
131 lines
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from appy.gen import *
class BunchOfGeek:
description = String(format=String.TEXT)
class ZopeComponentTool(Tool):
someUsefulConfigurationOption = String()
def onInstall(self):
self.someUsefulConfigurationOption = 'My app is configured now!'
install = Action(action=onInstall)
class ZopeComponentWorkflow:
# Specific permissions
wf = WritePermission('ZopeComponent.funeralDate')
rb = ReadPermission('ZopeComponent.responsibleBunch')
# Roles
zManager = 'ZManager'
zLeader = 'ZLeader'
managerM = (zManager, 'Manager')
leaderM = (zLeader, 'Manager')
everybody = (zManager, zLeader, 'Manager')
# States
created = State({r:leaderM, w:('Owner', 'Manager'), d:leaderM, wf:'Owner',
rb:everybody}, initial=True)
validated = State({r:everybody, w:everybody, d:None, wf:everybody,
underDevelopment = State({r:everybody, w:leaderM, d:None, wf:leaderM,
whereIsTheClient = State({r:everybody, w:managerM, d:None, wf:managerM,
# Transitions
def funeralOk(self, obj): return obj.funeralDate
validate = Transition( (created, validated),
condition=managerM + (funeralOk,))
def updateDescription(self, obj):
obj.description = 'Description edited by my manager was silly.'
startDevelopment = Transition( (validated, underDevelopment),
condition=leaderM, action=updateDescription)
cancelDevelopment = Transition( (underDevelopment, whereIsTheClient),
cancel = Transition( ( (whereIsTheClient, underDevelopment),
(underDevelopment, validated),
(validated, created)), condition='Manager')
class ZopeComponent:
root = True
workflow = ZopeComponentWorkflow
def showDate(self):
return True
def validateDescription(self, value):
res = True
if value.find('simple') != -1:
res = self.translate('zope_3_is_not_simple')
return res
description = String(editDefault=True)
technicalDescription = String(format=String.XHTML,
#status = String(validator=['underDevelopement', 'stillSomeWorkToPerform',
# 'weAreAlmostFinished', 'alphaReleaseIsBugged', 'whereIsTheClient'],
# optional=True, editDefault=True)
funeralDate = Date(optional=True, specificWritePermission=True)
responsibleBunch = Ref(BunchOfGeek, multiplicity=(1,1), add=False,
link=True, back=Ref(attribute='components'),
class CobolComponentWorkflow(ZopeComponentWorkflow):
p = ZopeComponentWorkflow # Shortcut to workflow parent
# An additional state
finished = State(p.whereIsTheClient.permissions)
# Override validate: condition on funeralDate has no sense here
validate = Transition(p.validate.states, condition=p.managerM)
# Override cancelDevelopment: go to finished instead
cancelDevelopment = Transition( (p.underDevelopment, finished),
# Update cancel accordingly
cancel = Transition( ((finished, p.underDevelopment),) +p.cancel.states[1:],
class CobolComponent:
root = True
workflow = CobolComponentWorkflow
description = String()
class Person:
abstract = True
pod = True
title = String(show=False)
n = 'name_3'
firstName = String(group=n, width=15)
middleInitial = String(group=n, width=3)
name = String(multiplicity=(1,1), group=n, width=30)
contractDetails = String(format=String.XHTML)
cia = {'page': 'contactInformation', 'group': 'address_2'}
street = String(**cia)
number = Integer(**cia)
country = String(**cia)
zipCode = Integer(**cia)
cio = {'page': 'contactInformation', 'group': 'numbers_2', 'width': 20}
phoneNumber = String(**cio)
faxNumber = String(**cio)
mobilePhone = String(**cio)
workPhoneNumber = String(**cio)
workFaxNumber = String(**cio)
workMobilePhone = String(**cio)
def onEdit(self, created):
self.title = self.firstName + ' ' +
class Worker(Person):
root = True
productivity = Integer()
class Parasite(Person):
root = True
pod = ['SordidGossips', 'MoreGossips']
hairColor = String(group='hairyCharacteristics')
sordidGossips = String(format = String.XHTML, page='Gossips')
parasiteIndex = String(validator=['low', 'medium', 'high',
page='contactInformation', group='numbers')
details = String(page='contactInformation', group='numbers',
master=parasiteIndex, masterValue='unquantifiable')
avoidAnyPhysicalContact = Boolean(page='contactInformation')
def validate(self, new, errors):
if (new.hairColor == 'flashy') and (new.firstName == 'Gerard'):
errors.hairColor = True
errors.firstName = "Flashy Gerards are disgusting."
c = Config()
c.languages = ('en', 'fr')
c.defaultCreators += ['ZLeader']