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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Appy is a framework for building applications in the Python language.
# Copyright (C) 2007 Gaetan Delannay
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,USA.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import xml.sax, difflib, types
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler, ErrorHandler, feature_external_ges,\
from xml.sax.xmlreader import InputSource
from appy.shared import UnicodeBuffer, xmlPrologue
from appy.shared.errors import AppyError
# Constants --------------------------------------------------------------------
CONVERSION_ERROR = '"%s" value "%s" could not be converted by the XML ' \
CUSTOM_CONVERSION_ERROR = 'Custom converter for "%s" values produced an ' \
'error while converting value "%s". %s'
XML_ENTITIES = {'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&', 'quot': "'", 'apos': "'"}
'iexcl': '¡', 'cent': '¢', 'pound': '£', 'curren': '', 'yen': '¥',
'brvbar': 'Š', 'sect': '§', 'uml': '¨', 'copy':'©', 'ordf':'ª',
'laquo':'«', 'not':'¬', 'shy':'­', 'reg':'®', 'macr':'¯', 'deg':'°',
'plusmn':'±', 'sup2':'²', 'sup3':'³', 'acute':'Ž',
'micro':'µ', 'para':'', 'middot':'·', 'cedil':'ž', 'sup1':'¹',
'ordm':'º', 'raquo':'»', 'frac14':'Œ', 'frac12':'œ', 'frac34':'Ÿ',
'iquest':'¿', 'Agrave':'À', 'Aacute':'Á', 'Acirc':'Â', 'Atilde':'Ã',
'Auml':'Ä', 'Aring':'Å', 'AElig':'Æ', 'Ccedil':'Ç', 'Egrave':'È',
'Eacute':'É', 'Ecirc':'Ê', 'Euml':'Ë', 'Igrave':'Ì', 'Iacute':'Í',
'Icirc':'Î', 'Iuml':'Ï', 'ETH':'Ð', 'Ntilde':'Ñ', 'Ograve':'Ò',
'Oacute':'Ó', 'Ocirc':'Ó', 'Otilde':'Õ', 'Ouml':'Ö', 'times':'×',
'Oslash':'Ø', 'Ugrave':'Ù', 'Uacute':'Ú', 'Ucirc':'Û', 'Uuml':'Ü',
'Yacute':'Ý', 'THORN':'Þ', 'szlig':'ß', 'agrave':'à', 'aacute':'á',
'acirc':'â', 'atilde':'ã', 'auml':'ä', 'aring':'å', 'aelig':'æ',
'ccedil':'ç', 'egrave':'è', 'eacute':'é', 'ecirc':'ê', 'euml':'ë',
'igrave':'ì', 'iacute':'í', 'icirc':'î', 'iuml':'ï', 'eth':'ð',
'ntilde':'ñ', 'ograve':'ò', 'oacute':'ó', 'ocirc':'ô', 'otilde':'õ',
'ouml':'ö', 'divide':'÷', 'oslash':'ø', 'ugrave':'ù', 'uacute':'ú',
'ucirc':'û', 'uuml':'ü', 'yacute':'ý', 'thorn':'þ', 'yuml':'ÿ',
'euro':'', 'nbsp':' ', "rsquo":"'", "lsquo":"'", "ldquo":"'",
"rdquo":"'", 'ndash': ' ', 'oelig':'oe', 'quot': "'", 'mu': 'µ'}
import htmlentitydefs
for k, v in htmlentitydefs.entitydefs.iteritems():
if not HTML_ENTITIES.has_key(k) and not XML_ENTITIES.has_key(k):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class XmlElement:
'''Represents an XML tag.'''
def __init__(self, elem, attrs=None, nsUri=None):
'''An XmlElement instance may represent:
- an already parsed tag (in this case, p_elem may be prefixed with a
- the definition of an XML element (in this case, no namespace can be
found in p_elem; but a namespace URI may be defined in p_nsUri).'''
