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2012-02-15 19:34:31 -06:00
* Copyright (c) 2003, ACEECA Limited. All rights reserved.
* File: MeazuraLib_V300b.h
* Release: 8th June 2004,
* MzLibVersion = 3,0,0,sysROMStageBeta,5
* Description:
* Meazura library API definitions.
* History:
* V300b:
* 19-Dec-03 HD: Swapped the definitions for PeripheralUSBCradle and PeripheralRS232Cradle
* to agree with the API.
* 20-Jan-04 HD: Added more baudrate enumerations for UARTcontrolCodeSetBaudRate.
* 18-Feb-04 HD: Incorporated two new enumerations for MzParallelControl which are:
* ParallelControlCodeEnableCS0 and ParallelControlCodeDisableCS0.
* These new enumerations will give the developer the ability to disable
* CS0 and use it as a GPIO pin if required.
* 18-Feb-04 HD: Added ParallelControlCodeGPIOSetCS1, ParallelControlCodeGPIOGetCS1,
* ParallelControlCodeGPIOSetCS0, ParallelControlCodeGPIOGetCS0 to the
* Parallel control enumerations.
* 20-Feb-04 HD: Improved the header document to be more compatible with GCC compilers as
* well as adding better descriptions for the *value parameter for each enumeration.
* 23-Feb-04 HD: Changed MOD_PWR and MOD_RESET to be inputs pulled low on exit of the API
* library. They were previously being driven low.
* 30-Mar-04 HD: Was not checking null pointer errors for ModuleControlCodeUART2ViaModule.
* The enumeration now returns mzNullPointerError if the boolean value given is a
* NULL pointer.
* 30-Mar-04 HD: Incorporated checking of requested MZIO functionality to see if it being currently
* used by the system. If the function requested is being used by the system the
* mzHwFunctionBusy error is returned. This checking incurs a small overhead on all the
* routines listed to the right.
* V301b
* 1-Apr-04 HD: Added a UARTcontrolCodeSetCustomBaudrate so that the caller can set a custom baudrate
* if the standard baudrates listed are insufficient.
* 19-Apr-04 HD: Changed numberOfBytes in MzSPITransferData and MzSPIReceiveData to be numberOfWords.
* HD: Changed the documentation to make clear the arguments in MzSPITransferData, MzSPIReceiveData
* MzUARTTrasmitData and MzUARTReceiveData.
* 22-Apr-04 HD: SPIcontrolCodeEnablePort now checks for a NULL pointer error on valueP.
* HD: ParallelControlCodeGPIOSetCS1, ParallelControlCodeGPIOGetCS1, ParallelControlCodeGPIOGetCS0, ParallelControlCodeGPIOSetCS0
* now check for NULL pointers before using valueP.
* HD: MzLibSleep and MzLibWake now check for NULL pointers when accessing the library globals structure.
* 12-May-04 HD: Fixed bug in V300b library where when changing UART1 baudrate, debugging data was being
* output from the library via UART1 port.
* V302b
* 4-Jun-04 HD: Corrected the bug where the signals returned from MzGPIOGetValue for the UART_TX and UART_RX masks were
* swapped around.
* 8-Jun-04 HD: Corrected the bug where non-zero bit values were being returned by MzGPIOGetValue for the un-masked bits.
* The function now only returns the bit field representing the GPIO lines defined in the mask fiel,
* all other bits are zeroed.
* HD: Corrected the bug where ModuleControlCodeMOD_PWRGet was setting the MOD_POWER pin to dedicated functions instead
* of GPIO.
* HD: ParallelControlCodeGPIOGetCS1 and ParallelControlCodeGPIOGetCS0 have been modified to return
* a true boolean value when returning the state of the corresponding pin.
* V303b
* 7-Oct-04 HD: UARTcontrolCodeSetBaudRate for baudrates greater than UARTBaudRate230400 in the enum list
* was causing a problem when checking for a valid baudrate value. This has now been changed
* to reference the maximum enum to UARTBaudRateLast.
* 24-Nov-04 HD: Found that external 100K pull downs on MOD_RESET and MOD_PWR were not sufficient to keep
* these lines low resulting in ~1.5V on the pins. On MOD_PWR this can sometimes result in
* the unit losing power overnight as it is drained by the module. The software now pushes
* these lines low when the library exits. Please note that if these pins are driven high
* from an external source, there is a potential to short circuit the pin causing undesirable
* results. It is advised that if the pins are being used as GPIO inputs, series resistors
* be placed on the respective lines to limit the current into the pins.
* HD: Instead of generating a fatal exception alert, now MeazuraErrParam is returned when
* the version pointer is a NULL value.
* 18-Jan-05 HD: Will now always check the peripheral resistor data is up to date by reading the value of the
* resistor directly. Was previously relying on the value of updated globals.
* HD: Corrected a bug in MzGetPeripheralID where by PeripheralNoDevicePresent was being returned in
* the place of Peripheral560K.
* 15-Mar-05 HD: Changed MzLibClose to NOT set UART2 to channel to the cradle interface by default. It now remains sticky
* even when the Meazura API library is closed.
* 31-Mar-05 HD: Modified the ParallelControlSetCS1Size opcode in MzParallelControl so that it doesn't
* always return an error code. The error code was being returned even if the hardware
* wasn't busy, hence not changing the size of the chip select.
