
748 lines
33 KiB

<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro contains global page-related Javascripts.
<div metal:define-macro="prologue">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Global elements used in every page.</tal:comment>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Javascript messages</tal:comment>
<script language="javascript" tal:content="tool/getJavascriptMessages"></script>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">"Static" javascripts</tal:comment>
<script language="javascript">
var isIe = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
// AJAX machinery
var xhrObjects = new Array(); // An array of XMLHttpRequest objects
function XhrObject() { // Wraps a XmlHttpRequest object
this.freed = 1; // Is this xhr object already dealing with a request or not?
this.xhr = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
else this.xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
this.hook = ''; /* The ID of the HTML element in the page that will be
replaced by result of executing the Ajax request. */
this.onGet = ''; /* The name of a Javascript function to call once we
receive the result. */ = {}; /* An associative array for putting anything else. */
function getAjaxChunk(pos) {
// This function is the callback called by the AJAX machinery (see function
// askAjaxChunk below) when an Ajax response is available.
// First, find back the correct XMLHttpRequest object
if ( (typeof(xhrObjects[pos]) != 'undefined') &&
(xhrObjects[pos].freed == 0)) {
var hook = xhrObjects[pos].hook;
if (xhrObjects[pos].xhr.readyState == 1) {
// The request has been initialized: display the waiting radar
var hookElem = document.getElementById(hook);
if (hookElem) hookElem.innerHTML = "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"skyn/waiting.gif\"/><\/div>";
if (xhrObjects[pos].xhr.readyState == 4) {
// We have received the HTML chunk
var hookElem = document.getElementById(hook);
if (hookElem && (xhrObjects[pos].xhr.status == 200)) {
hookElem.innerHTML = xhrObjects[pos].xhr.responseText;
// Call a custom Javascript function if required
if (xhrObjects[pos].onGet) {
xhrObjects[pos].onGet(xhrObjects[pos], hookElem);
// Eval inner scripts if any.
var innerScripts = document.getElementsByName("appyHook");
for (var i=0; i<innerScripts.length; i++) {
xhrObjects[pos].freed = 1;
function askAjaxChunk(hook,mode,url,page,macro,params,beforeSend,onGet) {
/* This function will ask to get a chunk of HTML on the server through a
XMLHttpRequest. p_mode can be 'GET' or 'POST'. p_url is the URL of a
given server object. On this URL we will call the page "" that
will call a specific p_macro in a given p_page with some additional
p_params (must be an associative array) if required.
p_hook is the ID of the HTML element that will be filled with the HTML
result from the server.
p_beforeSend is a Javascript function to call before sending the request.
This function will get 2 args: the XMLHttpRequest object and the
p_params. This method can return, in a string, additional parameters to
send, ie: "&param1=blabla&param2=blabla".
p_onGet is a Javascript function to call when we will receive the answer.
This function will get 2 args, too: the XMLHttpRequest object and the
HTML node element into which the result has been inserted.
// First, get a non-busy XMLHttpRequest object.
var pos = -1;
for (var i=0; i < xhrObjects.length; i++) {
if (xhrObjects[i].freed == 1) { pos = i; break; }
if (pos == -1) {
pos = xhrObjects.length;
xhrObjects[pos] = new XhrObject();
xhrObjects[pos].hook = hook;
xhrObjects[pos].onGet = onGet;
if (xhrObjects[pos].xhr) {
var rq = xhrObjects[pos];
rq.freed = 0;
// Construct parameters
var paramsFull = 'page=' + page + '&macro=' + macro;
if (params) {
for (var paramName in params)
paramsFull = paramsFull + '&' + paramName + '=' + params[paramName];
// Call beforeSend if required
if (beforeSend) {
var res = beforeSend(rq, params);
if (res) paramsFull = paramsFull + res;
// Construct the URL to call
var urlFull = url + '/skyn/ajax';
if (mode == 'GET') {
urlFull = urlFull + '?' + paramsFull;
// Perform the asynchronous HTTP GET or POST, urlFull, true);
if (mode == 'POST') {
// Set the correct HTTP headers
"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
rq.xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-length", paramsFull.length);
rq.xhr.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
rq.xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ getAjaxChunk(pos); }
else if (mode == 'GET') {
rq.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { getAjaxChunk(pos); }
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { rq.xhr.send(null); }
else if (window.ActiveXObject) { rq.xhr.send(); }
/* The functions below wrap askAjaxChunk for getting specific content through
an Ajax request. */
function askQueryResult(hookId, objectUrl, contentType, searchName,
startNumber, sortKey, sortOrder, filterKey) {
// Sends an Ajax request for getting the result of a query.
