
655 lines
31 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import types
from appy import Object
from appy.gen import Field
from appy.px import Px
from DateTime import DateTime
from BTrees.IOBTree import IOBTree
from persistent.list import PersistentList
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Calendar(Field):
'''This field allows to produce an agenda (monthly view) and view/edit
events on it.'''
jsFiles = {'view': ('calendar.js',)}
# Month view for a calendar. Called by pxView, and directly from the UI,
# via Ajax, when the user selects another month.
pxMonthView = Px('''
<div var=" +;
monthDayOne=DateTime('%s/01' % month);
preComputed=field.getPreComputedInfo(zobj, monthDayOne, grid);
previousMonth=field.getSiblingMonth(month, 'previous');
nextMonth=field.getSiblingMonth(month, 'next');
otherCalendars=field.getOtherCalendars(zobj, preComputed)"
<script type="text/javascript">:'var %s_maxEventLength = %d' % \
(, field.maxEventLength)</script>
<!-- Month chooser -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px"
goBack=not startDate or (startDate.strftime(fmt) &lt; \
goForward=not endDate or (endDate.strftime(fmt) &gt; \
<!-- Go to the previous month -->
<img class="clickable" if="goBack" src=":url('arrowLeft')"
onclick=":'askMonthView(%s,%s,%s,%s)' % \
<!-- Go back to the default date -->
<input type="button" if="goBack or goForward"
label=(defaultDate.strftime(fmt)==today.strftime(fmt)) and \
'today' or 'goto_source'"
onclick=":'askMonthView(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (q(ajaxHookId), \
q(objUrl), q(, q(defaultDateMonth))"
<!-- Go to the next month -->
<img class="clickable" if="goForward" src=":url('arrowRight')"
onclick=":'askMonthView(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (q(ajaxHookId), \
q(objUrl), q(, q(nextMonth))"/>
<span>:_('month_%s' % monthDayOne.aMonth())</span>
<!-- Calendar month view -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="list"
style="font-size: 95%"
<!-- 1st row: names of days -->
<tr height="22px">
<th for="dayName in field.getNamesOfDays(zobj)"
<!-- The calendar in itself -->
<tr for="row in grid" valign="top" height=":rowHeight">
<x for="date in row"
var2="tooEarly=startDate and (date &lt; startDate);
tooLate=endDate and not tooEarly and (date &gt; endDate);
inRange=not tooEarly and not tooLate;
cssClasses=field.getCellStyle(zobj, date, today)">
<!-- Dump an empty cell if we are out of the supported date range -->
<td if="not inRange" class=":cssClasses"></td>
<!-- Dump a normal cell if we are in range -->
<td if="inRange"
var2="events=field.getEventsAt(zobj, date);
spansDays=field.hasEventsAt(zobj, date+1, events);
mayCreate=mayEdit and not events;
mayDelete=mayEdit and events;;
style="date.isCurrentDay() and 'font-weight:bold' or \
onmouseover=":mayEdit and 'this.getElementsByTagName(\
%s)[0].style.visibility=%s' % (q('img'), q('visible')) or ''"
onmouseout="mayEdit and 'this.getElementsByTagName(\
%s)[0].style.visibility=%s' % (q('img'), q('hidden')) or ''">
<span if="day == 1">:_('month_%s_short' % date.aMonth())</span>
<!-- Icon for adding an event -->
<x if="mayCreate">
<img class="clickable" style="visibility:hidden"
var="info=field.getApplicableEventsTypesAt(zobj, date, \
allEventTypes, preComputed, True)"
if="info.eventTypes" src=":url('plus')"
onclick=":'openEventPopup(%s, %s, %s, null, %s, %s)' % \
(q('new'), q(, q(dayString), q(info.eventTypes),\
<!-- Icon for deleting an event -->
<img if="mayDelete" class="clickable" style="visibility:hidden"
onclick=":'openEventPopup(%s, %s, %s, %s, null, null)' % \
(q('del'), q(, q(dayString), q(spansDays))"/>
<!-- A single event is allowed for the moment -->
<div if="events" var2="eventType=events[0].eventType">
<span style="color: grey">:field.getEventName(zobj, eventType)</span>
<!-- Events from other calendars -->
<x if="otherCalendars"
var2="otherEvents=field.getOtherEventsAt(zobj, date, \
<div style=":'color: %s; font-style: italic' % event.color"
for="event in otherEvents"></div>