* V304b
* 9-May-05 HD: Found that ParallelControlCodeEnableCS1 and ParallelControlCodeDisableCS1 were only addressing
* reconfiguration of the physical pin to be routed via the chip select function. The actual chip
* select was however not being enabled. Upon reset, the chip select was set to be enabled
* by the HAL and hence didn't cause a problem previously. However now that compact flash
* specifically disables the chip select if a CF card is not found, an bus error is
* generated causing Fatal Exception alerts. This has now been addresssed.
* V305
* 02-Sep-05 HD: Incorporated error checking in MzLibGetVersion if SysGetROMToken fails, such as times when the
* token doesn't exist.
#ifndef __MEAZURA_LIB_H__
#define __MEAZURA_LIB_H__
// If we're actually compiling the library code, then we need to
// eliminate the trap glue that would otherwise be generated from
// this header file in order to prevent compiler errors in CW Pro 2.
#ifdef BUILDING_Meazura_LIB
#define Meazura_LIB_TRAP(trapNum)
#define Meazura_LIB_TRAP(trapNum) SYS_TRAP(trapNum)
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Library Version
* Library Version
// The library version scheme follows the system versioning scheme.
// See sysMakeROMVersion and friends in SystemMgr.h.
// For reference:
// 0xMMmfsbbb, where MM is major version, m is minor version
// f is bug fix, s is stage: 3-release,2-beta,1-alpha,0-development,
// bbb is build number for non-releases
// V1.12b3 would be: 0x01122003
// V2.00a2 would be: 0x02001002
// V1.01 would be: 0x01013000
#define MzLibVersion sysMakeROMVersion(3, 0, 0, sysROMStageBeta, 5)
* Meazura Feature Numbers
#define MzFeatureCreator 'AFtr' // ACEECA's feature creator
// Feature number for ROM version
#define MzFeatureIDVersion 'rs' // Feature number for ROM version
// Feature number for flash disk
#define MzFeatureFlashDiskVersion 2 // Feature number for flash disk
* Type and creator of Meazura Library database
#define MzLibCreatorID 'MAPI' // Meazura Library database creator
#define MzLibTypeID 'libr' // Standard library database type
* Internal library name which can be passed to SysLibFind()
#define MzLibName "MeazuraAPILibrary"
* Registered Meazura notifications
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Meazura Notifications
#define MzAlmNotification 'MZAL' // External alarm notification
#define MzPerpNotification 'MZPE' // Peripheral change notification
#define MzModuleNotification 'MZMD' // Module interrupt notification
#define MzWakeupNotification 'MZWK' // Wakeup notification
// Note:
// All of these notifications have NULL notify data pointers, ie. no system data
// returned with the notification. They however support user data pointers that
// can be set up using SysNotifyRegister.
// When catching a MzPerNotification you can request peripheral information
// using the MzGetPeripheralID API.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Meazura Key Bit definitions
* Meazura key bit definitions
#define MzLeftKeyBit keyBitHard1
#define MzCentreKeyBit keyBitHard2
#define MzRightKeyBit keyBitHard3
#define MzUpKeyBit keyBitPageUp
#define MzDownKeyBit keyBitPageDown
#define MzPowerKeyBit keyBitPower
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Meazura Virtual Key definitions
* Meazura virtual keys definitions
#define MzVLeftKey chrLeftArrow
#define MzVCentreKey vchrHard1
#define MzVRightKey chrRightArrow
#define MzVUpKey vchrPageUp
#define MzVDownKey vchrPageDown
#define MzVPowerKey vchrAutoOff
#define MzVirtualKeyMin 0x1D00
#define MzVirtualKeyMax 0x1D0F
#define MzBarcodeReceivedKey 0x1D00 // enqueued when a valid barcode is received
#define MzBatteryTriggerOn 0x1D01 // enqueued when the trigger
#define MzBatteryTriggerOff 0x1D02 // enqueued when the trigger
* Meazura Library result codes
* (appErrorClass is reserved for 3rd party apps/libraries.
