[gen] Calendar field: added the notion of layer.

This commit is contained in:
Gaetan Delannay 2015-03-24 16:40:48 +01:00
parent be159b33be
commit def1b6ab70
5 changed files with 160 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -122,24 +122,69 @@ class Totals:
self.label = label
# A method that will be called every time a cell is walked in the
# agenda. It will get these args:
# * date - the date representing the current day;
# * other - the Other instance representing the currently walked
# calendar;
# * events - the list of events (as Event instances) defined at that
# day in this calendar. Be careful: this can be None;
# * total - the Total instance (see above) corresponding to the
# current column;
# * last - a boolean that is True if we are walking the last shown
# calendar;
# * checked - a value "checked" indicating the status of the possible
# validation checkbox corresponding to this cell. If
# there is a checkbox in this cell, the value will be
# True or False; else, the value will be None.
# * preCompute - the result of Calendar.preCompute (see below)
# * date - the date representing the current day (a DateTime
# instance);
# * other - the Other instance representing the currently walked
# calendar;
# * events - the list of events (as Event instances) defined at
# that day in this calendar. Be careful: this can be
# None;
# * total - the Total instance (see above) corresponding to the
# current column;
# * last - a boolean that is True if we are walking the last
# shown calendar;
# * checked - a value "checked" indicating the status of the
# possible validation checkbox corresponding to this
# cell. If there is a checkbox in this cell, the value
# will be True or False; else, the value will be None.
# * preComputed - the result of Calendar.preCompute (see below)
self.onCell = onCell
# "initValue" is the initial value given to created Total instances
self.initValue = initValue
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Layer:
'''A layer is a set of additional data that can be activated or not on top
of calendar data. Currently available for timelines only.'''
def __init__(self, name, label, onCell, activeByDefault=False):
# "name" must hold a short name or acronym, unique among all layers
self.name = name
# "label" is a i18n label that will be used to produce the layer name in
# the user interface.
self.label = label
# "onCell" must be a method that will be called for every calendar cell
# and must return a 3-tuple (style, title, content). "style" will be
# dumped in the "style" attribute of the current calendar cell, "title"
# in its "title" attribute, while "content" will be shown within the
# cell. If nothing must be shown at all, None must be returned.
# This method must accept those args:
# * date - the currently walked day (a DateTime instance);
# * other - the Other instance representing the currently walked
# calendar;
# * events - the list of events (as Event instances) defined at
# that day in this calendar. Be careful: this can be
# None.
# * preComputed - the result of Calendar.preCompute (see below)
self.onCell = onCell
# Is this layer activated by default ?
self.activeByDefault = activeByDefault
# Layers will be chained: one layer will access the previous one in the
# stack via attribute "previous". "previous" fields will automatically
# be filled by the Calendar.
self.previous = None
def getCellInfo(self, obj, activeLayers, date, other, events, preComputed):
'''Get the cell info from this layer or one previous layer when
# Take this layer into account only if active
if self.name in activeLayers:
info = self.onCell(obj, date, other, events, preComputed)
if info: return info
# Get info from the previous layer
if self.previous:
return self.previous.getCellInfo(obj, activeLayers, date, other,
events, preComputed)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Event(Persistent):
'''An event as will be stored in the database'''
@ -182,6 +227,7 @@ class Calendar(Field):
Validation = Validation
Other = Other
Totals = Totals
Layer = Layer
Event = Event
IterSub = sutils.IterSub
# Error messages
@ -241,8 +287,7 @@ class Calendar(Field):
# Displays the total rows at the bottom of a timeline calendar
pxTotalRows = Px('''
<tbody id=":'%s_trs' % ajaxHookId"
var="totals=field.computeTotals('row', zobj, grid, others, \
<script>:field.getAjaxDataTotals('rows', ajaxHookId)</script>
<tr for="row in field.totalRows" var2="rowTitle=_(row.label)">
<td class="tlLeft">
@ -257,8 +302,7 @@ class Calendar(Field):
pxTotalCols = Px('''
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="list timeline"
style="float:right" id=":'%s_tcs' % ajaxHookId"
var="totals=field.computeTotals('col', zobj, grid, others, \
<script>:field.getAjaxDataTotals('cols', ajaxHookId)</script>
<tr for="i in range(2)"> <!-- 2 empty rows -->
<td for="col in field.totalCols" class="hidden">&nbsp;</td>
@ -327,7 +371,7 @@ class Calendar(Field):
<x for="date in grid"
var2="inRange=field.dateInRange(date, startDate, endDate)">
<td if="not inRange"></td>
<x if="inRange">::field.getTimelineCell(req, zobj)</x>
<x if="inRange">::field.getTimelineCell(req, obj)</x>
<td class="tlRight">::tlName</td>
@ -484,8 +528,8 @@ class Calendar(Field):
<!-- Events from other calendars -->
<x if="others"
var2="otherEvents=field.getOtherEventsAt(zobj, date, \
others, allEventNames, render, colors)">
var2="otherEvents=field.getOtherEventsAt(date, others, \
allEventNames, render, colors)">
<div style=":'color: %s; font-style: italic' % event.color"
for="event in otherEvents">:event.name</div>
@ -527,12 +571,13 @@ class Calendar(Field):
showTimeslots=len(field.timeslots) &gt; 1;
slotIds=[slot.id for slot in field.timeslots];
<script>:'var %s_maxEventLength = %d;' % \
(field.name, field.maxEventLength)</script>
<script>:field.getAjaxData(ajaxHookId, zobj, render=render, \
month=month, activeLayers=','.join(activeLayers))</script>
<!-- Actions (month chooser, validation) -->
<div style="margin-bottom: 5px"
@ -558,15 +603,22 @@ class Calendar(Field):
<span>:_('month_%s' % monthDayOne.aMonth())</span>
<!-- Validate button, with checkbox for automatic checbox selection -->
<x if="mayValidate">
<x if="mayValidate" var2="cbId='%s_auto' % ajaxHookId">
<input if="mayValidate" type="button" value=":_('validate_events')"
class="buttonSmall button" style=":url('validate', bg=True)"
var2="js='validateEvents(%s,%s)' % (q(ajaxHookId), q(month))"
onclick=":'askConfirm(%s,%s,%s)' % (q('script'), q(js, False), \