self.elem = elem
self.attrs = attrs
if elem.find(':') != -1:
self.ns, = elem.split(':')
self.ns = '' = elem
self.nsUri = nsUri
def equalsTo(self, other, namespaces=None):
'''Does p_elem == p_other? If a p_namespaces dict is given, p_other must
define a nsUri.'''
res = None
if namespaces:
res = self.elem == ('%s:%s' % (namespaces[other.nsUri],
res = self.elem == other.elem
return res
def __repr__(self):
res = self.elem
if self.attrs:
res += '('
for attrName, attrValue in self.attrs.items():
res += '%s="%s"' % (attrName, attrValue)
res += ')'
return res
def getFullName(self, namespaces=None):
'''Gets the name of the element including the namespace prefix.'''
if not namespaces:
res = self.elem
res = '%s:%s' % (namespaces[self.nsUri],
return res
class XmlEnvironment:
'''An XML environment remembers a series of elements during a SAX parsing.
This class is an abstract class that gathers basic things like
def __init__(self):
# This dict contains the xml namespace declarations encountered so far
self.namespaces = {} # ~{s_namespaceUri:s_namespaceName}~
self.currentElem = None # The currently parsed element
self.parser = None
def manageNamespaces(self, attrs):
'''Manages namespaces definitions encountered in p_attrs.'''
for attrName, attrValue in attrs.items():
if attrName.startswith('xmlns:'):
self.namespaces[attrValue] = attrName[6:]
def ns(self, nsUri):
'''Returns the namespace corresponding to o_nsUri.'''
return self.namespaces[nsUri]
class XmlParser(ContentHandler, ErrorHandler):
'''Basic expat-based XML parser that does things like :
- remembering the currently parsed element;
- managing namespace declarations.
This parser also knows about HTML entities.'''
def __init__(self, env=None, caller=None):
'''p_env should be an instance of a class that inherits from
XmlEnvironment: it specifies the environment to use for this SAX
if not env: env = XmlEnvironment()
self.env = env
self.env.parser = self
self.caller = caller # The class calling this parser
self.parser = xml.sax.make_parser() # Fast, standard expat parser
self.res = None # The result of parsing.
# ContentHandler methods ---------------------------------------------------
def startDocument(self):
def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
self.locator = locator
return self.env
def endDocument(self):
return self.env
def startElement(self, elem, attrs):
if self.env.currentElem == None:
self.env.currentElem = XmlElement(elem, attrs=attrs)
# Reuse the exiting instance in order to avoid creating one instance
# every time an elem is met in the XML file.
self.env.currentElem.__init__(elem, attrs)
return self.env
def endElement(self, elem):
return self.env
def characters(self, content):
return self.env
def skippedEntity(self, name):
'''This method is called every time expat does not recognize an entity.
We provide here support for HTML entities.'''
if HTML_ENTITIES.has_key(name):
# Put a question mark instead of raising an exception.
def parse(self, xml, source='string'):
'''Parses a XML stream.
* If p_source is "string", p_xml must be a string containing
valid XML content.
* If p_source is "file": p_xml can be:
- a string containing the path to the XML file on disk;
- a file instance opened for reading. Note that in this case, this
method will close it.
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
self.parser.setFeature(feature_external_ges, False)
inputSource = InputSource()
if source == 'string':
if not isinstance(xml, file):
xml = file(xml)
if isinstance(xml, file): xml.close()
return self.res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from appy.shared import UnmarshalledFile
from appy import Object
from DateTime import DateTime
except ImportError:
DateTime = 'unicode'
class XmlUnmarshaller(XmlParser):
'''This class allows to parse a XML file and recreate the corresponding web
of Python objects. This parser assumes that the XML file respects this
convention: any tag may define in attribute "type" storing the type of
its content, which may be:
bool * int * float * long * DateTime * tuple * list * object
If "object" is specified, it means that the tag contains sub-tags, each
one corresponding to the value of an attribute for this object.
