Migrate the core-office commands to use typer

This commit is contained in:
Lance Edgar 2024-05-15 23:01:26 -05:00
parent 98e8e8128d
commit 2b0ca89fb8
4 changed files with 394 additions and 323 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2024 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
CORE Office - data anonymization
import random
from rattail.app import GenericHandler
from rattail.db.util import finalize_session
from rattail_corepos.corepos.office.util import get_blueline_template, make_blueline
class Anonymizer(GenericHandler):
Make anonymous (randomize) all customer names etc.
def anonymize_all(self, dbkey=None, dry_run=False, progress=None):
import names
import us
core_handler = self.app.get_corepos_handler()
op_session = core_handler.make_session_office_op(dbkey=dbkey)
op_model = core_handler.get_model_office_op()
states = [state.abbr for state in us.states.STATES]
# meminfo
members = op_session.query(op_model.MemberInfo).all()
members_by_card_number = {}
def anon_meminfo(member, i):
member.first_name = names.get_first_name()
member.last_name = names.get_last_name()
member.other_first_name = names.get_first_name()
member.other_last_name = names.get_last_name()
member.street = '123 Main St.'
member.city = 'Anytown'
member.state = random.choice(states)
member.zipcode = self.random_zipcode()
member.phone = self.random_phone()
member.email = self.random_email()
members_by_card_number[member.card_number] = member
self.app.progress_loop(anon_meminfo, members, progress,
message="Anonymizing meminfo")
# custdata
customers = op_session.query(op_model.CustomerClassic).all()
blueline_template = get_blueline_template(self.config)
def anon_custdata(customer, i):
member = members_by_card_number.get(customer.card_number)
if member:
customer.first_name = member.first_name
customer.last_name = member.last_name
customer.first_name = names.get_first_name()
customer.last_name = names.get_last_name()
customer.blue_line = make_blueline(self.config, customer,
self.app.progress_loop(anon_custdata, customers, progress,
message="Anonymizing custdata")
# Customers
customers = op_session.query(op_model.Customer).all()
def del_customer(customer, i):
self.app.progress_loop(del_customer, customers, progress,
message="Deleting from Customers")
# CustomerAccounts
accounts = op_session.query(op_model.CustomerAccount).all()
def del_account(account, i):
self.app.progress_loop(del_account, accounts, progress,
message="Deleting from CustomerAccounts")
# employees
employees = op_session.query(op_model.Employee).all()
def anon_employee(employee, i):
employee.first_name = names.get_first_name()
employee.last_name = names.get_last_name()
self.app.progress_loop(anon_employee, employees, progress,
message="Anonymizing employees")
# Users
users = op_session.query(op_model.User).all()
def anon_user(user, i):
user.real_name = names.get_full_name()
self.app.progress_loop(anon_user, users, progress,
message="Anonymizing users")
finalize_session(op_session, dry_run=dry_run)
def random_phone(self):
digits = [random.choice('0123456789')
for i in range(10)]
return self.app.format_phone_number(''.join(digits))
def random_email(self):
import names
name = names.get_full_name()
name = name.replace(' ', '_')
return f'{name}@mailinator.com'
def random_zipcode(self):
digits = [random.choice('0123456789')
for i in range(5)]
return ''.join(digits)

View file

@ -24,376 +24,211 @@
CORE Office commands
import logging
import random
import sys
from enum import Enum
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
import typer
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from rattail import commands
from rattail_corepos import __version__
from rattail_corepos.corepos.office.util import get_fannie_config_value, get_blueline_template, make_blueline
from rattail_corepos.corepos.util import get_core_members
from rattail.commands.typer import (make_typer, typer_eager_imports,
importer_command, typer_get_runas_user,
file_importer_command, file_exporter_command)
from rattail.commands.importing import ImportCommandHandler
from rattail.commands.util import rprint
from rattail_corepos.config import core_office_url
from rattail_corepos.corepos.office.util import get_fannie_config_value, get_blueline_template, make_blueline
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CoreDbType(str, Enum):
office_op = 'office_op'
office_trans = 'office_trans'
office_arch = 'office_arch'
def main(*args):
Entry point for 'core-office' commands
if args:
args = list(args)
args = sys.argv[1:]
cmd = Command()
core_office_typer = make_typer(
help="core-office -- command line interface for CORE Office"
class Command(commands.Command):
Primary command for CORE Office
name = 'core-office'
version = __version__
description = "core-office -- command line interface for CORE Office"
long_description = ""
class Anonymize(commands.Subcommand):
def anonymize(
ctx: typer.Context,
dbkey: Annotated[
typer.Option(help="Config key for CORE POS database engine to be updated. "
"This key must be [corepos.db.office_op] section of your "
"config file.")] = 'default',
dry_run: Annotated[
help="Go through the full motions and allow logging etc. to "
"occur, but rollback (abort) the transaction at the end.")] = False,
force: Annotated[
typer.Option('--force', '-f',
help="Do not prompt for confirmation.")] = False,
Make anonymous (randomize) all customer names etc.
