units', 'quantity')
# currency fields
g.set_type('unit_cost', 'currency')
g.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# short labels
g.set_label('brand_name', "Brand")
g.set_label('status_code', "Status")
# links
def row_grid_extra_class(self, row, i):
if row.status_code == row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND:
return 'warning'
def render_mobile_row_listitem(self, row, i):
description = row.product.full_description if row.product else row.description
unit_uom = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
qty = "{} {}".format(pretty_quantity(row.cases or row.units), 'CS' if row.cases else unit_uom)
return "({}) {} - {}".format(row.upc.pretty(), description, qty)
def configure_row_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_row_form(f)
row = f.model_instance
# readonly fields
# quantity fields
f.set_type('case_quantity', 'quantity')
f.set_type('previous_units_on_hand', 'quantity')
f.set_type('cases', 'quantity')
f.set_type('units', 'quantity')
f.set_type('variance', 'quantity')
# currency fields
f.set_type('unit_cost', 'currency')
f.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# upc
f.set_renderer('upc', self.render_upc)
# cases
if self.editing:
if not self.allow_cases(row.batch):
def render_upc(self, row, field):
upc = row.upc
if not upc:
return ""
text = upc.pretty()
if row.product_uuid:
url = self.request.route_url('products.view', uuid=row.product_uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
return text
def defaults(cls, config):
def _inventory_defaults(cls, config):
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
model_title = cls.get_model_title()
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
# extra perms for creating batches per "mode"
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.replace'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'replace' mode".format(model_title))
if cls.allow_zero_all:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'zero' mode".format(model_title))
if cls.allow_variance:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.variance'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'variance' mode".format(model_title))
# row UPC lookup, for desktop
config.add_route('{}.desktop_lookup'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{{}}}/desktop-form/lookup'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='desktop_lookup', route_name='{}.desktop_lookup'.format(route_prefix),
renderer='json', permission='{}.create_row'.format(permission_prefix))
# mobile - make new row from UPC
config.add_route('mobile.{}.row_from_upc'.format(route_prefix), '/mobile{}/{{{}}}/row-from-upc'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='mobile_row_from_upc', route_name='mobile.{}.row_from_upc'.format(route_prefix),
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_inventory_batch_row(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
row = session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(value)
if not row:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch row not found")
if row.batch.executed:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch has already been executed")
return row.uuid
return validate
class InventoryForm(colander.MappingSchema):
row = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_product(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
product = session.query(model.Product).get(value)
if not product:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Product not found")
return product.uuid
return validate
class DesktopForm(colander.Schema):
product = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
upc = colander.SchemaNode(forms.types.GPCType())
brand_name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
description = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
size = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), missing=colander.null)
case_quantity = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal())
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),
def includeme(config):
@ -26,29 +26,11 @@ Views for inventory batches
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import re
import decimal
import logging
import six
from rattail import pod
from rattail.db import model, api
from rattail.db.util import make_full_description
from rattail.time import localtime
from rattail.gpc import GPC
from rattail.util import pretty_quantity
from rattail.db import model
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
from webhelpers2.html import HTML, tags
from tailbone import forms, grids
from tailbone.views import MasterView
from tailbone.views.batch import BatchMasterView
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InventoryAdjustmentReasonsView(MasterView):
@ -85,737 +67,5 @@ class InventoryAdjustmentReasonsView(MasterView):
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Code must be unique")
class InventoryBatchView(BatchMasterView):
Master view for inventory batches.