var params = {'type_name': contentType, 'search': searchName,
'startNumber': startNumber};
if (sortKey) params['sortKey'] = sortKey;
if (sortOrder) params['sortOrder'] = sortOrder;
if (filterKey) {
var filterWidget = document.getElementById(hookId + '_' + filterKey);
if (filterWidget && filterWidget.value) {
params['filterKey'] = filterKey;
params['filterValue'] = filterWidget.value;
askAjaxChunk(hookId,'GET',objectUrl, 'result', 'queryResult', params);
function askObjectHistory(hookId, objectUrl, maxPerPage, startNumber) {
// Sends an Ajax request for getting the history of an object
var params = {'maxPerPage': maxPerPage, 'startNumber': startNumber};
askAjaxChunk(hookId, 'GET', objectUrl, 'page', 'objectHistory', params);
function askRefField(hookId, objectUrl, fieldName, innerRef, startNumber,
action, actionParams){
// Sends an Ajax request for getting the content of a reference field.
var startKey = hookId + '_startNumber';
var params = {'fieldName': fieldName, 'innerRef': innerRef, };
params[startKey] = startNumber;
if (action) params['action'] = action;
if (actionParams) {
for (key in actionParams) { params[key] = actionParams[key]; };
askAjaxChunk(hookId, 'GET', objectUrl, 'widgets/ref', 'viewContent',params);
function askComputedField(hookId, objectUrl, fieldName) {
// Sends an Ajax request for getting the content of a computed field
var params = {'fieldName': fieldName};
askAjaxChunk(hookId, 'GET', objectUrl, 'widgets/computed', 'viewContent',
// Function used by checkbox widgets for having radio-button-like behaviour
function toggleCheckbox(visibleCheckbox, hiddenBoolean) {
vis = document.getElementById(visibleCheckbox);
hidden = document.getElementById(hiddenBoolean);
if (vis.checked) hidden.value = 'True';
else hidden.value = 'False';
// Functions used for master/slave relationships between widgets
function getMasterValue(widget) {
// Returns an array of selected options in a select widget
res = new Array();
if (widget.type == 'checkbox') {
var mv = widget.checked + '';
mv = mv.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mv.substr(1);
else { // SELECT widget
for (var i=0; i < widget.options.length; i++) {
if (widget.options[i].selected) res.push(widget.options[i].value);
return res;
function updateSlaves(masterValues, appyTypeId) {
// Given the value(s) selected in a master field, this function updates the
// state of all corresponding slaves.
var slaves = cssQuery('table.slave_' + appyTypeId);
for (var i=0; i< slaves.length; i++){
slaves[i].style.display = "none";
for (var i=0; i < masterValues.length; i++) {
var activeSlaves = cssQuery('table.slaveValue_' + appyTypeId + '_' + masterValues[i]);
for (var j=0; j < activeSlaves.length; j++){
activeSlaves[j].style.display = "";
// Function used for triggering a workflow transition
function triggerTransition(transitionId, msg) {
var theForm = document.getElementById('triggerTransitionForm');
theForm.workflow_action.value = transitionId;
if (!msg) {
else { // Ask the user to confirm.
