2014-10-28 17:48:54 +01:00

792 lines
37 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path, re, sys, parser, symbol, token, types
import appy, appy.pod.renderer
from appy.shared.utils import FolderDeleter
import appy.gen as gen
import po
from descriptors import *
from utils import getClassName
from model import ModelClass, User, Group, Tool, Translation, Page
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GeneratorError(Exception): pass
# I need the following classes to parse Python classes and find in which
# order the attributes are defined. --------------------------------------------
class AstMatcher:
'''Allows to find a given pattern within an ast (part).'''
def _match(pattern, node):
res = None
if pattern[0] == node[0]:
# This level matches
if len(pattern) == 1:
return node
if type(node[1]) == tuple:
return AstMatcher._match(pattern[1:], node[1])
return res
_match = staticmethod(_match)
def match(pattern, node):
res = []
for subNode in node[1:]:
# Do I find the pattern among the subnodes ?
occurrence = AstMatcher._match(pattern, subNode)
if occurrence:
return res
match = staticmethod(match)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AstClass:
'''Python class.'''
def __init__(self, node):
# Link to the Python ast node
self.node = node = node[2][1]
self.attributes = [] # We are only interested in parsing static
# attributes to now their order
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,5):
self.statementPattern = (
symbol.stmt, symbol.simple_stmt, symbol.small_stmt,
symbol.expr_stmt, symbol.testlist, symbol.test, symbol.or_test,
symbol.and_test, symbol.not_test, symbol.comparison, symbol.expr,
symbol.xor_expr, symbol.and_expr, symbol.shift_expr,
symbol.arith_expr, symbol.term, symbol.factor, symbol.power)
self.statementPattern = (
symbol.stmt, symbol.simple_stmt, symbol.small_stmt,
symbol.expr_stmt, symbol.testlist, symbol.test, symbol.and_test,
symbol.not_test, symbol.comparison, symbol.expr, symbol.xor_expr,
symbol.and_expr, symbol.shift_expr, symbol.arith_expr,
symbol.term, symbol.factor, symbol.power)
for subNode in node[1:]:
if subNode[0] == symbol.suite:
# We are in the class body
def getStaticAttributes(self, classBody):
statements = AstMatcher.match(self.statementPattern, classBody)
for statement in statements:
if len(statement) == 2 and statement[1][0] == symbol.atom and \
statement[1][1][0] == token.NAME:
attrName = statement[1][1][1]
def __repr__(self):
return '<class %s has attrs %s>' % (, str(self.attributes))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Ast:
'''Python AST.'''
classPattern = (symbol.stmt, symbol.compound_stmt, symbol.classdef)
utf8prologue = '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'
def __init__(self, pyFile):
f = file(pyFile)
fContent =
# For some unknown reason, when an UTF-8 encoding is declared, parsing
# does not work.
if fContent.startswith(self.utf8prologue):
fContent = fContent[len(self.utf8prologue):]
fContent = fContent.replace('\r', '')
ast = parser.suite(fContent).totuple()
# Get all the classes defined within this module.
self.classes = {}
classNodes = AstMatcher.match(self.classPattern, ast)
for node in classNodes:
astClass = AstClass(node)
self.classes[] = astClass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CODE_HEADER = '''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# GNU General Public License (GPL)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
class Generator:
'''Abstract base class for building a generator.'''
def __init__(self, application, options):
self.application = application
# Determine application name
self.applicationName = os.path.basename(application)
# Determine output folder (where to store the generated product)
self.outputFolder = os.path.join(application, 'zope',
self.options = options
# Determine templates folder
genFolder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
self.templatesFolder = os.path.join(genFolder, 'templates')
# Default descriptor classes
self.descriptorClasses = {
'class': ClassDescriptor, 'tool': ClassDescriptor,
'user': ClassDescriptor, 'workflow': WorkflowDescriptor}
# The following dict contains a series of replacements that need to be
# applied to file templates to generate files.
self.repls = {'applicationName': self.applicationName,
'applicationPath': os.path.dirname(self.application),
'codeHeader': CODE_HEADER}
# List of Appy classes and workflows found in the application
self.classes = []
self.tool = None
self.user = None
self.workflows = []
self.config = gen.Config
self.modulesWithTests = set()
self.totalNumberOfTests = 0
def determineGenType(self, klass):
'''If p_klass is:
* a gen-class, this method returns "class";
* a gen-workflow, this method it "workflow";
* none of it, this method returns None.