model_class = model.InventoryBatch
model_title_plural = "Inventory Batches"
default_handler_spec = 'rattail.batch.inventory:InventoryBatchHandler'
route_prefix = 'batch.inventory'
url_prefix = '/batch/inventory'
index_title = "Inventory"
rows_creatable = True
results_executable = True
mobile_creatable = True
mobile_rows_creatable = True
# set to False to disable "zero all" batch count mode
allow_zero_all = True
# set to False to disable "variance" batch count mode
allow_variance = True
# set to False to prevent exposing case fields for user input,
# when the batch count mode is "adjust only"
allow_adjustment_cases = True
# set to True for the UI to "prefer" case amounts, as opposed to unit
prefer_cases = False
labels = {
'mode': "Count Mode",
grid_columns = [
form_fields = [
mobile_form_fields = [
model_row_class = model.InventoryBatchRow
rows_editable = True
row_labels = {
'upc': "UPC",
'previous_units_on_hand': "Prev. On Hand",
row_grid_columns = [
row_form_fields = [
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_grid(g)
# mode
g.set_enum('mode', self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE)
# total_cost
g.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
def render_mobile_listitem(self, batch, i):
return "({}) {} rows - {}, {}".format(
"?" if batch.rowcount is None else batch.rowcount,
localtime(self.request.rattail_config, batch.created, from_utc=True).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
def mutable_batch(self, batch):
return not batch.executed and not batch.complete and batch.mode != self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL
def allow_worksheet(self, batch):
return self.mutable_batch(batch)
def get_available_modes(self):
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
modes = dict(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE)
if not self.request.has_perm('{}.create.replace'.format(permission_prefix)):
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE, None)
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE_ADJUST'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_REPLACE_ADJUST, None)
if not self.allow_zero_all or not self.request.has_perm('{}'.format(permission_prefix)):
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ZERO_ALL, None)
if not self.allow_variance or not self.request.has_perm('{}.create.variance'.format(permission_prefix)):
if hasattr(self.enum, 'INVENTORY_MODE_VARIANCE'):
modes.pop(self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_VARIANCE, None)
return modes
def configure_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_form(f)
# mode
modes = self.get_available_modes()
f.set_enum('mode', modes)
f.set_label('mode', "Count Mode")
if len(modes) == 1:
f.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.ReadonlyWidget())
f.set_default('mode', list(modes)[0])
# total_cost
if self.creating:
f.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# handheld_batches
if self.creating:
f.set_renderer('handheld_batches', self.render_handheld_batches)
# complete
if self.creating:
def render_handheld_batches(self, inventory_batch, field):
items = []
for handheld in inventory_batch._handhelds:
text = handheld.handheld.id_str
url = self.request.route_url('batch.handheld.view', uuid=handheld.handheld_uuid)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', c=[tags.link_to(text, url)]))
return HTML.tag('ul', c=items)
def row_editable(self, row):
return self.mutable_batch(row.batch)
def row_deletable(self, row):
return self.mutable_batch(row.batch)
def save_edit_row_form(self, form):
row = form.model_instance
batch = row.batch
if batch.total_cost is not None and row.total_cost is not None:
batch.total_cost -= row.total_cost
return super(InventoryBatchView, self).save_edit_row_form(form)
def delete_row(self):
row = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(self.request.matchdict['row_uuid'])
if not row:
raise self.notfound()
batch = row.batch
if batch.total_cost is not None and row.total_cost is not None:
batch.total_cost -= row.total_cost
return super(InventoryBatchView, self).delete_row()
def create_row(self):
Desktop workflow view for adding items to inventory batch.
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.executed:
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch))
schema = DesktopForm().bind(session=self.Session())
form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if form.validate(newstyle=True):
product = self.Session.query(model.Product).get(form.validated['product'])
row = None
if self.should_aggregate_products(batch):
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
row.cases = form.validated['cases']
row.units = form.validated['units']
if not row:
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.product = product
row.upc = form.validated['upc']
row.brand_name = form.validated['brand_name']
row.description = form.validated['description']
row.size = form.validated['size']
row.case_quantity = form.validated['case_quantity']
row.cases = form.validated['cases']
row.units = form.validated['units']
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
description = make_full_description(form.validated['brand_name'],
self.request.session.flash("{} cases, {} units: {} {}".format(
form.validated['cases'] or 0, form.validated['units'] or 0,
form.validated['upc'].pretty(), description))
return self.redirect(self.request.current_route_url())
title = self.get_instance_title(batch)
return self.render_to_response('desktop_form', {
'batch': batch,
'instance': batch,
'instance_title': title,
'index_title': "{}: {}".format(self.get_model_title(), title),
'index_url': self.get_action_url('view', batch),
'form': form,
'dform': form.make_deform_form(),
'allow_cases': self.allow_cases(batch),
'prefer_cases': self.prefer_cases,
def allow_cases(self, batch):
if batch.mode == self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_ADJUST:
if self.allow_adjustment_cases:
return True
return False
return True
def should_aggregate_products(self, batch):
Must return a boolean indicating whether rows should be aggregated by
product for the given batch.
