
1254 lines
56 KiB

'''This package contains base classes for wrappers that hide to the Appy
developer the real classes used by the underlying web framework.'''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path, mimetypes
import appy.pod
from appy.gen import Field, Search, Ref, String, WorkflowAnonymous
from appy.gen.indexer import defaultIndexes
from appy.gen.layout import defaultPageLayouts
from appy.gen.utils import createObject
from appy.px import Px
from appy.shared.utils import getOsTempFolder, executeCommand, \
normalizeString, sequenceTypes
from appy.shared.xml_parser import XmlMarshaller
from appy.shared.csv_parser import CsvMarshaller
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AbstractWrapper(object):
'''Any real Appy-managed Zope object has a companion object that is an
instance of this class.'''
# Input field for going to element number ...
pxGotoNumber = Px('''
<x var2="label=_('goto_number');
gotoName='%s_%s_goto' % (,">
<span class="discreet" style="padding-left: 5px">:label</span>
<input type="text" size=":(len(str(totalNumber))-1) or 1"
onkeydown=":'if (event.keyCode==13) document.getElementById' \
'(%s).click()' % q(gotoName)"/><img
id=":gotoName" name=":gotoName"
class="clickable" src=":url('gotoNumber')" title=":label"
onClick=":'gotoTied(%s,%s,this.previousSibling,%s)' % \
(q(sourceUrl), q(, totalNumber)"/></x>''')
pxNavigationStrip = Px('''
<table width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<!-- Breadcrumb -->
<td var="sup=zobj.getSupBreadCrumb();
sub=zobj.getSubBreadCrumb()" class="breadcrumb">
<x if="sup">::sup</x>
<x for="bc in breadcrumb" var2="nb=loop.bc.nb">
<img if="nb != 0" src=":url('to')"/>
<!-- Display only the title of the current object -->
<span if="nb == len(breadcrumb)-1">:bc.title</span>
<!-- Display a link for parent objects -->
<a if="nb != len(breadcrumb)-1" href=":bc.url">:bc.title</a>
<x if="sub">::sub</x>
<!-- Object navigation -->
<td var="nav=req.get('nav', None)" if="nav"
var2="self=ztool.getNavigationInfo(nav, inPopup)" align=":dright"
<!-- Object phases and pages -->
<x if="zobj.mayNavigate()" var2="phases=zobj.getAppyPhases()">
<x if="phases">:phases[0].pxAllPhases</x></x>''')
# The template PX for all pages.
pxTemplate = Px('''
<html var="ztool=tool.o; user=tool.user;
req=ztool.REQUEST; resp=req.RESPONSE;
inPopup=req.get('popup') == '1';
obj=obj or ztool.getHomeObject(inPopup);
zobj=obj and obj.o or None;
isAnon=user.login=='anon'; app=ztool.getApp();; url = ztool.getIncludeUrl;
appName=ztool.getAppName(); _=ztool.translate;
dummy=setattr(req, 'pxContext', _ctx_);
lang=ztool.getUserLanguage(); q=ztool.quote;
showPortlet=not inPopup and ztool.showPortlet(obj, layoutType);
dleft=(dir == 'ltr') and 'left' or 'right';
dright=(dir == 'ltr') and 'right' or 'left';
x=resp.setHeader('Content-type', ztool.xhtmlEncoding);
x=resp.setHeader('Expires', 'Thu, 11 Dec 1975 12:05:00 GMT+2');
x=resp.setHeader('Content-Language', lang)"
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"/>
<x for="name in ztool.getGlobalCssJs(dir)">
<link if="name.endswith('.css')" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script if="name.endswith('.js')" type="text/javascript"
<body style=":( == 'wide') and 'margin:0' or ''">
<!-- Google Analytics stuff, if enabled -->
<script var="gaCode=ztool.getGoogleAnalyticsCode()" if="gaCode"
<!-- Popup for confirming an action -->
<div id="confirmActionPopup" class="popup">
<form id="confirmActionForm" method="post">
<div align="center">
<p id="appyConfirmText"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="actionType"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action"/>
<div id="commentArea" align=":dleft"><br/>
<span class="discreet">:_('workflow_comment')</span>
<textarea name="comment" cols="30" rows="3"></textarea>
<input type="button" onclick="doConfirm()" value=":_('yes')"/>
<input type="button" onclick="closePopup('confirmActionPopup')"
<!-- Popup for uploading a file in a pod field -->
<div id="uploadPopup" class="popup" align="center">
<form id="uploadForm" name="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"
method="post" action=":ztool.absolute_url() + '/doPod'">
<input type="hidden" name="objectUid"/>
<input type="hidden" name="fieldName"/>
<input type="hidden" name="template"/>
<input type="hidden" name="podFormat"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload"/>
<input type="file" name="uploadedFile"/><br/><br/>
<input type="submit" value=":_('object_save')"/>
<input type="button" onclick="closePopup('uploadPopup')"
<!-- Popup for reinitializing the password -->