if "tuple" is specified, it will be converted to a list.'''
def __init__(self, classes={}, tagTypes={}, conversionFunctions={}):
# self.classes below is a dict whose keys are tag names and values are
# Python classes. During the unmarshalling process, when an object is
# encountered, instead of creating an instance of Object, we will create
# an instance of the class specified in self.classes.
# Root tag is named "xmlPythonData" by default by the XmlMarshaller.
# This will not work if the object in the specified tag is not an
# Object instance (ie it is a list or tuple or simple value). Note that
# we will not call the constructor of the specified class. We will
# simply create an instance of Objects and dynamically change the class
# of the created instance to this class.
if not isinstance(classes, dict) and classes:
# The user may only need to define a class for the root tag
self.classes = {'xmlPythonData': classes}
self.classes = classes
# We expect that the parsed XML file will follow some conventions
# (ie, a tag that corresponds to a list has attribute type="list" or a
# tag that corresponds to an object has attribute type="object".). If
# it is not the case of p_xmlContent, you can provide the missing type
# information in p_tagTypes. Here is an example of p_tagTypes:
# {"information": "list", "days": "list", "person": "object"}.
self.tagTypes = tagTypes
# The parser assumes that data is represented in some standard way. If
# it is not the case, you may provide, in this dict, custom functions
# allowing to convert values of basic types (long, float, DateTime...).
# Every such function must take a single arg which is the value to
# convert and return the converted value. Dict keys are strings
# representing types ('bool', 'int', 'unicode', etc) and dict values are
# conversion functions. Here is an example:
# {'int': convertInteger, 'DateTime': convertDate}
# NOTE: you can even invent a new basic type, put it in self.tagTypes,
# and create a specific conversionFunction for it. This way, you can
# for example convert strings that have specific values (in this case,
# knowing that the value is a 'string' is not sufficient).
self.conversionFunctions = conversionFunctions
def convertAttrs(self, attrs):
'''Converts XML attrs to a dict.'''
res = {}
for k, v in attrs.items():
if ':' in k: # An attr prefixed with a namespace. Remove this.
k = k.split(':')[-1]
res[str(k)] = v
return res
def startDocument(self):
self.res = None # The resulting web of Python objects (Object instances)
self.env.containerStack = [] # The stack of current "containers" where
# to store the next parsed element. A container can be a list, a tuple,
# an object (the root object of the whole web or a sub-object).
self.env.currentBasicType = None # Will hold the name of the currently
# parsed basic type (unicode, float...)
self.env.currentContent = '' # We store here the content of tags.
containerTags = ('tuple', 'list', 'dict', 'object', 'file')
numericTypes = ('bool', 'int', 'float', 'long')
def startElement(self, elem, attrs):
# Remember the name of the previous element
previousElem = None
if self.env.currentElem:
previousElem =
e = XmlParser.startElement(self, elem, attrs)
# Determine the type of the element.
elemType = 'unicode' # Default value
if attrs.has_key('type'):
elemType = attrs['type']
elif self.tagTypes.has_key(elem):
elemType = self.tagTypes[elem]
if elemType in self.containerTags:
# I must create a new container object.
if elemType == 'object':
newObject = Object(**self.convertAttrs(attrs))
elif elemType == 'tuple': newObject = [] # Tuples become lists
elif elemType == 'list': newObject = []
elif elemType == 'dict': newObject = {}
elif elemType == 'file':
newObject = UnmarshalledFile()
if attrs.has_key('name'): = attrs['name']
if attrs.has_key('mimeType'):
newObject.mimeType = attrs['mimeType']
else: newObject = Object(**self.convertAttrs(attrs))
# Store the value on the last container, or on the root object.
self.storeValue(elem, newObject)
# Push the new object on the container stack
# If we are already parsing a basic type, it means that we were
# wrong for our diagnotsic of the containing element: it was not
# basic. We will make the assumption that the containing element is
# then an object.
if e.currentBasicType:
# Previous elem was an object: create it on the stack.
newObject = Object()
self.storeValue(previousElem, newObject)
e.currentBasicType = elemType
def storeValue(self, name, value):
'''Stores the newly parsed p_value (contained in tag p_name) on the
current container in environment self.env.'''