if batch.mode == self.enum.INVENTORY_MODE_VARIANCE:
return True
return False
def desktop_lookup(self):
Try to locate a product by UPC, and validate it in the context of
current batch, returning some data for client JS.
batch = self.get_instance()
if batch.executed:
return {
'error': "Current batch has already been executed",
'redirect': self.get_action_url('view', batch),
entry = self.request.GET.get('upc', '')
aggregate = self.should_aggregate_products(batch)
type2 = self.find_type2_product(entry)
if type2:
product, price = type2
product = self.find_product(entry)
force_unit_item = True # TODO: make configurable?
unit_forced = False
if force_unit_item and product and product.is_pack_item():
product = product.unit
unit_forced = True
data = self.product_info(product)
if type2:
data['type2'] = True
if not aggregate:
if price is None:
data['units'] = 1
data['units'] = float((price / product.regular_price.price).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01')))
result = {'product': data, 'upc_raw': entry, 'upc': None, 'force_unit_item': unit_forced}
if not data:
upc = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry.strip())
if upc:
upc = GPC(upc)
result['upc'] = six.text_type(upc)
result['upc_pretty'] = upc.pretty()
result['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, upc)
if product and aggregate:
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
result['already_present_in_batch'] = True
result['cases'] = float(row.cases) if row.cases is not None else None
result['units'] = float(row.units) if row.units is not None else None
return result
def find_row_for_product(self, batch, product):
rows = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow)\
.filter(model.InventoryBatchRow.batch == batch)\
.filter(model.InventoryBatchRow.product == product)\
.filter(model.InventoryBatchRow.removed == False)\
if rows:
if len(rows) > 1:
log.error("inventory batch %s should aggregate products, but has %s rows for: %s",
batch.id_str, len(rows), product)
return rows[0]
def find_product(self, entry):
upc = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry.strip())
if upc:
# first try to locate existing batch row by UPC match
provided = GPC(upc, calc_check_digit=False)
checked = GPC(upc, calc_check_digit='upc')
product = api.get_product_by_upc(self.Session(), provided)
if product:
return product
product = api.get_product_by_upc(self.Session(), checked)
if product:
return product
# maybe try to locate product by alternate code
if self.rattail_config.getbool('tailbone', 'inventory.lookup_by_code', default=False):
product = api.get_product_by_code(self.Session(), entry)
if product:
return product
def product_info(self, product):
data = {}
if product and (not product.deleted or self.request.has_perm('products.view_deleted')):
data['uuid'] = product.uuid
data['upc'] = six.text_type(product.upc)
data['upc_pretty'] = product.upc.pretty()
data['full_description'] = product.full_description
data['brand_name'] = six.text_type(product.brand or '')
data['description'] = product.description
data['size'] = product.size
data['case_quantity'] = 1 # default
data['cost_found'] = False
data['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, product.upc)
return data
def configure_mobile_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_mobile_form(f)
batch = f.model_instance
# mode
modes = self.get_available_modes()
f.set_enum('mode', modes)
mode_values = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(modes.items())]
f.set_widget('mode', forms.widgets.PlainSelectWidget(values=mode_values))
# complete
if self.creating or batch.executed or not batch.complete:
# rowcount
if self.viewing and not batch.executed and not batch.complete:
# TODO: document this, maybe move it etc.
unknown_product_creates_row = True
# TODO: this view can create new rows, with only a GET query. that should
# probably be changed to require POST; for now we just require the "create
# batch row" perm and call it good..
def mobile_row_from_upc(self):
Locate and/or create a row within the batch, according to the given
product UPC, then redirect to the row view page.
