appy.gen: workflows are now implemented as full Appy worlflows. Plone (DC) workflow are not generated anymore. From the Appy user point of view (=developer), no change has occurred: it is a pure implementation concern. This is one more step towards Appy independence from Plone.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import re, time, copy, sys, types, os, os.path, mimetypes, StringIO
import re, time, copy, sys, types, os, os.path, mimetypes, string, StringIO
from appy.gen.layout import Table
from appy.gen.layout import defaultFieldLayouts
from appy.gen.po import PoMessage
@ -2167,7 +2167,13 @@ class Pod(Type):
value = value._atFile
setattr(obj,, value)
# Workflow-specific types ------------------------------------------------------
# Workflow-specific types and default workflows --------------------------------
appyToZopePermissions = {
'read': ('View', 'Access contents information'),
'write': 'Modify portal content',
'delete': 'Delete objects',
class Role:
'''Represents a role.'''
ploneRoles = ('Manager', 'Member', 'Owner', 'Reviewer', 'Anonymous',
@ -2201,6 +2207,12 @@ class State:
# Standardize the way roles are expressed within self.permissions
def getName(self, wf):
'''Returns the name for this state in workflow p_wf.'''
for name in dir(wf):
value = getattr(wf, name)
if (value == self): return name
def getRole(self, role):
'''p_role can be the name of a role or a Role instance. If it is the
name of a role, this method returns self.usedRoles[role] if it
@ -2233,16 +2245,6 @@ class State:
def getUsedRoles(self): return self.usedRoles.values()
def getTransitions(self, transitions, selfIsFromState=True):
'''Among p_transitions, returns those whose fromState is p_self (if
p_selfIsFromState is True) or those whose toState is p_self (if
p_selfIsFromState is False).'''
res = []
for t in transitions:
if self in t.getStates(selfIsFromState):
return res
def getPermissions(self):
'''If you get the permissions mapping through self.permissions, dict
values may be of different types (a list of roles, a single role or
@ -2258,6 +2260,38 @@ class State:
res[permission] = roleValue
return res
def updatePermission(self, obj, zopePermission, roleNames):
'''Updates, on p_obj, list of p_roleNames which are granted a given
attr = Permission.getZopeAttrName(zopePermission)
if not hasattr(obj.aq_base, attr) or \
(getattr(obj.aq_base, attr) != roleNames):
setattr(obj, attr, roleNames)
def updatePermissions(self, wf, obj):
'''Zope requires permission-to-roles mappings to be stored as attributes
on the object itself. This method does this job, duplicating the info
from this state on p_obj.'''
for permission, roles in self.getPermissions().iteritems():
roleNames = tuple([ for role in roles])
# Compute Zope permission(s) related to this permission.
if appyToZopePermissions.has_key(permission):
# It is a standard permission (r, w, d)
zopePerm = appyToZopePermissions[permission]
elif isinstance(permission, basestring):
# It is a user-defined permission
zopePerm = permission
# It is a Permission instance
appName = obj.getProductConfig().PROJECTNAME
zopePerm = permission.getName(wf, appName)
# zopePerm contains a single permission or a tuple of permissions
if isinstance(zopePerm, basestring):
self.updatePermission(obj, zopePerm, roleNames)
for zPerm in zopePerm:
self.updatePermission(obj, zPerm, roleNames)
class Transition:
def __init__(self, states, condition=True, action=None, notify=None,
show=True, confirm=False):
@ -2277,6 +2311,12 @@ class Transition:
# the transition. It will only be possible by code.
self.confirm = confirm # If True, a confirm popup will show up.
def getName(self, wf):
'''Returns the name for this state in workflow p_wf.'''
for name in dir(wf):
value = getattr(wf, name)
if (value == self): return name
def getUsedRoles(self):
'''self.condition can specify a role.'''
res = []
@ -2296,23 +2336,6 @@ class Transition:
def getStates(self, fromStates=True):
'''Returns the fromState(s) if p_fromStates is True, the toState(s)
else. If you want to get the states grouped in tuples
(fromState, toState), simply use self.states.'''
res = []
stateIndex = 1
if fromStates:
stateIndex = 0
if self.isSingle():
for states in self.states:
theState = states[stateIndex]
if theState not in res:
return res
def hasState(self, state, isFrom):
'''If p_isFrom is True, this method returns True if p_state is a
starting state for p_self. If p_isFrom is False, this method returns
@ -2330,6 +2353,117 @@ class Transition:
return res
def isTriggerable(self, obj, wf):
'''Can this transition be triggered on p_obj?'''
# Checks that the current state of the object is a start state for this
# transition.
objState = obj.getState(name=False)
if self.isSingle():
if objState != self.states[0]: return False
startFound = False
for startState, stopState in self.states:
if startState == objState:
startFound = True
if not startFound: return False
# Check that the condition is met
user = obj.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
if isinstance(self.condition, Role):
# Condition is a role. Transition may be triggered if the user has
# this role.
return user.has_role(, obj)
elif type(self.condition) == types.FunctionType:
return self.condition(wf, obj.appy())
elif type(self.condition) in (tuple, list):
# It is a list of roles and/or functions. Transition may be
# triggered if user has at least one of those roles and if all
# functions return True.
hasRole = None
for roleOrFunction in self.condition:
if isinstance(roleOrFunction, basestring):
if hasRole == None:
hasRole = False
if user.has_role(roleOrFunction, obj):
hasRole = True
elif type(roleOrFunction) == types.FunctionType:
if not roleOrFunction(wf, obj.appy()):
return False
if hasRole != False:
return True
def executeAction(self, obj, wf):
'''Executes the action related to this transition.'''
msg = ''
if type(self.action) in (tuple, list):
# We need to execute a list of actions
for act in self.action:
msgPart = act(wf, obj.appy())
if msgPart: msg += msgPart
else: # We execute a single action only.
msgPart = self.action(wf, obj.appy())
if msgPart: msg += msgPart
return msg
def trigger(self, transitionName, obj, wf, comment, doAction=True,
doNotify=True, doHistory=True, doSay=True):
'''This method triggers this transition on p_obj. The transition is
supposed to be triggerable (call to self.isTriggerable must have been
performed before calling this method). If p_doAction is False, the
action that must normally be executed after the transition has been
triggered will not be executed. If p_doNotify is False, the
notifications (email,...) that must normally be launched after the
transition has been triggered will not be launched. If p_doHistory is
False, there will be no trace from this transition triggering in the
workflow history. If p_doSay is False, we consider the transition is
trigger programmatically, and no message is returned to the user.'''