name = 'anonymize'
description = __doc__.strip()
from .anonymize import Anonymizer
def add_parser_args(self, parser):
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
progress = ctx.parent.rattail_progress
parser.add_argument('--dbkey', metavar='KEY', default='default',
help="Config key for CORE POS database engine to be updated. "
"This key must be [corepos.db.office_op] section of your "
"config file. Defaults to 'default'.")
if not force:
rprint("\n[bold yellow]**WARNING** this will modify all customer (and similar) records![/bold yellow]")
value = input("\nreally want to do this? [yN] ")
if not value or not config.parse_bool(value):
sys.stderr.write("user canceled\n")
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true',
help="Go through the full motions and allow logging etc. to "
"occur, but rollback (abort) the transaction at the end.")
parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
help="Do not prompt for confirmation.")
def run(self, args):
if not args.force:
self.rprint("\n[bold yellow]**WARNING** this will modify all customer (and similar) records![/bold yellow]")
value = input("\nreally want to do this? [yN] ")
if not value or not self.config.parse_bool(value):
self.stderr.write("user canceled\n")
import names
except ImportError:
self.stderr.write("must install the `names` package first!\n\n"
"\tpip install names\n")
import us
except ImportError:
self.stderr.write("must install the `us` package first!\n\n"
"\tpip install us\n")
def anonymize_all(self, args):
import names
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("must install the `names` package first!\n\n"
"\tpip install names\n")
import us
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("must install the `us` package first!\n\n"
"\tpip install us\n")
core_handler = self.app.get_corepos_handler()
op_session = core_handler.make_session_office_op(dbkey=args.dbkey)
op_model = core_handler.get_model_office_op()
states = [state.abbr for state in us.states.STATES]
# meminfo
members = op_session.query(op_model.MemberInfo).all()
members_by_card_number = {}
def anon_meminfo(member, i):
member.first_name = names.get_first_name()
member.last_name = names.get_last_name()
member.other_first_name = names.get_first_name()
member.other_last_name = names.get_last_name()
member.street = '123 Main St.'
member.city = 'Anytown'
member.state = random.choice(states)
member.zipcode = self.random_zipcode()
member.phone = self.random_phone()
member.email = self.random_email()
members_by_card_number[member.card_number] = member
self.progress_loop(anon_meminfo, members,
message="Anonymizing meminfo")
# custdata
customers = op_session.query(op_model.CustomerClassic).all()
blueline_template = get_blueline_template(self.config)
def anon_custdata(customer, i):
member = members_by_card_number.get(customer.card_number)
if member:
customer.first_name = member.first_name
customer.last_name = member.last_name
customer.first_name = names.get_first_name()
customer.last_name = names.get_last_name()
customer.blue_line = make_blueline(self.config, customer,
self.progress_loop(anon_custdata, customers,
message="Anonymizing custdata")
# Customers
customers = op_session.query(op_model.Customer).all()
def del_customer(customer, i):
self.progress_loop(del_customer, customers,
message="Deleting from Customers")
# CustomerAccounts
accounts = op_session.query(op_model.CustomerAccount).all()
def del_account(account, i):
self.progress_loop(del_account, accounts,
message="Deleting from CustomerAccounts")
# employees
employees = op_session.query(op_model.Employee).all()
def anon_employee(employee, i):
employee.first_name = names.get_first_name()
employee.last_name = names.get_last_name()
self.progress_loop(anon_employee, employees,
message="Anonymizing employees")
# Users
users = op_session.query(op_model.User).all()
def anon_user(user, i):
user.real_name = names.get_full_name()
self.progress_loop(anon_user, users,
message="Anonymizing users")
self.finalize_session(op_session, dry_run=args.dry_run)
def random_phone(self):
digits = [random.choice('0123456789')
for i in range(10)]
return self.app.format_phone_number(''.join(digits))
def random_email(self):
import names
name = names.get_full_name()
name = name.replace(' ', '_')
return f'{name}@mailinator.com'
def random_zipcode(self):
digits = [random.choice('0123456789')
for i in range(5)]
return ''.join(digits)
anonymizer = Anonymizer(config)
anonymizer.anonymize_all(dbkey=dbkey, dry_run=dry_run,
class CoreDBImportSubcommand(commands.ImportSubcommand):
Base class for commands which import straight to CORE DB
def add_parser_args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--corepos-dbtype', metavar='TYPE', default='office_op',
choices=['office_op', 'office_trans', 'office_arch'],
help="Config *type* for CORE-POS database engine to which data "
"should be written. Default type is 'office_op' - this determines "
"which config section is used with regard to the --corepos-dbkey arg.")
