Gaetan Delannay
[gen] pod fields now read pod templates directly from disk. Fields 'template' and 'formats' that were generated into the database (and editable through-the-web) are now removed. This simplification will allow in a second step to define several templates for a unique pod field, ie: multiDoc = Pod(template='od/Item*.odt'). [gen] Additionally, fields tool.numberOfSearchColumnsForXXX and tool.searchFieldsForXXX are not generated anymore and are replace by static class attributes class.numberOfSearchColumns and class.searchFields.
2013-09-21 17:46:42 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Replaced database fields tool.resultColumnsFor[class] by static attributes class.listColumns. [gen] Bugfixes and removed unused code.
2013-09-18 12:06:07 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Removed obsolete fields 'enableAdvancedSearchX' generated on the tool.
2013-06-08 00:10:27 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Add the possibility, for an admin, to unlock a page that was locked for too long by some user.
2013-05-22 10:27:31 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfixes.
2013-05-16 09:53:27 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Improved search abilities. [pod] Bugfix: import several times an image from the same URL.
2013-02-18 15:03:26 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[pod+gen] Added POD rendering based on ODS templates. Integrated with gen.
2013-02-05 08:51:25 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added, on (the unique Appy form) a handler window.onbeforeunload to warn the user that data can be lost or a lock can stay on the object.
2013-01-18 14:32:29 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Improved the page lock system.
2013-01-18 11:26:01 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] First draft of a system for locking pages when editing it.
2013-01-14 16:58:30 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bigfixees in cleaning of XHTML fields.
2013-01-10 15:59:01 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow to show the cumulative differences performed on historized String fields with format=String.XHTML.
2013-01-08 16:58:29 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow to display, in history, differences between successive versions of XHTML fields via appy.shared.diff.HtmlDiff (which was not integrated to appy.gen until now). Improved rendering of XHTML fields. [pod] bugfix while generating filenames for files included into pod results.
2013-01-07 15:30:13 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow to use class Group as parameter of (soon, we will be able to get groups of groups of groups... of searches, to produce a tree of searches); refactored i18n-related code.
2012-11-06 11:32:39 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Remove attributes showWorkflowFor...; buttons for triggering workflow transitions are not located besides the standard actions (icons): edit, save, etc.
2012-11-05 13:12:18 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added an index 'Modified' on every object (it represents the date of the last modification); removed obsolete workflow-related code; removed attributes Tool.showAllStatesInPhaseFor...; changed the way to display the object's current state in the UI.
2012-11-05 10:21:27 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] For Strings with validator=String.URL, an HTML link is rendered in view layouts; added a 'real' 'state' field to any Appy class, allowing to use it in search screens for example; added 2 hook methods: getIcons and getSubTitles, allowing to add, in lists of objects (Refs or queries), icons besides the title and anything below it; optimized for every new query, 1 server request is done (previously, one standard request + one ajax request were done); removed columns 'actions' (Refs, query): action icons are not included in the column containing the title (we avoid having empty columns whhen no action is available).
2012-10-31 21:17:31 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added param Search.default allowing to define a default Search. The default search, if present, will be triggered when clicking on the main link for a class, instead of the query that collects all instances of this class; appy.gen.Type: removed 3 obsolete params: 'index', 'editDefault' and 'optional'. For achieving the same result than using 'editDefault', one may define 'by hand' an attribute on the Tool for storing the editable default value, and define, on the appropriate field in param 'default', a method that returns the value of the tool attribute; Added Type.defaultForSearch, allowing, for some sub-types, to define a default value when displaying the corresponding widget on the search screen; added a default 'state' field allowing to include workflow state among search criteria in the search screens; removed obsolete test applications.
2012-10-31 13:20:25 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Improved performance of the Ref field and added an icon for dissociating referred objects.
2012-10-08 10:08:54 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added a new calendar field, allowing to add a single (typed) event by day.
2012-10-03 14:44:34 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added a i18n label used for the title of web pages and added a default favicon and the possibility to override it.
2012-09-20 09:37:33 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Graphical improvements.