If p_klass declares at least one static attribute that is a
appy.fields.Field, it will be considered a gen-class. If p_klass
declares at least one static attribute that is a appy.gen.State,
it will be considered a gen-workflow.'''
for attr in klass.__dict__.itervalues():
if isinstance(attr, gen.Field): return 'class'
elif isinstance(attr, gen.State): return 'workflow'
def containsTests(self, moduleOrClass):
'''Returns True if p_moduleOrClass contains doctests. This method also
counts tests and updates self.totalNumberOfTests.'''
res = False
docString = moduleOrClass.__doc__
if docString and (docString.find('>>>') != -1):
self.totalNumberOfTests += 1
res = True
# Count also docstring in methods
if type(moduleOrClass) == types.ClassType:
for name, elem in moduleOrClass.__dict__.iteritems():
if type(elem) in (staticmethod, classmethod):
elem = elem.__get__(name)
if callable(elem) and (type(elem) != types.ClassType) and \
hasattr(elem, '__doc__') and elem.__doc__ and \
(elem.__doc__.find('>>>') != -1):
res = True
self.totalNumberOfTests += 1
return res
def walkModule(self, moduleName, module):
'''Visits a given module of the application.'''
# Create the AST for this module. Producing an AST allows us to retrieve
# class attributes in the order of their definition, which is not
# possible by introspecting dict-based class objects.
moduleFile = module.__file__
if moduleFile.endswith('.pyc'):
moduleFile = moduleFile[:-1]
astClasses = Ast(moduleFile).classes
# Check if tests are present in this module
if self.containsTests(module):
classType = type(Generator)
# Find all classes in this module
for name in module.__dict__.keys():
exec 'moduleElem = module.%s' % name
# Ignore non-classes module elements or classes that were imported
# from other modules.
if (type(moduleElem) != classType) or \
(moduleElem.__module__ != module.__name__): continue
# Ignore classes that are not gen-classes or gen-workflows.
genType = self.determineGenType(moduleElem)
if not genType: continue
# Produce a list of static class attributes (in the order
# of their definition).
attrs = astClasses[moduleElem.__name__].attributes
# Collect non-parsable attrs = back references added
# programmatically
moreAttrs = []
for eName, eValue in moduleElem.__dict__.iteritems():
if isinstance(eValue, gen.Field) and (eName not in attrs):
# Sort them in alphabetical order: else, order would be random
if moreAttrs: attrs += moreAttrs
# Add attributes added as back references
if genType == 'class':
# Determine the class type (standard, tool, user...)
if issubclass(moduleElem, gen.Tool):
if not self.tool:
klass = self.descriptorClasses['tool']
self.tool = klass(moduleElem, attrs, self)
self.tool.update(moduleElem, attrs)
elif issubclass(moduleElem, gen.User):
if not self.user:
klass = self.descriptorClasses['user']
self.user = klass(moduleElem, attrs, self)
self.user.update(moduleElem, attrs)
descriptorClass = self.descriptorClasses['class']
descriptor = descriptorClass(moduleElem,attrs, self)
# Manage classes containing tests
if self.containsTests(moduleElem):
elif genType == 'workflow':
descriptorClass = self.descriptorClasses['workflow']
descriptor = descriptorClass(moduleElem, attrs, self)
if self.containsTests(moduleElem):
def walkApplication(self):
'''This method walks into the application and creates the corresponding
meta-classes in self.classes, self.workflows, etc.'''
# Where is the application located ?
containingFolder = os.path.dirname(self.application)
# What is the name of the application ?
appName = os.path.basename(self.application)
# Get the app-specific config if any
exec 'import %s as appModule' % appName
if hasattr (appModule, 'Config'):
self.config = appModule.Config
if not issubclass(self.config, gen.Config):
raise Exception('Your Config class must subclass ' \
# Collect modules (only a the first level) in this application. Import
# them all, to be sure class definitions are complete (ie, back
# references are set from one class to the other). Moreover, potential
# syntax or import errors will raise an exception and abort the
# generation process before we do any undoable action.
modules = []
for fileName in os.listdir(self.application):
# Ignore non Python files
if not fileName.endswith('.py'): continue
moduleName = '%s.%s' % (appName, os.path.splitext(fileName)[0])
exec 'import %s' % moduleName
# Parse imported modules
for module in modules:
self.walkModule(moduleName, module)
def generateClass(self, classDescr):
'''This method is called whenever a Python class declaring Appy type
definition(s) is encountered within the application.'''