<div id="askPasswordReinitPopup" class="popup"
if="isAnon and ztool.showForgotPassword()">
<form id="askPasswordReinitForm" method="post"
action=":ztool.absolute_url() + '/askPasswordReinit'">
<div align="center">
<input type="text" size="35" name="login" id="login" value=""/>
<input type="button" onclick="doAskPasswordReinit()"
<input type="button" onclick="closePopup('askPasswordReinitPopup')"
<!-- Popup for displaying an error message (~JS alert()) -->
<div id="alertPopup" class="popup">
<img src=":url('warningBig')" align=":dleft" style="margin-right: 10px"/>
<p id="appyAlertText" style="margin-bottom: 15px"></p>
<div align="center">
<input type="button" onclick="closePopup('alertPopup')"
<!-- Popup containing the Appy iframe -->
<div id="iframePopup" class="popup" if="not inPopup"
style="background-color: #fbfbfb">
<img align=":dright" src=":url('close')" class="clickable"
<iframe id="appyIFrame" name="appyIFrame" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<table class=":( == 'wide') and 'mainWide main' or 'main'"
align="center" cellpadding="0">
<!-- The browser incompatibility message when relevant -->
<tr var="bi=ztool.getBrowserIncompatibility()" if="bi"
<tr class="top" if="not inPopup">
<!-- Top banner -->
<td var="bannerName=(dir == 'ltr') and 'banner' or 'bannerrtl'"
style=":url(bannerName, bg=True) + '; background-repeat:no-repeat;\
<!-- Logo (transparent clickable zone by default) -->
<div align=":dleft" style="position: absolute">
<a href=":ztool.getSiteUrl()"><img src=":url('logo')"/></a></div>
<!-- Top links -->
<div style="margin-top: 4px" align=":dright">
<!-- Custom links -->
<!-- Top-level pages -->
<a for="page in tool.pages" class="pageLink"
<!-- Connect link if discreet login -->
<a if="isAnon and cfg.discreetLogin" id="loginLink" name="loginLink"
class="pageLink clickable">:_('app_connect')</a>
<!-- Language selector -->
<select if="ztool.showLanguageSelector()" class="pageLink"
onchange=":'switchLanguage(this,%s)' % q(ztool.getSiteUrl())">
<option for="lg in languages" value=":lg"
selected=":lang == lg">:ztool.getLanguageName(lg)</option>
<!-- The message strip -->
<tr height="0px">
<td><div style="position:relative">:tool.pxMessage</div></td>
<!-- The user strip -->
<tr height=":cfg.discreetLogin and '5px' or '28px'" if="not inPopup">
<table class="userStrip">
<!-- The user login form for anonymous users -->
<td align="center"
if="isAnon and ('/temp_folder/' not in req['ACTUAL_URL'])">
<form id="loginForm" name="loginForm" method="post" class="login"
action=":tool.url + '/performLogin'">
<input type="hidden" name="js_enabled" id="js_enabled" value="0"/>
<input type="hidden" name="cookies_enabled" id="cookies_enabled"
<input type="hidden" name="login_name" id="login_name" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="pwd_empty" id="pwd_empty" value="0"/>
<!-- Login fields directly shown or not depending on
discreetLogin. -->
<span id="loginFields" name="loginFields"
style=":cfg.discreetLogin and 'display:none' or \
<span class="userStripText">:_('app_login')</span>
<input type="text" name="__ac_name" id="__ac_name" value=""
style="width: 142px"/>&nbsp;
<span class="userStripText">:_('app_password')</span>
<input type="password" name="__ac_password" id="__ac_password"
style="width: 142px"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="setLoginVars()"
var="label=_('app_connect')" value=":label" alt=":label"/>
<!-- Forgot password? -->
<a if="ztool.showForgotPassword()"
href="javascript: openPopup('askPasswordReinitPopup')"
<!-- User info and controls for authenticated users -->
<td if="not isAnon">
<table class="buttons" width="99%">
<!-- Config -->
<a if="user.has_role('Manager')" href=":tool.url"
title=":_('%sTool' % appName)">
<img src=":url('appyConfig.gif')"/></a>
<!-- Additional icons -->
<!-- Log out -->
<a href=":tool.url + '/performLogout'" title=":_('app_logout')">
<img src=":url('logout.gif')"/></a>
<tr valign="top">
<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign="top">
<!-- The portlet -->
<td if="showPortlet" class="portlet">:tool.pxPortlet</td>
<td class="content">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<!-- Navigation strip -->
<tr if="zobj and (layoutType != 'edit')"
<!-- Page content -->
<!-- Footer -->
<tr height="26px" if="not inPopup"><td>:tool.pxFooter</td></tr>
</html>''', prologue=Px.xhtmlPrologue)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PXs for rendering graphical elements tied to a given object
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This PX displays an object's history.