* It is defined in SystemMgr.h)
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Error Codes
#define MeazuraErrParam (oemErrorClass | 0x1) // invalid parameter
#define MeazuraErrNotOpen (oemErrorClass | 0x2) // library is not open
#define mzLibAlreadyOpen (oemErrorClass | 0x3) // returned from MzLibClose() if the library is still open by others
#define mzMemoryError (oemErrorClass | 0x4) // memory error occurred
#define mzHwFunctionNotSupported (oemErrorClass | 0x5) // the function being accessed is not available on the current hardware
#define mzHwFunctionBusy (oemErrorClass | 0x6) // the function being accessed is being accessed by someone else
// API error codes
#define mzNullPointerError (oemErrorClass | 0xA) // Error setting the alarm
#define mzSetAlarmError (oemErrorClass | 0xB) // Error setting the alarm
#define mzCommsError (oemErrorClass | 0xC) // Error communicating with external processor
#define mzControlCodeError (oemErrorClass | 0xD) // Unrecognised control code
#define mzTimeOutError (oemErrorClass | 0xE) // Baud rate to SPI controller unrecognised
#define mzBadBaudRateError (oemErrorClass | 0x10) // Baud rate unrecognised
#define mzConfigError (oemErrorClass | 0x11) // Error setting up the configuration
#define mzNullCallbackProcPtrError (oemErrorClass | 0x12) // Null callback function pointer
#define mzNullCallbackDataPtrError (oemErrorClass | 0x13) // Null callback data pointer
#define mzUARTOverrunError (oemErrorClass | 0x14) // UART has received an overrun error
#define mzUARTFrameError (oemErrorClass | 0x15) // UART has received a frame error
#define mzUARTParityError (oemErrorClass | 0x16) // UART has received parity error
#define mzParallelChipSelectError (oemErrorClass | 0x17) // Unrecognised chip select
#define mzParallelOffsetError (oemErrorClass | 0x18) // Offset is out of range
#define mzParallelDataSizeError (oemErrorClass | 0x19) // The size and offset specified is out of the addressable chip select range
#define mzGPIOPinBusyError (oemErrorClass | 0x1A) // The pin is currently being used by some dedicated function
#define mzNoFIFODataError (oemErrorClass | 0x1B) // This error is returned when there is no data in the receive FIFO
#define mzPortNotOpenError (oemErrorClass | 0x1C) // Returned when the port is not openned.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark -
* Callback function prototypes
typedef void (*ModuleCallbackPtr) (MemPtr userData);
typedef void (*SPICallbackPtr) (UInt8 SPIIntStatus, MemPtr userData);
typedef void (*UARTCallbackPtr) (UInt8 UARTIntStatus, MemPtr userData);
* Public Structures
typedef struct MzCallbackType
void* callbackProcPtr; // pointer to a callback procedure when SPI interrupt occurs
void* callbackDataPtr; // pointer to a user specified callback data structure passed to the interrupt
} MzCallbackType;
typedef MzCallbackType* MzCallbackPtr;
typedef struct MzVersion
UInt32 APIVersion; // The version of the API
UInt32 PICVersion; // The firmware version of the keypad board processor
UInt32 ROMVersion; // The ROM OS version
UInt32 HardwareVersion; // The hardware version, format 0xMMxxxbbb, MM - major version, bbb - minor version, x - don't care
} MzVersion;
typedef MzVersion* MzVersionPtr;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Alarm API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Alarm API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef struct MzAlarmType
Int8 second; // start time second (00 - 59)
Int8 minute; // start time minute (00 - 59)
Int8 hour; // start time hour (00 - 23)
Int8 day; // start time day (1 - 31), see notes
Int8 prdUnits; // period units, see description below
Int8 period; // period (0 - 255)
Int16 maxAlarmCnt; // maximum alarm count (0 = no limit)
Int8 almConfig; // Alarm configuration register
} MzAlarmType;
typedef MzAlarmType* MzAlarmPtr;
// Periodic units supported
#define tenMsUnits 0x40 // 10ms unit
#define secondsUnits 0x01 // seconds unit
#define minutesUnits 0x02 // minutes unit
#define hoursUnits 0x04 // hourly unit
#define daysUnits 0x08 // daily unit
#define weeksUnits 0x10 // weekly unit
#define monthsUnits 0x20 // montly unit
// Alarm configuration types
#define wakeOS_onAlarm 0x01
#define wakeModule_onAlarm 0x02
#define powerupUnit_onAlarm 0x04 // Not currently supported
#define kybSleep_afterAlarm 0x08
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark SPI API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// SPI API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef enum MzSPIControlCodeEnum
// Enables the SPI hardware. This should be done before accessing
// other SPI configurations.
// *valueP = (UInt8) Pins to be used for SPI (see GPIO control API structures) eg. SPI_MOSI etc.
// Disables the SPI hardware
// valueP = NULL
// Enables interrupts in the interruptType register
// *valueP = (UInt8) Interrupt types supported, eg. SPITxFIFOEmpty etc.
// Disables all currently configured SPI interrupts
// valueP = NULL
// Sets the configuration bits in the config register
// *valueP = (UInt16) configuration tuple eg. SPIPortIsMaster etc.
// Sets the baud rate divisor in the baudRate register
// *valueP = (UInt16) baud rate tuple eg. SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv4 etc.
// Sets the amount of time between samples in master mode.