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id=":'%s_auto' % ajaxHookId"
<label lfor="selectAuto" class="simpleLabel">:_('select_auto')</label>
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id=":cbId" class="smallbox"/>
<label lfor=":cbId" class="simpleLabel">:_('select_auto')</label>
<!-- Checkboxes for (de-)activating layers -->
<x for="layer in field.layers"
var2="cbId='%s_layer_%s' % (ajaxHookId, layer.name)">
<input type="checkbox" id=":cbId" class="smallbox"
checked=":layer.name in activeLayers"
onclick=":'switchCalendarLayer(%s, this)' % q(ajaxHookId)"/>
<label lfor=":cbId" class="simpleLabel">:_(layer.label)</label>
<!-- The top PX, if defined -->
@ -587,10 +639,10 @@ class Calendar(Field):
mapping=None, label=None, maxEventLength=50, render='month',
others=None, timelineName=None, additionalInfo=None,
startDate=None, endDate=None, defaultDate=None, timeslots=None,
colors=None, showUncolored=False, preCompute=None,
applicableEvents=None, totalRows=None, totalCols=None,
validation=None, topPx=None, bottomPx=None, view=None,
xml=None, delete=True):
colors=None, showUncolored=False, columnColors=None,
preCompute=None, applicableEvents=None, totalRows=None,
totalCols=None, validation=None, layers=None, topPx=None,
bottomPx=None, view=None, xml=None, delete=True):
# The "validator" attribute, allowing field-specific validation, behaves
# differently for the Calendar field. If specified, it must hold a
# method that will be executed every time a user wants to create an
@ -699,6 +751,12 @@ class Calendar(Field):
# still show them? If yes, they will be represented by a dot with a
# tooltip containing the event name.
self.showUncolored = showUncolored
# In the timeline, the background color for columns can be defined in a
# method you specify here. This method must accept the current date (as
# a DateTime instance) as unique arg. If None, a default color scheme
# is used (see Calendar.timelineBgColors). Every time your method
# returns None, the default color scheme will apply.
self.columnColors = columnColors
# For a specific day, all event types may not be applicable. If this is
# the case, one may specify here a method that defines, for a given day,
# a sub-set of all event types. This method must accept 3 args: the day
@ -726,6 +784,10 @@ class Calendar(Field):
# enable this, define a Validation instance (see the hereabove class)
# in parameter "validation".
self.validation = validation
# "layers" define a stack of layers (as a list or tuple). Every layer
# must be a Layer instance and represents a set of data that can be
# shown or not on top of calendar data (currently, only for timelines).
self.layers = self.formatLayers(layers)
# May the user delete events in this calendar? If "delete" is a method,
# it must accept an event type as single arg.
self.delete = delete
@ -746,6 +808,15 @@ class Calendar(Field):
if timeslot.id == 'main': continue
timeslot.dayPart = 1.0 / count
def formatLayers(self, layers):
'''Chain layers via attribute "previous"'''
if not layers: return ()
i = len(layers) - 1
while i >= 1:
layers[i].previous = layers[i-1]
i -= 1
return layers
def log(self, obj, msg, date=None):
'''Logs m_msg, field-specifically prefixed.'''
prefix = '%s:%s' % (obj.id, self.name)
@ -858,10 +929,17 @@ class Calendar(Field):
# Unwrap some variables from the PX context
c = req.pxContext
date = c['date']; other = c['other']; render = 'timeline'
allEventNames = c['allEventNames']
allEventNames = c['allEventNames']; activeLayers = c['activeLayers']
# Get the events defined at that day, in the current calendar
events = self.getOtherEventsAt(obj, date, other, allEventNames, render,
events = self.getOtherEventsAt(date, other, allEventNames, render,
# In priority we will display info from a layer
if activeLayers:
# Walk layers in reverse order
layer = self.layers[-1]
info = layer.getCellInfo(obj, activeLayers, date, other, events,
if info: return '<td%s%s>%s</td>' % info
# Define the cell's style
style = self.getCellStyle(obj, date, render, events) or ''
if style: style = ' style="%s"' % style
@ -1227,7 +1305,7 @@ class Calendar(Field):
i += 1
return True
def getOtherEventsAt(self, obj, date, others, eventNames, render, colors):
def getOtherEventsAt(self, date, others, eventNames, render, colors):
'''Gets events that are defined in p_others at some p_date. If p_single
is True, p_others does not contain the list of all other calendars,
but information about a single calendar.'''
@ -1478,19 +1556,24 @@ class Calendar(Field):
# Cells representing specific days must have a specific background color
res = ''
day = date.aDay()
if day in Calendar.timelineBgColors:
res = 'background-color: %s' % Calendar.timelineBgColors[day]
# Do we have a custom color scheme where to get a color ?
color = None
if self.columnColors:
color = self.columnColors(obj.appy(), date)
if not color and (day in Calendar.timelineBgColors):
color = Calendar.timelineBgColors[day]
if color: res = 'background-color: %s' % color
return res
def getCellStyle(self, obj, date, render, events):
'''Gets the cell style to apply to the cell corresponding to p_date.'''
'''Gets the cell style to apply to the cell corresponding to p_date'''
if render != 'timeline': return # Currently, for timelines only
if not events: return
elif len(events) > 1:
# Return a special background indicating that several events are
# hidden behing this cell.
return 'background-image: url(%s/ui/angled.png)' % \
event = events[0]
if event.bgColor: return 'background-color: %s' % event.bgColor
@ -1607,7 +1690,6 @@ class Calendar(Field):
def computeTotals(self, totalType, obj, grid, others, preComputed):
'''Compute the totals for every column (p_totalType == 'row') or row
(p_totalType == "col").'''
obj = obj.appy()
allTotals = getattr(self, 'total%ss' % totalType.capitalize())
if not allTotals: return
# Count other calendars and dates in the grid
@ -1649,4 +1731,16 @@ class Calendar(Field):
totals.onCell(obj, date, other, events, total, last,
checked, preComputed)
return res
def getActiveLayers(self, req):
'''Gets the layers that are currently active'''
if req.has_key('activeLayers'):
# Get the from the request
layers = req['activeLayers'] or ()
if not layers: return layers
return layers.split(',')
# Get the layers that are active by default
res = [layer for layer in self.layers if layer.activeByDefault]
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View file