e = self.env
# Remove namespace prefix when relevant
if ':' in name: name = name.split(':')[-1]
# Change the class of the value if relevant
if (name in self.classes) and isinstance(value, Object):
value.__class__ = self.classes[name]
# Where must I store this value?
if not e.containerStack:
# I store the object at the root of the web.
self.res = value
currentContainer = e.containerStack[-1]
if isinstance(currentContainer, list):
elif isinstance(currentContainer, dict):
# If the current container is a dict, it means that p_value is
# a dict entry object named "entry" by convention and having
# attributes "k" and "v" that store, respectively, the key and
# the value of the entry. But this object is under construction:
# at this time, attributes "k" and "v" are not created yet. We
# will act in m_endElement, when the object will be finalized.
elif isinstance(currentContainer, UnmarshalledFile):
currentContainer.content += value or ''
# Current container is an object
if hasattr(currentContainer, name) and \
getattr(currentContainer, name):
# We have already encountered a sub-object with this name.
# Having several sub-objects with the same name, we will
# create a list.
attrValue = getattr(currentContainer, name)
if not isinstance(attrValue, list):
attrValue = [attrValue, value]
attrValue = value
setattr(currentContainer, name, attrValue)
def characters(self, content):
e = XmlParser.characters(self, content)
if e.currentBasicType:
e.currentContent += content
def endElement(self, elem):
e = XmlParser.endElement(self, elem)
if e.currentBasicType:
value = e.currentContent.strip()
if not value: value = None
# If we have a custom converter for values of this type, use it.
if self.conversionFunctions.has_key(e.currentBasicType):
value = self.conversionFunctions[e.currentBasicType](
except Exception, err:
e.currentBasicType, value, str(err)))
# If not, try a standard conversion
elif e.currentBasicType in self.numericTypes:
exec 'value = %s' % value
except SyntaxError:
raise AppyError(CONVERSION_ERROR % (
e.currentBasicType, value))
except NameError:
raise AppyError(CONVERSION_ERROR % (
e.currentBasicType, value))
# Check that the value is of the correct type. For instance,
# a float value with a comma in it could have been converted
# to a tuple instead of a float.
if not isinstance(value, eval(e.currentBasicType)):
raise AppyError(CONVERSION_ERROR % (
e.currentBasicType, value))
elif e.currentBasicType == 'DateTime':
value = DateTime(value)
elif e.currentBasicType == 'base64':
value = e.currentContent.decode('base64')
# Store the value on the last container
self.storeValue(elem, value)
# Clean the environment
e.currentBasicType = None
e.currentContent = ''
elem = e.containerStack.pop()
# This element can be a temporary "entry" object representing a dict
# entry.
if e.containerStack:
lastContainer = e.containerStack[-1]
if isinstance(lastContainer, dict):
lastContainer[elem.k] = elem.v
# Alias: "unmarshall" -> "parse"
unmarshall = XmlParser.parse
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class XmlMarshaller:
'''This class allows to produce a XML version of a Python object, which
respects some conventions as described in the doc of the corresponding
Unmarshaller (see above).'''
xmlEntities = {'<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '&': '&amp;', '"': '&quot;',
"'": '&apos;'}
trueFalse = {True: 'True', False: 'False'}
sequenceTypes = (tuple, list)
fieldsToMarshall = 'all'
fieldsToExclude = []
atFiles = ('image', 'file') # Types of archetypes fields that contain files.
