
155 lines
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import ldap
except ImportError:
# For people that do not care about ldap.
ldap = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class LdapConfig:
'''Parameters for authenticating users to an LDAP server. This class is
used by gen-applications. For a pure, appy-independent LDAP connector,
see the class LdapConnector below.'''
ldapAttributes = { 'loginAttribute':None, 'emailAttribute':'email',
'lastNameAttribute':'name' }
def __init__(self):
self.server = '' # Name of the LDAP server
self.port = None # Port for this server.
# Login and password of the technical power user that the Appy
# application will use to connect to the LDAP.
self.adminLogin = ''
self.adminPassword = ''
# LDAP attribute to use as login for authenticating users.
self.loginAttribute = 'dn' # Can also be "mail", "sAMAccountName", "cn"
# LDAP attributes for storing email
self.emailAttribute = None
# LDAP attribute for storing full name (first + last name)
self.fullNameAttribute = None
# Alternately, LDAP attributes for storing 1st & last names separately.
self.firstNameAttribute = None
self.lastNameAttribute = None
# LDAP classes defining the users stored in the LDAP.
self.userClasses = ('top', 'person')
self.baseDn = '' # Base DN where to find users in the LDAP.
self.scope = 'SUBTREE' # Scope of the search within self.baseDn
# Is this server connection enabled ?
self.enabled = True
def getServerUri(self):
'''Returns the complete URI for accessing the LDAP, ie
port = self.port or 389
return 'ldap://%s:%d' % (self.server, port)
def getUserFilterValues(self, login):
'''Gets the filter values required to perform a query for finding user
corresponding to p_login in the LDAP.'''
res = [(self.loginAttribute, login)]
for userClass in self.userClasses:
res.append( ('objectClass', userClass) )
return res
def getUserAttributes(self):
'''Gets the attributes we want to get from the LDAP for characterizing
a user.'''
res = []
for name in self.ldapAttributes.iterkeys():
if getattr(self, name):
res.append(getattr(self, name))
return res
def getUserParams(self, ldapData):
'''Formats the user-related p_ldapData retrieved from the ldap, as a
dict of params usable for creating or updating the corresponding
Appy user.'''
res = {}
for name, appyName in self.ldapAttributes.iteritems():
if not appyName: continue
# Get the name of the attribute as known in the LDAP.
ldapName = getattr(self, name)
if not ldapName: continue
if ldapData.has_key(ldapName) and ldapData[ldapName]:
value = ldapData[ldapName]
if isinstance(value, list): value = value[0]
res[appyName] = value
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class LdapConnector:
'''This class manages the communication with a LDAP server.'''
def __init__(self, serverUri, tentatives=5, ssl=False, timeout=5,
# The URI of the LDAP server, ie ldap://some.ldap.server:389.
self.serverUri = serverUri
# The object that will represent the LDAP server
self.server = None
# The number of trials the connector will at most perform to the LDAP
# server, when executing a query in it.
self.tentatives = tentatives
self.ssl = ssl
# The timeout for every query to the LDAP.
self.timeout = timeout
# A tool from a Appy application can be given and will be used, ie for
# logging purpose.
self.tool = tool
def log(self, message, type='info'):
'''Logs via a Appy tool if available.'''
if self.tool:
self.tool.log(message, type=type)
def connect(self, login, password):
'''Connects to the LDAP server using p_login and p_password as
credentials. If the connection succeeds, a server object is created
in self.server and tuple (True, None) is returned. Else, tuple
(False, errorMessage) is returned.'''
self.server = ldap.initialize(self.serverUri)
self.server.simple_bind_s(login, password)
return True, None
except AttributeError, ae:
# When the ldap module is not there, trying to catch ldap.LDAPError
# will raise an error.
message = str(ae)
self.log('Ldap connect error with login %s (%s).' % \
(login, message))
return False, message
except ldap.LDAPError, le:
message = str(le)
self.log('%s: connect error with login %s (%s).' % \
(self.serverUri, login, message))
return False, message
def getFilter(self, values):
'''Builds and returns a LDAP filter based on p_values, a tuple or list
of tuples (name,value).'''
return '(&%s)' % ''.join(['(%s=%s)' % (n, v) for n, v in values])
def search(self, baseDn, scope, filter, attributes=None):
'''Performs a query in the LDAP at node p_baseDn, with the given
p_scope. p_filter is a LDAP filter that constraints the search. It
can be computed from a list of tuples (value, name) by method
m_getFilter. p_attributes is the list of attributes that we will
retrieve from the LDAP. If None, all attributes will be retrieved.'''
if self.ssl: self.server.start_tls_s()
# Get the LDAP constant corresponding to p_scope.
scope = getattr(ldap, 'SCOPE_%s' % scope)
# Perform the query.
for i in range(self.tentatives):
return self.server.search_st(\
baseDn, scope, filterstr=filter, attrlist=attributes,
except ldap.TIMEOUT:
except ldap.LDAPError, le:
self.log('LDAP query error %s: %s' % \
(le.__class__.__name__, str(le)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------