// *valueP = (UInt16) sample period value. Bitwise OR with samplePeriodSelect32khz
// to get the 32kHz clock instead of SPI clock (33Mhz/divisor)
// Sets the number of bits to transfer in the numberOfBits register
// *valueP = (UInt8) number of bits to transfer (1 to 16)
// Flushes the receive fifo of the SPI
// valueP = NULL
// Sets the callback function for SPI interrupt processing
// *valueP = (MzCallbackPtr) callback data information callbackProcPtr, callbackDataPtr
} MzSPIControlCodeEnum;
// Divisors for SPI baudRate (SPICONT1 register), SYSCLK= 33Mhz
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv4 0x0000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv8 0x2000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv16 0x4000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv32 0x6000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv64 0x8000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv128 0xA000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv256 0xC000
#define SPIbaudRateSysClkDiv512 0xE000
#define SPIbaudRateMask 0xE000 // Data Rate mask
// SPI interrupt types supported (high byte of SPIINTCS register)
#define SPITxFIFOEmpty 0x01 // Interrupts when the transmit FIFO is empty
#define SPITxFIFOHalf 0x02 // Interrupts when the transmit FIFO has 4 words or fewer
#define SPITxFIFOFull 0x04 // Interrupts when the transmit FIFO is full
#define SPIRxFIFOReady 0x08 // Interrupts when the receive FIFO is ready with at least 1 byte/word of data
#define SPIRxFIFOHalf 0x10 // Interrupts when the receive FIFO has at least 4 words
#define SPIRxFIFOFull 0x20 // Interrupts when the receive FIFO is full
#define SPIRxFIFOOverflow 0x40 // Interrupts when the receive FIFO overflows
#define SPIBitCountOverflow 0x80 // Interrupts when the bit count overflows, see note 1
// SPI configuration types (SPICONT1 register)
#define SPIDRActiveLow 0x1000 // Configures Data Ready to be active low
#define SPIDRFallingEdge 0x0800 // Configures Data Ready to be falling edge
#define SPIPortIsMaster 0x0400 // Configures the SPI to be the master
#define SPISSPolarityIsHigh 0x0080 // Makes the SS active high
#define SPISSWaveformSelect 0x0040 // See note 2 below
#define SPIPhaseBitSet 0x0020 // See note 3 below
#define SPIPolarityBitSet 0x0010 //
// SPI bits to transfer mask (SPICONT1 register)
#define SPIBitCountMask 0x000F
// Sampling period clock type (SPISPC register)
#define samplePeriodSelect32khz 0x8000 // If set=32kHz selected, otherwise SPICLK selected.
#define sampleNumberOfClocksMask 0x7FFF // 15-bits for setting up how many clocks between samples
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
BitCountOverflow interrupt
This interrupt is generated if the SPI controller is place in slave mode where
the SPI receive FIFO is advanced by the SS rising edge. An interrupt occurs if
at least 1 of the data locations in the receive FIFO had received more than 16 bits
in one burst. This interrupt can be cleared by reading the SPI data. There is
nothing to indicate which data word has overflowed, hence the bad data word may
still be in the receive FIFO if it is not empty.
In master mode this bit selects the output wave form for the SS signal.
In slave mode, this bit controls RxFIFO advancement.
Master Mode:
0 = SS stays low between SPI 1 bursts
1 = Insert pulse between SPI 1 bursts
Slave Mode:
0 = RxFIFO advanced by Bit Count
1 = RxFIFO advanced by SS rising edge
SPIPhaseBitSet and SPIPolarityBitSet
SPIPolarityBitSet = 1, SPIPhaseBitSet = 1
______ ___ ___ ___ _ ________
|___| |___| |___| |_.... |___|
SPIPolarityBitSet = 1, SPIPhaseBitSet = 0
__________ ___ ___ _ _____ ____
|___| |___| |___| .... |___|
SPIPolarityBitSet = 0, SPIPhaseBitSet = 1
___ ___ ___ _ ___
______| |___| |___| |___| ...._| |________
SPIPolarityBitSet = 0, SPIPhaseBitSet = 0
___ ___ ___ ___
__________| |___| |___| |_...._____| |____
______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark UART API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// UART API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef enum MzUARTControlCodeEnum
// Enables the UART hardware. This should be done before accessing
// other UART configurations.
// *valueP = (UInt8) UART configuration tuple, eg. UARTReceiverEnable etc
// Disables the UART hardware
// valueP = NULL
// Enables interrupts in the interruptType register
// *valueP = (UInt8) Interrupt type tuple eg. UARTTxFIFOAvailable
// Disables all currently configured UART interrupts
// valueP = NULL
// Sets the baud rate of the UART in bits/s
// *valueP = (UInt8) baud rate enum, eg. UARTBaudRate2400 etc.
// Flushes the receive fifo
// valueP = NULL
// Sets the callback function and data pointers for interrupt processing
// *valueP = (MzCallbackPtr) callback data information callbackProcPtr, callbackDataPtr
// Sets a custom baudrate for UART1
// *valueP = (UInt32) baudrate in bits per second, eg. 115K2 == *valueP = 115200
} MzUARTControlCodeEnum;
typedef enum MzUARTBaudRateEnum
UARTBaudRate2400 = 1,
} MzUARTBaudRateEnum;
// UART interrupt types supported
#define UARTTxFIFOAvailable 0x01 // TxFIFO has at least 1 slot empty
#define UARTTxFIFOHalf 0x02 // TxFIFO is less than half full
#define UARTTxFIFOEmpty 0x04 // TxFIFO is empty
#define UARTRxFIFOReady 0x20 // RxFIFO has at least 1 byte
#define UARTRxFIFOHalf 0x40 // RxFIFO has 4 or fewer slots remaining
#define UARTRxFIFOFull 0x80 // RxFIFO is full and may overrun
// UART configurations types
#define UARTReceiverEnable 0x40 // Enables the UART receiver
#define UARTTransmitterEnable 0x20 // Enables the UART transmitter
#define UARTParityEnable 0x08 // Enables parity checking
#define UARTOddParitySelected 0x04 // If set, odd parity selected. Otherwise even parity selected.
#define UARTTwoStopBitsSelected 0x02 // If set, two stop bits selected. Otherwise one stop bit selected.