# Create the workflow_history dict if it does not exist.
if not hasattr(obj.aq_base, 'workflow_history'):
from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping
obj.workflow_history = PersistentMapping()
# Create the event list if it does not exist in the dict
if not obj.workflow_history: obj.workflow_history['appy'] = ()
# Get the key where object history is stored (this overstructure is
# only there for backward compatibility reasons)
key = obj.workflow_history.keys()[0]
# Identify the target state for this transition
if self.isSingle():
targetState = self.states[1]
targetStateName = targetState.getName(wf)
startState = obj.getState(name=False)
for sState, tState in self.states:
if startState == sState:
targetState = tState
targetStateName = targetState.getName(wf)
# Create the event and put it in workflow_history
from DateTime import DateTime
action = transitionName
if transitionName == '_init_': action = None
userId = obj.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getId()
if not doHistory: comment = '_invisible_'
obj.workflow_history[key] += (
{'action':action, 'review_state': targetStateName,
'comments': comment, 'actor': userId, 'time': DateTime()},)
# Update permissions-to-roles attributes
targetState.updatePermissions(wf, obj)
# Refresh catalog-related security if required
if not obj.isTemporary():
# Execute the related action if needed
msg = ''
if doAction and self.action: msg = self.executeAction(obj, wf)
# Send notifications if needed
if doNotify and self.notify and obj.getTool(True).enableNotifications:
notifier.sendMail(obj.appy(), self, transitionName, wf)
# Return a message to the user if needed
if not doSay or (transitionName == '_init_'): return
if not msg:
msg = obj.translate(u'Your content\'s status has been modified.',
class Permission:
'''If you need to define a specific read or write permission of a given
attribute of an Appy type, you use the specific boolean parameters
@ -2346,9 +2480,37 @@ class Permission:
and "specificWritePermission" as booleans. When defining named
(string) permissions, for referring to it you simply use those strings,
you do not create instances of ReadPermission or WritePermission.'''
allowedChars = string.digits + string.letters + '_'
def __init__(self, fieldDescriptor):
self.fieldDescriptor = fieldDescriptor
def getName(self, wf, appName):
'''Returns the name of the Zope permission that corresponds to this
className, fieldName = self.fieldDescriptor.rsplit('.', 1)
if className.find('.') == -1:
# The related class resides in the same module as the workflow
fullClassName= '%s_%s' % (wf.__module__.replace('.', '_'),className)
# className contains the full package name of the class
fullClassName = className.replace('.', '_')
# Read or Write ?
if self.__class__.__name__ == 'ReadPermission': access = 'Read'
else: access = 'Write'
return '%s: %s %s %s' % (appName, access, fullClassName, fieldName)
def getZopeAttrName(zopePermission):
'''Gets the name of the attribute where Zope stores, on every object,
the tuple of roles who are granted a given p_zopePermission.'''
res = ''
for c in zopePermission:
if c in Permission.allowedChars: res += c
else: res += '_'
return '_%s_Permission' % res
class ReadPermission(Permission): pass
class WritePermission(Permission): pass
@ -2363,6 +2525,17 @@ class No:
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
class WorkflowAnonymous:
'''One-state workflow allowing anyone to consult and Manager to edit.'''
mgr = 'Manager'
active = State({r:[mgr, 'Anonymous'], w:mgr, d:mgr}, initial=True)
class WorkflowAuthenticated:
'''One-state workflow allowing authenticated users to consult and Manager
to edit.'''
mgr = 'Manager'
active = State({r:[mgr, 'Authenticated'], w:mgr, d:mgr}, initial=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Selection:
'''Instances of this class may be given as validator of a String, in order
@ -89,141 +89,9 @@ class ClassDescriptor(Descriptor):
class WorkflowDescriptor(Descriptor):
'''This class gives information about an Appy workflow.'''
def _getWorkflowElements(self, elemType):
res = []
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
condition = False
if elemType == 'states':
condition = isinstance(attrValue, State)
elif elemType == 'transitions':
condition = isinstance(attrValue, Transition)
elif elemType == 'all':
condition = isinstance(attrValue, State) or \
isinstance(attrValue, Transition)
if condition:
return res
def getStates(self):
return self._getWorkflowElements('states')
def getTransitions(self):
return self._getWorkflowElements('transitions')
def getStateNames(self, ordered=False):
res = []
attrs = dir(self.klass)
allAttrs = attrs
if ordered:
attrs = self.orderedAttributes
allAttrs = dir(self.klass)
for attrName in attrs:
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, State):
# Complete the list with inherited states. For the moment, we are unable
# to sort inherited states.
for attrName in allAttrs:
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, State) and (attrName not in attrs):
res.insert(0, attrName)
return res
def getInitialStateName(self):
res = None
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, State) and attrValue.initial:
res = attrName
return res
def getTransitionNamesOf(self, transitionName, transition,
'''Appy p_transition may correspond to several transitions of the
concrete workflow engine used. This method returns in a list the
name(s) of the "concrete" transition(s) corresponding to
res = []
if transition.isSingle():
for fromState, toState in transition.states:
if not limitToFromState or \
(limitToFromState and (fromState == limitToFromState)):
fromStateName = self.getNameOf(fromState)
toStateName = self.getNameOf(toState)
res.append('%s%s%sTo%s%s' % (transitionName,
fromStateName[0].upper(), fromStateName[1:],
toStateName[0].upper(), toStateName[1:]))
return res
def getTransitionNames(self, limitToTransitions=None, limitToFromState=None,
'''Returns the name of all "concrete" transitions corresponding to the
Appy transitions of this worlflow. If p_limitToTransitions is not
None, it represents a list of Appy transitions and the result is a
list of the names of the "concrete" transitions that correspond to
those transitions only. If p_limitToFromState is not None, it
represents an Appy state; only transitions having this state as start
state will be taken into account. If p_withLabels is True, the method
returns a list of tuples (s_transitionName, s_transitionLabel); the
label being the name of the Appy transition.'''
res = []
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, Transition):
# We encountered a transition.
t = attrValue
tName = attrName
if not limitToTransitions or \
(limitToTransitions and t in limitToTransitions):
# We must take this transition into account according to
# param "limitToTransitions".
if (not limitToFromState) or \
(limitToFromState and \
t.hasState(limitToFromState, isFrom=True)):
# We must take this transition into account according
# to param "limitToFromState"
tNames = self.getTransitionNamesOf(
tName, t, limitToFromState)
if not withLabels:
res += tNames
for tn in tNames:
res.append((tn, tName))
return res
def getEndStateName(self, transitionName):
'''Returns the name of the state where the "concrete" transition named
p_transitionName ends.'''
