ed objects. The main menu entry can be textual or an icon; computed fields are by default rendered in view and cell layouts.
334 lines
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334 lines
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'''This package contains stuff used at run-time for installing a generated
Zope product.'''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path
import appy
import appy.version
import appy.gen as gen
from appy.gen.po import PoParser
from appy.gen.indexer import defaultIndexes, updateIndexes
from appy.gen.migrator import Migrator
from appy.gen import utils as gutils
from appy.shared.data import languages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
homePage = '<tal:h define="dummy python: request.RESPONSE.redirect(' \
# Cheat for disabling Zope's XMLRPC --------------------------------------------
class FakeXmlrpc:
'''Fake class that behaves like Zope's xmlrpc module.'''
def parse_input(self, value): return None, ()
def response(self, response): return response
def onDelSession(sessionObject, container):
'''This function is called when a session expires.'''
rq = container.REQUEST
if rq.cookies.has_key('_appy_') and rq.cookies.has_key('_ZopeId') and \
(rq['_ZopeId'] == sessionObject.token):
# The request comes from a guy whose session has expired.
resp = rq.RESPONSE
resp.expireCookie('_appy_', path='/')
resp.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
resp.write('<center>For security reasons, your session has ' \
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ZopeInstaller:
'''This Zope installer runs every time Zope starts and encounters this
generated Zope product.'''
# Info about the default users that are always present.
defaultUsers = {'admin': ('Manager',), 'system': ('Manager',), 'anon': ()}
def __init__(self, zopeContext, config, classes):
self.zopeContext = zopeContext
self.app = zopeContext._ProductContext__app # The root of the Zope tree
self.config = config
self.classes = classes
# Unwrap some useful config variables
self.productName = config.PROJECTNAME
self.languages = config.appConfig.languages
self.logger = config.logger
def installUi(self):
'''Installs the user interface.'''
# Some useful imports.
from OFS.Folder import manage_addFolder
from OFS.Image import manage_addImage, manage_addFile
# Delete the existing folder if it existed.
zopeContent = self.app.objectIds()
if 'ui' in zopeContent: self.app.manage_delObjects(['ui'])
manage_addFolder(self.app, 'ui')
# Browse the physical ui folders (the Appy one and an app-specific, if
# the app defines one) and create the corresponding objects in the Zope
# folder. In the case of files having the same name in both folders,
# the one from the app-specific folder is chosen.
j = os.path.join
uiFolders = [j(j(appy.getPath(), 'gen'), 'ui')]
appUi = j(self.config.diskFolder, 'ui')
if os.path.exists(appUi): uiFolders.insert(0, appUi)
for ui in uiFolders:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ui):
folderName = root[len(ui):]
# Get the Zope folder that corresponds to this name
zopeFolder = self.app.ui
if folderName:
for name in folderName.strip(os.sep).split(os.sep):
zopeFolder = zopeFolder._getOb(name)
# Create sub-folders at this level
for name in dirs:
if not hasattr(zopeFolder.aq_base, name):
manage_addFolder(zopeFolder, name)
# Create files at this level
for name in files:
ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
if hasattr(zopeFolder.aq_base, name): continue
f = file(j(root, name))
if name == 'favicon.ico':
if not hasattr(self.app, name):
# Copy it at the root. Else, IE won't notice it.
manage_addImage(self.app, name, f)
elif ext in gen.File.imageExts:
manage_addImage(zopeFolder, name, f)
manage_addFile(zopeFolder, name, f)
# Update the home page
if 'index_html' in zopeContent:
from Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate import \
manage_addPageTemplate(self.app, 'index_html', '', homePage)
# Remove the error page.
if 'standard_error_message' in zopeContent:
def installCatalog(self):
'''Create the catalog at the root of Zope if id does not exist.'''
if 'catalog' not in self.app.objectIds():
# Create the catalog
from Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog import manage_addZCatalog
manage_addZCatalog(self.app, 'catalog', '')
self.logger.info('Appy catalog created.')