pxHistory = Px('''
<x var="startNumber=req.get('startNumber', 0);
batchSize=int(req.get('maxPerPage', 5));
navBaseCall='askObjectHistory(%s,%s,%d,**v**)' % \
(q(ajaxHookId), q(zobj.absolute_url()), batchSize)">
<!-- Navigate between history pages -->
<!-- History -->
<table width="100%" class="history">
<th align=":dleft">:_('object_action')</th>
<th align=":dleft">:_('object_author')</th>
<th align=":dleft">:_('action_date')</th>
<th align=":dleft">:_('action_comment')</th>
<tr for="event in objs"
var2="rhComments=event.get('comments', None);
state=event.get('review_state', None);
isDataChange=action == '_datachange_'"
class=":loop.event.odd and 'even' or 'odd'" valign="top">
<td if="isDataChange">
<img if="user.has_role('Manager')" class="clickable"
onclick=":'onDeleteEvent(%s,%s)' % \
(q(, q(event['time']))"/>
<td if="not isDataChange">:_(zobj.getWorkflowLabel(action))</td>
<td var="actorId=event.get('actor')">
<x if="not actorId">?</x>
<x if="actorId">:ztool.getUserName(actorId)</x>
<td>:ztool.formatDate(event['time'], withHour=True)</td>
<td if="not isDataChange">
<x if="rhComments">::zobj.formatText(rhComments)</x>
<x if="not rhComments">-</x>
<td if="isDataChange">
<!-- Display the previous values of the fields whose value were
modified in this change. -->
<table class="appyChanges" width="100%" if="event['changes']">
<th align=":dleft" width="30%">:_('modified_field')</th>
<th align=":dleft" width="70%">:_('previous_value')</th>
<tr for="change in event['changes'].items()" valign="top"
lg=(len(elems) == 2) and elems[1] or ''">
<x if="lg">:' (%s)' % ztool.getLanguageName(lg, True)</x></td>
<!-- There may also be a comment, too -->
<x if="rhComments">::zobj.formatText(rhComments)</x>
pxTransitions = Px('''
<form var="transitions=targetObj.getTransitions()" if="transitions"
var2="formId='trigger_%s' %" method="post"
id=":formId" action=":targetObj.absolute_url() + '/do'"
style="display: inline">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Trigger"/>
<input type="hidden" name="transition"/>
<!-- Input field for storing the comment coming from the popup -->
<textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="30" rows="3"
<x for="transition in transitions">
<!-- Render a transition or a group of transitions. -->
<x if="transition.type == 'transition'">:transition.pxView</x>
<x if="transition.type == 'group'"
# Displays header information about an object: title, workflow-related info,
# history...
pxHeader = Px('''
<div if="not zobj.isTemporary()"
historyMaxPerPage=req.get('maxPerPage', 5);
<table width="100%" class="summary" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td colspan="2" class="by">
<!-- Plus/minus icon for accessing history -->
<x if="hasHistory">
<img class="clickable" onclick="toggleCookie('appyHistory')"
src=":historyExpanded and url('collapse.gif') or url('expand.gif')"
align=":dleft" id="appyHistory_img" style="padding-right:4px"/>
<x>:_('object_history')</x> &mdash;
<!-- Creator and last modification date -->
<x>:_('object_created_by')</x> <x>:ztool.getUserName(creator)</x>
<!-- Creation and last modification dates -->
<x var="creationDate=zobj.Created();
<x>:ztool.formatDate(creationDate, withHour=True)</x>
<x if="modificationDate != creationDate">&mdash;
<x>:ztool.formatDate(modificationDate, withHour=True)</x>
<!-- State -->
<x if="zobj.showState()">&mdash;
<x>:_('workflow_state')</x> : <b>:_(zobj.getWorkflowLabel())</b>
<!-- Object history -->
<tr if="hasHistory">
<td colspan="2">
<span id="appyHistory"