res = None
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if isinstance(attrValue, Transition):
# We got a transition.
t = attrValue
tName = attrName
if t.isSingle():
if transitionName == tName:
endState = t.states[1]
res = self.getNameOf(endState)
transNames = self.getTransitionNamesOf(tName, t)
if transitionName in transNames:
endState = t.states[transNames.index(transitionName)][1]
res = self.getNameOf(endState)
return res
def getNameOf(self, stateOrTransition):
'''Gets the Appy name of a p_stateOrTransition.'''
res = None
for attrName in dir(self.klass):
attrValue = getattr(self.klass, attrName)
if attrValue == stateOrTransition:
res = attrName
return res
def getWorkflowName(klass):
'''Returns the name of this workflow.'''
res = klass.__module__.replace('.', '_') + '_' + klass.__name__
return res.lower()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -598,122 +598,4 @@ class TranslationClassDescriptor(ClassDescriptor):
params['format'] = String.TEXT
params['height'] = height
self.addField(messageId, String(**params))
class WorkflowDescriptor(appy.gen.descriptors.WorkflowDescriptor):
'''Represents a workflow.'''
# How to map Appy permissions to Plone permissions ?
appyToPlonePermissions = {
'read': ('View', 'Access contents information'),
'write': ('Modify portal content',),
'delete': ('Delete objects',),
def getPlonePermissions(self, permission):
'''Returns the Plone permission(s) that correspond to
Appy p_permission.'''
if self.appyToPlonePermissions.has_key(permission):
res = self.appyToPlonePermissions[permission]
elif isinstance(permission, basestring):
res = [permission]
# Permission if an Appy permission declaration
className, fieldName = permission.fieldDescriptor.rsplit('.', 1)
if className.find('.') == -1:
# The related class resides in the same module as the workflow
fullClassName = '%s_%s' % (
self.klass.__module__.replace('.', '_'), className)
# className contains the full package name of the class
fullClassName = className.replace('.', '_')
# Read or Write ?
if permission.__class__.__name__ == 'ReadPermission':
access = 'Read'
access = 'Write'
permName = '%s: %s %s %s' % (self.generator.applicationName,
access, fullClassName, fieldName)
res = [permName]
return res
def getWorkflowName(klass):
'''Generates the name of the corresponding Archetypes workflow.'''
res = klass.__module__.replace('.', '_') + '_' + klass.__name__
return res.lower()
getWorkflowName = staticmethod(getWorkflowName)
def getStatesInfo(self, asDumpableCode=False):
'''Gets, in a dict, information for configuring states of the workflow.
If p_asDumpableCode is True, instead of returning a dict, this
method will return a string containing the dict that can be dumped
into a Python code file.'''
res = {}
transitions = self.getTransitions()
for state in self.getStates():
stateName = self.getNameOf(state)
# We need the list of transitions that start from this state
outTransitions = state.getTransitions(transitions,
tNames = self.getTransitionNames(outTransitions,
# Compute the permissions/roles mapping for this state
permissionsMapping = {}
for permission, roles in state.getPermissions().iteritems():
for plonePerm in self.getPlonePermissions(permission):
permissionsMapping[plonePerm] = [ for r in roles]
# Add 'Review portal content' to anyone; this is not a security
# problem because we limit the triggering of every transition
# individually.
allRoles = [ for r in self.generator.getAllUsedRoles()]
if 'Manager' not in allRoles: allRoles.append('Manager')
permissionsMapping['Review portal content'] = allRoles
res[stateName] = (tNames, permissionsMapping)
if not asDumpableCode:
return res
# We must create the "Python code" version of this dict
newRes = '{'
for stateName, stateInfo in res.iteritems():
transitions = ','.join(['"%s"' % tn for tn in stateInfo[0]])
# Compute permissions
permissions = ''
for perm, roles in stateInfo[1].iteritems():
theRoles = ','.join(['"%s"' % r for r in roles])
permissions += '"%s": [%s],' % (perm, theRoles)
newRes += '\n "%s": ([%s], {%s}),' % \
(stateName, transitions, permissions)
return newRes + '}'
def getTransitionsInfo(self, asDumpableCode=False):
'''Gets, in a dict, information for configuring transitions of the
workflow. If p_asDumpableCode is True, instead of returning a dict,
this method will return a string containing the dict that can be
dumped into a Python code file.'''
res = {}
for tName in self.getTransitionNames():
res[tName] = self.getEndStateName(tName)
if not asDumpableCode:
return res
# We must create the "Python code" version of this dict
newRes = '{'
for transitionName, endStateName in res.iteritems():
newRes += '\n "%s": "%s",' % (transitionName, endStateName)
return newRes + '}'
def getManagedPermissions(self):
'''Returns the Plone permissions of all Appy permissions managed by this
res = set()
res.add('Review portal content')
for state in self.getStates():
for permission in state.permissions.iterkeys():
for plonePerm in self.getPlonePermissions(permission):
return res
def getScripts(self):
res = ''
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(self.klass)
for tName in self.getTransitionNames():
scriptName = '%s_do%s%s' % (wfName, tName[0].upper(), tName[1:])
res += 'def %s(self, stateChange, **kw): do("%s", ' \
'stateChange, logger)\n' % (scriptName, tName)
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ from appy.gen import *
from appy.gen.po import PoMessage, PoFile, PoParser
from appy.gen.generator import Generator as AbstractGenerator
from appy.gen.utils import getClassName
from descriptors import ClassDescriptor, WorkflowDescriptor, \
ToolClassDescriptor, UserClassDescriptor, \
from appy.gen.descriptors import WorkflowDescriptor
from descriptors import ClassDescriptor, ToolClassDescriptor, \
UserClassDescriptor, TranslationClassDescriptor
from model import ModelClass, User, Tool, Translation
# Common methods that need to be defined on every Archetype class --------------
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class Generator(AbstractGenerator):
AbstractGenerator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Set our own Descriptor classes
self.descriptorClasses['class'] = ClassDescriptor
self.descriptorClasses['workflow'] = WorkflowDescriptor
# Create our own Tool, User and Translation instances
self.tool = ToolClassDescriptor(Tool, self)
self.user = UserClassDescriptor(User, self)
@ -159,7 +158,6 @@ class Generator(AbstractGenerator):
# Create basic files (,, etc)
if self.config.frontPage:
@ -368,33 +366,6 @@ class Generator(AbstractGenerator):
catalogMap += "catalogMap['%s']['black'] = " \
"['portal_catalog']\n" % blackClass
repls['catalogMap'] = catalogMap
# Compute workflows
workflows = ''
for classDescr in classesAll:
if hasattr(classDescr.klass, 'workflow'):
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(
workflows += '\n "%s":"%s",' % (, wfName)
repls['workflows'] = workflows
# Compute workflow instances initialisation
wfInit = ''
for workflowDescr in self.workflows:
k = workflowDescr.klass
className = '%s.%s' % (k.__module__, k.__name__)
wfInit += 'wf = %s()\n' % className
wfInit += 'wf._transitionsMapping = {}\n'
for transition in workflowDescr.getTransitions():
tName = workflowDescr.getNameOf(transition)
tNames = workflowDescr.getTransitionNamesOf(tName, transition)
for trName in tNames:
wfInit += 'wf._transitionsMapping["%s"] = wf.%s\n' % \
(trName, tName)
# We need a new attribute that stores states in order
wfInit += 'wf._states = []\n'
for stateName in workflowDescr.getStateNames(ordered=True):