<!-- Additional info -->
<x var="info=field.getAdditionalInfoAt(zobj, date, preComputed)"
<!-- Popup for creating a calendar event -->
<div var="prefix='%s_newEvent' %;
popupId=prefix + 'Popup'"
id=":popupId" class="popup" align="center">
<form id="prefix + 'Form'" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="fieldName" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="month" value=":month"/>
<input type="hidden" name="name" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Process"/>
<input type="hidden" name="actionType" value="createEvent"/>
<input type="hidden" name="day"/>
<!-- Choose an event type -->
<div align="center" style="margin-bottom: 3px">:_('which_event')</div>
<select name="eventType">
<option value="">:_('choose_a_value')</option>
<option for="eventType in allEventTypes"
<!--Span the event on several days -->
<div align="center" class="discreet" style="margin-bottom: 3px">
<input type="text" size="3" name="eventSpan"/>
<input type="button"
onclick=":'triggerCalendarEvent(%s, %s, %s, %s, \
%s_maxEventLength)' % (q('new'), q(ajaxHookId), \
q(, q(objUrl),"/>
<input type="button"
onclick=":'closePopup(%s)' % q(popupId)"/>
<!-- Popup for deleting a calendar event -->
<div var="prefix='%s_delEvent' %;
popupId=prefix + 'Popup'"
id=":popupId" class="popup" align="center">
<form id=":prefix + 'Form'" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="fieldName" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="month" value=":month"/>
<input type="hidden" name="name" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Process"/>
<input type="hidden" name="actionType" value="deleteEvent"/>
<input type="hidden" name="day"/>
<div align="center" style="margin-bottom: 5px">_('action_confirm')</div>
<!-- Delete successive events ? -->
<div class="discreet" style="margin-bottom: 10px"
id=":prefix + 'DelNextEvent'">
<input type="checkbox" name="deleteNext_cb"
id=":prefix + '_cb'"
onClick=":'toggleCheckbox(%s, %s)' % \
(q('%s_cb' % prefix), q('%s_hd' % prefix))"/>
<input type="hidden" id=":prefix + '_hd'" name="deleteNext"/>
<input type="button" value=":_('yes')"
onClick=":'triggerCalendarEvent(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % \
(q('del'), q(ajaxHookId), q(, q(objUrl))"/>
<input type="button" value=":_('no')"
onclick=":'closePopup(%s)' % q(popupId)"/>
pxView = pxCell = Px('''
<x var="defaultDate=field.getDefaultDate(zobj);
x=req.set('month', defaultDate.strftime('%Y/%m'));
pxEdit = pxSearch = ''
def __init__(self, eventTypes, eventNameMethod=None, validator=None,
default=None, show=('view', 'xml'), page='main', group=None,
layouts=None, move=0, specificReadPermission=False,
specificWritePermission=False, width=None, height=300,
colspan=1, master=None, masterValue=None, focus=False,
mapping=None, label=None, maxEventLength=50,
otherCalendars=None, additionalInfo=None, startDate=None,
endDate=None, defaultDate=None, preCompute=None,
applicableEvents=None, xml=None):
Field.__init__(self, validator, (0,1), default, show, page, group,
layouts, move, False, False, specificReadPermission,
specificWritePermission, width, height, None, colspan,
master, masterValue, focus, False, mapping, label, None,
None, None, None, True, xml)
# eventTypes can be a "static" list or tuple of strings that identify
# the types of events that are supported by this calendar. It can also
# be a method that computes such a "dynamic" list or tuple. When
# specifying a static list, an i18n label will be generated for every
# event type of the list. When specifying a dynamic list, you must also
# give, in p_eventNameMethod, a method that will accept a single arg
# (=one of the event types from your dynamic list) and return the "name"
# of this event as it must be shown to the user.
self.eventTypes = eventTypes
self.eventNameMethod = eventNameMethod
if (type(eventTypes) == types.FunctionType) and not eventNameMethod:
raise Exception("When param 'eventTypes' is a method, you must " \
"give another method in param 'eventNameMethod'.")
