
164 lines
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function toggleVisibility(node, nodeType){
// Toggle visibility of all elements having p_nodeType within p_node
var elements = node.getElementsByTagName(nodeType);
for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++){
var sNode = elements[i];
if ( == 'hidden') = 'visible';
else = 'hidden';
// Sends an Ajax request for getting the calendar, at p_month
function askMonth(hookId, month) {askAjax(hookId, null, {'month': month})}
function enableOptions(select, enabled, selectFirst, message){
/* This function disables, in p_select, all options that are not in p_enabled.
p_enabled is a string containing a comma-separated list of option names.
If p_selectFirst is True, the first option from p_enabled will be selected
by default. p_message will be shown (as "title") for disabled options. */
// Get p_enabled as a dict
var l = enabled.split(',');
var d = {};
for (var i=0; i < l.length; i++) d[l[i]] = true;
// Remember if we have already selected the first enabled option
var isSelected = false;
var options = select.options;
// Disable options not being p_enabled
for (var i=0; i<options.length; i++) {
options[i].selected = false;
if (!options[i].value) continue;
if (options[i].value in d) {
options[i].disabled = false;
options[i].title = '';
// Select it?
if (selectFirst && !isSelected) {
options[i].selected = true;
isSelected = true;
else {
options[i].disabled = true;
options[i].title = message;
function openEventPopup(hookId, action, day, timeslot, spansDays,
applicableEventTypes, message, freeSlots) {
/* Opens the popup for creating (or deleting, depending on p_action) a
calendar event at some p_day. When action is "del", we need to know the
p_timeslot where the event is assigned and if the event spans more days
(from p_spansDays), in order to propose a checkbox allowing to delete
events for those successive days. When action is "new", a possibly
restricted list of applicable event types for this day is given in
p_applicableEventTypes; p_message contains an optional message explaining
why not applicable types are not applicable. When "new", p_freeSlots may
list the available timeslots at p_day. */
var popupId = hookId + '_' + action;
var f = document.getElementById(popupId + 'Form'); = day;
if (action == 'del') {
if (f.timeslot) f.timeslot.value = timeslot;
// Show or hide the checkbox for deleting the event for successive days
var elem = document.getElementById(hookId + '_DelNextEvent');
var cb = elem.getElementsByTagName('input');
cb[0].checked = false;
cb[1].value = 'False';
if (spansDays == 'True') = 'block';
else = 'none';
else if (action == 'new') {
// Reinitialise field backgrounds = '';
if (f.eventSpan) = '';
// Disable unapplicable events and non-free timeslots
enableOptions(f.eventType, applicableEventTypes, false, message);
if (f.timeslot) enableOptions(f.timeslot, freeSlots, true, 'Not free');
function triggerCalendarEvent(hookId, action, maxEventLength) {
/* Sends an Ajax request for triggering a calendar event (create or delete an
event) and refreshing the view month. */
var popupId = hookId + '_' + action;
var formId = popupId + 'Form';
var f = document.getElementById(formId);
if (action == 'new') {
// Check that an event span has been specified
if (f.eventType.selectedIndex == 0) { = wrongTextInput;
if (f.eventSpan) {
// Check that eventSpan is empty or contains a valid number
var spanNumber = f.eventSpan.value.replace(' ', '');
if (spanNumber) {
spanNumber = parseInt(spanNumber);
if (isNaN(spanNumber) || (spanNumber > maxEventLength)) { = wrongTextInput;
askAjax(hookId, formId);
// Function for validating and discarding calendar events
function validateEvents(hookId) {
// Collect checkboxes from hookId and identify checked and unchecked ones
var validated = [];
var discarded = [];
var node = document.getElementById(hookId + '_cal');
var cbs = node.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i<cbs.length; i++) {
if (cbs[i].type != 'checkbox') continue;
if (cbs[i].checked) validated.push(cbs[i].id);
else discarded.push(cbs[i].id);
validated = validated.join()
discarded = discarded.join()
var params = {'action': 'validateEvents', 'validated': validated,
'discarded': discarded, 'mode': 'POST'};
askAjax(hookId, null, params);
// Function for (un)-checking checkboxes automatically
function onCheckCbCell(cb, hook) {
// Is automatic selection on/off?
var auto = document.getElementById(hook + '_auto');
if (!auto.checked) return;
// Get the current render mode
var render = document.getElementById(hook)['ajax'].params['render'];
// Change the state of every successive checkbox
var timeline = render == 'timeline'; // Else, render is "month"
// From the checkbox id, extract the date and the remaining part
var elems ='_');
if (timeline) { var date = elems[2], part = elems[0] + '_' + elems[1] + '_'; }
else { var date = elems[0], part = '_' + elems[1] + '_' + elems[2]; }
// Create a Date instance
var year = parseInt(date.slice(0,4)), month = parseInt(date.slice(4,6))-1,
day = parseInt(date.slice(6,8));
var next = new Date(year, month, day);
// Change the status of successive checkboxes if found
var checked = cb.checked;
var nextId = nextCb = null;
while (true) {
// Compute the date at the next day
next.setDate(next.getDate() + 1);
month = (next.getMonth() + 1).toString();
if (month.length == 1) month = '0' + month;
day = next.getDate().toString();
if (day.length == 1) day = '0' + day;
date = next.getFullYear().toString() + month + day;
// Find the next checkbox
if (timeline) nextId = part + date;
else nextId = date + part;
nextCb = document.getElementById(nextId);
if (!nextCb) break;
nextCb.checked = checked;