2017-07-03 16:58:30 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
2018-02-03 16:12:36 -06:00
# Copyright © 2010-2018 Lance Edgar
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
2017-07-06 23:47:56 -05:00
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
2017-07-06 23:47:56 -05:00
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2017-07-06 23:47:56 -05:00
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2013-09-01 09:27:47 -05:00
Customer Views
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
import re
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2017-12-03 12:23:43 -06:00
import six
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
import colander
from deform import widget as dfwidget
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
from webhelpers2.html import HTML, tags
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
from tailbone import grids
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
from tailbone.db import Session
2018-02-05 21:23:23 -06:00
from tailbone.views import MasterView, AutocompleteView
2013-12-17 08:09:28 -06:00
2013-12-17 07:57:55 -06:00
from rattail.db import model
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
class CustomersView(MasterView):
Master view for the Customer class.
model_class = model.Customer
2017-07-05 17:16:28 -05:00
has_versions = True
2017-03-19 11:21:00 -05:00
supports_mobile = True
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
people_detachable = True
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
labels = {
'id': "ID",
'default_phone': "Phone Number",
'default_email': "Email Address",
2017-12-03 12:23:43 -06:00
'default_address': "Physical Address",
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
'active_in_pos': "Active in POS",
'active_in_pos_sticky': "Always Active in POS",
2017-07-07 09:13:53 -05:00
grid_columns = [
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
form_fields = [
2017-12-03 12:23:43 -06:00
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
2018-02-03 16:12:36 -06:00
mobile_form_fields = [
2017-07-07 09:13:53 -05:00
def configure_grid(self, g):
super(CustomersView, self).configure_grid(g)
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
g.joiners['email'] = lambda q: q.outerjoin(model.CustomerEmailAddress, sa.and_(
model.CustomerEmailAddress.parent_uuid == model.Customer.uuid,
model.CustomerEmailAddress.preference == 1))
g.joiners['phone'] = lambda q: q.outerjoin(model.CustomerPhoneNumber, sa.and_(
model.CustomerPhoneNumber.parent_uuid == model.Customer.uuid,
model.CustomerPhoneNumber.preference == 1))
g.filters['email'] = g.make_filter('email', model.CustomerEmailAddress.address,
label="Email Address")
g.filters['phone'] = g.make_filter('phone', model.CustomerPhoneNumber.number,
label="Phone Number")
# name=self.filter_ilike_and_soundex(model.Customer.name),
g.filters['name'].default_active = True
g.filters['name'].default_verb = 'contains'
g.sorters['email'] = lambda q, d: q.order_by(getattr(model.CustomerEmailAddress.address, d)())
g.sorters['phone'] = lambda q, d: q.order_by(getattr(model.CustomerPhoneNumber.number, d)())
2017-12-04 22:40:10 -06:00
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2017-07-07 09:13:53 -05:00
g.set_label('id', "ID")
g.set_label('phone', "Phone Number")
g.set_label('email', "Email Address")
2013-05-21 23:51:41 -05:00
2017-08-03 19:16:53 -05:00
2017-08-02 20:40:02 -05:00
2017-03-19 11:21:00 -05:00
def get_mobile_data(self, session=None):