def generateWorkflow(self, workflowDescr):
'''This method is called whenever a Python class declaring states and
transitions is encountered within the application.'''
def initialize(self):
'''Called before the old product is removed (if any), in __init__.'''
def finalize(self):
'''Called at the end of the generation process.'''
def copyFile(self, fileName, replacements, destName=None, destFolder=None,
'''This method will copy p_fileName from self.templatesFolder to
self.outputFolder (or in a subFolder if p_destFolder is given)
after having replaced all p_replacements. If p_isPod is True,
p_fileName is a POD template and the copied file is the result of
applying p_fileName with context p_replacements.'''
# Get the path of the template file to copy
templatePath = os.path.join(self.templatesFolder, fileName)
# Get (or create if needed) the path of the result file
destFile = fileName
if destName: destFile = destName
if destFolder: destFile = '%s/%s' % (destFolder, destFile)
absDestFolder = self.outputFolder
if destFolder:
absDestFolder = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, destFolder)
if not os.path.exists(absDestFolder):
resultPath = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, destFile)
if os.path.exists(resultPath): os.remove(resultPath)
if not isPod:
# Copy the template file to result file after having performed some
# replacements
f = file(templatePath)
fileContent =
if not fileName.endswith('.png'):
for rKey, rValue in replacements.iteritems():
fileContent = fileContent.replace(
'<!%s!>' % rKey, str(rValue))
f = file(resultPath, 'w')
# Call the POD renderer to produce the result
rendererParams = {'template': templatePath,
'context': replacements,
'result': resultPath}
renderer = appy.pod.renderer.Renderer(**rendererParams)
def run(self):
for descriptor in self.classes: self.generateClass(descriptor)
for descriptor in self.workflows: self.generateWorkflow(descriptor)
msg = ''
if self.totalNumberOfTests:
msg = ' (number of tests found: %d)' % self.totalNumberOfTests
print('Done%s.' % msg)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ZopeGenerator(Generator):
'''This generator generates a Zope-compliant product from a given Appy
poExtensions = ('.po', '.pot')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Generator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Set our own Descriptor classes
self.descriptorClasses['class'] = ClassDescriptor
# Create Tool, User, Group, Translation and Page instances.
self.tool = ToolClassDescriptor(Tool, self)
self.user = UserClassDescriptor(User, self) = GroupClassDescriptor(Group, self)
self.translation = TranslationClassDescriptor(Translation, self) = PageClassDescriptor(Page, self)
# i18n labels to generate
self.labels = po.PoMessages()
def i18n(self, id, default, nice=True):
'''Shorthand for adding a new message into self.labels.'''
self.labels.append(id, default, nice=nice)
versionRex = re.compile('(.*?\s+build)\s+(\d+)')
def initialize(self):
# Determine version number
self.version = '0.1.0 build 1'
versionTxt = os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'version.txt')
if os.path.exists(versionTxt):
f = file(versionTxt)
oldVersion =
res =
self.version = + ' ' + str(int(
# Existing i18n files
self.i18nFiles = {} #~{p_fileName: PoFile}~
# Retrieve existing i18n files if any
i18nFolder = os.path.join(self.application, 'tr')
if os.path.exists(i18nFolder):
for fileName in os.listdir(i18nFolder):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
if ext in self.poExtensions:
poParser = po.PoParser(os.path.join(i18nFolder, fileName))
self.i18nFiles[fileName] = poParser.parse()
def finalize(self):
# Add a label for the application name
self.i18n(self.applicationName, self.applicationName)
# Add a i18n message for every role.
for role in self.getUsedRoles(appy=False):
self.i18n('role_%s' %,
# Create basic files (, etc)
# Create version.txt
f = open(os.path.join(self.outputFolder, 'version.txt'), 'w')
# Make folder "tests" a Python package
initFile = '%s/tests/' % self.outputFolder
if not os.path.isfile(initFile):
f = open(initFile, 'w')
# Generate i18n pot file
potFileName = '%s.pot' % self.applicationName
if self.i18nFiles.has_key(potFileName):
potFile = self.i18nFiles[potFileName]
fullName = os.path.join(self.application, 'tr', potFileName)
potFile = po.PoFile(fullName)