wfInit += 'wf._states.append("%s")\n' % stateName
wfInit += 'workflowInstances[%s] = wf\n' % className
repls['workflowInstancesInit'] = wfInit
# Compute the list of ordered attributes (forward and backward,
# inherited included) for every Appy class.
attributes = []
@ -463,40 +434,6 @@ class Generator(AbstractGenerator):
repls['totalNumberOfTests'] = self.totalNumberOfTests
self.copyFile('', repls)
def generateWorkflows(self):
'''Generates the file that contains one function by workflow.
Those functions are called by Plone for registering the workflows.'''
workflows = ''
for wfDescr in self.workflows:
# Compute state names & info, transition names & infos, managed
# permissions
stateNames=','.join(['"%s"' % sn for sn in wfDescr.getStateNames()])
stateInfos = wfDescr.getStatesInfo(asDumpableCode=True)
transitionNames = ','.join(['"%s"' % tn for tn in \
transitionInfos = wfDescr.getTransitionsInfo(asDumpableCode=True)
managedPermissions = ','.join(['"%s"' % tn for tn in \
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass)
workflows += '%s\ndef create_%s(self, id):\n ' \
'stateNames = [%s]\n ' \
'stateInfos = %s\n ' \
'transitionNames = [%s]\n ' \
'transitionInfos = %s\n ' \
'managedPermissions = [%s]\n ' \
'return WorkflowCreator("%s", DCWorkflowDefinition, ' \
'stateNames, "%s", stateInfos, transitionNames, ' \
'transitionInfos, managedPermissions, PROJECTNAME, ' \
'ExternalMethod).run()\n' \
'addWorkflowFactory(create_%s,\n id="%s",\n ' \
'title="%s")\n\n' % (wfDescr.getScripts(), wfName, stateNames,
stateInfos, transitionNames, transitionInfos,
managedPermissions, wfName, wfDescr.getInitialStateName(),
wfName, wfName, wfName)
repls = self.repls.copy()
repls['workflows'] = workflows
self.copyFile('', repls, destFolder='Extensions')
def generateWrapperProperty(self, name, type):
'''Generates the getter for attribute p_name.'''
res = ' def get_%s(self):\n ' % name
@ -519,18 +456,17 @@ class Generator(AbstractGenerator):
* "custom" it includes descriptors for the config-related classes
for which the user has created a sub-class.'''
if not include: return self.classes
res = self.classes[:]
configClasses = [self.tool, self.user, self.translation]
if include == 'all':
res += configClasses
elif include == 'allButTool':
res += configClasses[1:]
elif include == 'custom':
res += [c for c in configClasses if c.customized]
elif include == 'predefined':
res = configClasses
return res
res = self.classes[:]
configClasses = [self.tool, self.user, self.translation]
if include == 'all':
res += configClasses
elif include == 'allButTool':
res += configClasses[1:]
elif include == 'custom':
res += [c for c in configClasses if c.customized]
elif include == 'predefined':
res = configClasses
return res
def getClassesInOrder(self, allClasses):
'''When generating wrappers, classes mut be dumped in order (else, it
@ -793,44 +729,39 @@ class Generator(AbstractGenerator):
self.copyFile('', repls, destName=fileName)
def generateWorkflow(self, wfDescr):
'''This method does not generate the workflow definition, which is done
in self.generateWorkflows. This method just creates the i18n labels
related to the workflow described by p_wfDescr.'''
'''This method creates the i18n labels related to the workflow described
by p_wfDescr.'''
k = wfDescr.klass
print 'Generating %s.%s (gen-workflow)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__)
# Identify Plone workflow name
# Identify workflow name
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass)
# Add i18n messages for states and transitions
for sName in wfDescr.getStateNames():
poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, sName), '', sName)
# Add i18n messages for states
for name in dir(wfDescr.klass):
if not isinstance(getattr(wfDescr.klass, name), State): continue
poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), '', name)
for tName, tLabel in wfDescr.getTransitionNames(withLabels=True):
poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, tName), '', tLabel)
# Add i18n messages for transitions
for name in dir(wfDescr.klass):
transition = getattr(wfDescr.klass, name)
if not isinstance(transition, Transition): continue
poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, name), '', name)
for transition in wfDescr.getTransitions():
# Get the Appy transition name
tName = wfDescr.getNameOf(transition)
# Get the names of the corresponding DC transition(s)
tNames = wfDescr.getTransitionNamesOf(tName, transition)
if transition.confirm:
# We need to generate a label for the message that will be shown
# in the confirm popup.
for tn in tNames:
label = '%s_%s_confirm' % (wfName, tn)
poMsg = PoMessage(label, '', PoMessage.CONFIRM)
label = '%s_%s_confirm' % (wfName, name)
poMsg = PoMessage(label, '', PoMessage.CONFIRM)
if transition.notify:
# Appy will send a mail when this transition is triggered.
# So we need 2 i18n labels for every DC transition corresponding
# to this Appy transition: one for the mail subject and one for
# So we need 2 i18n labels: one for the mail subject and one for
# the mail body.
for tn in tNames:
subjectLabel = '%s_%s_mail_subject' % (wfName, tn)
poMsg = PoMessage(subjectLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_SUBJECT)
bodyLabel = '%s_%s_mail_body' % (wfName, tn)
poMsg = PoMessage(bodyLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_BODY)
subjectLabel = '%s_%s_mail_subject' % (wfName, name)
poMsg = PoMessage(subjectLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_SUBJECT)
bodyLabel = '%s_%s_mail_body' % (wfName, name)
poMsg = PoMessage(bodyLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_BODY)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ class PloneInstaller:
self.catalogMap = cfg.catalogMap
self.applicationRoles = cfg.applicationRoles # Roles defined in the app
self.defaultAddRoles = cfg.defaultAddRoles
self.workflows = cfg.workflows
self.appFrontPage = cfg.appFrontPage
self.showPortlet = cfg.showPortlet
self.languages = cfg.languages
@ -378,22 +377,6 @@ class PloneInstaller:
site.portal_groups.setRolesForGroup(group, [role])
site.__ac_roles__ = tuple(data)
def installWorkflows(self):
'''Creates or updates the workflows defined in the application.'''