askConfirm('form', 'triggerTransitionForm', msg);
function onDeleteObject(objectUid) {
f = document.getElementById('deleteForm');
f.objectUid.value = objectUid;
askConfirm('form', 'deleteForm', delete_confirm);
function toggleCookie(cookieId) {
// What is the state of this boolean (expanded/collapsed) cookie?
var state = readCookie(cookieId);
if ((state != 'collapsed') && (state != 'expanded')) {
// No cookie yet, create it.
createCookie(cookieId, 'collapsed');
state = 'collapsed';
var hook = document.getElementById(cookieId); // The hook is the part of
// the HTML document that needs to be shown or hidden.
var displayValue = 'none';
var newState = 'collapsed';
var imgSrc = 'skyn/expand.gif';
if (state == 'collapsed') {
// Show the HTML zone
displayValue = 'block';
imgSrc = 'skyn/collapse.gif';
newState = 'expanded';
// Update the corresponding HTML element = displayValue;
var img = document.getElementById(cookieId + '_img');
img.src = imgSrc;
// Inverse the cookie value
createCookie(cookieId, newState);
// Function that allows to generate a document from a pod template.
function generatePodDocument(contextUid, fieldName, podFormat, queryData) {
var theForm = document.getElementsByName("podTemplateForm")[0];
theForm.objectUid.value = contextUid;
theForm.fieldName.value = fieldName;
theForm.podFormat.value = podFormat;
theForm.askAction.value = "False";
theForm.queryData.value = queryData;
var askActionWidget = document.getElementById(contextUid + '_' + fieldName);
if (askActionWidget && askActionWidget.checked) {
theForm.askAction.value = "True";
// Functions for opening and closing a popup
function openPopup(popupId, msg) {
// Put the message into the popup
var confirmElem = document.getElementById('appyConfirmText');
confirmElem.innerHTML = msg;
// Open the popup
var popup = document.getElementById(popupId);
// Put it at the right place on the screen
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0; = (scrollTop + 150) + 'px'; = "block";
// Show the greyed zone
var greyed = document.getElementById('appyGrey'); = scrollTop + 'px'; = "block";
function closePopup(popupId) {
// Close the popup
var popup = document.getElementById(popupId); = "none";
// Hide the greyed zone
var greyed = document.getElementById('appyGrey'); = "none";
// Function triggered when an action needs to be confirmed by the user
function askConfirm(actionType, action, msg) {
/* Store the actionType (send a form, call an URL or call a script) and the
related action, and shows the confirm popup. If the user confirms, we
will perform the action. */
var confirmForm = document.getElementById('confirmActionForm');
confirmForm.actionType.value = actionType;
confirmForm.action.value = action;
openPopup("confirmActionPopup", msg);
// Function triggered when an action confirmed by the user must be performed
function doConfirm() {
// The user confirmed: perform the required action.
var confirmForm = document.getElementById('confirmActionForm');
var actionType = confirmForm.actionType.value;
var action = confirmForm.action.value;
if (actionType == 'form') {
// We must submit the form whose id is in "action"
else if (actionType == 'url') {
// We must go to the URL defined in "action"
window.location = action;
else if (actionType == 'script') {
// We must execute Javascript code in "action"
// Function that finally posts the edit form after the user has confirmed that
// she really wants to post it.
function postConfirmedEditForm() {
var theForm = document.getElementById('appyEditForm');
theForm.confirmed.value = "True";
// Function that shows or hides a tab. p_action is 'show' or 'hide'.