# Create lexicons for ZCTextIndexes
catalog = self.app.catalog
lexicons = catalog.objectIds()
from Products.ZCTextIndex.ZCTextIndex import manage_addLexicon
if 'xhtml_lexicon' not in lexicons:
lex = appy.Object(group='XHTML indexer', name='XHTML indexer')
manage_addLexicon(catalog, 'xhtml_lexicon', elements=[lex])
if 'text_lexicon' not in lexicons:
lex = appy.Object(group='Text indexer', name='Text indexer')
manage_addLexicon(catalog, 'text_lexicon', elements=[lex])
if 'list_lexicon' not in lexicons:
lex = appy.Object(group='List indexer', name='List indexer')
manage_addLexicon(catalog, 'list_lexicon', elements=[lex])
# Delete the deprecated one if it exists
if 'lexicon' in lexicons: catalog.manage_delObjects(['lexicon'])
# Create or update Appy-wide indexes and field-related indexes
indexInfo = defaultIndexes.copy()
tool = self.app.config
for className in self.config.attributes.iterkeys():
wrapperClass = tool.getAppyClass(className, wrapper=True)
updateIndexes(self, indexInfo)
# Re-index index "SearchableText", wrongly defined for Appy < 0.8.3.
stIndex = catalog.Indexes['SearchableText']
if stIndex.indexSize() == 0:
self.logger.info('Reindexing SearchableText...')
catalog.reindexIndex('SearchableText', self.app.REQUEST)
def installBaseObjects(self):
'''Creates the tool and the base data folder if they do not exist.'''
# Create the tool.
zopeContent = self.app.objectIds()
from OFS.Folder import manage_addFolder
if 'config' not in zopeContent:
toolName = '%sTool' % self.productName
gutils.createObject(self.app, 'config', toolName, self.productName,
wf=False, noSecurity=True)
# Create the base data folder.
if 'data' not in zopeContent: manage_addFolder(self.app, 'data')
# Remove some default objects created by Zope but not useful to Appy
for name in ('standard_html_footer', 'standard_html_header',\
if name in zopeContent: self.app.manage_delObjects([name])
def installTool(self):
'''Updates the tool (now that the catalog is created) and updates its
inner objects (users, groups, translations, documents).'''
tool = self.app.config
tool.createOrUpdate(True, None)
appyTool = tool.appy()
appyTool.log('Appy version is "%s".' % appy.version.short)
# Execute custom pre-installation code if any.
if hasattr(appyTool, 'beforeInstall'): appyTool.beforeInstall()
# Create the default users if they do not exist.
for login, roles in self.defaultUsers.iteritems():
if not appyTool.count('User', noSecurity=True, login=login):
appyTool.create('users', noSecurity=True, id=login, login=login,
password1=login, password2=login,
email='%s@appyframework.org'%login, roles=roles)
appyTool.log('User "%s" created.' % login)
# Create group "admins" if it does not exist
if not appyTool.count('Group', noSecurity=True, login='admins'):
appyTool.create('groups', noSecurity=True, login='admins',
title='Administrators', roles=['Manager'])
appyTool.log('Group "admins" created.')
# Create a group for every global role defined in the application
# (if required).
if self.config.appConfig.groupsForGlobalRoles:
for role in self.config.applicationGlobalRoles:
groupId = role.lower()
if appyTool.count('Group', noSecurity=True, login=groupId):
appyTool.create('groups', noSecurity=True, login=groupId,
title=role, roles=[role])
appyTool.log('Group "%s", related to global role "%s", was ' \
'created.' % (groupId, role))
# Create or update Translation objects
translations = [t.o.id for t in appyTool.translations]
# We browse the languages supported by this application and check
# whether we need to create the corresponding Translation objects.
for language in self.languages:
if language in translations: continue
# We will create, in the tool, the translation object for this
# language. Determine first its title.
langId, langEn, langNat = languages.get(language)
if langEn != langNat:
title = '%s (%s)' % (langEn, langNat)
title = langEn
appyTool.create('translations', noSecurity=True,
id=language, title=title)
appyTool.log('Translation object created for "%s".' % language)