parser.add_argument('--corepos-dbkey', metavar='KEY', default='default',
help="Config key for CORE-POS database engine to which data should "
"be written. This key must be defined in the config section as "
"determiend by the --corpos-dbtype arg.")
def get_handler_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super().get_handler_kwargs(**kwargs)
if 'args' in kwargs:
kwargs['corepos_dbtype'] = kwargs['args'].corepos_dbtype
kwargs['corepos_dbkey'] = kwargs['args'].corepos_dbkey
return kwargs
class ExportLaneOp(commands.ImportSubcommand):
Export "op" data from CORE Office to CORE Lane
name = 'export-lane-op'
description = __doc__.strip()
handler_key = 'to_corepos_db_lane_op.from_corepos_db_office_op.export'
default_dbkey = 'default'
def add_parser_args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--dbkey', metavar='KEY', default=self.default_dbkey,
help="Config key for database engine to be used as the "
"\"target\" CORE Lane DB, i.e. where data will be "
" exported. This key must be defined in the "
" [rattail_corepos.db.lane_op] section of your "
"config file.")
def get_handler_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
if 'args' in kwargs:
kwargs['dbkey'] = kwargs['args'].dbkey
return kwargs
class GetConfigValue(commands.Subcommand):
Get a value from CORE Office `fannie/config.php`
name = 'get-config-value'
description = __doc__.strip()
def add_parser_args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('name', metavar='NAME',
help="Name of the config value to get. "
"Prefix of `FANNIE_` is not required.")
def run(self, args):
value = get_fannie_config_value(self.config, args.name)
class ExportCSV(commands.ExportFileSubcommand):
def export_csv(
ctx: typer.Context,
Export data from CORE to CSV file(s)
name = 'export-csv'
description = __doc__.strip()
handler_key = 'to_csv.from_corepos_db_office_op.export'
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
progress = ctx.parent.rattail_progress
handler = ImportCommandHandler(
config, import_handler_key='to_csv.from_corepos_db_office_op.export')
kwargs['user'] = typer_get_runas_user(ctx)
kwargs['handler_kwargs'] = {'output_dir': kwargs['output_dir']}
handler.run(kwargs, progress=progress)
class ImportCSV(commands.ImportFileSubcommand, CoreDBImportSubcommand):
def get_config_value(
ctx: typer.Context,
name: Annotated[
typer.Argument(help="Name of the config value to get. "
"Prefix of `FANNIE_` is not required.")] = ...,
Get a value from CORE Office `fannie/config.php`
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
value = get_fannie_config_value(config, name)
def import_csv(
ctx: typer.Context,
corepos_dbtype: Annotated[
typer.Option(help="Config *type* for CORE-POS database engine to which data "
"should be written. This determines which config section is "
"used with regard to the --corepos-dbkey arg.")] = 'office_op',
corepos_dbkey: Annotated[
typer.Option(help="Config key for CORE-POS database engine to which data should "
"be written. This key must be defined in the config section as "
"determined by the --corpos-dbtype arg.")] = 'default',
Import data from CSV to a CORE Office DB
name = 'import-csv'
description = __doc__.strip()
handler_key = 'to_corepos_db_office_op.from_csv.import'
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
progress = ctx.parent.rattail_progress
handler = ImportCommandHandler(
config, import_handler_key='to_corepos_db_office_op.from_csv.import')
kwargs['user'] = typer_get_runas_user(ctx)
kwargs['handler_kwargs'] = {
'input_dir': kwargs['input_dir'],
'corepos_dbtype': corepos_dbtype,
'corepos_dbkey': corepos_dbkey,
handler.run(kwargs, progress=progress)
class ImportSelf(commands.ImportSubcommand):
def import_self(
ctx: typer.Context,
Import data from CORE Office ("op" DB) to "self"
name = 'import-self'
description = __doc__.strip()
handler_key = 'to_self.from_corepos_db_office_op.import'
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
progress = ctx.parent.rattail_progress
handler = ImportCommandHandler(
config, import_handler_key='to_self.from_corepos_db_office_op.import')
kwargs['user'] = typer_get_runas_user(ctx)
handler.run(kwargs, progress=progress)
class PatchCustomerGaps(commands.Subcommand):
def patch_customer_gaps(
ctx: typer.Context,
dry_run: Annotated[
help="Do not POST anything, but log members needing it.")] = False,
POST to the CORE API as needed, to patch gaps for customerID
name = 'patch-customer-gaps'
description = __doc__.strip()
from .patcher import CustomerGapPatcher
def add_parser_args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true',
help="Do not POST anything, but log members needing it.")