#define UART8BitTransmitReceive 0x01 // If set, 8 bit transmit and receive length selected, otherwise 7 bit.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Parallel interface API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Parallel interface API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef enum MzParallelControlCodeEnum
// Returns the size of CS1 in the mappedSize register
// *valueP = (UInt8) MzParallelCSSizeEnum of the CS1 size.
// Sets the size of CS1 relative to the mappedSize register
// *valueP = (UInt8) MzParallelCSSizeEnum of the CS1 size.
// Sets up the configuration of the chip select,
// *valueP = (UInt16) parallel configuration tuple eg. ParallelReadOnly etc
// Sets up the number of waitstates for the chip select
// *valueP = (UInt16) parallel waitstate enum eg. ParallelWaitState0 etc
// Enables Chip Select 1 of the MZIO bus
// valueP = NULL
// Disables Chip Select 1 of the MZIO bus, sets CS1 pin as input pulled high
// valueP = NULL
// Enables Chip Select 0 of the MZIO bus
// valueP = NULL
// Disables Chip Select 0 of the MZIO bus, sets CS0 pin as input pulled high
// valueP = NULL
// Sets the CS1 chip select pin based on valueP. This will only work if the chip select
// function is disabled, use ParallelControlCodeDisableCS1.
// *valueP = (Boolean) true or false sets the pin accordingly.
// Gets the CS1 chip select pin and returns it to valueP. This will only work if the chip select
// function is disabled, use ParallelControlCodeDisableCS1.
// *valueP = (Boolean) true or false for the state of the pin.
// Sets the CS0 chip select pin based on valueP. This will only work if the chip select
// function is disabled, use ParallelControlCodeDisableCS0.
// *valueP = (Boolean) true or false sets the pin accordingly.
// Gets the CS0 chip select pin and returns it to valueP. This will only work if the chip select
// function is disabled, use ParallelControlCodeDisableCS0.
// *valueP = (Boolean) true or false for the state of the pin.
} MzParallelControlCodeEnum;
// Parallel interface configuration types
#define ParallelReadOnly 0x8000 // Makes the chip select read only
#define ParallelFLASHSupport 0x0100 // When set, forces the WE* signal to go active after the chip select line
#define Parallel16BitBus 0x0080 // When set, forces the bus to be 16 bit, otherwise 8 bit bus, this is currently not supported
// Waitstates supported
typedef enum MzParallelWaitstateEnum
ParallelWaitState0 = 0, // Zero wait states
ParallelWaitState2, // Two wait states
ParallelWaitState4, // Four wait states
ParallelWaitState6, // Six wait states
ParallelWaitState8, // Eight wait states
ParallelWaitState10, // Ten wait states
ParallelWaitState12 // Twelve wait states
} MzParallelWaitstateEnum;
// Chip select mapping sizes supported
typedef enum MzParallelCSSizeEnum
ParallelMappingSize32K = 0,
} MzParallelCSSizeEnum;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
CS0 chip select limitation
This chip select is currently grouped with the chip select for flash
memory. This means that this chip select is always selected to be 8Mbytes
with zero wait states, configured for flash support and 16 bit wide.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark PWM control API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// PWM control API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef enum MzPWMControlCodeEnum
// Enables the PWM controller
// valueP = NULL
// Disables the PWM controller
// valueP = NULL
// Sets up the clock divider (MzPWMClockDividerEnum)
// *valueP = (UInt8) MzPWMClockDividerEnum enum eg. PWMbaudRateSysClkDiv4
// Value=1 inverts the polarity, defaults to zero
// *valueP = (Boolean) true or false for setting polarity
// Sets the 16-bit period value
// *valueP = (UInt16) PWM period to set eg. 500 (clock cycles)
// Set the 16-bit pulse width value
// *valueP = (UInt16) PWM pulse width to period eg. 250 => 50%
// Returns the value of the PWM pin
// *valueP = (Boolean) On or Off for state of the PWM pin
// Returns the PWM counter value
// *valueP = (UInt16) PWM counter value
} MzPWMControlCodeEnum;
typedef enum MzPWMClockDividerEnum
PWMbaudRateSysClkDiv4 = 0,
} MzPWMClockDividerEnum;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Module control API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Module control API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef enum MzModuleControlCodeEnum
// Enables the MOD_IREQ* interrupts
// valueP = NULL
// Disables the MOD_IREQ* interrupt
// valueP = NULL
// Gets MOD_IREQ
// *valueP = (Boolean) On of Off for MOD_IREQ
// Sets MOD_RESET to the valueP
// *valueP = (Boolean) On of Off for MOD_RESET
// Get MOD_RESET current state
// *valueP = (Boolean) On of Off for MOD_RESET
// Sets MOD_PWR to valueP
// *valueP = (Boolean) On of Off for MOD_PWR
// Get MOD_PWR current state
// *valueP = (Boolean) On of Off for MOD_PWR
// If true will enable UART2 to communiate via the MZIO bus, default is false.
// *valueP = (Boolean) On of Off for UART2ViaModule
// Sets the callback function and data pointer for interrupt processing
// *valueP = (MzCallbackPtr) callback data information callbackProcPtr, callbackDataPtr
} MzModuleControlCodeEnum;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark GPIO control API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// GPIO control API structures
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Note that these GPIO signals will not toggle if the corresponding signals are used
// in either SPI or UART modes of operation.