# Synchronize, if required, synchronise every Translation object with
# the corresponding "po" file on disk.
if appyTool.loadTranslationsAtStartup:
appFolder = self.config.diskFolder
appName = self.config.PROJECTNAME
i18nFolder = os.path.join(appFolder, 'tr')
for translation in appyTool.translations:
# Get the "po" file
poName = '%s-%s.po' % (appName, translation.id)
poFile = PoParser(os.path.join(i18nFolder, poName)).parse()
for message in poFile.messages:
setattr(translation, message.id, message.getMessage())
appyTool.log('Translation "%s" updated from "%s".' % \
(translation.id, poName))
# Execute custom installation code if any.
if hasattr(appyTool, 'onInstall'): appyTool.onInstall()
def configureSessions(self):
'''Configure the session machinery.'''
# Register a function warning us when a session object is deleted. When
# launching Zope in test mode, the temp folder does not exist.
if not hasattr(self.app, 'temp_folder'): return
sessionData = self.app.temp_folder.session_data
if self.config.appConfig.enableSessionTimeout:
def installZopeClasses(self):
'''Zope-level class registration.'''
for klass in self.classes:
name = klass.__name__
module = klass.__module__
wrapper = klass.wrapperClass
exec 'from %s import manage_add%s as ctor' % (module, name)
constructors = (ctor,), permission = None)
# Create workflow prototypical instances in __instance__ attributes
wf = wrapper.getWorkflow()
if not hasattr(wf, '__instance__'): wf.__instance__ = wf()
def installAppyTypes(self):
'''We complete here the initialisation process of every Appy type of
every gen-class of the application.'''
appName = self.productName
for klass in self.classes:
# Store on wrapper class the ordered list of Appy types
wrapperClass = klass.wrapperClass
if not hasattr(wrapperClass, 'title'):
# Special field "type" is mandatory for every class.
title = gen.String(multiplicity=(1,1), show='edit',
indexed=True, searchable=True)
title.init('title', None, 'appy')
setattr(wrapperClass, 'title', title)
# Special field "state" must be added for every class. It must be a
# "select" field, because it will be necessary for displaying the
# translated state name.
state = gen.String(validator=gen.Selection('listStates'),
state.init('state', None, 'workflow')
setattr(wrapperClass, 'state', state)
names = self.config.attributes[wrapperClass.__name__[:-8]]
wrapperClass.__fields__ = [getattr(wrapperClass, n) for n in names]
# Post-initialise every Appy type
for baseClass in klass.wrapperClass.__bases__:
if baseClass.__name__ == 'AbstractWrapper': continue
for name, appyType in baseClass.__dict__.iteritems():
if not isinstance(appyType, gen.Field) or \
(isinstance(appyType, gen.Ref) and appyType.isBack):
continue # Back refs are initialised within fw refs
appyType.init(name, baseClass, appName)
def installRoles(self):
'''Installs the application-specific roles if not already done.'''
roles = list(self.app.__ac_roles__)
for role in self.config.applicationRoles:
if role not in roles: roles.append(role)
self.app.__ac_roles__ = tuple(roles)
def patchZope(self):
'''Patches some arts of Zope.'''
# Disables XMLRPC. This way, Zope can transmit HTTP POSTs containing
# XML to Appy without trying to recognize it himself as XMLRPC requests.
import ZPublisher.HTTPRequest
ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.xmlrpc = FakeXmlrpc()
def installDependencies(self):
'''Zope products are installed in alphabetical order. But here, we need
ZCTextIndex to be installed before our Appy application. So, we cheat
and force Zope to install it now.'''
from OFS.Application import install_product
import Products
install_product(self.app, Products.__path__[1], 'ZCTextIndex', [], {})
def install(self):
self.logger.info('is being installed...')
# The following line cleans and rebuilds the catalog entirely.
# Perform migrations if required
# Update Appy version in the database
self.app.config.appy().appyVersion = appy.version.short
# Empty the fake REQUEST object, only used at Zope startup.
del self.app.config.getProductConfig().fakeRequest.wrappers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------