style=":historyExpanded and 'display:block' or 'display:none'">
<div var=" + '_history'" id=":ajaxHookId">
<script type="text/javascript">::'askObjectHistory(%s,%s,%d,0)' % \
(q(ajaxHookId), q(zobj.absolute_url()), \
# Shows the range of buttons (next, previous, save,...) and the workflow
# transitions for a given object.
pxButtons = Px('''
<div class="objectButtons"
isEdit=layoutType == 'edit';
mayAct=not isEdit and zobj.mayAct();
<!-- Refresh -->
<a if="zobj.isDebug()"
href=":zobj.getUrl(mode=layoutType, page=page, refresh='yes', \
<img title="Refresh" style="vertical-align:top" src=":url('refresh')"/>
<!-- Previous -->
<x if="previousPage and pageInfo.showPrevious"
<!-- Button on the edit page -->
<x if="isEdit">
<input type="button" class="button" value=":label"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('previous', bg=True), buttonWidth)"/>
<input type="hidden" name="previousPage" value=":previousPage"/>
<!-- Button on the view page -->
<input if="not isEdit" type="button" class="button" value=":label"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('previous', bg=True), buttonWidth)"
onclick=":'goto(%s)' % q(zobj.getUrl(page=previousPage, \
<!-- Save -->
<input if="isEdit and pageInfo.showSave"
type="button" class="button" onClick="submitAppyForm('save')"
var2="label=_('object_save')" value=":label"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('save', bg=True), \
ztool.getButtonWidth(label))" />
<!-- Cancel -->
<input if="isEdit and pageInfo.showCancel"
type="button" class="button" onClick="submitAppyForm('cancel')"
var2="label=_('object_cancel')" value=":label"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('cancel', bg=True), \
<x if="not isEdit"
var2="locked=zobj.isLocked(user, page);
editable=pageInfo.showOnEdit and pageInfo.showEdit and \
mayAct and zobj.mayEdit()">
<!-- Edit -->
<input type="button" class="button" if="editable and not locked"
var="label=_('object_edit')" value=":label"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('edit', bg=True), \
onclick=":'goto(%s)' % q(zobj.getUrl(mode='edit', page=page, \
<!-- Locked -->
<a if="editable and locked">
<img style="cursor: help"
lockMap={'user':ztool.getUserName(locked[0]), \
lockMsg=_('page_locked', mapping=lockMap)"
src=":url('lockedBig')" title=":lockMsg"/></a>
<a if="editable and locked and user.has_role('Manager')">
<img class="clickable" title=":_('page_unlock')"
onclick=":'onUnlockPage(%s,%s)' % (q(, q(page))"/></a>
<!-- Next -->
<x if="nextPage and pageInfo.showNext"
<!-- Button on the edit page -->
<x if="isEdit">
<input type="button" class="button" onClick="submitAppyForm('next')"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('next', bg=True), buttonWidth)"
<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value=":nextPage"/>
<!-- Button on the view page -->
<input if="not isEdit" type="button" class="button" value=":label"
style=":'%s; %s' % (url('next', bg=True), buttonWidth)"
onclick=":'goto(%s)' % q(zobj.getUrl(page=nextPage, \
<!-- Workflow transitions -->
<x var="targetObj=zobj; buttonsMode='normal'"
if="mayAct and \
<!-- Fields (actions) defined with layout "buttons" -->
<x if="layoutType != 'edit'"
var2="fields=zobj.getAppyTypes('buttons', page, type='Action');
<!-- Call pxView and not pxRender to avoid having a table -->
<x for="field in fields" var2="">:field.pxView</x>
# Displays the fields of a given page for a given object.
pxFields = Px('''
<table width=":layout.width">
<tr for="field in groupedFields">
<td if="field.type == 'group'">:field.pxView</td>
<td if="field.type != 'group'">:field.pxRender</td>
pxView = Px('''
<x var="x=zobj.mayView(raiseError=True);
errors=req.get('errors', {});
phaseObj=zobj.getAppyPhases(currentOnly=True, layoutType='view');;
page=req.get('page',None) or zobj.getDefaultViewPage();
x=zobj.removeMyLock(user, page);
groupedFields=zobj.getGroupedFields(layoutType, page,cssJs=cssJs)">
<x var="tagId='pageLayout'; tagName=''; tagCss='';
</x>''', template=pxTemplate, hook='content')
pxEdit = Px('''
<x var="x=zobj.mayEdit(raiseError=True, permOnly=zobj.isTemporary());
errors=req.get('errors', {});
phaseObj=zobj.getAppyPhases(currentOnly=True, \
page=req.get('page', None) or zobj.getDefaultEditPage();
x=zobj.setLock(user, page);
confirmMsg=req.get('confirmMsg', None);
groupedFields=zobj.getGroupedFields(layoutType,page, cssJs=cssJs)">
<!-- Warn the user that the form should be left via buttons -->
<script type="text/javascript">protectAppyForm()</script>
<form id="appyForm" name="appyForm" method="post"
enctype="multipart/form-data" action=":zobj.absolute_url()+'/do'">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Update"/>
<input type="hidden" name="button" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="popup" value=":inPopup and '1' or '0'"/>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value=":page"/>
<input type="hidden" name="nav" value=":req.get('nav', None)"/>
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="False"/>
<x var="tagId='pageLayout'; tagName=''; tagCss='';
<script type="text/javascript"
if="confirmMsg">::'askConfirm(%s,%s,%s)' % \
(q('script'), q('postConfirmedEditForm()'), q(confirmMsg))</script>
</x>''', template=pxTemplate, hook='content')
# PX called via asynchronous requests from the browser. Keys "Expires" and
# "CacheControl" are used to prevent IE to cache returned pages (which is
# the default IE behaviour with Ajax requests).
pxAjax = Px('''
<x var="zobj=obj.o; ztool=tool.o; user=tool.user;
isAnon=user.login == 'anon'; app=ztool.getApp();; url = ztool.getIncludeUrl;
appName=ztool.getAppName(); _=ztool.translate;
req=ztool.REQUEST; resp=req.RESPONSE;
dummy=setattr(req, 'pxContext', _ctx_);
lang=ztool.getUserLanguage(); q=ztool.quote;
action=req.get('action', '');
inPopup=req.get('popup') == '1';
className=(len(px) == 3) and px[0] or None;
field=className and zobj.getAppyType(px[1], className) or None;
field=(len(px) == 2) and zobj.getAppyType(px[0]) or field;
dleft=(dir == 'ltr') and 'left' or 'right';
dright=(dir == 'ltr') and 'right' or 'left';
x=resp.setHeader('Content-type', ztool.xhtmlEncoding);
x=resp.setHeader('Expires', 'Thu, 11 Dec 1975 12:05:00 GMT+2');
x=resp.setHeader('Content-Language', lang);
x=resp.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')">
<!-- If an action is defined, execute it on p_zobj or on p_field. -->
<x if="action"
var2="msg=ztool.executeAjaxAction(action, obj, field) or '';
x=resp.setHeader('Appy-Message', msg)"></x>
<!-- Then, call the PX on p_obj or on p_field. -->
<x if="not field">:getattr(obj, px[0])</x>
<x if="field">:getattr(field, px[-1])</x>
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class methods
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _getParentAttr(klass, attr):
'''Gets value of p_attr on p_klass base classes (if this attr exists).