# It is not possible to create events that span more days than
# maxEventLength.
self.maxEventLength = maxEventLength
# When displaying a given month for this agenda, one may want to
# pre-compute, once for the whole month, some information that will then
# be given as arg for other methods specified in subsequent parameters.
# This mechanism exists for performance reasons, to avoid recomputing
# this global information several times. If you specify a method in
# p_preCompute, it will be called every time a given month is shown, and
# will receive 2 args: the first day of the currently shown month (as a
# DateTime instance) and the grid of all shown dates (as a list of lists
# of DateTime instances, one sub-list by row in the month view). This
# grid may hold a little more than dates of the current month.
# Subsequently, the return of your method will be given as arg to other
# methods that you may specify as args of other parameters of this
# Calendar class (see comments below).
self.preCompute = preCompute
# If a method is specified in the following parameters, it must accept
# a single arg (the result of self.preCompute) and must return a list of
# calendars whose events must be shown within this agenda.
# Every element in this list must be a sub-list [object, name, color]
# (not a tuple):
# - object must refer to the other object on which the other calendar
# field is defined;
# - name is the name of the field on this object that stores the
# calendar;
# - color must be a string containing the HTML color (including the
# leading "#" when relevant) into which events of the calendar must
# appear.
self.otherCalendars = otherCalendars
# One may want to add, day by day, custom information in the calendar.
# When a method is given in p_additionalInfo, for every cell of the
# month view, this method will be called with 2 args: the cell's date
# and the result of self.preCompute. The method's result (a string that
# can hold text or a chunk of XHTML) will be inserted in the cell.
self.additionalInfo = additionalInfo
# One may limit event encoding and viewing to some period of time,
# via p_startDate and p_endDate. Those parameters, if given, must hold
# methods accepting no arg and returning a Zope DateTime instance. The
# startDate and endDate will be converted to UTC at 00.00.
self.startDate = startDate
self.endDate = endDate
# If a default date is specified, it must be a method accepting no arg
# and returning a DateTime instance. As soon as the calendar is shown,
# the month where this date is included will be shown. If not default
# date is specified, it will be 'now' at the moment the calendar is
# shown.
self.defaultDate = defaultDate
# For a specific day, all event types may not be applicable. If this is
# the case, one may specify here a method that defines, for a given day,
# a sub-set of all event types. This method must accept 3 args: the day
# in question (as a DateTime instance), the list of all event types,
# which is a copy of the (possibly computed) self.eventTypes) and
# the result of calling self.preCompute. The method must modify
# the 2nd arg and remove from it potentially not applicable events.
# This method can also return a message, that will be shown to the user
# for explaining him why he can, for this day, only create events of a
# sub-set of the possible event types (or even no event at all).
self.applicableEvents = applicableEvents
def getPreComputedInfo(self, obj, monthDayOne, grid):
'''Returns the result of calling self.preComputed, or None if no such
method exists.'''
if self.preCompute:
return self.preCompute(obj.appy(), monthDayOne, grid)
def getSiblingMonth(self, month, prevNext):
'''Gets the next or previous month (depending of p_prevNext) relative
to p_month.'''
dayOne = DateTime('%s/01 UTC' % month)
if prevNext == 'previous':
refDate = dayOne - 1
elif prevNext == 'next':
refDate = dayOne + 33
return refDate.strftime('%Y/%m')
weekDays = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun')
def getNamesOfDays(self, obj, short=True):
res = []
for day in self.weekDays:
if short:
suffix = '_short'
suffix = ''
res.append(obj.translate('day_%s%s' % (day, suffix)))
return res
def getMonthGrid(self, month):
'''Creates a list of lists of DateTime objects representing the calendar
grid to render for a given p_month.'''
# Month is a string "YYYY/mm".
currentDay = DateTime('%s/01 UTC' % month)
currentMonth = currentDay.month()
res = [[]]
dayOneNb = currentDay.dow() or 7 # This way, Sunday is 7 and not 0.
if dayOneNb != 1:
previousDate = DateTime(currentDay)
# If the 1st day of the month is not a Monday, start the row with
# the last days of the previous month.
for i in range(1, dayOneNb):
previousDate = previousDate - 1
res[0].insert(0, previousDate)
finished = False
while not finished:
# Insert currentDay in the grid
if len(res[-1]) == 7:
# Create a new row
currentDay = currentDay + 1
if currentDay.month() != currentMonth:
finished = True
# Complete, if needed, the last row with the first days of the next
# month.
if len(res[-1]) != 7:
while len(res[-1]) != 7:
currentDay = currentDay + 1
return res
def getOtherCalendars(self, obj, preComputed):
'''Returns the list of other calendars whose events must also be shown
on this calendar.'''
