2014-11-28 14:42:32 +01:00
.. [gen] One can define statis attribute 'showHistory', being a method or a boolean value. It indicates if the history is visible or not. Added on the User, passwords fields on the main page. This way, when creating a user, those fields are used. When the user wants to change it own password, passwords on the 'passwords' page are then used. 2014-11-25 14:56:38 +01:00 [gen] Bugfix: slave groups; bugfix: security check for pod fields; security bugfix for pod fields: write access to the field is required for performing any freeze-related action; migration to Appy 0.9.0: dump frozen pod fields on disk; repaired test system for Appy 0.9.0; more explicit error message when using, on some field, a specific write or read permission that is not used in the workflow. 2014-05-14 15:10:41 +02:00 [gen] Class.listColumns can now be a static method (accepting the tool as single arg). [gen] Indexed Ref fields are now sortable. For every such field, 2 indexes are created: a list index for searching, and a standard index for sorting (by their title). 2014-11-28 14:42:32 +01:00