@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ class BaseMixin:
* initiator is the initiator (Zope or Appy) object;
* field is the Ref instance.
rq = self.REQUEST
rq = getattr(self, 'REQUEST', None)
if not rq: return None, None
if not rq.get('nav', '').startswith('ref.'): return None, None
splitted = rq['nav'].split('.')
initiator = self.getTool().getObject(splitted[1])

View file

@ -200,4 +200,4 @@ td.search { padding-top: 8px }
.highlight { background-color: yellow }
.globalActions { margin-bottom: 4px }
.objectActions { margin: 2px 0 }
.smallbox { margin: 0; vertical-align: middle }
.smallbox { margin: 0 0 0 3px; vertical-align: middle }

View file

@ -950,8 +950,8 @@ function closePopup(popupId, clean) {
popup.style.width = null;
// Clean field "clean" if specified
if (clean) {
var f = popup.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];
f.elements[clean].value = '';
var elem = popup.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].elements[clean];
if (elem) elem.value = '';
if (popupId == 'iframePopup') {
// Reinitialise the enclosing iframe

View file

@ -182,3 +182,25 @@ function onCheckCbCell(cb, hook, totalRows, totalCols) {
// Switches a layer on/off within a calendar
function switchCalendarLayer(hookId, checkbox) {
/* Update the ajax data about active layers from p_checkbox, that represents
the status of some layer */
var layer = checkbox.id.split('_').pop();
var d = getAjaxHook(hookId)['ajax'];
var activeLayers = d.params['activeLayers'];
if (checkbox.checked) {
// Add the layer to active layers
activeLayers = (!activeLayers)? layer: activeLayers + ',' + layer;
else {
// Remove the layer from active layers
var res = [];
var splitted = activeLayers.split(',');
for (var i=0; i<splitted.length; i++) {
if (splitted[i] != layer) res.push(splitted[i]);
activeLayers = res.join();
askAjax(hookId, null, {'activeLayers': activeLayers});