def __init__(self, cdata=False, dumpUnicode=False, conversionFunctions={},
dumpXmlPrologue=True, rootTag='xmlPythonData', namespaces={},
# If p_cdata is True, all string values will be dumped as XML CDATA.
self.cdata = cdata
# If p_dumpUnicode is True, the result will be unicode.
self.dumpUnicode = dumpUnicode
# The following dict stores specific conversion (=Python to XML)
# functions. A specific conversion function is useful when you are not
# happy with the way built-in converters work, or if you want to
# specify a specific way to represent, in XML, some particular Python
# object or value. In this dict, every key represents a given type
# (class names must be full-path class names); every value is a function
# accepting 2 args: first one is the UnicodeBuffer where the result is
# being dumped, while the second one is the Python object or value to
# dump.
self.conversionFunctions = conversionFunctions
# If dumpXmlPrologue is True, the XML prologue will be dumped.
self.dumpXmlPrologue = dumpXmlPrologue
# The name of the root tag
self.rootElementName = rootTag
# The namespaces that will be defined at the root of the XML message.
# It is a dict whose keys are namespace prefixes and whose values are
# namespace URLs. If you want to specify a default namespace, specify an
# entry with an empty string as a key.
self.namespaces = namespaces
# The following dict will tell which XML tags will get which namespace
# prefix ({s_tagName: s_prefix}). Special optional dict entry
# '*':s_prefix will indicate a default prefix that will be applied to
# any tag that does not have it own key in this dict.
self.namespacedTags = namespacedTags
self.objectType = None # Will be given by method m_marshal
def getTagName(self, name):
'''Returns the name of tag p_name as will be dumped. It can be p_name,
or p_name prefixed with a namespace prefix (will depend on
# Determine the prefix
prefix = ''
if name in self.namespacedTags: prefix = self.namespacedTags[name]
elif '*' in self.namespacedTags: prefix = self.namespacedTags['*']
if prefix: return '%s:%s' % (prefix, name)
return name
def dumpRootTag(self, res, instance):
'''Dumps the root tag.'''
# Dumps the name of the tag.
tagName = self.getTagName(self.rootElementName)
res.write('<'); res.write(tagName)
# Dumps namespace definitions if any
for prefix, url in self.namespaces.iteritems():
if not prefix:
pre = 'xmlns' # The default namespace
pre = 'xmlns:%s' % prefix
res.write(' %s="%s"' % (pre, url))
# Dumps Appy- or Plone-specific attribute
if self.objectType != 'popo':
res.write(' type="object" id="%s"' % instance.UID())
return tagName
def dumpString(self, res, s):
'''Dumps a string into the result.'''
if self.cdata: res.write('<![CDATA[')
if isinstance(s, str):
s = s.decode('utf-8')
# Replace special chars by XML entities
for c in s:
if self.xmlEntities.has_key(c):
if self.cdata: res.write(']]>')
def dumpFile(self, res, v):
'''Dumps a file into the result.'''
if not v: return
# p_value contains the (possibly binary) content of a file. We will
# encode it in Base64, in one or several parts.
partTag = self.getTagName('part')
res.write('<%s type="base64" number="1">' % partTag)
if hasattr(v, 'data'):
# The file is an Archetypes file.
valueType =
if valueType == 'Pdata':
# There will be several parts.
# Write subsequent parts
nextPart =
nextPartNumber = 2
while nextPart:
res.write('</%s>' % partTag) # Close the previous part
res.write('<%s type="base64" number="%d">' % \
(partTag, nextPartNumber))
nextPart =
nextPartNumber += 1
res.write('</%s>' % partTag)
def dumpDict(self, res, v):
'''Dumps the XML version of dict p_v.'''
for key, value in v.iteritems():
res.write('<entry type="object">')
self.dumpField(res, 'k', key)
self.dumpField(res, 'v', value)
def dumpValue(self, res, value, fieldType, isRef=False):
'''Dumps the XML version of p_value to p_res.'''
