
109 lines
4.4 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, re, httplib, sys, stat
from StringIO import StringIO
from mimetypes import guess_type
from base64 import encodestring
from appy.shared.utils import copyData
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
urlRex = re.compile(r'http://([^:/]+)(:[0-9]+)?(/.+)?', re.I)
binaryRex = re.compile(r'[\000-\006\177-\277]')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Resource:
'''Every instance of this class represents some web resource accessible
through WebDAV.'''
def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.url = url
# Split the URL into its components
res = urlRex.match(url)
if res:
host, port, uri =,2,3) = host
self.port = port and int(port[1:]) or 80
self.uri = uri or '/'
else: raise 'Wrong URL: %s' % str(url)
def __repr__(self):
port = ':' + str(self.port)
if self.port == 80: port = ''
return '<Dav resource at %s%s/%s>' % (self.url, port, self.uri)
def updateHeaders(self, headers):
# Add credentials if present
if not (self.username and self.password): return
if headers.has_key('Authorization'): return
credentials = '%s:%s' % (self.username,self.password)
credentials = credentials.replace('\012','')
headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % encodestring(credentials)
headers['User-Agent'] = 'WebDAV.client'
headers['Host'] =
headers['Connection'] = 'close'
headers['Accept'] = '*/*'
return headers
def sendRequest(self, method, uri, body=None, headers={}, bodyType=None):
'''Sends a HTTP request with p_method, for p_uri.'''
conn = httplib.HTTP()
conn.connect(, self.port)
conn.putrequest(method, uri)
# Add HTTP headers
for n, v in headers.items(): conn.putheader(n, v)
if body: copyData(body, conn, 'send', type=bodyType)
ver, code, msg = conn.getreply()
data = conn.getfile().read()
return data
def mkdir(self, name):
'''Creates a folder named p_name in this resource.'''
folderUri = self.uri + '/' + name
#body = '<d:propertyupdate xmlns:d="DAV:"><d:set><d:prop>' \
# '<d:displayname>%s</d:displayname></d:prop></d:set>' \
# '</d:propertyupdate>' % name
return self.sendRequest('MKCOL', folderUri)
def delete(self, name):
'''Deletes a file or a folder (and all contained files if any) named
p_name within this resource.'''
toDeleteUri = self.uri + '/' + name
return self.sendRequest('DELETE', toDeleteUri)
def add(self, content, type='fileName', name=''):
'''Adds a file in this resource. p_type can be:
- "fileName" In this case, p_content is the path to a file on disk
and p_name is ignored;
- "zope" In this case, p_content is an instance of
OFS.Image.File and the name of the file is given in
if type == 'fileName':
# p_content is the name of a file on disk
size = os.stat(content)[stat.ST_SIZE]
body = file(content, 'rb')
name = os.path.basename(content)
fileType, encoding = guess_type(content)
bodyType = 'file'
elif type == 'zope':
# p_content is a "Zope" file, ie a OFS.Image.File instance
# p_name is given
fileType = content.content_type
encoding = None
size = content.size
body = content
bodyType = 'zope'
fileUri = self.uri + '/' + name
headers = {'Content-Length': str(size)}
if fileType: headers['Content-Type'] = fileType
if encoding: headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding
res = self.sendRequest('PUT', fileUri, body, headers, bodyType=bodyType)
# Close the file when relevant
if type =='fileName': body.close()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------