self.i18nFiles[potFileName] = potFile
# Update the pot file with (a) standard Appy labels and (b) the list of
# generated application labels.
appyPotFileName = os.path.join(appy.getPath(), 'gen', 'tr', 'Appy.pot')
appyLabels = po.PoParser(appyPotFileName).parse().messages
removedLabels = potFile.update(appyLabels + self.labels.get(),
self.options.i18nClean, keepExistingOrder=False)
if removedLabels:
print('Warning: %d messages were removed from translation ' \
'files: %s' % (len(removedLabels), str(removedLabels)))
# Generate i18n po files
for language in self.config.languages:
# I must generate (or update) a po file for the language(s)
# specified in the configuration.
poFileName = potFile.getPoFileName(language)
if self.i18nFiles.has_key(poFileName):
poFile = self.i18nFiles[poFileName]
fullName = os.path.join(self.application, 'tr', poFileName)
poFile = po.PoFile(fullName)
self.i18nFiles[poFileName] = poFile
# If we have default Appy messages translated for this language,
# get it. Else, use appyLabels from the pot file as default empty
# labels.
appyPoFileName = os.path.join(appy.getPath(), 'gen', 'tr',
'%s.po' % language)
if os.path.exists(appyPoFileName):
baseLabels = po.PoParser(appyPoFileName).parse().messages
baseLabels = appyLabels
poFile.update(baseLabels + self.labels.get() + \
potFile.getCustomMessages(), self.options.i18nClean,
# Generate corresponding fields on the Translation class
page = '1'
i = 0
for message in potFile.messages:
i += 1
# A computed field is used for displaying the text to translate.
self.translation.addLabelField(, page)
# A String field will hold the translation in itself.
self.translation.addMessageField(, page, self.i18nFiles)
if (i % self.config.translationsPerPage) == 0:
# A new page must be defined.
page = str(int(page)+1)
def getUsedRoles(self, appy=None, local=None, grantable=None):
'''Produces a list of all the roles used within all workflows and
classes defined in this application.
If p_appy is True, it keeps only Appy standard roles; if p_appy
is False, it keeps only roles which are specific to this application;
if p_appy is None it has no effect (so it keeps both roles).
If p_local is True, it keeps only local roles (ie, roles that can
only be granted locally); if p_local is False, it keeps only "global"
roles; if p_local is None it has no effect (so it keeps both roles).
If p_grantable is True, it keeps only roles that the admin can
grant; if p_grantable is False, if keeps only ungrantable roles (ie
those that are implicitly granted by the system like role
"Authenticated"); if p_grantable is None it keeps both roles.'''
allRoles = {} # ~{s_roleName:Role_role}~
# Gather roles from workflow states and transitions
for wfDescr in self.workflows:
for attr in dir(wfDescr.klass):
attrValue = getattr(wfDescr.klass, attr)
if isinstance(attrValue, gen.State) or \
isinstance(attrValue, gen.Transition):
for role in attrValue.getUsedRoles():
if not in allRoles:
allRoles[] = role
# Gather roles from "creators" attributes from every class
for cDescr in self.getClasses(include='all'):
creators = cDescr.getCreators()
if not creators: continue
for role in creators:
if not in allRoles:
allRoles[] = role
res = allRoles.values()
# Filter the result according to parameters
for p in ('appy', 'local', 'grantable'):
if eval(p) != None:
res = [r for r in res if eval('r.%s == %s' % (p, p))]
return res
def getAppyTypePath(self, name, appyType, klass, isBack=False):
'''Gets the path to the p_appyType when a direct reference to an
appyType must be generated in a Python file.'''
if issubclass(klass, ModelClass):
res = 'wrappers.%s.%s' % (klass.__name__, name)
res = '%s.%s.%s' % (klass.__module__, klass.__name__, name)
if isBack: res += '.back'
return res
def getClasses(self, include=None):
'''Returns the descriptors for all the classes in the generated
gen-application. If p_include is:
* "all" it includes the descriptors for the config-related
classes (tool, user, group, translation, page)
* "allButTool" it includes the same descriptors, the tool excepted
* "custom" it includes descriptors for the config-related classes
for which the user has created a sub-class.'''