Scan base classes in the reverse order as Python does. Used by
classmethod m_getWorkflow below. Scanning base classes in reverse
order allows user-defined elements to override default Appy
i = len(klass.__bases__) - 1
res = None
while i >= 0:
res = getattr(klass.__bases__[i], attr, None)
if res: return res
i -= 1
def getWorkflow(klass):
'''Returns the workflow tied to p_klass.'''
res = klass._getParentAttr('workflow')
# Return a default workflow if no workflow was found.
if not res: res = WorkflowAnonymous
return res
def getPageLayouts(klass):
'''Returns the page layouts for p_klass.'''
res = klass._getParentAttr('layouts')
# Return the default page layout if no layout was found.
if not res: res = defaultPageLayouts
return res
def getIndexes(klass, includeDefaults=True):
'''Returns a dict whose keys are the names of the indexes that are
applicable to instances of this class, and whose values are the
(Zope) types of those indexes.'''
# Start with the standard indexes applicable for any Appy class.
if includeDefaults:
res = defaultIndexes.copy()
res = {}
# Add the indexed fields found on this class
for field in klass.__fields__:
if not field.indexed or ( == 'title'): continue
n =
indexName = 'get%s%s' % (n[0].upper(), n[1:])
res[indexName] = field.getIndexType()
return res
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instance methods
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, o): self.__dict__['o'] = o
def appy(self): return self
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
field = self.o.getAppyType(name)
if not field:
raise AttributeError('Attribute "%s" does not exist.' % name), value)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
'''Gets the attribute named p_name. Lot of cheating here.'''
if name == 'o': return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
elif name == 'tool': return self.o.getTool().appy()
elif name == 'request':
# The request may not be present, ie if we are at Zope startup.
res = getattr(self.o, 'REQUEST', None)
if res != None: return res
return self.o.getProductConfig().fakeRequest
elif name == 'session': return self.o.REQUEST.SESSION
elif name == 'typeName': return self.__class__.__bases__[-1].__name__
elif name == 'id': return
elif name == 'uid': return
elif name == 'klass': return self.__class__.__bases__[-1]
elif name == 'created': return self.o.created
elif name == 'creator': return self.o.creator
elif name == 'modified': return self.o.modified
elif name == 'url': return self.o.absolute_url()
elif name == 'state': return self.o.State()
elif name == 'stateLabel':
return self.o.translate(self.o.getWorkflowLabel())
elif name == 'history': return self.o.workflow_history['appy']
elif name == 'user': return self.o.getTool().getUser()
elif name == 'fields': return self.o.getAllAppyTypes()
elif name == 'siteUrl': return self.o.getTool().getSiteUrl()
elif name == 'initiator': return self.o.getInitiatorInfo(True)
# Now, let's try to return a real attribute.
res = object.__getattribute__(self, name)
# If we got an Appy field, return its value for this object
if isinstance(res, Field):
o = self.o
if isinstance(res, Ref):
return res.getValue(o, noListIfSingleObj=True)
return res.getValue(o)
return res
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s at %s>' % (self.klass.__name__, id(self))
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other: return cmp(self.o, other.o)
return 1
def _getCustomMethod(self, methodName):
'''See docstring of _callCustom below.'''
if len(self.__class__.__bases__) > 1:
# There is a custom user class
custom = self.__class__.__bases__[-1]
if custom.__dict__.has_key(methodName):
return custom.__dict__[methodName]
def _callCustom(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
'''This wrapper implements some methods like "validate" and "onEdit".
If the user has defined its own wrapper, its methods will not be
called. So this method allows, from the methods here, to call the
user versions.'''
custom = self._getCustomMethod(methodName)
if custom: return custom(self, *args, **kwargs)
def getField(self, name): return self.o.getAppyType(name)
def getValue(self, name, formatted=False, language=None):
'''Gets the possibly p_formatted value of field p_name. If this
formatting implies translating something, it will be done in
p_language, or in the user language if not specified. If the "shown"
value is required instead of the "formatted" value (see methods
getFormattedValue and getShownValue from class appy.fields.Field),
use p_formatted="shown" instead of p_formatted=True.'''
field = self.o.getAppyType(name)
obj = self.o
val = field.getValue(obj)
if not formatted: return val
method = (formatted == 'shown') and 'getShownValue' or \
return getattr(field, method)(obj, val, language=language)
def getLabel(self, name, type='field'):
'''Gets the translated label of field named p_name. If p_type is
"workflow", p_name denotes a workflow state or transition, not a
o = self.o
if type == 'field': return o.translate(o.getAppyType(name).labelId)
elif type == 'workflow': return o.translate(o.getWorkflowLabel(name))
def isEmpty(self, name):
'''Returns True if value of field p_name is considered as being
obj = self.o
if hasattr(obj.aq_base, name):
field = obj.getAppyType(name)
return field.isEmptyValue(obj, getattr(obj, name))
return True
def isTemp(self):
'''Is this object a temporary object being created?'''