# Use a custom function if one is defined for this type of value.
className = value.__class__.__name__
if className in self.conversionFunctions:
self.conversionFunctions[className](res, value)
# Use a standard conversion else.
if fieldType == 'file': self.dumpFile(res, value)
elif fieldType == 'dict': self.dumpDict(res, value)
elif isRef:
if value:
if type(value) in self.sequenceTypes:
for elem in value:
self.dumpField(res, 'url', elem.absolute_url())
self.dumpField(res, 'url', value.absolute_url())
elif type(value) in self.sequenceTypes:
# The previous condition must be checked before this one because
# referred objects may be stored in lists or tuples, too.
for elem in value: self.dumpField(res, 'e', elem)
elif isinstance(value, basestring): self.dumpString(res, value)
elif isinstance(value, bool): res.write(self.trueFalse[value])
elif fieldType == 'object':
if hasattr(value, 'absolute_url'):
# Dump the URL to the object only
# Dump the entire object content
for k, v in value.__dict__.iteritems():
if not k.startswith('__'):
self.dumpField(res, k, v)
# Maybe we could add a parameter to the marshaller to know how
# to marshall objects (produce an ID, an URL, include the entire
# tag but we need to take care of circular references,...)
def dumpField(self, res, fieldName, fieldValue, fieldType='basic'):
'''Dumps in p_res, the value of the p_field for p_instance.'''
# As a preamble, manage special case of p_fieldName == "_any". In that
# case, p_fieldValue corresponds to a previously marshalled string that
# must be included as is here, without dumping the tag name.
if fieldName == '_any': self.dumpValue(res, fieldValue, None)
# Now, dump "normal" fields.
fieldTag = self.getTagName(fieldName)
res.write('<'); res.write(fieldTag)
# Dump the type of the field as an XML attribute
fType = None # No type will mean "unicode".
if fieldType == 'file': fType = 'file'
elif fieldType == 'ref': fType = 'list'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, bool): fType = 'bool'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, int): fType = 'int'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, float): fType = 'float'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, long): fType = 'long'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, tuple): fType = 'tuple'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, list): fType = 'list'
elif isinstance(fieldValue, dict) or \
fieldValue.__class__.__name__ == 'PersistentMapping':fType = 'dict'
elif fieldValue.__class__.__name__ == 'DateTime': fType = 'DateTime'
elif self.isAnObject(fieldValue): fType = 'object'
if self.objectType != 'popo':
if fType: res.write(' type="%s"' % fType)
# Dump other attributes if needed
if type(fieldValue) in self.sequenceTypes:
res.write(' count="%d"' % len(fieldValue))
if fType == 'file':
if hasattr(fieldValue, 'content_type'):
res.write(' mimeType="%s"' % fieldValue.content_type)
if hasattr(fieldValue, 'filename'):
res.write(' name="')
self.dumpString(res, fieldValue.filename)
# Dump the field value
self.dumpValue(res, fieldValue, fType, isRef=(fieldType=='ref'))
res.write('</'); res.write(fieldTag); res.write('>')
def isAnObject(self, instance):
'''Returns True if p_instance is a class instance, False if it is a
basic type, or tuple, sequence, etc.'''
iType = type(instance)
if iType == types.InstanceType:
return True
elif iType.__name__ == 'ImplicitAcquirerWrapper':
# This is the case with Archetype instances
return True
elif iType.__class__.__name__ == 'ExtensionClass':
return True
return False
def marshall(self, instance, objectType='popo', conversionFunctions={}):
'''Returns in a UnicodeBuffer the XML version of p_instance. If
p_instance corresponds to a Plain Old Python Object, specify 'popo'
for p_objectType. If p_instance corresponds to an Archetypes object
(Zope/Plone), specify 'archetype' for p_objectType. if p_instance is
a Appy object, specify "appy" as p_objectType. If p_instance is not
an instance at all, but another Python data structure or basic type,
p_objectType is ignored.'''