if self.otherCalendars:
res = self.otherCalendars(obj.appy(), preComputed)
# Replace field names with field objects
for i in range(len(res)):
res[i][1] = res[i][0].getField(res[i][1])
return res
def getAdditionalInfoAt(self, obj, date, preComputed):
'''If the user has specified a method in self.additionalInfo, we call
it for displaying this additional info in the calendar, at some
if not self.additionalInfo: return
return self.additionalInfo(obj.appy(), date, preComputed)
def getEventTypes(self, obj):
'''Returns the (dynamic or static) event types as defined in
if type(self.eventTypes) == types.FunctionType:
return self.eventTypes(obj.appy())
return self.eventTypes
def getApplicableEventsTypesAt(self, obj, date, allEventTypes, preComputed,
'''Returns the event types that are applicable at a given p_date. More
precisely, it returns an object with 2 attributes:
* "events" is the list of applicable event types;
* "message", not empty if some event types are not applicable,
contains a message explaining those event types are
not applicable.
if not self.applicableEvents:
eventTypes = allEventTypes
message = None
eventTypes = allEventTypes[:]
message = self.applicableEvents(obj.appy(), date, eventTypes,
res = Object(eventTypes=eventTypes, message=message)
if forBrowser:
res.eventTypes = ','.join(res.eventTypes)
if not res.message: res.message = ''
return res
def getEventsAt(self, obj, date):
'''Returns the list of events that exist at some p_date (=day).'''
obj = obj.o # Ensure p_obj is not a wrapper.
if not hasattr(obj.aq_base, return
years = getattr(obj,
year = date.year()
if year not in years: return
months = years[year]
month = date.month()
if month not in months: return
days = months[month]
day =
if day not in days: return
return days[day]
def getEventTypeAt(self, obj, date):
'''Returns the event type of the first event defined at p_day, or None
if unspecified.'''
events = self.getEventsAt(obj, date)
if not events: return
return events[0].eventType
def getEventsByType(self, obj, eventType, minDate=None, maxDate=None,
sorted=True, groupSpanned=False):
'''Returns all the events of a given p_eventType. If p_eventType is
None, it returns events of all types. The return value is a list of
2-tuples whose 1st elem is a DateTime instance and whose 2nd elem is
the event.
If p_sorted is True, the list is sorted in chronological order. Else,
the order is random, but the result is computed faster.
If p_minDate and/or p_maxDate is/are specified, it restricts the
search interval accordingly.
If p_groupSpanned is True, events spanned on several days are
grouped into a single event. In this case, tuples in the result
are 3-tuples: (DateTime_startDate, DateTime_endDate, event).
# Prevent wrong combinations of parameters
if groupSpanned and not sorted:
raise Exception('Events must be sorted if you want to get ' \
'spanned events to be grouped.')
obj = obj.o # Ensure p_obj is not a wrapper.
res = []
if not hasattr(obj, return res
# Compute "min" and "max" tuples
if minDate:
minYear = minDate.year()
minMonth = (minYear, minDate.month())
minDay = (minYear, minDate.month(),
if maxDate:
maxYear = maxDate.year()
maxMonth = (maxYear, maxDate.month())
maxDay = (maxYear, maxDate.month(),
# Browse years
years = getattr(obj,
for year in years.keys():
# Don't take this year into account if outside interval
if minDate and (year < minYear): continue
if maxDate and (year > maxYear): continue
months = years[year]
# Browse this year's months
for month in months.keys():
# Don't take this month into account if outside interval
thisMonth = (year, month)
if minDate and (thisMonth < minMonth): continue
if maxDate and (thisMonth > maxMonth): continue
days = months[month]
# Browse this month's days
for day in days.keys():
# Don't take this day into account if outside interval
thisDay = (year, month, day)
if minDate and (thisDay < minDay): continue
if maxDate and (thisDay > maxDay): continue
events = days[day]
# Browse this day's events
for event in events:
# Filter unwanted events
if eventType and (event.eventType != eventType):
# We have found a event.
date = DateTime('%d/%d/%d UTC' % (year, month, day))
if groupSpanned:
singleRes = [date, None, event]
singleRes = (date, event)
# Sort the result if required
if sorted: res.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# Group events spanned on several days if required
if groupSpanned:
# Browse events in reverse order and merge them when appropriate
i = len(res) - 1
while i > 0:
currentDate = res[i][0]
lastDate = res[i][1]
previousDate = res[i-1][0]
currentType = res[i][2].eventType
previousType = res[i-1][2].eventType
if (previousDate == (currentDate-1)) and \
(previousType == currentType):
# A merge is needed
del res[i]
res[i-1][1] = lastDate or currentDate
i -= 1
return res
def hasEventsAt(self, obj, date, otherEvents):
'''Returns True if, at p_date, an event is found of the same type as
if not otherEvents: return False
events = self.getEventsAt(obj, date)
if not events: return False
return events[0].eventType == otherEvents[0].eventType
def getOtherEventsAt(self, obj, date, otherCalendars):
'''Gets events that are defined in p_otherCalendars at some p_date.'''