return self.o.isTemporary()
def link(self, fieldName, obj, noSecurity=True, executeMethods=True):
'''This method links p_obj (which can be a list of objects) to this one
through reference field p_fieldName. For understanding the 2 last
params, check Ref's m_linkObject's doc.'''
field = self.getField(fieldName)
return field.linkObject(self, obj, noSecurity=noSecurity,
def unlink(self, fieldName, obj, noSecurity=True, executeMethods=True):
'''This method unlinks p_obj (which can be a list of objects) from this
one through reference field p_fieldName. For understanding the 2 last
params, check Ref's m_unlinkObject's doc.'''
field = self.getField(fieldName)
return field.unlinkObject(self, obj, noSecurity=noSecurity,
def sort(self, fieldName, sortKey='title', reverse=False):
'''Sorts referred elements linked to p_self via p_fieldName according
to a given p_sortKey which must be an attribute set on referred
objects ("title", by default).'''
refs = getattr(self.o, fieldName, None)
if not refs: return
tool = self.tool
# refs is a PersistentList: param "key" is not available. So perform the
# sort on the real list and then indicate that the persistent list has
# changed (the ZODB way). x: getattr(tool.getObject(x), sortKey),
refs._p_changed = 1
def create(self, fieldNameOrClass, noSecurity=False,
raiseOnWrongAttribute=True, executeMethods=True, **kwargs):
'''This method creates a new instance of a gen-class.
If p_fieldNameOrClass is the name of a field, the created object will
be linked to p_self via this field. If p_fieldNameOrClass is a class
from the gen-application, it must correspond to a root class: the
created object will be stored in the main application folder (and no
link will exist between it and p_self).
p_kwargs allow to specify values for object fields.
If p_noSecurity is True, security checks will not be performed.
If p_raiseOnWrongAttribute is True, if a value from p_kwargs does not
correspond to a field on the created object, an AttributeError will
be raised. Else, the value will be silently ignored.
If p_executeMethods is False, the gen-class's onEdit method, if
present, will not be called; any other defined method will not be
called neither (ie, Ref.insert, Ref.beforeLink, Ref.afterLink...).
isField = isinstance(fieldNameOrClass, basestring)
tool = self.tool.o
# Determine the class of the object to create
if isField:
fieldName = fieldNameOrClass
field = self.o.getAppyType(fieldName)
portalType = tool.getPortalType(field.klass)
klass = fieldNameOrClass
portalType = tool.getPortalType(klass)
# Determine object id
if kwargs.has_key('id'):
objId = kwargs['id']
del kwargs['id']
objId = tool.generateUid(portalType)
# Where must I create the object?
if not isField:
folder = tool.getPath('/data')
folder = self.o.getCreateFolder()
if not noSecurity:
# Check that the user can edit this field.
# Create the object
zopeObj = createObject(folder, objId, portalType, tool.getAppName(),
appyObj = zopeObj.appy()
# Set object attributes
for attrName, attrValue in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(appyObj, attrName, attrValue)
except AttributeError, ae:
if raiseOnWrongAttribute: raise ae
if isField:
# Link the object to this one
field.linkObject(self, appyObj, executeMethods=executeMethods)
# Call custom initialization
if executeMethods and hasattr(appyObj, 'onEdit'): appyObj.onEdit(True)
return appyObj
def createFrom(self, fieldNameOrClass, other, noSecurity=False,
'''Similar to m_create above, excepted that we will use another object
(p_other) as base for filling in data for the object to create.'''
# Get the field values to set from p_other and store it in a dict.
# p_other may not be of the same class as p_self.
params = {}
for field in other.fields:
# Skip the added attribute "state"
if == 'state': continue
# Skip back references.
if (field.type == 'Ref') and field.isBack: continue
params[] = field.getCopyValue(other.o)
return self.create(fieldNameOrClass, noSecurity=noSecurity,
executeMethods=executeMethods, **params)
def freeze(self, fieldName, template=None, format='pdf', noSecurity=True,
'''This method freezes the content of pod field named p_fieldName, for
the given p_template (several templates can be given in
podField.template), in the given p_format ("pdf" by default).'''
field = self.o.getAppyType(fieldName)
if field.type!= 'Pod': raise Exception('Cannot freeze non-Pod field.')
return field.freeze(self, template, format, noSecurity=noSecurity,
def unfreeze(self, fieldName, template=None, format='pdf', noSecurity=True):
'''This method unfreezes a pod field.'''
field = self.o.getAppyType(fieldName)
if field.type!= 'Pod': raise Exception('Cannot unfreeze non-Pod field.')
field.unfreeze(self, template, format, noSecurity=noSecurity)
def delete(self):
'''Deletes myself.'''
def translate(self, label, mapping={}, domain=None, language=None,
'''Check documentation of self.o.translate.'''
return self.o.translate(label, mapping, domain, language=language,
def do(self, name, comment='', doAction=True, doHistory=True,
'''Triggers on p_self a transition named p_name programmatically.'''