if not include: return self.classes
res = self.classes[:]
configClasses = [self.tool, self.user,, self.translation,]
if include == 'all':
res += configClasses
elif include == 'allButTool':
res += configClasses[1:]
elif include == 'custom':
res += [c for c in configClasses if c.customized]
elif include == 'predefined':
res = configClasses
return res
def generateConfig(self):
repls = self.repls.copy()
# Get some lists of classes
classes = self.getClasses()
classesWithCustom = self.getClasses(include='custom')
classesButTool = self.getClasses(include='allButTool')
classesAll = self.getClasses(include='all')
# Compute imports
imports = ['import %s' % self.applicationName]
for classDescr in (classesWithCustom + self.workflows):
theImport = 'import %s' % classDescr.klass.__module__
if theImport not in imports:
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
# Compute list of class definitions
repls['appClasses'] = ','.join(['%s.%s' % (c.klass.__module__, \
c.klass.__name__) for c in classes])
# Compute lists of class names
repls['appClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % \
for c in classes])
repls['allClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % \
for c in classesButTool])
allShortClassNames = ['"%s":"%s"' % ('_')[-1], \
for c in classesAll]
repls['allShortClassNames'] = ','.join(allShortClassNames)
# Compute the list of ordered attributes (forward and backward,
# inherited included) for every Appy class.
attributes = []
for classDescr in classesAll:
titleFound = False
names = []
for name, appyType, klass in classDescr.getOrderedAppyAttributes():
if name == 'title': titleFound = True
# Add the "title" mandatory field if not found
if not titleFound: names.insert(0, 'title')
# Add the 'state' attribute
qNames = ['"%s"' % name for name in names]
attributes.append('"%s":[%s]' % (, ','.join(qNames)))
repls['attributes'] = ',\n '.join(attributes)
# Compute list of used roles for registering them if needed
specificRoles = self.getUsedRoles(appy=False)
repls['roles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % for r in specificRoles])
globalRoles = self.getUsedRoles(appy=False, local=False)
repls['gRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % for r in globalRoles])
grantableRoles = self.getUsedRoles(local=False, grantable=True)
repls['grRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % for r in grantableRoles])
self.copyFile('config.pyt', repls, destName='')
def generateInit(self):
# Compute imports
imports = []
classNames = []
for c in self.getClasses(include='all'):
importDef = ' import %s' %
if importDef not in imports:
classNames.append("%s.%s" % (,
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
repls['classes'] = ','.join(classNames)
repls['totalNumberOfTests'] = self.totalNumberOfTests
self.copyFile('__init__.pyt', repls, destName='')
def getClassesInOrder(self, allClasses):
'''When generating wrappers, classes mut be dumped in order (else, it
generates forward references in the Python file, that does not
res = [] # Appy class descriptors
resClasses = [] # Corresponding real Python classes
for classDescr in allClasses:
klass = classDescr.klass
if not klass.__bases__ or \
(klass.__bases__[0].__name__ == 'ModelClass'):
# This is a root class. We dump it at the begin of the file.
res.insert(0, classDescr)
resClasses.insert(0, klass)
# If a child of this class is already present, we must insert
# this klass before it.
lowestChildIndex = sys.maxint
for resClass in resClasses:
if klass in resClass.__bases__:
lowestChildIndex = min(lowestChildIndex,
if lowestChildIndex != sys.maxint:
res.insert(lowestChildIndex, classDescr)
resClasses.insert(lowestChildIndex, klass)
return res
def generateWrappers(self):
# We must generate imports and wrapper definitions
imports = []
wrappers = []
allClasses = self.getClasses(include='all')
for c in self.getClassesInOrder(allClasses):
if not c.predefined or c.customized:
moduleImport = 'import %s' % c.klass.__module__
if moduleImport not in imports:
# Determine parent wrapper and class
parentClasses = c.getParents(allClasses)
wrapperDef = 'class %s_Wrapper(%s):\n' % \
(, ','.join(parentClasses))
wrapperDef += ' security = ClassSecurityInfo()\n'
if c.customized:
# For custom tool, add a call to a method that allows to
# customize elements from the base class.
wrapperDef += " if hasattr(%s, 'update'):\n " \
"%s.update(%s)\n" % (parentClasses[1], parentClasses[1],
# For custom tool, add security declaration that will allow to
# call their methods from ZPTs.
for parentClass in parentClasses:
wrapperDef += " for elem in dir(%s):\n " \
"if not elem.startswith('_'): security.declarePublic" \
"(elem)\n" % (parentClass)
# Register the class in Zope.
wrapperDef += 'InitializeClass(%s_Wrapper)\n' %
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
repls['wrappers'] = '\n'.join(wrappers)
for klass in self.getClasses(include='predefined'):
modelClass = klass.modelClass
repls['%s' % modelClass.__name__] = modelClass._appy_getBody()
self.copyFile('wrappers.pyt', repls, destName='')
def generateTests(self):
'''Generates the file needed for executing tests.'''
repls = self.repls.copy()
modules = self.modulesWithTests
repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(['import %s' % m for m in modules])
repls['modulesWithTests'] = ','.join(modules)
self.copyFile('testAll.pyt', repls, destName='',
def generateTool(self):
'''Generates the tool that corresponds to this application.'''
