
129 lines
4.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

## -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
## ##############################################################################
## Default master 'index' template. Features a prominent data table and
## exposes a way to filter and sort the data, etc. Some index pages also
## include a "tools" section, just above the grid on the right.
## ##############################################################################
<%inherit file="/base.mako" />
<%def name="title()">${index_title}</%def>
<%def name="extra_javascript()">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
% if master.mergeable and request.has_perm('{}.merge'.format(permission_prefix)):
$('form[name="merge-things"] button').button('option', 'disabled', $('.grid tbody td.checkbox input:checked').length != 2);
$('.grid-wrapper').on('click', 'tbody td.checkbox input', function() {
$('form[name="merge-things"] button').button('option', 'disabled', $('.grid tbody td.checkbox input:checked').length != 2);
$('form[name="merge-things"]').submit(function() {
var uuids = [];
$('.grid tbody td.checkbox input:checked').each(function() {
if (uuids.length != 2) {
return false;
.button('option', 'label', "Preparing to Merge...")
% endif
% if master.bulk_deletable and request.has_perm('{}.bulk_delete'.format(permission_prefix)):
$('form[name="bulk-delete"] button').click(function() {
var count = 0;
var match = /showing \d+ thru \d+ of (\S+)/.exec($('.pager .showing').text());
if (match) {
count = match[1];
} else {
alert("There don't seem to be any results to delete!");
if (! confirm("You are about to delete " + count + " ${model_title_plural}.\n\nAre you sure?")) {
$(this).button('disable').button('option', 'label', "Deleting Results...");
% endif
<%def name="context_menu_items()">
% if master.creatable and request.has_perm('{}.create'.format(permission_prefix)):
<li>${h.link_to("Create a new {}".format(model_title), url('{}.create'.format(route_prefix)))}</li>
% endif
<%def name="grid_tools()">
% if master.mergeable and request.has_perm('{}.merge'.format(permission_prefix)):
${h.form(url('{}.merge'.format(route_prefix)), name='merge-things')}
<button type="submit">Merge 2 ${model_title_plural}</button>
% endif
% if master.bulk_deletable and request.has_perm('{}.bulk_delete'.format(permission_prefix)):
${h.form(url('{}.bulk_delete'.format(route_prefix)), name='bulk-delete')}
<button type="button">Delete Results</button>
% endif
## ${grid.render_complete(tools=capture(self.grid_tools).strip(), context_menu=capture(self.context_menu_items).strip())|n}
${grid.render_complete(tools=capture(self.grid_tools).strip(), context_menu=capture(self.context_menu_items).strip())|n}
## <div class="grid-wrapper">
## <table class="grid-header">
## <tbody>
## <tr>
## <td class="filters" rowspan="2">
## % if grid.filterable:
## ## TODO: should this be variable sometimes?
## ${grid.render_filters(allow_save_defaults=True)|n}
## % endif
## </td>
## <td class="menu">
## <ul id="context-menu">
## ${self.context_menu_items()}
## </ul>
## </td>
## </tr>
## <tr>
## <td class="tools">
## <div class="grid-tools">
## ${self.grid_tools()}
## </div><!-- grid-tools -->
## </td>
## </tr>
## </tbody>
## </table><!-- grid-header -->
## ${grid.render_grid()|n}
## </div><!-- grid-wrapper -->