# TODO: hacky!
return self.get_data(session=session).order_by(model.Customer.name)
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
def get_instance(self):
instance = super(CustomersView, self).get_instance()
except HTTPNotFound:
if instance:
return instance
key = self.request.matchdict['uuid']
# search by Customer.id
instance = self.Session.query(model.Customer)\
.filter(model.Customer.id == key)\
if instance:
return instance
# search by CustomerPerson.uuid
instance = self.Session.query(model.CustomerPerson).get(key)
if instance:
return instance.customer
# search by CustomerGroupAssignment.uuid
instance = self.Session.query(model.CustomerGroupAssignment).get(key)
if instance:
return instance.customer
raise HTTPNotFound
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
def configure_form(self, f):
super(CustomersView, self).configure_form(f)
customer = f.model_instance
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
# id
if not self.creating:
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
f.set_renderer('default_email', self.render_default_email)
if not self.creating and customer.emails:
f.set_default('default_email', customer.emails[0].address)
f.set_renderer('default_phone', self.render_default_phone)
if not self.creating and customer.phones:
f.set_default('default_phone', customer.phones[0].number)
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
# default_address
if self.creating:
f.set_renderer('default_address', self.render_default_address)
2017-12-03 12:23:43 -06:00
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
f.set_enum('email_preference', self.enum.EMAIL_PREFERENCE)
preferences = list(self.enum.EMAIL_PREFERENCE.items())
preferences.insert(0, ('', "(no preference)"))
f.set_widget('email_preference', dfwidget.SelectWidget(values=preferences))
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
# people
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
if self.creating:
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
elif self.viewing and self.request.has_perm('{}.detach_person'.format(permission_prefix)):
f.set_renderer('people', self.render_people_removable)
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
f.set_renderer('people', self.render_people)
# groups
if self.creating:
f.set_renderer('groups', self.render_groups)
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
# TODO: something like this should be supported for default_email, default_phone
# def after_edit(self, customer):
# if not self.is_readonly():
# address = self._deserialize()
# contact = self.parent.model
# if contact.emails:
# if address:
# email = contact.emails[0]
# email.address = address
# else:
# contact.emails.pop(0)
# elif address:
# email = contact.add_email_address(address)
# if not self.is_readonly():
# number = self._deserialize()
# contact = self.parent.model
# if contact.phones:
# if number:
# phone = contact.phones[0]
# phone.number = number
# else:
# contact.phones.pop(0)
# elif number:
# phone = contact.add_phone_number(number)
def render_default_email(self, customer, field):
if customer.emails:
return customer.emails[0].address
def render_default_phone(self, customer, field):
if customer.phones:
return customer.phones[0].number
2017-12-03 12:23:43 -06:00
def render_default_address(self, customer, field):
if customer.addresses:
return six.text_type(customer.addresses[0])
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
def render_people(self, customer, field):
people = customer.people
if not people:
return ""
items = []
for person in people:
link = tags.link_to(person, self.request.route_url('people.view', uuid=person.uuid))
items.append(HTML.tag('li', link))
return HTML.tag('ul', HTML.literal('').join(items))
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
def render_people_removable(self, customer, field):
people = customer.people
if not people:
return ""
route_prefix = self.get_route_prefix()
permission_prefix = self.get_permission_prefix()
view_url = lambda p, i: self.request.route_url('people.view', uuid=p.uuid)
actions = [
grids.GridAction('view', icon='zoomin', url=view_url),
if self.people_detachable and self.request.has_perm('{}.detach_person'.format(permission_prefix)):
url = lambda p, i: self.request.route_url('{}.detach_person'.format(route_prefix),
uuid=customer.uuid, person_uuid=p.uuid)
grids.GridAction('detach', icon='trash', url=url))
columns = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'display_name']
g = grids.Grid(
labels={'display_name': "Full Name"},
url=lambda p: self.request.route_url('people.view', uuid=p.uuid),
return HTML.literal(g.render_grid())
def render_groups(self, customer, field):
groups = customer.groups
if not groups:
return ""
items = []
for group in groups:
text = "({}) {}".format(group.id, group.name)
url = self.request.route_url('customergroups.view', uuid=group.uuid)
items.append(HTML.tag('li', tags.link_to(text, url)))
return HTML.tag('ul', HTML.literal('').join(items))
2017-07-05 17:16:28 -05:00
def get_version_child_classes(self):
return [
(model.CustomerPhoneNumber, 'parent_uuid'),
(model.CustomerEmailAddress, 'parent_uuid'),
(model.CustomerMailingAddress, 'parent_uuid'),
(model.CustomerPerson, 'customer_uuid'),
2018-01-24 23:53:12 -06:00
def detach_person(self):
customer = self.get_instance()
person = self.Session.query(model.Person).get(self.request.matchdict['person_uuid'])
if not person:
return self.notfound()
if person in customer.people:
self.request.session.flash("No change; person \"{}\" not attached to customer \"{}\"".format(
person, customer))
return self.redirect(self.request.get_referrer())
def defaults(cls, config):
route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
model_key = cls.get_model_key()
model_title = cls.get_model_title()
# detach person
if cls.people_detachable:
config.add_tailbone_permission(permission_prefix, '{}.detach_person'.format(permission_prefix),
"Detach a Person from a {}".format(model_title))
config.add_route('{}.detach_person'.format(route_prefix), '{}/{{{}}}/detach-person/{{person_uuid}}'.format(url_prefix, model_key),
# request_method='POST',
config.add_view(cls, attr='detach_person', route_name='{}.detach_person'.format(route_prefix),