batch = self.get_instance()
row = None
raw_entry = self.request.GET.get('upc', '')
entry = raw_entry.strip()
entry = re.sub(r'\D', '', entry)
if entry:
if len(entry) <= 14:
row = self.add_row_for_upc(batch, entry, warn_if_present=True)
if not row:
self.request.session.flash("Product not found: {}".format(entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
self.request.session.flash("UPC has too many digits ({}): {}".format(len(entry), entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
self.request.session.flash("Product not found: {}".format(raw_entry), 'error')
return self.redirect(self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True))
return self.redirect(self.mobile_row_route_url('view', uuid=row.batch_uuid, row_uuid=row.uuid))
def add_row_for_upc(self, batch, entry, warn_if_present=False):
Add a row to the batch for the given UPC, if applicable.
type2 = self.find_type2_product(entry)
if type2:
product, price = type2
product = self.find_product(entry)
if product:
force_unit_item = self.rattail_config.getbool(
'tailbone', 'inventory.force_unit_item', default=False)
if force_unit_item and product.is_pack_item():
product = product.unit
self.request.session.flash("You scanned a pack item, but must count the units instead.", 'error')
aggregate = self.should_aggregate_products(batch)
if aggregate:
row = self.find_row_for_product(batch, product)
if row:
if warn_if_present:
self.request.session.flash("Product already exists in batch; please confirm counts", 'error')
return row
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.product = product
row.upc = product.upc
if type2 and not aggregate:
if price is None:
row.units = 1
row.units = (price / product.regular_price.price).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01'))
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
elif self.unknown_product_creates_row:
row = model.InventoryBatchRow()
row.upc = GPC(upc, calc_check_digit=False) # TODO: why not calc check digit?
row.description = "(unknown product)"
self.handler.add_row(batch, row)
return row
def template_kwargs_view_row(self, **kwargs):
row = kwargs['instance']
kwargs['product_image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc)
return kwargs
def get_batch_kwargs(self, batch, mobile=False):
kwargs = super(InventoryBatchView, self).get_batch_kwargs(batch, mobile=False)
kwargs['mode'] = batch.mode
kwargs['complete'] = False
kwargs['reason_code'] = batch.reason_code
return kwargs
def get_mobile_row_data(self, batch):
# we want newest on top, for inventory batch rows
return self.get_row_data(batch)\
# TODO: ugh, the hackiness. needs a refactor fo sho
def mobile_view_row(self):
Mobile view for inventory batch rows. Note that this also handles
updating a row...ugh.
self.viewing = True
row = self.get_row_instance()
batch = self.get_parent(row)
form = self.make_mobile_row_form(row)
allow_cases = self.allow_cases(batch)
unit_uom = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
if row.cases and allow_cases:
uom = 'CS'
elif row.units:
uom = unit_uom
elif row.case_quantity and allow_cases and self.prefer_cases:
uom = 'CS'
uom = unit_uom
context = {
'row': row,
'batch': batch,
'instance': row,
'instance_title': self.get_row_instance_title(row),
'parent_model_title': self.get_model_title(),
'parent_title': self.get_instance_title(batch),
'parent_url': self.get_action_url('view', batch, mobile=True),
'product_image_url': pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc),
'form': form,
'allow_cases': allow_cases,
'unit_uom': unit_uom,
'uom': uom,
if self.request.has_perm('{}.edit_row'.format(self.get_permission_prefix())):
schema = InventoryForm().bind(session=self.Session())
update_form = forms.Form(schema=schema, request=self.request)
if update_form.validate(newstyle=True):
row = self.Session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(update_form.validated['row'])
cases = update_form.validated['cases']
units = update_form.validated['units']
if cases is not colander.null:
row.cases = cases
row.units = None
elif units is not colander.null:
row.cases = None
row.units = units
raise NotImplementedError
route_prefix = self.get_route_prefix()
return self.redirect(self.request.route_url('mobile.{}.view'.format(route_prefix), uuid=batch.uuid))
return self.render_to_response('view_row', context, mobile=True)
def get_row_instance_title(self, row):
if row.upc:
return row.upc.pretty()
if row.item_id:
return row.item_id
return "row {}".format(row.sequence)
def configure_row_grid(self, g):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_row_grid(g)
