Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Improved search abilities. [pod] Bugfix: import several times an image from the same URL.
2013-02-18 15:03:26 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added, on (the unique Appy form) a handler window.onbeforeunload to warn the user that data can be lost or a lock can stay on the object.
2013-01-18 14:32:29 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Improved the page lock system.
2013-01-18 11:26:01 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] First draft of a system for locking pages when editing it.
2013-01-14 16:58:30 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow Managers to delete data change events if things go wrong.
2013-01-11 10:52:54 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bigfixees in cleaning of XHTML fields.
2013-01-10 15:59:01 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfixes in historization.
2013-01-10 11:47:39 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] field.history can now be a method. This way, historization can be enabled/disabled, field by field, according to any custom condition.
2013-01-10 10:56:22 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow to show the cumulative differences performed on historized String fields with format=String.XHTML.
2013-01-08 16:58:29 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow to display, in history, differences between successive versions of XHTML fields via appy.shared.diff.HtmlDiff (which was not integrated to appy.gen until now). Improved rendering of XHTML fields. [pod] bugfix while generating filenames for files included into pod results.
2013-01-07 15:30:13 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfixes.
2012-12-18 22:49:26 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added the possibility to span widgets on several columns on the search screen (param Field.scolspan).
2012-12-14 09:23:33 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfixes.
2012-12-12 17:26:01 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Simplified management and rendering of phases.
2012-12-07 11:23:08 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfix.
2012-12-05 17:47:19 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Ergonomic improvements: added a breadcrumb, more compact design.
2012-11-29 20:45:21 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added appy.gen.Pod.rLayouts, a default layout for rendering POD templates on query result pages; various security and bugfixes.
2012-11-26 13:58:27 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added the possility to get an XML version of every object by calling URL <objectUrl>/xml; added the possiblity to call any method on any object by calling <objectUrl>?do=myMethod and retrieve the result as XML.
2012-11-23 15:20:12 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] It is now possible to define, via method 'getDynamicSearches', dynamic searches for a class.
2012-11-14 17:40:52 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Searches can now be grouped into groups of groups of..., creating a tree structure in the portlet.
2012-11-14 11:36:48 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Allow to use class Group as parameter of (soon, we will be able to get groups of groups of groups... of searches, to produce a tree of searches); refactored i18n-related code.
2012-11-06 11:32:39 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added an index 'Modified' on every object (it represents the date of the last modification); removed obsolete workflow-related code; removed attributes Tool.showAllStatesInPhaseFor...; changed the way to display the object's current state in the UI.
2012-11-05 10:21:27 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] for Type.shownInfo and tool.resultColumns..., added the possibility to define the name, width and alignment of every column (=notion of 'column layout').
2012-11-02 22:27:54 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] For Strings with validator=String.URL, an HTML link is rendered in view layouts; added a 'real' 'state' field to any Appy class, allowing to use it in search screens for example; added 2 hook methods: getIcons and getSubTitles, allowing to add, in lists of objects (Refs or queries), icons besides the title and anything below it; optimized for every new query, 1 server request is done (previously, one standard request + one ajax request were done); removed columns 'actions' (Refs, query): action icons are not included in the column containing the title (we avoid having empty columns whhen no action is available).
2012-10-31 21:17:31 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added param Search.default allowing to define a default Search. The default search, if present, will be triggered when clicking on the main link for a class, instead of the query that collects all instances of this class; appy.gen.Type: removed 3 obsolete params: 'index', 'editDefault' and 'optional'. For achieving the same result than using 'editDefault', one may define 'by hand' an attribute on the Tool for storing the editable default value, and define, on the appropriate field in param 'default', a method that returns the value of the tool attribute; Added Type.defaultForSearch, allowing, for some sub-types, to define a default value when displaying the corresponding widget on the search screen; added a default 'state' field allowing to include workflow state among search criteria in the search screens; removed obsolete test applications.
2012-10-31 13:20:25 +01:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Calendar: display weekend days in a special way.
2012-10-18 20:57:03 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Improved performance of the Ref field and added an icon for dissociating referred objects.
2012-10-08 10:08:54 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added a new calendar field, allowing to add a single (typed) event by day.
2012-10-03 14:44:34 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Graphical improvements.
2012-09-19 17:48:49 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
Various bugfixes.
2012-09-19 11:29:29 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Now it is possible to index and search Ref fields.
2012-09-17 21:11:54 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] ckeditor now works with IE.
2012-09-10 11:44:22 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Cleaner and more robust approach when using Zope database indexes.
2012-09-04 18:00:22 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Ogone field: bugfixes.
2012-08-07 17:38:54 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Add param Config.activateForgotPassword to allow to disable this functionality for sites where the email of users may be unknown.
2012-07-27 11:01:35 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] First version of a Ogone Appy plug-in.
2012-07-26 17:22:22 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen]: method added param 'noSecurity' allowing to bypass check of roles mentioned as conditions for triggering worfklow actions.
2012-07-23 15:24:44 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Field.indexed, instead of being a Boolean, can be a str, to represent the name of a Zope Index. This way, it is possible to bypass the standard Appy choice for index types, ie for Computed fields whose content may produce any type of value; added missing translation labels in the macro displaying object's history; added default fields Tool.dateFormat and Tool.hourFormat that give application-wide default formats for dates with/without hour; added a table in Config->Users that shows the connected users and the date/time of their last access to the app; added the missing search macro for a Computed field.
2012-07-18 21:58:11 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfix in the 'change user id' function. Now, the method browses every object in the database and updates local roles where the old ID was potentially mentioned.
2012-07-11 17:27:40 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Implemented a mechanism 'forgot password?'.
2012-07-09 15:47:38 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Added support for right-to-left (RTL) languages.
2012-06-27 13:27:24 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Finalized pending i18n.
2012-06-03 18:34:56 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Possibility to define, programmatically, for a given class, the default view and edit pages, by defining, respectively, methods getDefaultViewPage and getDefaultEditPage; various bugfixes.
2012-06-02 17:39:05 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Security: added missing checks at the code level, ensuring that a user can create instances of a given class (root classes, or instances created via an initiator field); bugfixes in the test system, which works again (was broken after deplonization); [shared] XmlUnmarshaller can now be ran in 'non utf-8' mode: if enabled, any marshalled string will no be Python unicode, but simple str.
2012-06-02 14:36:49 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] added obj.mayEdit, an additional condition for editing an object (similar to mayDelete); bugfix: specifying a workflow for a User class crashed because, in, Appy took into account the standard workflow on this Class instead of the custom one.
2012-06-01 15:57:19 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] Bugfix while managing languages, ui improvements.
2012-05-29 20:50:18 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
[gen] added the possibility to define a sortOrder of a Search class.
2012-05-25 14:27:53 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.gen: bugfixes.
2012-05-09 09:45:15 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.bin: added field 'To' to mails sent by the backup procedure (so it not less directly considered as junk mail); bugfix in used with Appy > 0.8; appy.gen: optimized performance (methods defined in 'show' attrs were called twice on and; appy.gen: added String.richText allowing to have ckeditor with more text-formatting icons; added ckeditor 'show source' button by default (impossible to live without that); appy.gen: solved security-related problems; appy.gen.mail: allowto send mail as authenticated user; appy.gen: bugfixes in pages when rendered by IE.
2012-05-05 17:04:19 +02:00 |
Gaetan Delannay
appy.bin: adapted for Appy >0.8; appy.gen: improved mail notification mechanism.
2012-05-03 10:51:54 +02:00 |