self.objectType = objectType
# Call the XmlMarshaller constructor if it hasn't been called yet.
if not hasattr(self, 'cdata'):
if conversionFunctions:
# Create the buffer where the XML result will be dumped.
res = UnicodeBuffer()
# Dump the XML prologue if required
if self.dumpXmlPrologue:
if self.isAnObject(instance):
# Dump the root tag
rootTagName = self.dumpRootTag(res, instance)
# Dump the fields of this root object
if objectType == 'popo':
for fieldName, fieldValue in instance.__dict__.iteritems():
mustDump = False
if fieldName in self.fieldsToExclude:
mustDump = False
elif self.fieldsToMarshall == 'all':
mustDump = True
if (type(self.fieldsToMarshall) in self.sequenceTypes) \
and (fieldName in self.fieldsToMarshall):
mustDump = True
if mustDump:
self.dumpField(res, fieldName, fieldValue)
elif objectType == 'archetype':
for field in instance.schema.fields():
# Dump only needed fields
mustDump = False
if field.getName() in self.fieldsToExclude:
mustDump = False
elif (self.fieldsToMarshall == 'all') and \
(field.schemata != 'metadata'):
mustDump = True
elif self.fieldsToMarshall == 'all_with_metadata':
mustDump = True
if (type(self.fieldsToMarshall) in self.sequenceTypes) \
and (field.getName() in self.fieldsToMarshall):
mustDump = True
if mustDump:
fieldType = 'basic'
if field.type in self.atFiles:
fieldType = 'file'
elif field.type == 'reference':
fieldType = 'ref'
self.dumpField(res, field.getName(),field.get(instance),
elif objectType == 'appy':
for field in instance.getAllAppyTypes():
# Dump only needed fields
if in self.fieldsToExclude: continue
if (field.type == 'Ref') and field.isBack: continue
if (type(self.fieldsToMarshall) in self.sequenceTypes) \
and ( not in self.fieldsToMarshall): continue
# Determine field type
fieldType = 'basic'
if field.type == 'File':
fieldType = 'file'
elif field.type == 'Ref':
fieldType = 'ref'
# Dump the object history.
histTag = self.getTagName('history')
eventTag = self.getTagName('event')
res.write('<%s type="list">' % histTag)
wfInfo = instance.portal_workflow.getWorkflowsFor(instance)
if wfInfo:
history = instance.workflow_history[wfInfo[0].id]
for event in history:
res.write('<%s type="object">' % eventTag)
for k, v in event.iteritems():
self.dumpField(res, k, v)
res.write('</%s>' % eventTag)
res.write('</%s>' % histTag)
self.marshallSpecificElements(instance, res)
res.write('</'); res.write(rootTagName); res.write('>')
self.dumpField(res, self.rootElementName, instance)
# Return the result
res = res.getValue()
if not self.dumpUnicode:
res = res.encode('utf-8')
return res
def marshallSpecificElements(self, instance, res):
'''You can use this marshaller as a base class for creating your own.
In this case, this method will be called by the marshall method
for allowing your concrete marshaller to insert more things in the
result. p_res is the UnicodeBuffer buffer where the result of the
marshalling process is currently dumped; p_instance is the instance
currently marshalled.'''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class XmlHandler(ContentHandler):
'''This handler is used for producing, in self.res, a readable XML
(with carriage returns) and for removing some tags that always change
(like dates) from a file that need to be compared to another file.'''
def __init__(self, xmlTagsToIgnore, xmlAttrsToIgnore):
self.res = unicode(xmlPrologue)
self.namespaces = {} # ~{s_namespaceUri:s_namespaceName}~
self.indentLevel = -1
self.tabWidth = 3
self.tagsToIgnore = xmlTagsToIgnore
self.attrsToIgnore = xmlAttrsToIgnore
self.ignoring = False # Some content must be ignored, and not dumped
# into the result.
def isIgnorable(self, elem):
'''Is p_elem an ignorable element ?'''