#define SPI_MOSI 0x01
#define SPI_MISO 0x02
#define SPI_CLK 0x04
#define SPI_SS 0x08
#define SPI_DR 0x10
#define UART_TX 0x20
#define UART_RX 0x40
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark Peripheral ID enumeration tags
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Peripheral ID enumeration tags
// -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef enum MzPeripheralIDEnum
PeripheralError = 0,
Peripheral22K, // USB Charging cradle
Peripheral27K, // RS232 Charging cradle
Peripheral47K, // USB Comms cable
Peripheral56K, // RS232 Comms cable
} MzPeripheralIDEnum;
#define PeripheralUSBCable Peripheral47K
#define PeripheralUSBCradle Peripheral22K
#define PeripheralRS232Cable Peripheral56K
#define PeripheralRS232Cradle Peripheral27K
#define PeripheralRS232Keybd Peripheral68K
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark -
* API Prototypes
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Standard library open, close, sleep and wake functions
extern Err MzLibOpen(UInt16 refNum)
extern Err MzLibClose(UInt16 refNum)
extern Err MzLibSleep(UInt16 refNum)
extern Err MzLibWake(UInt16 refNum)
// Custom library API functions
// Meazura library function trap ID's. Each library call gets a trap number:
// MeazuraLibTrapXXXX which serves as an index into the library's dispatch table.
// The constant sysLibTrapCustom is the first available trap number after
// the system predefined library traps Open,Close,Sleep & Wake.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark API Traps
#define meazuraLibTrapMzLibGetVersion (sysLibTrapCustom + 0)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzAlmSetAlarm (sysLibTrapCustom + 1)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzAlmStopAlarm (sysLibTrapCustom + 2)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzSPIControl (sysLibTrapCustom + 3)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzSPITransferData (sysLibTrapCustom + 4)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzSPIReadData (sysLibTrapCustom + 5)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzSPIGetFIFOStatus (sysLibTrapCustom + 6)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzUARTControl (sysLibTrapCustom + 7)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzUARTSendData (sysLibTrapCustom + 8)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzUARTReceiveData (sysLibTrapCustom + 9)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzUARTGetFIFOStatus (sysLibTrapCustom + 10)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzParallelControl (sysLibTrapCustom + 11)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzParallelSendData (sysLibTrapCustom + 12)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzParallelReadData (sysLibTrapCustom + 13)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzModuleControl (sysLibTrapCustom + 14)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzGPIOGetValue (sysLibTrapCustom + 15)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzGPIOSetValue (sysLibTrapCustom + 16)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzGetPeripheralID (sysLibTrapCustom + 17)
#define meazuraLibTrapMzPWMControl (sysLibTrapCustom + 18)
#define MeazuraLibTrapLast (sysLibTrapCustom + 19)
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark -
* FUNCTION: MzLibGetVersions
* DESCRIPTION: Get our library API version. The Sample library does not
* need to be "opened" to call MzLibGetLibAPIVersion.
* PARAMETERS: refNum Sample library reference number
* version Pointer to a structure for storing the version numbers
* CALLED BY: Anyone wishing to get our library API version
* RETURNS: errNone no error
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzLibGetVersion
extern Err MzLibGetVersion(UInt16 refNum, MzVersionPtr version)
// Alarm APIs
* FUNCTION: MzAlmSetAlarm()
* This function serves to set up the external alarms.
* It supports repeating alarms for 10 miliseconds,seconds,
* minutes, hours, day, weeks and months. The function sets up
* an initial start time, and periodic alarms occur after that point.
* If the start day is NULL, the alarms will be immediately
* started. Also supports waking up the device after a #max
* number of alarms. If this number is NULL, the system will
* keep on getting alarms.
* -> refNum reference number of the library
* -> alarmsP pointer to a MzAlarmType structure
* errNone No error
* mzSetAlarmError Error in setting the alarm.
* mzCommsError Communications error whilst setting the alarm.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* Anybody who wants to set up external Alarms
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzAlmSetAlarm
extern Err MzAlmSetAlarm(UInt16 refNum, MzAlarmPtr alarmsP)
* FUNCTION: MzAlmStopAlarm()
* Stop alarms in Meazura keyboard alarm module
* -> refNum reference number of the library
* errNone No error
* mzCommsError Communications error whilst setting the alarm.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* Anybody who wants to stop external Alarms
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzAlmStopAlarm
extern Err MzAlmStopAlarm(UInt16 refNum)
* FUNCTION: MzSPIControl()
* This function is a driver to interface to the VZ's SPI 1 port
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> controlCode Enumerated control code to control the function (MzSPIControlCodeEnum)
* -> valueP pointer to a data value or structure.
* errNone No error
* mzControlCodeError Unrecognised control code.
* mzBadBaudRateError Error setting up the baud rate.
* mzConfigError Error setting up the configuration.
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error.
* mzNullCallbackProcPtrError Null callback function pointer error.