2012-09-19 17:48:49 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Field.indexed, instead of being a Boolean, can be a str, to represent the name of a Zope Index. This way, it is possible to bypass the standard Appy choice for index types, ie for Computed fields whose content may produce any type of value; added missing translation labels in the macro displaying object's history; added default fields Tool.dateFormat and Tool.hourFormat that give application-wide default formats for dates with/without hour; added a table in Config->Users that shows the connected users and the date/time of their last access to the app; added the missing search macro for a Computed field.
2012-07-18 21:58:11 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Implemented a mechanism 'forgot password?'.
2012-07-09 15:47:38 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Finalized pending i18n.
2012-06-03 18:34:56 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.gen: removed fields Tool.showWorkflowCommentFieldForxx (workflow comment may not be entered into the confirm popup); appy.gen: security-related bugfixes.
2012-03-19 17:00:44 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.gen: added new format 'captcha' for a String.
2012-02-16 18:13:51 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.gen: continued work on Appy-specific template.
2011-09-15 15:52:21 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.gen: added default validation for wrong dates; for Action fields, added value 'filetmp' for param 'result' for removing temp files that are returned as the result of an action; values entered by the user in the search screens are not stripped; wrapper method 'export' can now export an object in a CSV file; appy.pod: bullets for default list styles in any ODT file generated through pod are now smaller.
2011-02-12 17:09:11 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added the possibility to define POD templates for any search result (Pod field with param view='search'), bugfix while getting default value for a Ref field, added Computed fields that computes a ZPT macro given as a string to param 'method', added the possibility to define a global style mapping for every Pod field, stopped to generate a field-specific set of i18n labels for pod output formats, carry portal_status_message even through page redirections, added 'deprecatedAddRemove' tags in generated configure.zcml, onEdit can now return a customized message, added possibility to normalize strings for other usages than 'fileName', in appy.shared.utils.normalizeString (for alpha and alphanum usages)
2011-01-28 14:36:30 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
New translation system, that generates screens for updating translations through the web, within the configuration.
2011-01-14 09:06:25 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Worflow state can not be used in ref fields; mayNavigate is not static anymore, but an instance method.
2010-12-06 11:11:40 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Bugfix in the system for refreshing layouts, and removed generation of '_valid' i18n labels, that almost doubled the size of po files and are almost never needed.
2010-11-16 15:32:47 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Eradicated Flavour and PodTemplate classes (for the latter, use Pod fields instead); Added a code analyser; Groups can now be slaves in master/slaves relationships; Refs have more params (show a confirmation popup before adding an object, add an object without creation form); Code for Refs has been refactored to comply with the new way to organize Types; Added a WebDAV client library.
2010-10-14 14:43:56 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Bugfix in; added new user management.
2010-09-02 16:16:08 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
| now can create instances for Plone 2.5.5, Plone 3.0 to Plone 3.3.5. specificWritePermission and specificReadPermission can hold named (string) permissions instead of simple boolean values (which is still allowed). frontPage can call a custom macro. When launching with -c option, labels prefixed with custom_ are kept.
2010-08-12 11:56:42 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added a new system for layouting production-ready forms without any HTML coding, many performance improvements and more independence towards Archetypes.
2010-08-05 18:23:17 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added 'confirm' param to Action fields. If True, a confirmation popup will be shown before triggering the action.
2010-03-29 20:44:28 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added possibility to select AND/OR operator for searches in lists.
2010-03-19 13:13:36 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Improved Pod field with triggerable actions.
2010-02-15 21:44:41 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added the possibility to log OO errors in appy.gen method File.dump and changed some code for avoiding silly Plone warnings on every user click.
2010-02-09 15:59:03 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Improved advanced search screen.
2010-01-07 20:25:18 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Improved advanced search functionality + completed String fields with Selection instance as validator.
2010-01-06 18:36:16 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Ready for an 'advanced search' functionality.
2009-12-30 17:12:18 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Improved SAP interface and added historization of fields.
2009-12-14 20:22:55 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Inter-object navigation.
2009-11-17 10:05:19 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added an AJAX framework within appy.gen, and its first use: a pagination mechanism for producing paginated references in the reference widget.
2009-10-25 21:42:08 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Added a new feature allowing to create objects by importing them from external sources instead of from filling a web form.
2009-10-20 16:57:00 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Initial import
2009-06-29 14:06:01 +02:00 |