o = self.o
wf = o.getWorkflow()
tr = getattr(wf, name, None)
if not tr or (tr.__class__.__name__ != 'Transition'):
raise Exception('Transition "%s" not found.' % name)
return tr.trigger(name, o, wf, comment, doAction=doAction,
doHistory=doHistory, doSay=False,
def log(self, message, type='info'): return self.o.log(message, type)
def say(self, message, type='info'): return self.o.say(message, type)
def normalize(self, s, usage='fileName'):
'''Returns a version of string p_s whose special chars have been
replaced with normal chars.'''
return normalizeString(s, usage)
def search(self, klass, sortBy='', sortOrder='asc', maxResults=None,
noSecurity=False, **fields):
'''Searches objects of p_klass. p_sortBy must be the name of an indexed
field (declared with indexed=True); p_sortOrder can be "asc"
(ascending, the defaut) or "desc" (descending); every param in
p_fields must take the name of an indexed field and take a possible
value of this field. You can optionally specify a maximum number of
results in p_maxResults. If p_noSecurity is specified, you get all
objects, even if the logged user does not have the permission to
view it.'''
# Find the content type corresponding to p_klass
tool = self.tool.o
contentType = tool.getPortalType(klass)
# Create the Search object
search = Search('customSearch', sortBy=sortBy, sortOrder=sortOrder,
if not maxResults:
maxResults = 'NO_LIMIT'
# If I let maxResults=None, only a subset of the results will be
# returned by method executeResult.
res = tool.executeQuery(contentType, search=search,
maxResults=maxResults, noSecurity=noSecurity)
return [o.appy() for o in res.objects]
def search1(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Identical to m_search above, but returns a single result (if any).'''
res =*args, **kwargs)
if res: return res[0]
def count(self, klass, noSecurity=False, **fields):
'''Identical to m_search above, but returns the number of objects that
match the search instead of returning the objects themselves. Use
this method instead of writing len('''
tool = self.tool.o
contentType = tool.getPortalType(klass)
search = Search('customSearch', **fields)
res = tool.executeQuery(contentType, search=search, brainsOnly=True,
noSecurity=noSecurity, maxResults='NO_LIMIT')
if res: return res._len # It is a LazyMap instance
else: return 0
def ids(self, fieldName):
'''Returns the identifiers of the objects linked to this one via field
name p_fieldName. WARNING: do not modify this list, it is the true
list that is stored in the database (excepted if empty). Modifying it
will probably corrupt the database.'''
return getattr(self.o.aq_base, fieldName, ())
def countRefs(self, fieldName):
'''Counts the number of objects linked to this one via Ref field
uids = getattr(self.o.aq_base, fieldName, None)
if not uids: return 0
return len(uids)
def compute(self, klass, sortBy='', maxResults=None, context=None,
expression=None, noSecurity=False, **fields):
'''This method, like m_search and m_count above, performs a query on
objects of p_klass. But in this case, instead of returning a list of
matching objects (like m_search) or counting elements (like p_count),
it evaluates, on every matching object, a Python p_expression (which
may be an expression or a statement), and returns, if needed, a
result. The result may be initialized through parameter p_context.
p_expression is evaluated with 2 variables in its context: "obj"
which is the currently walked object, instance of p_klass, and "ctx",
which is the context as initialized (or not) by p_context. p_context
may be used as
(1) a variable or instance that is updated on every call to
produce a result;
(2) an input variable or instance;
(3) both.
The method returns p_context, modified or not by evaluation of
p_expression on every matching object.
When you need to perform an action or computation on a lot of
objects, use this method instead of doing things like
"for obj in,...)"
tool = self.tool.o
contentType = tool.getPortalType(klass)
search = Search('customSearch', sortBy=sortBy, **fields)
# Initialize the context variable "ctx"
ctx = context
for brain in tool.executeQuery(contentType, search=search, \
brainsOnly=True, maxResults=maxResults, noSecurity=noSecurity):
# Get the Appy object from the brain
if noSecurity: method = '_unrestrictedGetObject'
else: method = 'getObject'
exec 'obj = brain.%s().appy()' % method
exec expression
return ctx
def reindex(self, fields=None, unindex=False):
'''Asks a direct object reindexing. In most cases you don't have to
reindex objects "manually" with this method. When an object is
modified after some user action has been performed, Appy reindexes
this object automatically. But if your code modifies other objects,
Appy may not know that they must be reindexed, too. So use this
method in those cases.
if fields:
# Get names of indexes from field names.
indexes = [Search.getIndexName(name) for name in fields]
indexes = None
self.o.reindex(indexes=indexes, unindex=unindex)
def export(self, at='string', format='xml', include=None, exclude=None):
'''Creates an "exportable" version of this object. p_format is "xml" by
default, but can also be "csv". If p_format is:
* "xml", if p_at is "string", this method returns the XML version,
without the XML prologue. Else, (a) if not p_at, the XML
will be exported on disk, in the OS temp folder, with an
ugly name; (b) else, it will be exported at path p_at.
* "csv", if p_at is "string", this method returns the CSV data as a
string. If p_at is an opened file handler, the CSV line will
be appended in it.
