
230 lines
9.9 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from appy.gen import State, Transition, Type
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Descriptor: # Abstract
def __init__(self, klass, orderedAttributes, generator):
# The corresponding Python class
self.klass = klass
# The names of the static appy-compliant attributes declared in
# self.klass
self.orderedAttributes = orderedAttributes
# A reference to the code generator.
self.generator = generator
def __repr__(self): return '<Class %s>' % self.klass.__name__
class ClassDescriptor(Descriptor):
'''This class gives information about an Appy class.'''
def getOrderedAppyAttributes(self, condition=None):
'''Returns the appy types for all attributes of this class and parent
class(es). If a p_condition is specified, ony Appy types matching
the condition will be returned. p_condition must be a string
containing an expression that will be evaluated with, in its context,
"self" being this ClassDescriptor and "attrValue" being the current
Type instance.
Order of returned attributes already takes into account type's
"move" attributes.'''
attrs = []
# First, get the attributes for the current class
for attrName in self.orderedAttributes:
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
hookClass = self.klass
except AttributeError:
attrValue = getattr(self.modelClass, attrName)
hookClass = self.modelClass
if isinstance(attrValue, Type):
if not condition or eval(condition):
attrs.append( (attrName, attrValue, hookClass) )
# Then, add attributes from parent classes
for baseClass in self.klass.__bases__:
# Find the classDescr that corresponds to baseClass
baseClassDescr = None
for classDescr in self.generator.classes:
if classDescr.klass == baseClass:
baseClassDescr = classDescr
if baseClassDescr:
attrs = baseClassDescr.getOrderedAppyAttributes() + attrs
# Modify attributes order by using "move" attributes
res = []
for name, appyType, klass in attrs:
if appyType.move:
newPosition = len(res) - abs(appyType.move)
if newPosition <= 0:
newPosition = 0
res.insert(newPosition, (name, appyType, klass))
res.append((name, appyType, klass))
return res
def getChildren(self):
'''Returns, among p_allClasses, the classes that inherit from p_self.'''
res = []
for classDescr in self.generator.classes:
if (classDescr.klass != self.klass) and \
issubclass(classDescr.klass, self.klass):
return res
def getPhases(self):
'''Lazy-gets the phases defined on fields of this class.'''
if not hasattr(self, 'phases') or (self.phases == None):
self.phases = []
for fieldName, appyType, klass in self.getOrderedAppyAttributes():
if in self.phases: continue
return self.phases
def getPages(self):
'''Lazy-gets the page names defined on fields of this class.'''
if not hasattr(self, 'pages') or (self.pages == None):
self.pages = []
for fieldName, appyType, klass in self.getOrderedAppyAttributes():
if in self.pages: continue
return self.pages
class WorkflowDescriptor(Descriptor):
'''This class gives information about an Appy workflow.'''
def _getWorkflowElements(self, elemType):
res = []
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
condition = False
if elemType == 'states':
condition = isinstance(attrValue, State)
elif elemType == 'transitions':
condition = isinstance(attrValue, Transition)
elif elemType == 'all':
condition = isinstance(attrValue, State) or \
isinstance(attrValue, Transition)
if condition:
return res
def getStates(self):
return self._getWorkflowElements('states')
def getTransitions(self):
return self._getWorkflowElements('transitions')
def getStateNames(self, ordered=False):
res = []
attrs = dir(self.klass)
allAttrs = attrs
if ordered:
attrs = self.orderedAttributes
allAttrs = dir(self.klass)
for attrName in attrs:
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, State):
# Complete the list with inherited states. For the moment, we are unable
# to sort inherited states.
for attrName in allAttrs:
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, State) and (attrName not in attrs):
res.insert(0, attrName)
return res
def getInitialStateName(self):
res = None
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, State) and attrValue.initial:
res = attrName
return res
def getTransitionNamesOf(self, transitionName, transition,
'''Appy p_transition may correspond to several transitions of the
concrete workflow engine used. This method returns in a list the
name(s) of the "concrete" transition(s) corresponding to
res = []
if transition.isSingle():
for fromState, toState in transition.states:
if not limitToFromState or \
(limitToFromState and (fromState == limitToFromState)):
fromStateName = self.getNameOf(fromState)
toStateName = self.getNameOf(toState)
res.append('%s%s%sTo%s%s' % (transitionName,
fromStateName[0].upper(), fromStateName[1:],
toStateName[0].upper(), toStateName[1:]))
return res
def getTransitionNames(self, limitToTransitions=None, limitToFromState=None,
'''Returns the name of all "concrete" transitions corresponding to the
Appy transitions of this worlflow. If p_limitToTransitions is not
None, it represents a list of Appy transitions and the result is a
list of the names of the "concrete" transitions that correspond to
those transitions only. If p_limitToFromState is not None, it
represents an Appy state; only transitions having this state as start
state will be taken into account. If p_withLabels is True, the method
returns a list of tuples (s_transitionName, s_transitionLabel); the
label being the name of the Appy transition.'''
res = []
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, Transition):
# We encountered a transition.
t = attrValue
tName = attrName
if not limitToTransitions or \
(limitToTransitions and t in limitToTransitions):
# We must take this transition into account according to
# param "limitToTransitions".
if (not limitToFromState) or \
(limitToFromState and \
t.hasState(limitToFromState, isFrom=True)):
# We must take this transition into account according
# to param "limitToFromState"
tNames = self.getTransitionNamesOf(
tName, t, limitToFromState)
if not withLabels:
res += tNames
for tn in tNames:
res.append((tn, tName))
return res
def getEndStateName(self, transitionName):
'''Returns the name of the state where the "concrete" transition named
p_transitionName ends.'''
res = None
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, Transition):
# We got a transition.
t = attrValue
tName = attrName
if t.isSingle():
if transitionName == tName:
endState = t.states[1]
res = self.getNameOf(endState)
transNames = self.getTransitionNamesOf(tName, t)
if transitionName in transNames:
endState = t.states[transNames.index(transitionName)][1]
res = self.getNameOf(endState)
return res
def getNameOf(self, stateOrTransition):
'''Gets the Appy name of a p_stateOrTransition.'''
res = None
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if attrValue == stateOrTransition:
res = attrName
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------