Add some more "handler" docs

app handler, batch handlers, native batch types, people handler
This commit is contained in:
Lance Edgar 2021-08-18 12:49:40 -05:00
parent 0726a70192
commit 84477e5e36
30 changed files with 397 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
App Handlers
* :doc:`/data/reports/handler`
* :doc:`/data/batch/handlers`

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
App Handler
There is one handler which corresponds to the app itself, whereas all
other handlers correspond to some "portion" of the app. This main app
handler's primary purpose is to:
- provide a common interface for obtaining all other handlers
- provide some "global" methods, e.g. for rendering date/time values
You can override the main app handler, with config like:
.. code-block:: ini
app.handler =
Of course that must point to a valid ``AppHandler`` class, which you
probably must create.
See also :class:`` which is the default
and base class.

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Batch Handlers
There is a handler for each unique "type" of batch which exists in the
app. For instance the Pricing Batch has its own handler, and so does
the Inventory Batch, and the Purchase Batch, and so on.
See :doc:`/data/batch/handlers` for some more background on these.
See :doc:`/data/batch/native/index` for a list of natively-supported
batch types. (Again, there is a handler for each type.)
See also :class:`rattail:rattail.batch.handlers.BatchHandler` which is
the base class for all batch handlers.

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Import Handlers
* :doc:`/data/importing/index`

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Rattail uses the concept of a "handler" to allow for two things primarily:
- customization of app logic without "forking" Rattail package(s)
- keep logic in a "single" place which can be leverage by multiple UIs
The idea is that for various aspects of an app, there will be one and
only one "handler" which is responsible for the business logic.
Rattail usually comes with a default handler, which will be used
unless you've created your own handler and configured it to be used
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Board Handler

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Clientele Handler

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Email Handler

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Employment Handler

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Feature Handler

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Other / Misc. Handlers
Here are some handlers which are specific to various aspects of the
business logic, or a particular feature etc.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
People Handler
This handler is responsible for business logic surrounding the
:class:`~rattail:rattail.db.model.people.Person` model.
You can obtain a reference to the configured handler via
You may override the default handler with config like:
.. code-block:: ini
people.handler = poser.people:PoserPeopleHandler
The default handler is :class:`rattail:rattail.people.PeopleHandler` -
see its documentation for a list of methods you can override.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Products Handler

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Report Handler
* :doc:`/data/reports/handler`

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@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ Base Layer

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@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ Data Batch Processing

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Native Batch Types
The following batch types are provided by Rattail itself. Listed below for
each is the "batch type key" followed by the descriptive name.
* ``custorder`` - Customer Order Batch
* ``handheld`` - Handheld Batch
* ``importer`` - Importer Batch
* ``inventory`` - Inventory Batch
* ``labels`` - Label Batch
* ``newproduct`` - New Product Batch
* ``pricing`` - Pricing Batch
* ``product`` - Product Batch
* ``purchase`` - Purchasing Batch
* ``vendor_catalog`` - Vendor Catalog
* ``vendor_invoice`` - Vendor Invoice

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Customer Order Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``custorder``
**Purpose:** Create and/or process a customer order.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.custorder.CustomerOrderBatchHandler`
As of this writing, the only actual use for this batch is to create a
*new* customer order, specifically in the context of a so-called
"case" or "special" order.

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Delete Product Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``delproduct``
**Purpose:** Delete products from the system.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.delproduct.DeleteProductBatchHandler`
Data for this batch may come from spreadsheet file or grid query, etc.
It should try to catch potential issues which might arise should the
products actually be deleted, for instance if a given item has pending
customer orders.
It also should try to highlight items which have seen recent movement,
to help avoid removing items which are more active than you thought
Ultimately executing this batch will just update Rattail by default;
you may want a custom handler to update your POS system instead.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Handheld Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``handheld``
**Purpose:** Process a basic / generic product batch from a handheld device.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.handheld.HandheldBatchHandler`
This batch can read from a variety of file formats, which correspond
to particular types of handheld devices. The file is expected to have
a UPC or barcode field, and can optionally have case and/or unit
quantities for each.
Executing this batch usually just "converts" it into either an
:doc:`inventory` or a :doc:`labels`.