wfTool = self.ploneSite.portal_workflow
for contentType, workflowName in self.workflows.iteritems():
# Register the workflow if needed
if workflowName not in wfTool.listWorkflows():
wfMethod = self.config.ExternalMethod('temp', 'temp',
self.productName + '.workflows', 'create_%s' % workflowName)
workflow = wfMethod(self, workflowName)
wfTool._setObject(workflowName, workflow)
self.appyTool.log('%s already in workflows.' % workflowName)
# Link the workflow to the current content type
wfTool.setChainForPortalTypes([contentType], workflowName)
return wfTool
def installStyleSheet(self):
'''Registers In Plone the stylesheet linked to this application.'''
cssName = self.productName + '.css'
@ -495,7 +478,6 @@ class PloneInstaller:
@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, os.path, sys, types, mimetypes, urllib, cgi
import appy.gen
from appy.gen import Type, String, Selection, Role, No
from appy.gen import Type, String, Selection, Role, No, WorkflowAnonymous, \
from appy.gen.utils import *
from appy.gen.layout import Table, defaultPageLayouts
from appy.gen.descriptors import WorkflowDescriptor
from appy.gen.plone25.descriptors import ClassDescriptor
from appy.gen.plone25.utils import updateRolesForPermission,checkTransitionGuard
@ -300,6 +302,27 @@ class BaseMixin:
else: logMethod =
def getState(self, name=True):
'''Returns state information about this object. If p_name is True, the
returned info is the state name. Else, it is the State instance.'''
if hasattr(self.aq_base, 'workflow_history'):
key = self.workflow_history.keys()[0]
stateName = self.workflow_history[key][-1]['review_state']
if name: return stateName
else: return getattr(self.getWorkflow(), stateName)
# No workflow information is available (yet) on this object. So
# return the workflow initial state.
wf = self.getWorkflow()
initStateName = 'active'
for elem in dir(wf):
attr = getattr(wf, elem)
if (attr.__class__.__name__ == 'State') and attr.initial:
initStateName = elem
if name: return initStateName
else: return getattr(wf, initStateName)
def rememberPreviousData(self):
'''This method is called before updating an object and remembers, for
every historized field, the previous value. Result is a dict
@ -327,11 +350,10 @@ class BaseMixin:
changes[fieldName] = (changes[fieldName], appyType.labelId)
# Create the event to record in the history
DateTime = self.getProductConfig().DateTime
state = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state')
from DateTime import DateTime
user = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
event = {'action': '_datachange_', 'changes': changes,
'review_state': state, 'actor':,
'review_state': self.getState(), 'actor':,
'time': DateTime(), 'comments': ''}
# Add the event to the history
histKey = self.workflow_history.keys()[0]
@ -583,62 +605,48 @@ class BaseMixin:
'''Returns information about the states that are related to p_phase.
If p_currentOnly is True, we return the current state, even if not
related to p_phase.'''
res = []
dcWorkflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=False)
if not dcWorkflow: return res
currentState = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state')
currentState = self.getState()
if currentOnly:
return [StateDescr(currentState,'current').get()]
workflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=True)
if workflow:
stateStatus = 'done'
for stateName in workflow._states:
if stateName == currentState:
stateStatus = 'current'
elif stateStatus != 'done':
stateStatus = 'future'
state = getattr(workflow, stateName)
if (state.phase == phase) and \
res.append(StateDescr(stateName, stateStatus).get())
return [StateDescr(currentState, 'current').get()]
res = []
workflow = self.getWorkflow()
stateStatus = 'done'
for stateName in dir(workflow):
if getattr(workflow, stateName).__class__.__name__ != 'State':
if stateName == currentState:
stateStatus = 'current'
elif stateStatus != 'done':
stateStatus = 'future'
state = getattr(workflow, stateName)
if (state.phase == phase) and \
res.append(StateDescr(stateName, stateStatus).get())
return res
def getAppyTransitions(self, includeFake=True, includeNotShowable=False):
'''This method is similar to portal_workflow.getTransitionsFor, but:
* is able (or not, depending on boolean p_includeFake) to retrieve
transitions that the user can't trigger, but for which he needs to
know for what reason he can't trigger it;
* is able (or not, depending on p_includeNotShowable) to include
transitions for which show=False at the Appy level. Indeed, because
"showability" is only a GUI concern, and not a security concern,
in some cases it has sense to set includeNotShowable=True, because
those transitions are triggerable from a security point of view;
* the transition-info is richer: it contains fake-related info (as
described above) and confirm-related info (ie, when clicking on
the button, do we ask the user to confirm via a popup?)'''
'''This method returns info about transitions that one can trigger from
the user interface.
* if p_includeFake is True, it retrieves transitions that the user
can't trigger, but for which he needs to know for what reason he
can't trigger it;
* if p_includeNotShowable is True, it includes transitions for which
show=False. Indeed, because "showability" is only a GUI concern,
and not a security concern, in some cases it has sense to set
includeNotShowable=True, because those transitions are triggerable
from a security point of view.