function manageTab(tabId, action) {
// Manage the tab content (show it or hide it)
var content = document.getElementById('tabcontent_' + tabId);
if (action == 'show') { = 'table-row'; }
else { = 'none'; }
// Manage the tab itself (show as selected or unselected)
var left = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId + '_left');
var tab = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId);
var right = document.getElementById('tab_' + tabId + '_right');
if (action == 'show') {
left.src = "skyn/tabLeft.png"; = "url(skyn/tabBg.png)";
right.src = "skyn/tabRight.png";
if (action == 'hide') {
left.src = "skyn/tabLeftu.png"; = "url(skyn/tabBgu.png)";
right.src = "skyn/tabRightu.png";
// Function used for displaying/hiding content of a tab
function showTab(tabId) {
// 1st, show the tab to show
manageTab(tabId, 'show');
// Compute the number of tabs.
var idParts = tabId.split('_');
var prefix = idParts[0] + '_';
// Store the currently selected tab in a cookie.
createCookie('tab_' + idParts[0], tabId);
var nbOfTabs = idParts[2]*1;
// Then, hide the other tabs.
for (var i=0; i<nbOfTabs; i++) {
var idTab = prefix + (i+1) + '_' + nbOfTabs;
if (idTab != tabId) {
manageTab(idTab, 'hide');
// Function that initializes the state of a tab
function initTab(cookieId, defaultValue) {
var toSelect = readCookie(cookieId);
if (!toSelect) { showTab(defaultValue) }
else { showTab(toSelect); }
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Global form for deleting an object</tal:comment>
<form id="deleteForm" method="post" action="skyn/do">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Delete"/>
<input type="hidden" name="objectUid"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Global form for generating a document from a pod template.</tal:comment>
<form name="podTemplateForm" method="post"
tal:attributes="action python: tool.absolute_url() + '/generateDocument'">
<input type="hidden" name="objectUid"/>
<input type="hidden" name="fieldName"/>
<input type="hidden" name="podFormat"/>
<input type="hidden" name="askAction"/>
<input type="hidden" name="queryData"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro shows the content of page. Because a page is a layouted object,
we simply call the macro that displays a layouted object.
contextObj The Zope object for which this page must be shown
layoutType The kind of layout: "view"? "edit"? "cell"?
layout The layout object that will dictate how object content
will be rendered.
<metal:show define-macro="show">
<metal:layout use-macro="here/skyn/widgets/show/macros/layout"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro displays all widgets of a given page. It requires:
contextObj The Zope object for which widgets must be shown
page We show widgets of a given page
layoutType We must know if we must render the widgets in a "view",
"edit" or "cell" layout
<table metal:define-macro="widgets" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
tal:attributes="width layout/width">
<tr tal:repeat="widget python: contextObj.getGroupedAppyTypes(layoutType, page)">
<td tal:condition="python: widget['type'] == 'group'">
<metal:call use-macro="portal/skyn/widgets/show/macros/group"/>
<td tal:condition="python: widget['type'] != 'group'">
<metal:call use-macro="portal/skyn/widgets/show/macros/field"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro displays an object's history. It is used by macro "header" below.