# Create Tool-related i18n-related messages
self.i18n(, po.CONFIG % self.applicationName, nice=False)
# Tune the Ref field between Tool->User and Group->User
Tool.users.klass = User
if self.user.customized:
Tool.users.klass = self.user.klass
Group.users.klass = self.user.klass
# Generate the Tool-related classes (User, Group, Translation, Page)
for klass in (self.user,, self.translation,
klassType =[len(self.applicationName):]
self.i18n(, klassType, nice=False)
self.i18n('%s_plural' %,'s', nice=False)
repls = self.repls.copy()
if klass.isFolder():
parents = 'BaseMixin, Folder'
icon = 'folder.gif'
parents = 'BaseMixin, SimpleItem'
icon = 'object.gif'
repls.update({'methods': klass.methods, 'genClassName':,
'baseMixin':'BaseMixin', 'parents': parents,
'classDoc': 'Standard Appy class', 'icon': icon})
self.copyFile('Class.pyt', repls, destName='' %
# Before generating the Tool class, finalize it with search-related and
# import-related fields.
for classDescr in self.getClasses(include='allButTool'):
if not classDescr.isRoot(): continue
importMean = classDescr.getCreateMean('Import')
if importMean:
# Generate the Tool class
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls.update({'methods': self.tool.methods,
'genClassName':, 'baseMixin':'ToolMixin',
'parents': 'ToolMixin, Folder', 'icon': 'folder.gif',
'classDoc': 'Tool class for %s' % self.applicationName})
self.copyFile('Class.pyt', repls, destName='' %
def generateSearches(self, classDescr):
'''Generates i18n labels for searches defined on p_classDescr.'''
for search in classDescr.getSearches(classDescr.klass):
if not
className = classDescr.klass.__name__
raise Exception('Search defined on %s has no name.' % className)
label = '%s_search_%s' % (,
self.i18n('%s_descr' % label, ' ', nice=False)
# Generate labels for groups of searches
if and not, classDescr, set(),
def generateClass(self, classDescr):
'''Is called each time an Appy class is found in the application, for
generating the corresponding Archetype class.'''
k = classDescr.klass
print('Generating %s.%s (gen-class)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__))
# Determine base Zope class
isFolder = classDescr.isFolder()
baseClass = isFolder and 'Folder' or 'SimpleItem'
icon = isFolder and 'folder.gif' or 'object.gif'
parents = 'BaseMixin, %s' % baseClass
classDoc = k.__doc__ or 'Appy class.'
repls = self.repls.copy()
'parents': parents, 'className': k.__name__,
'genClassName':, 'baseMixin':'BaseMixin',
'classDoc': classDoc, 'applicationName': self.applicationName,
'methods': classDescr.methods, 'icon':icon})
fileName = '' %
# Create i18n labels (class name and plural form)
self.i18n(, k.__name__)
self.i18n('%s_plural' %, k.__name__+'s')
# Create i18n labels for searches
# Generate the resulting Zope class.
self.copyFile('Class.pyt', repls, destName=fileName)
def generateWorkflow(self, wfDescr):
'''This method creates the i18n labels related to the workflow described
by p_wfDescr.'''
k = wfDescr.klass
print('Generating %s.%s (gen-workflow)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__))
# Identify workflow name
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass)
# Add i18n messages for states
for name in dir(wfDescr.klass):
if not isinstance(getattr(wfDescr.klass, name), gen.State): continue
self.i18n('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), name)
# Add i18n messages for transitions
for name in dir(wfDescr.klass):
transition = getattr(wfDescr.klass, name)
if not isinstance(transition, gen.Transition): continue
self.i18n('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), name)
if and transition.confirm:
# We need to generate a label for the message that will be shown
# in the confirm popup.
self.i18n('%s_%s_confirm'%(wfName, name),po.CONFIRM, nice=False)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------