2012-08-10 16:18:34 -05:00
2017-11-21 20:45:55 -06:00
# # TODO: this is referenced by some custom apps, but should be moved??
# def unique_id(value, field):
# customer = field.parent.model
# query = Session.query(model.Customer).filter(model.Customer.id == value)
# if customer.uuid:
# query = query.filter(model.Customer.uuid != customer.uuid)
# if query.count():
# raise fa.ValidationError("Customer ID must be unique")
# TODO: this only works when creating, need to add edit support?
def unique_id(node, value):
customers = Session.query(model.Customer).filter(model.Customer.id == value)
if customers.count():
raise colander.Invalid(node, "Customer ID must be unique")
2017-08-09 21:41:42 -05:00
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
class CustomerNameAutocomplete(AutocompleteView):
Autocomplete view which operates on customer name.
mapped_class = model.Customer
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
fieldname = 'name'
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
class CustomerPhoneAutocomplete(AutocompleteView):
Autocomplete view which operates on customer phone number.
.. note::
As currently implemented, this view will only work with a PostgreSQL
database. It normalizes the user's search term and the database values
to numeric digits only (i.e. removes special characters from each) in
order to be able to perform smarter matching. However normalizing the
database value currently uses the PG SQL ``regexp_replace()`` function.
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
invalid_pattern = re.compile(r'\D')
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
def prepare_term(self, term):
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
return self.invalid_pattern.sub('', term)
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
def query(self, term):
return Session.query(model.CustomerPhoneNumber)\
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
.filter(sa.func.regexp_replace(model.CustomerPhoneNumber.number, r'\D', '', 'g').like('%{0}%'.format(term)))\
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
def display(self, phone):
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
return "{0} {1}".format(phone.number, phone.customer)
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
def value(self, phone):
return phone.customer.uuid
def customer_info(request):
View which returns simple dictionary of info for a particular customer.
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
uuid = request.params.get('uuid')
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
customer = Session.query(model.Customer).get(uuid) if uuid else None
if not customer:
return {}
return {
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
'uuid': customer.uuid,
'name': customer.name,
'phone_number': customer.phone.number if customer.phone else '',
2014-07-13 14:43:58 -05:00
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
def includeme(config):
2013-05-18 01:32:57 -05:00
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
# autocomplete
config.add_route('customers.autocomplete', '/customers/autocomplete')
config.add_view(CustomerNameAutocomplete, route_name='customers.autocomplete',
renderer='json', permission='customers.list')
config.add_route('customers.autocomplete.phone', '/customers/autocomplete/phone')
config.add_view(CustomerPhoneAutocomplete, route_name='customers.autocomplete.phone',
renderer='json', permission='customers.list')
2013-05-18 01:32:57 -05:00
2015-12-07 15:08:14 -06:00
# info
config.add_route('customer.info', '/customers/info')
config.add_view(customer_info, route_name='customer.info',
renderer='json', permission='customers.view')