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So, the POS is ringing transactions but now you want to *import* those
to another system? Why?
The most frequent "use" for transaction data is probably to report on
sales trends etc. That is covered more in the next section,
:doc:`../reporting/index`. And commonly, it is done directly from the
But there are other uses for the data, and even if reporting is your
*only* use, it still may be helpful to import it first, as will
(hopefully) be explained.
Rattail has a separate / dedicated DB for this scenario, meant to
contain only POS (and similar) transaction data. This is referred to
as the "Trainwreck" DB; see also :doc:`/data/trainwreck`.
If you *do* import transaction data then here are some implications:
* you ultimately decide the schema, though default is likely sufficient
* schema is ideally *simpler* than "raw" POS transaction data
* (in some cases POS transaction data is not even in SQL DB, but a file)
* SQL reporting can then happen on the (simple!) Trainwreck data
But those are just the obvious ones; here are some more advanced:
* additional calculations may be made, e.g. custom "patronage" amount
for each transaction
* other data points known at time of transaction, may be recorded
within it; e.g.:
* current account status of customer or member
* current [sub]department of each product sold
* "links" between transaction/items and related customer order(s)
* (this makes reporting on the Customer Orders possible, or at
least much easier!)
* transaction may later be "re-assigned" to a [different] customer,
with subsequent reports reflecting the change
* (e.g. for attributing patronage to correct member for annual refund)