If p_include is given, only fields whose names are in it will be
included. p_exclude, if given, contains names of fields that will
not be included in the result.
if format == 'xml':
# Todo: take p_include and p_exclude into account.
# Determine where to put the result
toDisk = (at != 'string')
if toDisk and not at:
at = getOsTempFolder() + '/' + + '.xml'
# Create the XML version of the object
marshaller = XmlMarshaller(cdata=True, dumpUnicode=True,
xml = marshaller.marshall(self.o, objectType='appy')
# Produce the desired result
if toDisk:
f = file(at, 'w')
return at
return xml
elif format == 'csv':
if isinstance(at, basestring):
marshaller = CsvMarshaller(include=include, exclude=exclude)
return marshaller.marshall(self)
marshaller = CsvMarshaller(at, include=include, exclude=exclude)
def historize(self, data):
'''This method allows to add "manually" a "data-change" event into the
object's history. Indeed, data changes are "automatically" recorded
only when an object is edited through the edit form, not when a
setter is called from the code.
p_data must be a dictionary whose keys are field names (strings) and
whose values are the previous field values.'''
def getLastEvent(self, transition, notBefore=None, history=None):
'''Gets, from the object history (or from p_history if not None), the
last occurrence of transition named p_transition. p_transition can be
a list of names: in this case, it returns the most recent occurrence
of those transitions. If p_notBefore is given, it corresponds to a
kind of start transition for the search: we will not search in the
history preceding the last occurrence of this transition. Note that
p_notBefore can hold a list of transitions.'''
history = history or self.history
i = len(history) - 1
while i >= 0:
event = history[i]
if notBefore:
if isinstance(notBefore, str):
condition = event['action'] == notBefore
condition = event['action'] in notBefore
if condition: return
if isinstance(transition, str):
condition = event['action'] == transition
condition = event['action'] in transition
if condition: return event
i -= 1
def removeEvent(self, event):
'''Removes p_event from this object's history.'''
res = []
# Because data change events carry the workflow state, we must ensure
# that, after having removed p_event, this workflow state is still
# correct.
lastState = None
for e in self.history:
# Ignore this event if it is p_event
if (e['action'] == event['action']) and \
(e['time'] == event['time']): continue
if e['action'] == '_datachange_':
e['review_state'] = lastState
lastState = e['review_state']
self.o.workflow_history['appy'] = tuple(res)
def formatText(self, text, format='html'):
'''Produces a representation of p_text into the desired p_format, which
is 'html' by default.'''
return self.o.formatText(text, format)
def listStates(self):
'''Lists the possible states for this object.'''
res = []
o = self.o
workflow = o.getWorkflow()
for name in dir(workflow):
if getattr(workflow, name).__class__.__name__ != 'State': continue
res.append((name, o.translate(o.getWorkflowLabel(name))))
return res
def path(self, name):
'''Returns the absolute file name of file stored in File field p_nnamed
v = getattr(self, name)
if v: return v.getFilePath(self)
def getIndexOf(self, name, obj):
'''Returns, as an integer starting at 0, the position of p_obj within
objects linked to p_self via field p_name.'''
o = self.o
return o.getAppyType(name).getIndexOf(o, obj.uid)
def allows(self, permission, raiseError=False):
'''Check doc @Mixin.allows.'''
return self.o.allows(permission, raiseError=raiseError)
def resetLocalRoles(self):
'''Removes all local roles defined on this object, excepted local role
Owner, granted to the item creator.'''
from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping
localRoles = PersistentMapping({ self.o.creator: ['Owner'] })
self.o.__ac_local_roles__ = localRoles
return localRoles
def raiseUnauthorized(self, msg=None): return self.o.raiseUnauthorized(msg)
def sendMailIf(self, privilege, subject, body, attachments=None,
'''Sends a mail related to this object to any active user having
p_privilege on it. If p_privilegeType is:
- "permission", p_privilege is a permission;
- "role", p_privilege is a role;
- "group", p_privilege is a group login;
- "user", p_privilege is a user login.'''
# Determine the set of users to work with
checkPermissionOrRole = False
if privilegeType == 'user':
user = self.search1('User', noSecurity=True, login=privilege)
if not user:
raise Exception('user "%s" does not exist.' % privilege)
users = [user]
elif privilegeType == 'group':
# Get the users belonging to this group
group = self.search1('Group', noSecurity=True, login=privilege)
if not group:
raise Exception('group "%s" does not exist.' % privilege)
users = group.users
# Get all users
users = self.tool.users
checkPermissionOrRole = True
# Determine the list of recipients based on active users having
# p_privilege on p_self.
recipients = []
for user in users:
if (user.state == 'inactive'): continue
# Check if the user has p_privilege on this object (only applicable
# if the privilege does not represent a group).
if checkPermissionOrRole:
hasPrivilege = (privilegeType == 'permission') and \
user.has_permission or user.has_role
if not hasPrivilege(privilege, self): continue
# Get the mail recipient for this user
recipient = user.getMailRecipient()
if not recipient: continue
if recipients:
self.tool.sendMail(recipients, subject, body, attachments)
self.log('no recipient for sending mail about %s with %s %s.' % \
(, privilegeType, privilege))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------