res = []
# Get some Plone stuff from the Plone-level
sm = self.getProductConfig().getSecurityManager
# Get the workflow definition for p_obj.
workflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=False)
if not workflow: return res
appyWorkflow = self.getWorkflow(appy=True)
# What is the current state for this object?
currentState = workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(self)
if not currentState: return res
# Analyse all the transitions that start from this state.
for transitionId in currentState.transitions:
transition = workflow.transitions.get(transitionId, None)
appyTr = appyWorkflow._transitionsMapping[transitionId]
if not transition or (transition.trigger_type!=TRIGGER_USER_ACTION)\
or not transition.actbox_name: continue
# We have a possible candidate for a user-triggerable transition
if transition.guard is None:
mayTrigger = True
mayTrigger = checkTransitionGuard(transition.guard, sm(),
workflow, self)
wf = self.getWorkflow()
currentState = self.getState(name=False)
# Loop on every transition
for name in dir(wf):
transition = getattr(wf, name)
if (transition.__class__.__name__ != 'Transition'): continue
# Filter transitions that do not have currentState as start state
if not transition.hasState(currentState, True): continue
# Check if the transition can be triggered
mayTrigger = transition.isTriggerable(self, wf)
# Compute the condition that will lead to including or not this
# transition
if not includeFake:
@ -646,19 +654,15 @@ class BaseMixin:
includeIt = mayTrigger or isinstance(mayTrigger, No)
if not includeNotShowable:
includeIt = includeIt and appyTr.isShowable(appyWorkflow, self)
includeIt = includeIt and transition.isShowable(wf, self)
if not includeIt: continue
# Add transition-info to the result.
tInfo = {'id':, 'title': transition.title,
'title_or_id': transition.title_or_id(),
'description': transition.description, 'confirm': '',
'name': transition.actbox_name, 'may_trigger': True,
'url': transition.actbox_url %
{'content_url': self.absolute_url(),
'portal_url' : '', 'folder_url' : ''}}
if appyTr.confirm:
label = '%s_confirm' % tInfo['name']
tInfo['confirm'] = self.translate(label, format='js')
label = self.getWorkflowLabel(name)
tInfo = {'name': name, 'title': self.translate(label),
'confirm': '', 'may_trigger': True}
if transition.confirm:
cLabel = '%s_confirm' % label
tInfo['confirm'] = self.translate(cLabel, format='js')
if not mayTrigger:
tInfo['may_trigger'] = False
tInfo['reason'] = mayTrigger.msg
@ -793,39 +797,32 @@ class BaseMixin:
reverse = rq.get('reverse') == 'True'
self.appy().sort(fieldName, sortKey=sortKey, reverse=reverse)
def getWorkflow(self, appy=True):
'''Returns the Appy workflow instance that is relevant for this
object. If p_appy is False, it returns the DC workflow.'''
res = None
if appy:
# Get the workflow class first
workflowClass = None
if self.wrapperClass:
appyClass = self.wrapperClass.__bases__[-1]
if hasattr(appyClass, 'workflow'):
workflowClass = appyClass.workflow
if workflowClass:
# Get the corresponding prototypical workflow instance
res = self.getProductConfig().workflowInstances[workflowClass]
dcWorkflows = self.portal_workflow.getWorkflowsFor(self)
if dcWorkflows:
res = dcWorkflows[0]
return res
def notifyWorkflowCreated(self):
'''This method is called by Zope/CMF every time an object is created,
be it temp or not. The objective here is to initialise workflow-
related data on the object.'''
wf = self.getWorkflow()
# Get the initial workflow state
initialState = self.getState(name=False)
# Create a Transition instance representing the initial transition.
initialTransition = Transition((initialState, initialState))
initialTransition.trigger('_init_', self, wf, '')
def getWorkflow(self, name=False):
'''Returns the workflow applicable for p_self (or its name, if p_name
is True).'''
appyClass = self.wrapperClass.__bases__[-1]
if hasattr(appyClass, 'workflow'): wf = appyClass.workflow
else: wf = WorkflowAnonymous
if not name: return wf
return WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wf)
def getWorkflowLabel(self, stateName=None):
'''Gets the i18n label for the workflow current state. If no p_stateName
is given, workflow label is given for the current state.'''
res = ''
wf = self.getWorkflow(appy=False)
if wf:
res = stateName
if not res:
res = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self, 'review_state')
appyWf = self.getWorkflow(appy=True)
if appyWf:
res = '%s_%s' % (, res)
return res
'''Gets the i18n label for p_stateName, or for the current object state
if p_stateName is not given. Note that if p_stateName is given, it
can also represent the name of a transition.'''
stateName = stateName or self.getState()
return '%s_%s' % (self.getWorkflow(name=True), stateName)
def hasHistory(self):
'''Has this object an history?'''
@ -848,39 +845,6 @@ class BaseMixin:
return {'events': history[startNumber:startNumber+batchSize],
'totalNumber': len(history)}
def may(self, transitionName):
'''May the user execute transition named p_transitionName?'''
# Get the Appy workflow instance
workflow = self.getWorkflow()
res = False
if workflow:
# Get the corresponding Appy transition
transition = workflow._transitionsMapping[transitionName]
user = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
if isinstance(transition.condition, Role):
# It is a role. Transition may be triggered if the user has this
# role.
res = user.has_role(, self)
elif type(transition.condition) == types.FunctionType:
res = transition.condition(workflow, self.appy())
elif type(transition.condition) in (tuple, list):
# It is a list of roles and or functions. Transition may be
# triggered if user has at least one of those roles and if all
# functions return True.
hasRole = None
for roleOrFunction in transition.condition:
if isinstance(roleOrFunction, basestring):
if hasRole == None:
hasRole = False
if user.has_role(roleOrFunction, self):
hasRole = True
elif type(roleOrFunction) == types.FunctionType:
if not roleOrFunction(workflow, self.appy()):
return False
if hasRole != False:
res = True
return res
def mayNavigate(self):
'''May the currently logged user see the navigation panel linked to
this object?'''
@ -946,16 +910,28 @@ class BaseMixin:
# the user.
return self.goto(msg)
def onTriggerTransition(self):
def do(self, transitionName, comment='', doAction=True, doNotify=True,
doHistory=True, doSay=True):
'''Triggers transition named p_transitionName.'''
# Check that this transition exists.
wf = self.getWorkflow()
if not hasattr(wf, transitionName) or \
getattr(wf, transitionName).__class__.__name__ != 'Transition':
raise 'Transition "%s" was not found.' % transitionName
# Is this transition triggerable?
transition = getattr(wf, transitionName)
if not transition.isTriggerable(self, wf):
raise 'Transition "%s" can\'t be triggered' % transitionName
# Trigger the transition
transition.trigger(transitionName, self, wf, comment, doAction=doAction,
doNotify=doNotify, doHistory=doHistory, doSay=doSay)
def onDo(self):
'''This method is called whenever a user wants to trigger a workflow
transition on an object.'''
rq = self.REQUEST
self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(self, rq['workflow_action'],
comment = rq.get('comment', ''))
||||['workflow_action'], comment=rq.get('comment', ''))
# Where to redirect the user back ?
# TODO (?): remove the "phase" param for redirecting the user to the
# next phase when relevant.
return self.goto(self.getUrl(rq['HTTP_REFERER']))
def fieldValueSelected(self, fieldName, vocabValue, dbValue):
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ SENDMAIL_ERROR = 'Error while sending mail: %s.'