<metal:history define-macro="objectHistory"
tal:define="startNumber request/startNumber|python:0;
startNumber python: int(startNumber);
batchSize python: int(request.get('maxPerPage'));
historyInfo python: contextObj.getHistory(startNumber, batchSize=batchSize);
objs historyInfo/events;
totalNumber historyInfo/totalNumber;
ajaxHookId python:'appyHistory';
navBaseCall python: 'askObjectHistory(\'%s\',\'%s\',%d,**v**)' % (ajaxHookId, contextObj.absolute_url(),batchSize);
tool contextObj/getTool">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Table containing the history</tal:comment>
<tal:history condition="objs">
<metal:nav use-macro="here/skyn/navigate/macros/appyNavigate"/>
<table width="100%" class="listing nosort">
<tr i18n:domain="plone">
<th i18n:translate="listingheader_action"/>
<th i18n:translate="listingheader_performed_by"/>
<th i18n:translate="listingheader_date_and_time"/>
<th i18n:translate="listingheader_comment"/>
<tal:event repeat="event objs">
<tr tal:define="odd repeat/event/odd;
rhComments event/comments|nothing;
state event/review_state|nothing;
isDataChange python: event['action'] == '_datachange_'"
tal:attributes="class python:test(odd, 'even', 'odd')" valign="top">
<td tal:condition="isDataChange" tal:content="python: tool.translate('data_change')"></td>
<td tal:condition="not: isDataChange"
tal:content="python: tool.translate(contextObj.getWorkflowLabel(event['action']))"
tal:attributes="class string:state-${state}"/>
<td tal:define="actorid python:event.get('actor');
actor python:contextObj.portal_membership.getMemberInfo(actorid);
fullname actor/fullname|nothing;
username actor/username|nothing"
tal:content="python:fullname or username or actorid"/>
<td tal:content="python:contextObj.restrictedTraverse('@@plone').toLocalizedTime(event['time'],long_format=True)"/>
<td tal:condition="not: isDataChange"><tal:comment condition="rhComments" tal:content="structure rhComments"/>
<tal:noComment condition="not: rhComments" i18n:translate="no_comments" i18n:domain="plone"/></td>
<td tal:condition="isDataChange">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
Display the previous values of the fields whose value were modified in this change.</tal:comment>
<table class="appyChanges" width="100%">
<th align="left" width="30%" tal:content="python: tool.translate('modified_field')"></th>
<th align="left" width="70%" tal:content="python: tool.translate('previous_value')"></th>
<tr tal:repeat="change event/changes/items" valign="top">
<td tal:content="structure python: tool.translate(change[1][1])"></td>
<td tal:define="appyValue python: contextObj.getFormattedFieldValue(change[0], change[1][0]);
appyType python:contextObj.getAppyType(change[0], asDict=True);
severalValues python: (appyType['multiplicity'][1] &gt; 1) or (appyType['multiplicity'][1] == None)">
<span tal:condition="not: severalValues" tal:replace="appyValue"></span>
<ul tal:condition="python: severalValues">
<li tal:repeat="av appyValue" tal:content="av"></li>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro displays an object's state(s). It is used by macro "header" below.
<metal:states define-macro="states"
tal:define="showAllStatesInPhase python: tool.getAttr('showAllStatesInPhaseFor' + contextObj.meta_type);
states python: contextObj.getAppyStates(phase, currentOnly=not showAllStatesInPhase)"
tal:condition="python: test(showAllStatesInPhase, len(states)&gt;1, True)">
<tal:state repeat="stateInfo states">
<td tal:attributes="class python: 'appyState step%sState' % stateInfo['stateStatus']"
tal:content="python: tool.translate(contextObj.getWorkflowLabel(stateInfo['name']))">
<td tal:condition="python: stateInfo['name'] != states[-1]['name']">
<img tal:attributes="src string: $portal_url/skyn/nextState.png"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro displays an object's transitions(s). It is used by macro "header" below.
<metal:transitions define-macro="transitions"
tal:define="transitions contextObj/getAppyTransitions"
<form id="triggerTransitionForm" method="post"
tal:attributes="action python: contextObj.absolute_url() + '/skyn/do'">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="TriggerTransition"/>
<input type="hidden" name="workflow_action"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Input field allowing to enter a comment before triggering a transition</tal:comment>
<td tal:define="showCommentsField python:tool.getAttr('showWorkflowCommentFieldFor'+contextObj.meta_type)"
align="right" tal:condition="showCommentsField">
<span tal:content="python: tool.translate('workflow_comment')" class="discreet"></span>
<input type="text" id="comment" name="comment" size="35"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Buttons for triggering transitions</tal:comment>
<td align="right" tal:repeat="transition transitions">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Real button</tal:comment>
<input type="button" class="appyButton" tal:condition="transition/may_trigger"
tal:attributes="value python: tool.translate(transition['name']);
onClick python: 'triggerTransition(\'%s\',\'%s\')' % (transition['id'],transition['confirm']);"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Fake button, explaining why the transition can't be triggered</tal:comment>
<div class="appyButton fakeButton" tal:condition="not: transition/may_trigger">
<acronym tal:content="python: tool.translate(transition['name'])"
tal:attributes="title transition/reason"></acronym>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macros displays the page header, containing object title,
workflow-related info, object history, etc.