* mzNullCallbackDataPtrError Null callback data pointer error.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The SPI function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to set up the SPI controller
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzSPIControl
extern Err MzSPIControl(UInt16 refNum, UInt16 controlCode, void* valueP)
* FUNCTION: MzSPITransferData()
* This function loads words into the SPI fifo. If the fifo
* is full, the function will try until all words have been
* placed in the TxFIFO. If 0 words specified, the function
* will transfer 1 word. This function also checks to see if the
* port is opened.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> dataPtr Pointer to data words to transfer.
* -> numberOfWords Pointer to number of words to transfer. Returns number of words
* left to transfer. Word width is set between 1 and 16 bits
* using the SPIcontrolCodeSetBitsToTransfer in the MzSPIControl API.
* errNone No error
* mzPortNotOpenError Port is not openned error.
* mzHwFunctionBusy The SPI function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to send SPI data to the SPI transmit fifo.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzSPITransferData
extern Err MzSPITransferData(UInt16 refNum, UInt16* dataPtr, UInt16 *numberOfWords)
* This function reads words from the SPI receive fifo. If the fifo
* is empty, the function will return an error immediately.
* If 0 words specified, the function will read 1 word.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> dataPtr Double pointer to the buffer to receive data into. The address it is pointing to
* is updated as words are read from the receive FIFO and added to the buffer.
* -> numberOfWords Number of words to receive. Returns number of words
* left to be received. Word width is set between 1 and 16 bits
* using the SPIcontrolCodeSetBitsToTransfer in the MzSPIControl API.
* errNone No error
* mzNoFIFODataError RxFIFO has no data
* mzHwFunctionBusy The SPI function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to read SPI data to the SPI receive fifo.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzSPIReadData
extern Err MzSPIReadData(UInt16 refNum, UInt16** dataPtr, UInt16 *numberOfWords)
* Gets the status of both the receive and transmit FIFOs of the SPI controller
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* UInt8 FIFO status
* Anybody who wants to obtain the status of the transmit and receive fifos.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzSPIGetFIFOStatus
extern UInt8 MzSPIGetFIFOStatus(UInt16 refNum)
* This function is a driver to interface to the VZ's UART 1 port
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> controlCode Enumerated control code to control the function (MzUARTControlCodeEnum)
* -> valueP pointer to a data value or structure.
* errNone No error
* mzControlCodeError Unrecognised control code.
* mzBadBaudRateError Error setting up the baud rate.
* mzConfigError Error setting up the configuration.
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error.
* mzNullCallbackProcPtrError Null callback function pointer error.
* mzNullCallbackDataPtrError Null callback data pointer error.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The UART1 function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to set up external Alarms
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzUARTControl
extern Err MzUARTControl(UInt16 refNum, UInt16 controlCode, void* valueP)
* This function loads bytes into the UART TxFIFO. If the fifo
* is full, the function will try until all bytes have been placed
* in the TxFIFO. If 0 words specified, the function will transfer 1 byte.
* This function will send as many bytes requested without a timeout.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> dataPtr Pointer to data words to transfer.
* -> numberOfBytes Number of words to transfer. Returns the number of bytes
* left to transfer.
* errNone No error
* mzPortNotOpenError Port is not opened error.
* mzHwFunctionBusy The UART1 function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to send UART data to the UART transmit fifo.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzUARTSendData
extern Err MzUARTSendData(UInt16 refNum, UInt8* dataPtr, UInt16* numberOfBytes)
* FUNCTION: MzUARTReceiveData()
* This function reads bytes from the UART RxFIFO. If the RxFIFO
* is empty, the function will return immediately with an error.
* If 0 words specified, the function will transfer 1 word.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> dataPtr Double pointer to the buffer to receive data into. The address it is pointing to
* is updated as words are read from the receive FIFO and added to the buffer.
* -> numberOfBytes Number of words to transfer. Returns number of bytes
* left to receive.
* errNone No error
* mzNoFIFODataError RxFIFO has no data
* mzUARTOverrunError UART has received an overrun error
* mzUARTFrameError UART has received a frame error
* mzUARTParityError UART has received parity error
* mzHwFunctionBusy The UART1 function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to read UART data from the UART receive fifo.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzUARTReceiveData
extern Err MzUARTReceiveData(UInt16 refNum, UInt8** dataPtr, UInt16* numberOfBytes)
* Gets the status of the UART TxFIFO only. There is a hardware limitation
* to get the UART RxFIFO status information without taking the byte out from
* the RxFIFO. The use RxFIFO status is only available using interrupts.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* UInt8 TxFIFO status
* Anybody who wants to obtain the status of the transmit and receive fifos.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzUARTGetFIFOStatus
extern UInt8 MzUARTGetFIFOStatus(UInt16 refNum)
// Parallel Interface APIs
* FUNCTION: MzParallelControl()
* This function is a driver to interface to the parallel interface on
* a MZIO module.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> controlCode Enumerated control code to control the function (MzParallelControlCodeEnum)
* -> valueP pointer to a data value or structure.
* errNone No error
* mzControlCodeError Unrecognised control code.
* mzConfigError Error setting up the configuration.
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The parallel function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to set up parallel control.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzParallelControl
extern Err MzParallelControl(UInt16 refNum, UInt16 controlCode, void* valueP)
* FUNCTION: MzParallelSendData()
* This function writes sizeOfData number of bytes or words
* via parallel adressing on the MZIO bus. One of two chip selects
* can be selected to do the job. If 0 words specified, the function
* will transfer 1 word.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> chipSelect Points to which chip select to send data to, 0 or 1.