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Importer Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``importer``
**Purpose:** Allows user to preview an importer run before committing it.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.importer.ImporterBatchHandler`
Normally when an importer runs, e.g. via command line, it reads data
from the host system and writes it to the local / target side. If in
dry run mode, then the local data is not actually written. But it's
normally "all or nothing" in the sense that you either want to commit
all the writes, or else you don't (dry run).
It's also possible to write the import data to a batch, which can then
be previewed and perhaps even adjusted. Then executing the batch will
"finalize" the import using data from the batch.

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Native Batch Types
This section describes all "native" batch types which are provided (in
whole or in part) by Rattail itself.
Of course you can always make your own batch types for other purposes;
see :doc:`/data/batch/custom`.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Inventory Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``inventory``
**Purpose:** Process counts and adjustments for product inventory.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.inventory.InventoryBatchHandler`
Data for this batch can come directly from file, or from a Handheld
Batch etc. It can contain counts for various products.
Executing this batch with the default handler in place, will cause
Rattail's own inventory counts to be updated according to the batch
data. Depending on your POS system it may be possible to push the
updates to it instead, and if so you'd probably want to, since your
POS is likely the authority for current inventory levels.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Label Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``labels``
**Purpose:** Print item labels / shelf tags for a set of products.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.labels.LabelBatchHandler`
Data for this batch can come directly from file, or from a
:doc:`handheld` etc. It can contain a list of items and various label
printing attributes for each.
Executing this batch may send a job(s) directly to your dedicated
label printer if you have one. Or it can generate an Excel file for
use with BarTender or other software, etc.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
New Product Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``newproduct``
**Purpose:** Import new products into the system.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.newproduct.NewProductBatchHandler`
Data for this batch usually comes from a spreadsheet file. It should
contain new product records, with all necessary data for each.
Executing this batch may just create the item in Rattail by default.
You may want to use a custom handler for inserting the item directly
to your POS system instead, for instance.

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Pricing Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``pricing``
**Purpose:** Change pricing for a set of products, optionally calculating new prices.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.pricing.PricingBatchHandler`
There are sort of 2 modes for this batch type:
In "static" mode you would have a data file containing the new prices,
which you upload as a new batch. Executing this batch would then
apply the prices from the file.
In "dynamic" mode you need only identify the set of products, and then
let the software calculate new prices for each. Executing this batch
would then apply the new calculated prices.
In either case the default handler will update Rattail itself, so you
may need a custom handler to update your POS instead.

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Product Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``product``
**Purpose:** Generic batch to identify and act on a set of items.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.product.ProductBatchHandler`
Data for this batch type usually comes from a simple file, or perhaps
a grid query. Executing it will usually create another type of batch
using the current one only to define which items are involved. For
example by default it will create either a :doc:`labels` or a

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Purchase Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``purchase``
**Purpose:** Provides workflows for ordering, receiving, and invoice costing.
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.purchase.PurchaseBatchHandler`
There are 3 "modes" for this type of batch, meant to correspond to the
life-cycle of a purchase order:
- Ordering
- Receiving
- Costing
Depending on the mode, data for the batch may come from any of:
- PO file or invoice file from the vendor
- purchase order data from the POS system
- directly entered via the Rattail app
Execution of this type of batch will also depend on the mode. The
default handler may just update Rattail data (e.g. ``purchase`` table)
according to the batch. If applicable, you may want a custom handler
so it updates your POS instead.

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Vendor Catalog Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``vendor_catalog``
**Purpose:** Allows updating product costs from new catalog data
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.vendorcatalog.VendorCatalogHandler`
Data for this type of batch usually comes from a spreadsheet or
similar file, as obtained directly from the vendor. You can also
define a "common" format to use, in which case you would convert each
vendor file to that format. (That is to cut down on the number of
file parsers needed.)
In any case executing this batch will just update Rattail by default;
you may want a custom handler to update your POS system instead.

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Vendor Invoice Batch
**Batch Type Key:** ``vendor_invoice``
**Purpose:** (DEPRECATED) Process a vendor invoice
**Default Handler:** :class:`~rattail:rattail.batch.vendorinvoice.VendorInvoiceHandler`
.. warning::
This batch type should be considered deprecated. It still exists
and may be used, but that may not always be the case. If possible
please use :doc:`purchase` instead.
Data for this type of batch usually comes from a spreadsheet or
similar file, as obtained directly from the vendor.
Executing this batch does nothing at all by default; you would need a
custom handler to make it useful.