<div metal:define-macro="header"
tal:define="showCommonInfo python: layoutType == 'view';
showWorkflow python: tool.getAttr('showWorkflowFor' + contextObj.meta_type);
hasHistory contextObj/hasHistory;
historyMaxPerPage options/maxPerPage|python: 5;
historyExpanded python: tool.getCookieValue('appyHistory', default='collapsed') == 'expanded';
creator contextObj/Creator"
tal:condition="not: contextObj/isTemporary">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Information that is common to all tabs (object title, state, etc)</tal:comment>
<table width="100%" tal:condition="showCommonInfo" class="appyCommonInfo">
<tr valign="bottom">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Title and state</tal:comment>
<td width="80%">
<b class="appyTitle" tal:content="contextObj/title_or_id"></b>
<td><metal:actions use-macro="here/document_actions/macros/document_actions"/>
<tr tal:define="descrLabel python: contextObj.translate('%s_edit_descr' % contextObj.portal_type)"
tal:condition="descrLabel/strip" >
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Content type description</tal:comment>
<td colspan="2" class="discreet" tal:content="descrLabel"/>
<td class="documentByLine" colspan="2">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Creator and last modification date</tal:comment>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Plus/minus icon for accessing history</tal:comment>
<tal:accessHistory condition="hasHistory">
<img align="left" style="cursor:pointer" onClick="toggleCookie('appyHistory')"
tal:attributes="src python:test(historyExpanded, 'skyn/collapse.gif', 'skyn/expand.gif');"
<span i18n:translate="label_history" i18n:domain="plone" class="appyHistory"></span>&nbsp;
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Show document creator</tal:comment>
<tal:creator condition="creator"
define="author python:contextObj.portal_membership.getMemberInfo(creator)">
<span class="documentAuthor" i18n:domain="plone" i18n:translate="label_by_author">
by <a tal:attributes="href string:${portal_url}/author/${creator}"
tal:content="python:author and author['fullname'] or creator"
tal:omit-tag="not:author" i18n:name="author"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Show last modification date</tal:comment>
<span i18n:translate="box_last_modified" i18n:domain="plone"></span>
<span tal:replace="python:contextObj.restrictedTraverse('@@plone').toLocalizedTime(contextObj.ModificationDate(),long_format=1)"></span>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Object history</tal:comment>
<tr tal:condition="hasHistory">
<td colspan="2">
<span id="appyHistory"
tal:attributes="style python:test(historyExpanded, 'display:block', 'display:none')">
<div tal:define="ajaxHookId python: contextObj.UID() + '_history';"
tal:attributes="id ajaxHookId">
<script language="javascript" tal:content="python: 'askObjectHistory(\'%s\',\'%s\',%d,0)' % (ajaxHookId, contextObj.absolute_url(),historyMaxPerPage)">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Workflow-related information and actions</tal:comment>
<tr tal:condition="python: showWorkflow and contextObj.getWorkflowLabel()">
<td colspan="2" class="appyWorkflow">
<table width="100%">
<td><metal:states use-macro="here/skyn/page/macros/states"/></td>
<td align="right"><metal:states use-macro="here/skyn/page/macros/transitions"/></td>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
The page footer.