* -> offset The offset relative to the base of the chip select to start sending data to.
* -> dataPtr Pointer to data bytes or words to transfer.
* -> sizeOfData Number of data elements to transfer, will limit transfer beyond size of
* chip select.
* errNone No error
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error
* mzParallelChipSelectError Unrecognised chip select
* mzParallelOffsetError Offset is out of chip select range
* mzParallelDataSizeError sizeOfData + offset is out of chip select range
* mzHwFunctionBusy The parallel function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to send data to the module on the parallel interface.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzParallelSendData
extern Err MzParallelSendData(UInt16 refNum, UInt8 chipSelect, UInt32 offset, UInt16* dataPtr, UInt32 sizeOfData)
* FUNCTION: MzParallelReadData()
* This function reads sizeOfData number of bytes from the MZIO
* parallel interface. Reads can be performed on one or the other of the chip selects
* available.If 0 words specified, the function will transfer 1 word.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> chipSelect Points to which chip select to read data from, 0 or 1.
* -> offset The offset relative to the base of the chip select to start reading data.
* -> dataPtr Pointer to data bytes or words to read.
* -> sizeOfData Number of bytes to transfer, will limit transfer beyond size of
* chip select.
* errNone No error
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error
* mzParallelChipSelectError Unrecognised chip select
* mzParallelOffsetError Offset is out of chip select range
* mzParallelDataSizeError sizeOfData + offset is out of chip select range
* mzHwFunctionBusy The parallel function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to read data from a module via the parallel interface.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzParallelReadData
extern Err MzParallelReadData(UInt16 refNum, UInt8 chipSelect, UInt32 offset, UInt16* dataPtr, UInt32 sizeOfData)
// Module Control APIs
* FUNCTION: MzModuleControl()
* This function controls various functionalities on a MZIO module.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> controlCode Enumerated control code to control the function (MzParallelControlCodeEnum)
* -> valueP pointer to a data value or structure.
* errNone No error
* mzControlCodeError Unrecognised control code.
* mzConfigError Error setting up the configuration.
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error.
* mzNullCallbackProcPtrError Null callback function pointer error.
* mzNullCallbackDataPtrError Null callback data pointer error.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The module control function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to set up external Alarms
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzModuleControl
extern Err MzModuleControl(UInt16 refNum, UInt16 controlCode, void* valueP)
// GPIO Control APIs
* This function gets the value of a set of GPIO pins that
* are currently not used by either the SPI or UART modules.
* If the SPI_DR* or PWM function is in use then an error code will be returned.
* This function will set the GPIO pins as inputs with internal pullups enabled.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> mask A byte bitfield containing the GPIO pins to get.
* -> value Pointer to the returned byte value of the GPIO pins.
* errNone No error
* mzNullPointerError Returned if a null pointer is given.
* mzGPIOPinBusyError Pin in use by PWM or SPI_DR* dedicated function
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The GPIO function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to read GPIO pins.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzGPIOGetValue
extern Err MzGPIOGetValue(UInt16 refNum, UInt8 mask, UInt8 *value)
* This function sets the value of a set of GPIO pins that
* are currently not used by either the SPI or UART modules.
* The pins are automatically configured as output GPIO if available.
* Pins that are configured as dedicated functions (UART or SPI) will not be affected
* If the SPI_DR* or PWM function is in use then an error code will be returned
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> mask A byte bitfield containing the GPIO pins to set.
* -> value The value for which to set the GPIO pins to.
* errNone No error
* mzGPIOPinBusyError Pin in use by PWM or SPI_DR* dedicated function
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The GPIO function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants to set GPIO pins.
* Written by:
* Hemon Dey
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzGPIOSetValue
extern Err MzGPIOSetValue(UInt16 refNum, UInt8 mask, UInt8 value)
// Get peripheral ID
* FUNCTION: MzGetPeripheralID()
* This function returns the value of the peripheral ID interms of
* the Peripheral ID enumeration type.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* MzPeripheralIDEnum Returned enumeration of the peripheral ID
* Anybody who wants to get peripheral ID.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzGetPeripheralID
extern UInt8 MzGetPeripheralID(UInt16 refNum)
* FUNCTION: MzPWMControl()
* This function gives control over the PWM module which is
* currently multiplexed with the DATA Ready pin of the SPI
* controller. When this controller is enabled, the Data ready pin
* is configured as an output pin, and will operate as the PWM
* output.
* -> refNum Reference number of the library
* -> controlCode Enumerated control code to control the function
* -> valueP pointer to a data value or structure.
* errNone No error
* mzControlCodeError Unrecognised control code.
* mzNullPointerError Null pointer error.
* mzHwFunctionNotSupported This function is not available on the current hardware
* mzHwFunctionBusy The PWM function is in use by the system
* Anybody who wants enable and control the PWM module.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma mark MzPWMControl
extern Err MzPWMControl(UInt16 refNum, UInt16 controlCode, void* valueP)
// For loading the library in Palm OS Mac emulation mode
extern Err MeazuraLibInstall(UInt16 refNum, SysLibTblEntryPtr entryP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __MEAZURA_LIB_H__