res = []
for o, field, color in otherCalendars:
events = field.getEventsAt(o.o, date)
if events:
eventType = events[0].eventType
eventName = field.getEventName(o.o, eventType)
info = Object(name=eventName, color=color)
return res
def getEventName(self, obj, eventType):
'''Gets the name of the event corresponding to p_eventType as it must
appear to the user.'''
if self.eventNameMethod:
return self.eventNameMethod(obj.appy(), eventType)
return obj.translate('%s_event_%s' % (self.labelId, eventType))
def getStartDate(self, obj):
'''Get the start date for this calendar if defined.'''
if self.startDate:
d = self.startDate(obj.appy())
# Return the start date without hour, in UTC.
return DateTime('%d/%d/%d UTC' % (d.year(), d.month(),
def getEndDate(self, obj):
'''Get the end date for this calendar if defined.'''
if self.endDate:
d = self.endDate(obj.appy())
# Return the end date without hour, in UTC.
return DateTime('%d/%d/%d UTC' % (d.year(), d.month(),
def getDefaultDate(self, obj):
'''Get the default date that must appear as soon as the calendar is
if self.defaultDate:
return self.defaultDate(obj.appy())
return DateTime() # Now
def createEvent(self, obj, date, eventType=None, eventSpan=None,
'''Create a new event in the calendar, at some p_date (day).
If p_eventType is given, it is used; else, rq['eventType'] is used.
If p_handleEventSpan is True, we will use p_eventSpan (or
rq["eventSpan"] if p_eventSpan is not given) and also
create the same event for successive days.'''
obj = obj.o # Ensure p_obj is not a wrapper.
rq = obj.REQUEST
# Get values from parameters
if not eventType: eventType = rq['eventType']
if handleEventSpan and not eventSpan:
eventSpan = rq.get('eventSpan', None)
# Split the p_date into separate parts
year, month, day = date.year(), date.month(),
# Check that the "preferences" dict exists or not.
if not hasattr(obj.aq_base,
# 1st level: create a IOBTree whose keys are years.
setattr(obj,, IOBTree())
yearsDict = getattr(obj,
# Get the sub-dict storing months for a given year
if year in yearsDict:
monthsDict = yearsDict[year]
yearsDict[year] = monthsDict = IOBTree()
# Get the sub-dict storing days of a given month
if month in monthsDict:
daysDict = monthsDict[month]
monthsDict[month] = daysDict = IOBTree()
# Get the list of events for a given day
if day in daysDict:
events = daysDict[day]
daysDict[day] = events = PersistentList()
# Create and store the event, excepted if an event already exists.
if not events:
event = Object(eventType=eventType)
# Span the event on the successive days if required
if handleEventSpan and eventSpan:
nbOfDays = min(int(eventSpan), self.maxEventLength)
for i in range(nbOfDays):
date = date + 1
self.createEvent(obj, date, handleEventSpan=False)
def deleteEvent(self, obj, date, handleEventSpan=True):
'''Deletes an event. It actually deletes all events at p_date.
If p_handleEventSpan is True, we will use rq["deleteNext"] to
delete successive events, too.'''
obj = obj.o # Ensure p_obj is not a wrapper.
if not self.getEventsAt(obj, date): return
daysDict = getattr(obj,[date.year()][date.month()]
# Remember events, in case we must delete similar ones for next days.
events = self.getEventsAt(obj, date)
del daysDict[]
rq = obj.REQUEST
if handleEventSpan and rq.has_key('deleteNext') and \
(rq['deleteNext'] == 'True'):
while True:
date = date + 1
if self.hasEventsAt(obj, date, events):
self.deleteEvent(obj, date, handleEventSpan=False)
def process(self, obj):
'''Processes an action coming from the calendar widget, ie, the creation
or deletion of a calendar event.'''
rq = obj.REQUEST
action = rq['actionType']
# Security check
obj.mayEdit(self.writePermission, raiseError=True)
# Get the date for this action
if action == 'createEvent':
return self.createEvent(obj, DateTime(rq['day']))
elif action == 'deleteEvent':
return self.deleteEvent(obj, DateTime(rq['day']))
def getCellStyle(self, obj, date, today):
'''What CSS classes must apply to the table cell representing p_date
in the calendar?'''
res = []
# We must distinguish between past and future dates.
if date < today:
# Week-end days must have a specific style.
if date.aDay() in ('Sat', 'Sun'):
return ' '.join(res)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------