
230 lines
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Appy is a framework for building applications in the Python language.
# Copyright (C) 2007 Gaetan Delannay
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,USA.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from appy.pod import PodError
from appy.pod.elements import *
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EVAL_ERROR = 'Error while evaluating expression "%s".'
FROM_EVAL_ERROR = 'Error while evaluating the expression "%s" defined in the ' \
'"from" part of a statement.'
WRONG_SEQ_TYPE = 'Expression "%s" is not iterable.'
TABLE_NOT_ONE_CELL = "The table you wanted to populate with '%s' " \
"can\'t be dumped with the '-' option because it has " \
"more than one cell in it."
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BufferAction:
'''Abstract class representing a action (=statement) that must be performed
on the content of a buffer (if, for...).'''
def __init__(self, name, buffer, expr, elem, minus, source, fromExpr): = name # Actions may be named. Currently, the name of an
# action is only used for giving a name to "if" actions; thanks to this
# name, "else" actions that are far away may reference their "if".
self.buffer = buffer # The object of the action
self.expr = expr # Python expression to evaluate (may be None in the
# case of a NullAction or ElseAction, for example)
self.elem = elem # The element within the buffer that is the object
# of the action.
self.minus = minus # If True, the main buffer element(s) must not be
# dumped.
self.result = self.buffer.getFileBuffer()
self.source = source # if 'buffer', we must dump the (evaluated) buffer
# content. If 'from', we must dump what comes from the 'from' part of
# the action (='fromExpr')
self.fromExpr = fromExpr
# We store the result of evaluation of expr and fromExpr
self.exprResult = None
self.fromExprResult = None
def writeError(self, errorMessage, dumpTb=True):
# Empty the buffer
self.buffer.__init__(self.buffer.env, self.buffer.parent)
PodError.dump(self.buffer, errorMessage, withinElement=self.elem,
def execute(self):
# Check that if minus is set, we have an element which can accept it
if self.minus and isinstance(self.elem, Table) and \
(not self.elem.tableInfo.isOneCell()):
self.writeError(TABLE_NOT_ONE_CELL % self.expr)
errorOccurred = False
if self.expr:
self.exprResult = eval(self.expr, self.buffer.env.context)
self.exprResult = None
self.writeError(EVAL_ERROR % self.expr)
errorOccurred = True
if not errorOccurred:
def evaluateBuffer(self):
if self.source == 'buffer':
self.buffer.evaluate(removeMainElems = self.minus)
# Evaluate fromExpr
self.fromExprResult = None
errorOccurred = False
self.fromExprResult= eval(self.fromExpr,self.buffer.env.context)
except PodError, pe:
self.writeError(FROM_EVAL_ERROR % self.fromExpr + ' ' + str(pe),
errorOccurred = True
self.writeError(FROM_EVAL_ERROR % self.fromExpr)
errorOccurred = True
if not errorOccurred:
class IfAction(BufferAction):
'''Action that determines if we must include the content of the buffer in
the result or not.'''
def do(self):
if self.exprResult:
if self.buffer.isMainElement(Cell.OD):
# Don't leave the current row with a wrong number of cells
class ElseAction(IfAction):
'''Action that is linked to a previous "if" action. In fact, an "else"
action works exactly like an "if" action, excepted that instead of
defining a conditional expression, it is based on the negation of the
conditional expression of the last defined "if" action.'''
def __init__(self, name, buffer, expr, elem, minus, source, fromExpr,
IfAction.__init__(self, name, buffer, None, elem, minus, source,
self.ifAction = ifAction
def do(self):
# The result of this "else" action is "not <result from last execution
# of linked 'if' action>".
self.exprResult = not self.ifAction.exprResult
class ForAction(BufferAction):
'''Actions that will include the content of the buffer as many times as
specified by the action parameters.'''
def __init__(self, name, buffer, expr, elem, minus, iter, source, fromExpr):
BufferAction.__init__(self, name, buffer, expr, elem, minus, source,
self.iter = iter # Name of the iterator variable used in the each loop
def do(self):
context = self.buffer.env.context
# Check self.exprResult type
# All "iterable" objects are OK. Thanks to Bernhard Bender for this
# improvement.
except TypeError:
self.writeError(WRONG_SEQ_TYPE % self.expr)
# Remember variable hidden by iter if any
hasHiddenVariable = False
if context.has_key(self.iter):
hiddenVariable = context[self.iter]
hasHiddenVariable = True
# In the case of cells, initialize some values
isCell = False
if isinstance(self.elem, Cell):
isCell = True
nbOfColumns = self.elem.tableInfo.nbOfColumns
initialColIndex = self.elem.tableInfo.curColIndex
currentColIndex = initialColIndex
rowAttributes = self.elem.tableInfo.curRowAttrs
# If self.exprResult is empty, dump an empty cell to avoid
# having the wrong number of cells for the current row
if not self.exprResult:
# Enter the "for" loop
for item in self.exprResult:
context[self.iter] = item
# Cell: add a new row if we are at the end of a row
if isCell and (currentColIndex == nbOfColumns):
self.result.dumpStartElement(Row.OD.elem, rowAttributes)
currentColIndex = 0
# Cell: increment the current column index
if isCell:
currentColIndex += 1
# Cell: leave the last row with the correct number of cells
if isCell and self.exprResult:
wrongNbOfCells = (currentColIndex-1) - initialColIndex
if wrongNbOfCells < 0: # Too few cells for last row
for i in range(abs(wrongNbOfCells)):
context[self.iter] = ''
# This way, the cell is dumped with the correct styles
elif wrongNbOfCells > 0: # Too many cells for last row
# Finish current row
nbOfMissingCells = 0
if currentColIndex < nbOfColumns:
nbOfMissingCells = nbOfColumns - currentColIndex
context[self.iter] = ''
for i in range(nbOfMissingCells):
# Create additional row with remaining cells
self.result.dumpStartElement(Row.OD.elem, rowAttributes)
nbOfRemainingCells = wrongNbOfCells + nbOfMissingCells
nbOfMissingCellsLastLine = nbOfColumns - nbOfRemainingCells
context[self.iter] = ''
for i in range(nbOfMissingCellsLastLine):
# Restore hidden variable if any
if hasHiddenVariable:
context[self.iter] = hiddenVariable
if self.exprResult:
del context[self.iter]
class NullAction(BufferAction):
'''Action that does nothing. Used in conjunction with a "from" clause, it
allows to insert in a buffer arbitrary odt content.'''
def do(self):
class VariableAction(BufferAction):
'''Action that allows to define a variable somewhere in the template.'''
def __init__(self, name, buffer, expr, elem, minus, varName, source,
BufferAction.__init__(self, name, buffer, expr, elem, minus, source,
self.varName = varName # Name of the variable
def do(self):
context = self.buffer.env.context
# Remember the variable hidden by our variable definition, if any
hasHiddenVariable = False
if context.has_key(self.varName):
hiddenVariable = context[self.varName]
hasHiddenVariable = True
# Add the variable to the context
context[self.varName] = self.exprResult
# Evaluate the buffer
# Restore hidden variable if any
if hasHiddenVariable:
context[self.varName] = hiddenVariable
del context[self.varName]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------