ENCODING_ERROR = 'Encoding error while sending mail: %s.'
from appy.gen.utils import sequenceTypes
from appy.gen.plone25.descriptors import WorkflowDescriptor
from appy.gen.descriptors import WorkflowDescriptor
import socket
def sendMail(obj, transition, transitionName, workflow, logger):
def sendMail(obj, transition, transitionName, workflow):
'''Sends mail about p_transition that has been triggered on p_obj that is
controlled by p_workflow.'''
wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(workflow.__class__)
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ def sendMail(obj, transition, transitionName, workflow, logger):
recipient.encode(enc), fromAddress.encode(enc),
mailSubject.encode(enc), mcc=cc, charset='utf-8')
except socket.error, sg:
logger.warn(SENDMAIL_ERROR % str(sg))
obj.log(SENDMAIL_ERROR % str(sg), type='warning')
except UnicodeDecodeError, ue:
logger.warn(ENCODING_ERROR % str(ue))
obj.log(ENCODING_ERROR % str(ue), type='warning')
except Exception, e:
logger.warn(SENDMAIL_ERROR % str(e))
obj.log(SENDMAIL_ERROR % str(e), type='warning')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
<form id="triggerTransitionForm" method="post"
tal:attributes="action python: contextObj.absolute_url() + '/skyn/do'">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="TriggerTransition"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Do"/>
<input type="hidden" name="workflow_action"/>
<tr valign="middle">
@ -530,11 +530,11 @@
<td align="right" tal:repeat="transition transitions">
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Real button</tal:comment>
<input type="button" class="appyButton" tal:condition="transition/may_trigger"
tal:attributes="value python: tool.translate(transition['name']);
onClick python: 'triggerTransition(\'%s\',\'%s\')' % (transition['id'],transition['confirm']);"/>
tal:attributes="value transition/title;
onClick python: 'triggerTransition(\'%s\',\'%s\')' % (transition['name'],transition['confirm']);"/>
<tal:comment replace="nothing">Fake button, explaining why the transition can't be triggered</tal:comment>
<div class="appyButton fakeButton" tal:condition="not: transition/may_trigger">
<acronym tal:content="python: tool.translate(transition['name'])"
<acronym tal:content="transition/title"
tal:attributes="title transition/reason"></acronym>
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ from Products.CMFPlone.utils import ToolInit
from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IPloneSiteRoot
from Products.CMFCore import DirectoryView
from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import manage_addDirectoryView
from Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions import TRIGGER_USER_ACTION
from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
from Products.Archetypes.Extensions.utils import installTypes
from Products.Archetypes.Extensions.utils import install_subskin
@ -57,17 +56,6 @@ allClassNames = [<!allClassNames!>]
catalogMap = {}
# Dict whose keys are class names and whose values are workflow names (=the
# workflow used by the content type)
workflows = {<!workflows!>}
# In the following dict, we keep one instance for every Appy workflow defined
# in the application. Those prototypical instances will be used for executing
# user-defined actions and transitions. For each instance, we add a special
# attribute "_transitionsMapping" that allows to get Appy transitions from the
# names of DC transitions.
workflowInstances = {}
# In the following dict, we store, for every Appy class, the ordered list of
# appy types (included inherited ones).
attributes = {<!attributes!>}
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowTool import addWorkflowFactory
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import DCWorkflowDefinition
from appy.gen.plone25.workflow import WorkflowCreator
from Products.<!applicationName!>.config import PROJECTNAME
from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import ExternalMethod
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('<!applicationName!>')
from appy.gen.plone25.workflow import do
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
'''This package contains functions for managing workflow events.'''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WorkflowCreator:
'''This class allows to construct the Plone workflow that corresponds to a
Appy workflow.'''
def __init__(self, wfName, ploneWorkflowClass, stateNames, initialState,
stateInfos, transitionNames, transitionInfos, managedPermissions,
productName, externalMethodClass):
self.wfName = wfName
self.ploneWorkflowClass = ploneWorkflowClass
self.stateNames = stateNames
self.initialState = initialState # Name of the initial state
self.stateInfos = stateInfos
# stateInfos is a dict giving information about every state. Keys are
# state names, values are lists? Every list contains (in this order):
# - the list of transitions (names) going out from this state;
# - a dict of permissions, whose keys are permission names and whose
# values are lists of roles that are granted this permission. In
# short: ~{s_stateName: ([transitions], {s_permissionName:
# (roleNames)})}~.
self.transitionNames = transitionNames
self.transitionInfos = transitionInfos
# transitionInfos is a dict giving information avout every transition.
# Keys are transition names, values are end states of the transitions.
self.variableInfos = {
'review_history': ("Provides access to workflow history",
'state_change/getHistory', 0, 0, {'guard_permissions':\
'Request review; Review portal content'}),
'comments': ("Comments about the last transition",
'python:state_change.kwargs.get("comment", "")', 1, 1, None),
'time': ("Time of the last transition", "state_change/getDateTime",
1, 1, None),
'actor': ("The ID of the user who performed the last transition",
"user/getId", 1, 1, None),
'action': ("The last transition", "transition/getId|nothing",
1, 1, None)
self.managedPermissions = managedPermissions
self.ploneWf = None # The Plone DC workflow definition
self.productName = productName
self.externalMethodClass = externalMethodClass
def createWorkflowDefinition(self):
'''Creates the Plone instance corresponding to this workflow.'''
self.ploneWf = self.ploneWorkflowClass(self.wfName)
def createWorkflowElements(self):
'''Creates states, transitions, variables and managed permissions and
sets the initial state.'''
wf = self.ploneWf
# Create states
for s in self.stateNames:
except KeyError, k:
# It does not exist, so we create it!
# Create transitions
for t in self.transitionNames:
except KeyError, k:
# Create variables
for v in self.variableInfos.iterkeys():
except KeyError, k:
# Create managed permissions
for mp in self.managedPermissions:
except ValueError, va:
pass # Already a managed permission
# Set initial state
if not wf.initial_state: wf.states.setInitialState(self.initialState)
def getTransitionScriptName(self, transitionName):
'''Gets the name of the script corresponding to DC p_transitionName.'''
return '%s_do%s%s' % (self.wfName, transitionName[0].upper(),
def configureStatesAndTransitions(self):
'''Configures states and transitions of the Plone workflow.'''