<metal:footer define-macro="footer">
<tal:dummy define="messages putils/showPortalMessages"/>
<script language="javascript">
// When the current page is loaded, we must set the correct state for all slave fields.
var masters = cssQuery('.appyMaster');
for (var i=0; i < masters.length; i++) {
var cssClasses = masters[i].className.split(' ');
for (var j=0; j < cssClasses.length; j++) {
if (cssClasses[j].indexOf('master_') == 0) {
var appyId = cssClasses[j].split('_')[1];
var masterValue = [];
if (masters[i].nodeName == 'SPAN'){
var idField = masters[i].id;
if (idField == '') {
else {
if ((idField[0] == '(') || (idField[0] == '[')) {
// There are multiple values, split it
var subValues = idField.substring(1, idField.length-1).split(',');
for (var k=0; k < subValues.length; k++){
var subValue = subValues[k].strip();
masterValue.push(subValue.substring(1, subValue.length-1));
else { masterValue.push(masters[i].id);
else { masterValue = getMasterValue(masters[i]);
updateSlaves(masterValue, appyId);
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro shows the range of buttons (next, previous, save,...).
<div metal:define-macro="buttons"
tal:define="previousPage python: contextObj.getPreviousPage(phaseInfo, page)[0];
nextPage python: contextObj.getNextPage(phaseInfo, page)[0];
isEdit python: layoutType == 'edit';
pageInfo python: phaseInfo['pagesInfo'][page]">
<tal:previousButton condition="python: previousPage and pageInfo['showPrevious']">
<tal:button condition="isEdit">
<input type="image" class="imageInput" style="cursor:pointer" name="buttonPrevious"
title="label_previous" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:domain="plone"
tal:attributes="src string:$portal_url/skyn/previous.png"/>
<input type="hidden" name="previousPage" tal:attributes="value previousPage"/>
<tal:link condition="not: isEdit">
<a tal:attributes="href python: contextObj.getUrl(page=previousPage)">
<img tal:attributes="src string:$portal_url/skyn/previous.png"
title="label_previous" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:domain="plone"/>
<tal:saveButton condition="python: isEdit and pageInfo['showSave']">
<input type="image" class="imageInput" style="cursor:pointer" name="buttonOk"
title="label_save" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:domain="plone"
tal:attributes="src string:$portal_url/skyn/save.png"/>
<tal:cancelButton condition="python: isEdit and pageInfo['showCancel']">
<input type="image" class="imageInput" style="cursor:pointer" name="buttonCancel"
title="label_cancel" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:domain="plone"
tal:attributes="src string:$portal_url/skyn/cancel.png"/>
<tal:editLink condition="python: not isEdit and pageInfo['showOnEdit']">
<img title="Edit" i18n:domain="plone" i18n:attributes="title" style="cursor:pointer"
tal:attributes="onClick python: 'href: window.location=\'%s\'' % contextObj.getUrl(mode='edit', page=page);
src string: $portal_url/skyn/editBig.png"
tal:condition="python: member.has_permission('Modify portal content', contextObj)"/>
<tal:nextButton condition="python: nextPage and pageInfo['showNext']">
<tal:button condition="isEdit">
<input type="image" class="imageInput" style="cursor:pointer" name="buttonNext"
title="label_next" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:domain="plone"
tal:attributes="src string:$portal_url/skyn/next.png"/>
<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" tal:attributes="value nextPage"/>
<tal:link condition="not: isEdit">
<a tal:attributes="href python: contextObj.getUrl(page=nextPage)">
<img tal:attributes="src string:$portal_url/skyn/next.png"
title="label_next" i18n:attributes="title" i18n:domain="plone"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">
This macro displays the global message on the page.
<metal:message define-macro="message">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Single message from portal_status_message request key</tal:comment>
<div tal:define="msg request/portal_status_message | nothing"
tal:condition="msg" class="portalMessage" tal:content="structure msg"></div>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Messages added via plone_utils</tal:comment>
<tal:messages define="messages putils/showPortalMessages" condition="messages">
<tal:msgs define="type_css_map python: {'info':'portalMessage', 'warn':'portalWarningMessage',
repeat="msg messages">
<div tal:define="mtype msg/type | nothing;"
tal:attributes="class python:mtype and type_css_map[mtype] or 'info';"
tal:content="structure msg/message | nothing"></div>