Lance Edgar f9db799506 Add dev bootstrapping, which i found laying around
...not sure what the status of this is, but might as well commit
2021-06-11 17:40:42 -05:00

147 lines
3 KiB

# Development config for Corporal
office.url = http://localhost/fannie/
url = http://localhost/fannie/ws/
default.url = mysql+mysqlconnector://corepos:corepospass@localhost/core_op
default.pool_recycle = 3600
default.url = mysql+mysqlconnector://corepos:corepospass@localhost/core_trans
default.pool_recycle = 3600
# rattail
app_title = Corporal
timezone.default = America/Chicago
datadir = <ENVDIR><SEP>app<SEP>data
batch.files = <ENVDIR><SEP>app<SEP>data<SEP>batch
workdir = <ENVDIR><SEP>app<SEP>work
# include = /etc/rattail/rattail.conf
configure_logging = true
usedb = true
preferdb = true
default.url = postgresql://<DBUSER>:<DBPASS>@<DBHOST>/<DBNAME>
versioning.enabled = true
send_emails = false
smtp.server = localhost
templates = rattail:templates/mail
default.prefix = [Rattail]
default.from = rattail@localhost = root@localhost
# default.enabled = false
pictures.gtin.root_url =
files = <ENVDIR><SEP>app<SEP>data<SEP>upgrades
# alembic
script_location = rattail.db:alembic
version_locations = rattail.db:alembic/versions
# logging
keys = root, exc_logger, beaker, txn, sqlalchemy, django_db, flufl_bounce, requests
keys = file, console, email
keys = generic, console
handlers = file, console
level = DEBUG
qualname = exc_logger
handlers = email
level = ERROR
qualname = beaker
handlers =
level = INFO
qualname = txn
handlers =
level = INFO
qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
handlers =
# handlers = file
# level = INFO
qualname = django.db.backends
handlers =
level = INFO
# level = DEBUG
qualname = flufl.bounce
handlers =
level = WARNING
qualname = requests
handlers =
# level = WARNING
class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = (r'<ENVDIR><SEP>app<SEP>log<SEP>rattail.log', 'a', 1000000, 100, 'utf_8')
formatter = generic
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
formatter = console
# formatter = generic
# level = INFO
# level = WARNING
class = handlers.SMTPHandler
args = ('localhost', 'rattail@localhost', ['root@localhost'], "[Rattail] Logging")
formatter = generic
level = ERROR
format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(funcName)s: %(message)s
datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(funcName)s: %(message)s