wf = self.ploneWf
# Configure states
for stateName, stateInfo in self.stateInfos.iteritems():
state = wf.states[stateName]
stateTitle = '%s_%s' % (self.wfName, stateName)
state.setProperties(title=stateTitle, description="",
for permissionName, roles in stateInfo[1].iteritems():
state.setPermission(permissionName, 0, roles)
# Configure transitions
for transitionName, endStateName in self.transitionInfos.iteritems():
# Define the script to call when the transition has been triggered.
scriptName = self.getTransitionScriptName(transitionName)
if not scriptName in wf.scripts.objectIds():
sn = scriptName
wf.scripts._setObject(sn, self.externalMethodClass(
sn, sn, self.productName + '.workflows', sn))
# Configure the transition in itself
transition = wf.transitions[transitionName]
title=transitionName, new_state_id=endStateName, trigger_type=1,
script_name="", after_script_name=scriptName,
actbox_name='%s_%s' % (self.wfName, transitionName),
props={'guard_expr': 'python:here.may("%s")' % transitionName})
def configureVariables(self):
'''Configures the variables defined in this workflow.'''
wf = self.ploneWf
# Set the name of the state variable
# Configure the variables
for variableName, info in self.variableInfos.iteritems():
var = wf.variables[variableName]
var.setProperties(description=info[0], default_value='',
default_expr=info[1], for_catalog=0, for_status=info[2],
update_always=info[3], props=info[4])
def run(self):
return self.ploneWf
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import notifier
def do(transitionName, stateChange, logger):
'''This function is called by a Plone workflow every time a transition named
p_transitionName has been triggered. p_stateChange.objet is the Plone
object on which the transition has been triggered; p_logger is the Zope
logger allowing to dump information, warnings or errors in the log file
or object.'''
ploneObj = stateChange.object
workflow = ploneObj.getWorkflow()
transition = workflow._transitionsMapping[transitionName]
msg = ''
# Must I execute transition-related actions and notifications?
doAction = False
if transition.action:
doAction = True
if hasattr(ploneObj, '_appy_do') and \
not ploneObj._appy_do['doAction']:
doAction = False
doNotify = False
if transition.notify:
doNotify = True
if hasattr(ploneObj, '_appy_do') and \
not ploneObj._appy_do['doNotify']:
doNotify = False
elif not getattr(ploneObj.getTool().appy(), 'enableNotifications'):
# We do not notify if the "notify" flag in the tool is disabled.
doNotify = False
if doAction or doNotify:
obj = ploneObj.appy()
if doAction:
msg = ''
if type(transition.action) in (tuple, list):
# We need to execute a list of actions
for act in transition.action:
msgPart = act(workflow, obj)
if msgPart: msg += msgPart
else: # We execute a single action only.
msgPart = transition.action(workflow, obj)
if msgPart: msg += msgPart
if doNotify:
notifier.sendMail(obj, transition, transitionName, workflow, logger)
# Produce a message to the user
if hasattr(ploneObj, '_appy_do') and not ploneObj._appy_do['doSay']:
# We do not produce any message if the transition was triggered
# programmatically.
# Produce a default message if no transition has given a custom one.
if not msg:
msg = ploneObj.translate(u'Your content\'s status has been modified.',
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class AbstractWrapper:
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other: return cmp(self.o, other.o)
else: return 1
return 1
def _callCustom(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
'''This wrapper implements some methods like "validate" and "onEdit".
@ -68,8 +68,13 @@ class AbstractWrapper:
def get_uid(self): return self.o.UID()
uid = property(get_uid)
def get_state(self):
return self.o.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self.o, 'review_state')
def get_klass(self): return self.__class__.__bases__[-1]
klass = property(get_klass)
def get_url(self): return self.o.absolute_url()
url = property(get_url)
def get_state(self): return self.o.getState()
state = property(get_state)
def get_stateLabel(self):
@ -77,12 +82,6 @@ class AbstractWrapper:
return self.o.translate(self.o.getWorkflowLabel(), domain=appName)
stateLabel = property(get_stateLabel)
def get_klass(self): return self.__class__.__bases__[-1]
klass = property(get_klass)
def get_url(self): return self.o.absolute_url()
url = property(get_url)
def get_history(self):
key = self.o.workflow_history.keys()[0]
return self.o.workflow_history[key]
@ -256,42 +255,12 @@ class AbstractWrapper:
return self.o.translate(label, mapping, domain, language=language,
def do(self, transition, comment='', doAction=False, doNotify=False,
def do(self, transition, comment='', doAction=True, doNotify=True,
'''This method allows to trigger on p_self a workflow p_transition
programmatically. If p_doAction is False, the action that must
normally be executed after the transition has been triggered will
not be executed. If p_doNotify is False, the notifications
(email,...) that must normally be launched after the transition has
been triggered will not be launched. If p_doHistory is False, there
will be no trace from this transition triggering in the workflow
wfTool = self.o.portal_workflow
availableTransitions = [t['id'] for t in self.o.getAppyTransitions(\
includeFake=False, includeNotShowable=True)]
transitionName = transition
if not transitionName in availableTransitions:
# Maybe is it a compound Appy transition. Try to find the
# corresponding DC transition.
state = self.state
transitionPrefix = transition + state[0].upper() + state[1:] + 'To'
for at in availableTransitions:
if at.startswith(transitionPrefix):
transitionName = at
# Set in a versatile attribute details about what to execute or not
# (actions, notifications) after the transition has been executed by DC
# workflow.
self.o._appy_do = {'doAction': doAction, 'doNotify': doNotify,
'doSay': False}
if not doHistory:
comment = '_invisible_' # Will not be displayed.
# At first sight, I wanted to remove the entry from
# self.o.workflow_history. But Plone determines the state of an
# object by consulting the target state of the last transition in
# this workflow_history.
wfTool.doActionFor(self.o, transitionName, comment=comment)
del self.o._appy_do
programmatically. See doc in'''
return, comment, doAction=doAction,
doNotify=doNotify, doHistory=doHistory, doSay=False)
def log(self, message, type='info'): return self.o.log(message, type)
def say(self, message, type='info'): return self.o.say(message, type)
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class XmlUnmarshaller(XmlParser):
if isinstance(currentContainer, list):
elif isinstance(currentContainer, UnmarshalledFile):
currentContainer.content += value
currentContainer.content += value or ''
# Current container is an object
if hasattr(currentContainer, name) and \
Reference in a new issue