# quantity fields
g.set_type('previous_units_on_hand', 'quantity')
g.set_type('cases', 'quantity')
g.set_type('units', 'quantity')
# currency fields
g.set_type('unit_cost', 'currency')
g.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# short labels
g.set_label('brand_name', "Brand")
g.set_label('status_code', "Status")
# links
def row_grid_extra_class(self, row, i):
if row.status_code == row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND:
return 'warning'
def render_mobile_row_listitem(self, row, i):
description = row.product.full_description if row.product else row.description
unit_uom = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA'
qty = "{} {}".format(pretty_quantity(row.cases or row.units), 'CS' if row.cases else unit_uom)
return "({}) {} - {}".format(row.upc.pretty(), description, qty)
def configure_row_form(self, f):
super(InventoryBatchView, self).configure_row_form(f)
row = f.model_instance
# readonly fields
# quantity fields
f.set_type('case_quantity', 'quantity')
f.set_type('previous_units_on_hand', 'quantity')
f.set_type('cases', 'quantity')
f.set_type('units', 'quantity')
f.set_type('variance', 'quantity')
# currency fields
f.set_type('unit_cost', 'currency')
f.set_type('total_cost', 'currency')
# upc
f.set_renderer('upc', self.render_upc)
# cases
if self.editing:
if not self.allow_cases(row.batch):
def render_upc(self, row, field):
upc = row.upc
if not upc:
return ""
text = upc.pretty()
if row.product_uuid:
url = self.request.route_url('products.view', uuid=row.product_uuid)
return tags.link_to(text, url)
return text
def defaults(cls, config):
def _inventory_defaults(cls, config):
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
model_title = cls.get_model_title()
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
# extra perms for creating batches per "mode"
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.replace'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'replace' mode".format(model_title))
if cls.allow_zero_all:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'zero' mode".format(model_title))
if cls.allow_variance:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.create.variance'.format(permission_prefix),
"Create new {} with 'variance' mode".format(model_title))
# row UPC lookup, for desktop
config.add_route('{}.desktop_lookup'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{{}}}/desktop-form/lookup'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='desktop_lookup', route_name='{}.desktop_lookup'.format(route_prefix),
renderer='json', permission='{}.create_row'.format(permission_prefix))
# mobile - make new row from UPC
config.add_route('mobile.{}.row_from_upc'.format(route_prefix), '/mobile{}/{{{}}}/row-from-upc'.format(url_prefix, model_key))
config.add_view(cls, attr='mobile_row_from_upc', route_name='mobile.{}.row_from_upc'.format(route_prefix),
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_inventory_batch_row(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
row = session.query(model.InventoryBatchRow).get(value)
if not row:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch row not found")
if row.batch.executed:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Batch has already been executed")
return row.uuid
return validate
class InventoryForm(colander.MappingSchema):
row = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(), missing=colander.null)
# TODO: this is a stopgap measure to fix an obvious bug, which exists when the
# session is not provided by the view at runtime (i.e. when it was instead
# being provided by the type instance, which was created upon app startup).
def valid_product(node, kw):
session = kw['session']
def validate(node, value):
product = session.query(model.Product).get(value)
if not product:
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Product not found")
return product.uuid
return validate
class DesktopForm(colander.Schema):
product = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(),
upc = colander.SchemaNode(forms.types.GPCType())
brand_name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
description = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
size = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), missing=colander.null)
case_quantity = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal())
cases = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),
units = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Decimal(),
def includeme(config):
Reference in a new issue