def run(self, args):
from corepos.db.office_op import model as corepos
corepos_api = self.app.get_corepos_handler().make_webapi()
members = get_core_members(self.config, corepos_api, progress=self.progress)
tally = self.app.make_object(updated=0)
self.maxlen_phone = self.app.maxlen(corepos.Customer.phone)
# nb. just in case the smallest one changes in future..
other = self.app.maxlen(corepos.MemberInfo.phone)
if other < self.maxlen_phone:
self.maxlen_phone = other
def inspect(member, i):
for customer in member['customers']:
customer_id = int(customer['customerID'])
if not customer_id:
data = dict(member)
cardno = data.pop('cardNo')
log.debug("%s call set_member() for card no %s: %s",
'should' if args.dry_run else 'will',
cardno, data)
if not args.dry_run:
corepos_api.set_member(cardno, **data)
tally.updated += 1
action = "Finding"
if not args.dry_run:
action += " and fixing"
self.progress_loop(inspect, members,
message=f"{action} customerID gaps")
if args.dry_run:
self.stdout.write("would have ")
self.stdout.write(f"updated {tally.updated} members\n")
def trim_phones(self, data):
# the `meminfo` table allows 30 chars for phone, but
# `Customers` table only allows 20 chars. so we must trim to
# 20 chars or else the CORE API will silently fail to update
# tables correctly when we POST to it
for customer in data['customers']:
for field in ['phone', 'altPhone']:
value = customer[field]
if len(value) > self.maxlen_phone:
log.warning("phone value for cardno %s is too long (%s chars) "
"and will be trimmed to %s chars: %s",
customer[field] = value[:self.maxlen_phone]
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
progress = ctx.parent.rattail_progress
patcher = CustomerGapPatcher(config)
patcher.run(dry_run=dry_run, progress=progress)
class PingInstall(commands.Subcommand):
def ping_install(
ctx: typer.Context,
Ping the /install URL in CORE Office (for DB setup)
name = 'ping-install'
description = __doc__.strip()
config = ctx.parent.rattail_config
url = core_office_url(config, require=True)
url = f'{url}/install/'
def run(self, args):
url = core_office_url(self.config, require=True)
url = f'{url}/install/'
# TODO: hacky re-using credentials from API config..
username = config.get('corepos.api', 'htdigest.username')
password = config.get('corepos.api', 'htdigest.password')
# TODO: hacky re-using credentials from API config..
username = self.config.get('corepos.api', 'htdigest.username')
password = self.config.get('corepos.api', 'htdigest.password')
session = requests.Session()
if username and password:
session.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(username, password)
session = requests.Session()
if username and password:
session.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(username, password)
response = session.get(url)
response = session.get(url)
# discover more commands

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
# Copyright © 2010-2024 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Rattail.
# Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Rattail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
CORE Office - patch customer gaps
import logging
from rattail.app import GenericHandler
from rattail_corepos.corepos.util import get_core_members
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CustomerGapPatcher(GenericHandler):
POST to the CORE API as needed, to patch gaps for customerID
def run(self, dry_run=False, progress=None):
corepos = self.app.get_corepos_handler()
op = corepos.get_model_office_op()
corepos_api = corepos.make_webapi()
members = get_core_members(self.config, corepos_api, progress=progress)
tally = self.app.make_object(updated=0)
self.maxlen_phone = self.app.maxlen(op.Customer.phone)
# nb. just in case the smallest one changes in future..
other = self.app.maxlen(op.MemberInfo.phone)
if other < self.maxlen_phone:
self.maxlen_phone = other
def inspect(member, i):
for customer in member['customers']:
customer_id = int(customer['customerID'])
if not customer_id:
data = dict(member)
cardno = data.pop('cardNo')
log.debug("%s call set_member() for card no %s: %s",
'should' if dry_run else 'will',
cardno, data)
if not dry_run:
corepos_api.set_member(cardno, **data)
tally.updated += 1
action = "Finding"
if not dry_run:
action += " and fixing"
self.app.progress_loop(inspect, members, progress,
message=f"{action} customerID gaps")
if dry_run:
sys.stdout.write("would have ")
sys.stdout.write(f"updated {tally.updated} members\n")
def trim_phones(self, data):
# the `meminfo` table allows 30 chars for phone, but
# `Customers` table only allows 20 chars. so we must trim to
# 20 chars or else the CORE API will silently fail to update
# tables correctly when we POST to it
for customer in data['customers']:
for field in ['phone', 'altPhone']:
value = customer[field]
if len(value) > self.maxlen_phone:
log.warning("phone value for cardno %s is too long (%s chars) "
"and will be trimmed to %s chars: %s",
customer[field] = value[:self.maxlen_phone]

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ zip_safe = False
console_scripts =
crepes = rattail_corepos.corepos.commands:main
core-office = rattail_corepos.corepos.office.commands:main
core-office = rattail_corepos.corepos.office.commands:core_office_typer
core_office.subcommands =
anonymize = rattail_corepos.corepos.office.commands:Anonymize