res = False
for tagName in self.tagsToIgnore:
if isinstance(tagName, list) or isinstance(tagName, tuple):
# We have a namespace
nsUri, elemName = tagName
nsName = self.ns(nsUri)
elemFullName = '%s:%s' % (nsName, elemName)
except KeyError:
elemFullName = ''
# No namespace
elemFullName = tagName
if elemFullName == elem:
res = True
return res
def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
self.locator = locator
def endDocument(self):
def dumpSpaces(self):
self.res += '\n' + (' ' * self.indentLevel * self.tabWidth)
def manageNamespaces(self, attrs):
'''Manage namespaces definitions encountered in attrs'''
for attrName, attrValue in attrs.items():
if attrName.startswith('xmlns:'):
self.namespaces[attrValue] = attrName[6:]
def ns(self, nsUri):
return self.namespaces[nsUri]
def startElement(self, elem, attrs):
# Do we enter into a ignorable element ?
if self.isIgnorable(elem):
self.ignoring = True
if not self.ignoring:
self.indentLevel += 1
self.res += '<%s' % elem
attrsNames = attrs.keys()
for attrToIgnore in self.attrsToIgnore:
if attrToIgnore in attrsNames:
for attrName in attrsNames:
self.res += ' %s="%s"' % (attrName, attrs[attrName])
self.res += '>'
def endElement(self, elem):
if self.isIgnorable(elem):
self.ignoring = False
if not self.ignoring:
self.indentLevel -= 1
self.res += '</%s>' % elem
def characters(self, content):
if not self.ignoring:
self.res += content.replace('\n', '')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class XmlComparator:
'''Compares 2 XML files and produces a diff.'''
def __init__(self, fileNameA, fileNameB, areXml=True, xmlTagsToIgnore=(),
self.fileNameA = fileNameA
self.fileNameB = fileNameB
self.areXml = areXml # Can also diff non-XML files.
self.xmlTagsToIgnore = xmlTagsToIgnore
self.xmlAttrsToIgnore = xmlAttrsToIgnore
def filesAreIdentical(self, report=None, encoding=None):
'''Compares the 2 files and returns True if they are identical (if we
ignore xmlTagsToIgnore and xmlAttrsToIgnore).
If p_report is specified, it must be an instance of
appy.shared.test.TestReport; the diffs will be dumped in it.'''
# Perform the comparison
differ = difflib.Differ()
if self.areXml:
f = file(self.fileNameA)
contentA =
f = file(self.fileNameB)
contentB =
xmlHandler = XmlHandler(self.xmlTagsToIgnore, self.xmlAttrsToIgnore)
xml.sax.parseString(contentA, xmlHandler)
contentA = xmlHandler.res.split('\n')
xmlHandler = XmlHandler(self.xmlTagsToIgnore, self.xmlAttrsToIgnore)
xml.sax.parseString(contentB, xmlHandler)
contentB = xmlHandler.res.split('\n')
f = file(self.fileNameA)
contentA = f.readlines()
f = file(self.fileNameB)
contentB = f.readlines()
diffResult = list(, contentB))
# Analyse, format and report the result.
atLeastOneDiff = False
lastLinePrinted = False
i = -1
for line in diffResult:
i += 1
if line and (line[0] != ' '):
if not atLeastOneDiff:
msg = 'Difference(s) detected between files %s and %s:' % \
(self.fileNameA, self.fileNameB)
if report: report.say(msg, encoding='utf-8')
else: print msg
atLeastOneDiff = True
if not lastLinePrinted:
if report: report.say('...')
else: print '...'
if self.areXml:
if report: report.say(line, encoding=encoding)
else: print line
if report: report.say(line[:-1], encoding=encoding)
else: print line[:-1]
lastLinePrinted = True
lastLinePrinted = False
return not atLeastOneDiff
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------